Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Loren

Tags: #suspense, #mafia, #Romance

BOOK: Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky
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I am so thankful to be able to get to know you during your young years. I was so distracted on keeping your father safe that I didn’t get a chance to enjoy him as a child, and I also didn’t raise him the best way he should have been. Somehow he managed and has turned into the man I had always wished him to be. He was constantly in trouble and choosing paths I would have never wanted for him, but with his intelligence and strong will, he managed to come out on top and meet the perfect woman for him. I can’t begin to tell you how much joy I feel being in this home, with my family, watching them grow and prosper. The laughter and the love in this house is beyond what I could have ever imagined for your father; it’s more than I could have ever imagined for myself. My father was not one to be tied down by affection or feelings for anyone, and that cost him his heart. He was not the man I would ever want to be and I certainly don’t want any of my children to ever experience that man’s wrath again. I am not sure that’s going to be possible, but I promise you I will keep watch over my family until I am no longer permitted to do so. For now, with my love at my side and my family near, I couldn’t be more thankful, but I must tell you to never doubt your intuition. I see it as strong within you as I did your father. My dearest grandson, you must be careful and never share too much about yourself with ones you don’t know. If your great grandfather ever finds his way out of hell, he will do all he can to manipulate your powers to his gain. I pray that you never come face to face with him again, but if you do, remember he is at his weakest when he feels he doesn’t have the upper hand.


Your most proud grandfather,


Dante Jayzon






Book 4

Nick Jayzon has battled many enemies, and has defeated them all. But now he faces the ultimate evil. A brutal Savage of his own blood who will stop at nothing to control him, to Poison Nick, and to harden his heart forever. Many have tried to stop Asmodeus and many have died in the process. But now, he will try, and he isn't coming alone. They won't all survive. And the one soul Savage fears, is scared and is considering running away with her children before they are murdered too. But there is one Jayzon ally, which Savage has long forgotten that will come back to help them as well as a much stronger and deadlier ally, will consider turning against her own and siding with the Jayzons. But together, can they destroy the devil? Free Nick before it’s too late? Before the Masquerade seals his fate?

The Devil’s Masquerade: The Poison, published August 2013, with Lionel Clerc as Nicholas Jayzon.


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Note from Elijah Stevens


Little Nick,

So you are becoming a little lord. Wow, I remember just yesterday you stealing a spoonful of my ice cream. Wait, that was yesterday. Damn, you Jayzons really do grow up fast. I am not sure what to tell you kid, life isn’t the easiest road to navigate, but if I was going to trust anyone to help show me the way, then it would be your Dad, although your mother is quite the fighter as well. You really lucked out in the gene pool kid, don’t waste it and become a shit like your great grandfather. Find a way to do a little good in this world because it certainly needs it. No matter what life may throw at you, remember your uncle Eli is available to listen and I promise I won’t tell your parents anything you tell me. I won’t even tell your mother. I am not nearly as scared of her as she likes to think I am.


I love ya kid,


Elijah Stevens



Book 5

Nick Jayzon is now a Savage, a part of Asmodeus’s army. Kayla has been threatened, cornered and tempted to run and hide, leaving her true love to fight on his own and be forever under the control of the greed hungry devil. However, she meets a mysterious ally that she never knew she had until she needed her the most and that ally encourages Kayla, to stay and to fight. Will Kayla fight for the husband she loves? Will she stand toe to toe with the devil and fearlessly threaten his final annihilation? Will Kayla find her husband again and be able to inflict her own kind of devil’s Remedy and be able to bring Nick back to the life he once knew? Without Nick, Kayla and all her allies will be outnumbered and their power will be no contest against Savage and his manipulated grandson’s own power. Will they need to kill Nick to survive or will a younger Nick step forward and show his extraordinary power to save them all? Kayla and all her allies will accept their fates and enter into the ultimate battle at The Devil’s Masquerade.

The Devil’s Masquerade: The Remedy published October 2013, with Lionel Clerc as Nicholas Jayzon.

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