Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky (5 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Loren

Tags: #suspense, #mafia, #Romance

BOOK: Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky
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Note from Ryan Jayzon



You are the first kid I actually liked. You proved to me that kids can be cool too. I am not sure what to tell you kid, our family tree is not the typical for sure, but maybe we are the lucky ones. We get to decide our destiny. The scariest thought is when you don’t think you have control over who you will become. What happens if we lose ourselves and forget where we have come from, who we belong to, and why life is truly worth living? What your father has gone through, and we as his family have gone through fighting to get the true Nick Jayzon back, has shown how easy it is to become the monster in our nightmares. The best advice I can give to you Nicky, is to stay close to your family and constantly remind yourself what it means to have love in your life.


Your forever devoted uncle,


Ryan M. Jayzon



Main Characters



Nick Jayzon




Nick is a highly intelligent criminal, with devilish good looks and a destructive temper. Nick is a man with a GQ style and a sexual reputation that puts all men to shame. One glance from Nick and women lose all control over themselves, except for the master temptress, Kayla Donovan.

Nick is a devoted, loving father. He would die for his family, and would not hesitate to kill anyone that threatens them. He takes friendship seriously and though he doesn’t allow many to get close to him, those he does, are considered his family and will be protected by him.

Nick comes from a family of evil and possesses the ability to destroy anyone with his devil’s eyes.


  Nicholas Alexander Jayzon


Eye Color:
  Piercing fire

Early 30’s

  Dante Jayzon Savage

  Gillian Jayzon

  Connor Daniels (older half – brother), Ryan Milio (younger half-brother)

  Kayla Donovan Jayzon

  Nicky, Brayden, Jael

Other key family members:
  Dennis Savage – Grandfather; Tanner Aiden Bourghesie – Uncle, mother’s side, Galena Savage – Aunt, father’s side; Lena Chambers – Cousin, father’s side (Galena’s daughter); Saldean Savage – Uncle, father’s side; Adair Savage – Cousin, father’s side (Saldean’s son)

  Head of the Jayzon organization (mafia)

Special Abilities:
Power to kill and control with one look.

Lord of the ninth realm of hell, the leader of all realms.

Family Emblem:
  The flaming ruby-eyed dragon.


How Nick Jayzon came to life


Everyone has a point in their life where things get tough and sometimes really tough. I have had many, but at one point things became so tough I really wasn’t sure I could go on much further. Tough actually would be an understatement, things were devastatingly awful and no matter what I did, I didn’t think I could survive them. I had lost my fight, my drive and along with it myself. Then one night deep within my tears I begged for help, I begged for a reason to survive and the strength to do so. What I got was not what I expected, what I got was a shadowy character who entered my dreams and purposely provoked me to challenge him. He was hazy at first, but the more I tried to ignore him the more clear he became, and the more demanding of my attention he became, until I built up such a hatred for him that I fought back. I demanded he go away and leave me alone. I had enough things to deal with I didn’t want him in my dreams, I didn’t want him in my head at all. So what did he do, well he came at me even more and more, pushing me to fight. He began to haunt my imagination everywhere I went, I couldn’t get rid of him and so therefore, I became angrier and fought even harder to get him to leave my head. He didn’t, he stayed and continued to provoke me to challenge him until I fell in love with him and most importantly, myself again. Yes, he was just in my imagination, but he saved me from the depths of the depression I was in and got me to fight for myself and for my life. Nick is not just any character, he’s my hero.

And now you know the story, behind the story.

Kayla Donovan Jayzon




What started out as revenge, turned into love. Kayla Donovan is a character fixated on one thing, and that is, to bring down the bastard who was responsible for her sister´s death. She was once a lanky, awkward, introverted young girl, but now she possesses looks to die for, and the ability to draw attention from whomever she pleases, including the man she was out to kill, Nick Jayzon. Throughout the first book, Kayla is on a mission to kill Nick and with a past of dark evil of her own, she has no issue entering his dark and twisted world of crime. Throughout the series she embarks on an endless fight for what she loves most, her children and Nick.

She is a stubborn, beautiful, confident woman who isn’t afraid of anyone, including the man she would die for, Nick Jayzon.


  Kayla Donovan Jayzon

  Long brown

Eye color:
  Bright green

  Mid 20’s

  Johnathan Coulton

  Renee Donovan (Brune)

  Braylin Patrick (older half – sister)

  Nick Jayzon

  Nicky, Brayden, Jael

Other key family members:
  Kaori Brune – Grandfather

  Former stripper, currently co-leader of the Jayzon organized crime family

Special Ablilities:
  To calm and ease anger, and to lure in the most devilish of men with her seductive moves.

Punishers and Healers.

Family Emblem:
White owl with eyes of blue glow




How Kayla Jayzon came to life


Kayla also entered my dreams around the same time Nick did. She didn’t harass me or try to provoke me to fight, she would lead me into fights. She was clearly on a mission and it took some time to understand what that mission was. Once I understood that she was searching for her sister’s killer, it was easy to match her up with Nick. At first I was sure she was going to kill him and take off with all his money. I had the final scene completely laid out for her. How she fooled him, made him think she was in love with him and then killed him in his own bed. She was going to get away with not only his car, but all of his money and power too. However, she fell in love with him as I fell in love with him. The way he appeared to the both of us slowly changed, he began to show a heart and concern. He wasn’t completely evil he was only trying to do what he thought was best for her and me. Nick Jayzon changed from being the heartless killer to the protector and lover that was impossible to resist. Kayla was the perfect heroine for Nick, she is strong and demanding and unafraid to die for what she believes in. Kayla challenges everyone she meets, especially Nick. Nick wouldn’t be swayed by just any ordinary woman, he needed someone extraordinary, and he needed Kayla.


Characters – Key








Benedict Eddie  


Eddie is an important asset Nick acquired after taking down Guerrero Ellis. Eddie is an awkward looking gentleman; he carries an umbrella constantly - rain or shine. He is a bit quirky, but has a perfect memory and is used primarily as a Memory Expert. Eddie remembers everything; including the exact date and time he saw it. He is also a computer expert and can hack just about anything or create any device that his boss may need. Eddie has an innocent crush on Kayla, and also enjoys the criminal lifestyle and all the excitement it entails.




Bo Sirra 


Nick’s original trainer that he met at Whittaker Street Center. Bo showed him how to control his anger, and therefore control who he is. He is well built and can take down most anyone with his skills, but his best skills are disappearing and tracking. Bo was sent off with Exie and her son to help hide her when she and Kayla were suspected of murdering Andrew Rankin. Bo has been a loyal friend to Nick, and Nick has been loyal to him, helping him build up many intercity rec centers. Out of respect, Bo has worked for Nick for many years and continues to do all he can for the Jayzon family.




Brady Simone 


Brady is one of the few characters that started out believing in good and evil and nothing in between. He was born to a happy, loving family and was adored by them. Brady’s father, a cop, swore to bring justice to the one that killed his sister. His investigation led him to the ultimate evil, Savage, who slaughtered him and his wife in his own home. The only reason Brady survived was because he ran and hid. Brady grew up determined to get justice for his parents and aunt. He became a cop to fight evil and to bring criminals to justice. His first encounter with Nick Jayzon
was when Nick stole his fiancé and recorded their sex games for all to see. Brady hated Nick and would do anything to get back at him. He tried to return the favor by stealing Kayla, but was unable to follow through with the plan. Brady eventually was forgiven by Kayla and the two became good friends, but Brady was never quite able to ease tension between Nick and him. However, Brady was able to gain revenge by falling in love with and marrying Lena – once thought to be Nick’s sister but turned out to be his cousin.  Lena and Brady live happily with their newborn son, Galen.




Brayden Jayzon 


The youngest son of Nick and Kayla Jayzon has had to fight illness with the help of his father and his brother. Overcoming his illness has proven that Brayden is most like his mother. He can ease any temper with a simple gaze into their eyes and once he has them he can twist their anger into anything he wants.



Catriona Aherne 


Catriona is the daughter of Fagan, the Lord of the 4th. Catriona, a tomboy since she can remember, has been her father’s biggest supporter and her leadership and battle skills are the only reason he has survived as a Lord. She has the ability to kill by fooling you into believing she is someone else - a desire, a feared enemy, or any other being she wishes you to believe. She was thought to be the ideal wife for Nick, considering her skills, intelligence and that she is still a virgin. Her best friend is Amery and she has adored him since they met, but has realized that her true love is Elijah. The moment his handsome face turned to her and smiled with a wink from his beautiful blue eyes she hasn’t been able to think of anyone else. Catriona is a dutiful soldier but has started to understand her own beauty and ability to attract men with her own face and body. She will give it all up for Elijah, and he - her.








Dante Jayzon 


Dennis Savage’s illegitimate son, he was the middle child between Savage and his wife’s two children, Saldean and Galena. Dante had three children with three different women: Connor, the oldest, Nick, and Ryan. He conceived one other with Sophia Simone but the child died when its mother was attacked and died from the trauma. Dante was spared from his father’s poisonous dragon, thanks to Sophia’s hand holding his and struggling long enough to allow her and her child to cure him of the poison. Dante requested assistance from the High Council to help him protect his family from his father. Dante was granted a second chance at life as Eey, the dog.






Dwayne Dobbins 


Dwayne is a long-time trusted friend of Nick’s, primarily because Nick’s power has complete control over him. Nick converted Dwayne’s loyalty to him when he first started to build his own corporation. Dwayne is huge, quiet and is Nick’s enforcer and bodyguard. Dwayne, has a family of his own, a wife and three kids but he keeps them hidden and unknown to everyone so as to never risk their lives.




Elijah Stevens 


Elijah is Nick Jayzon’s long-time best friend and partner in crime. Elijah’s father met and became friends with Dante Jayzon and the two worked together quite closely and secretively. Eli and Nick group up together and became “brothers for life”, so when Nick needed Eli to watch over his family, he didn’t dare say no despite Eli’s attraction to Nick’s wife Kayla. Eli has wanted a family of his own since his mother left him and his father behind. The heartbreak and sadness from it has left Eli dreaming of the family he and his father always wanted. Eli’s obsession with Kayla drives him crazy until he realizes that another has eyes for him. He then begins to see past his jealousy for what his best friend has and begins to focus on what he could have for himself - Catriona. She pushes every button Elijah has, but the moment they kiss him finally begins to see her and she captures his heart. His insecurities from his mother leaving are hard for him to overcome, but with Cat he may just have found the one to give him the dream he has always desired.



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