The Wives (Bradley's Harem) (7 page)

BOOK: The Wives (Bradley's Harem)
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"I'm going to breed your ass
again," I pounded harder as the thought took root
in my head and heart. That's right I'm going for a trifecta, three birds with
one stone, the idea made my cock jump inside her.

"Yes yes yes breed me, fuck me,
fill me with your cum." She almost broke my cock off in her excitement my
words having ignited a fire inside her. Ooh yeah; I'd just set myself a
mission. Impregnate the wives at the same time. On that thought I found her
clit and squeezed bringing her off as I erupted inside her emptying my seed in
her belly.

"Fuck baby girl that was hot as
fuck." I ground the remnants of my hardness into her greedy pussy that was
still pulsing around me.

"Mouth." We kissed with
passion and love and lust, I could tell it was going to be one of those days,
whenever I got like this with this fever in my blood it usually took all three
of them to handle me. I guess my weekend wasn’t shaping up to be so bad after


I ended up playing hide and freak
with each of them throughout the rest of the day; I'm pretty sure they each
knew I was boning the others at intervals but they didn't care, why should
they? Besides it's not the first time, sometimes they were the ones to initiate
this shit. That's how we ended up with freaky Thursdays, but that's for another

By the time evening rolled around and
it was time to take Janine on her private outing everyone was calm again;
nothing like an afternoon spent locked together to ease the frayed edges. My women
each had a glow about them Marcy and Anna where happy enough as they bustled
around the kitchen making dinner for themselves and the kids.

"You ready sweet girl?" She
was dressed to the nines in a white off the shoulder dress that fell to just
above her knees in a soft material that hugged her sexy body just right and a
pair of fuck me red heels that brought her to just about my chin, I couldn't
help stealing a kiss.

"You look amazingly beautiful
tonight baby." She smiled wide and a warm blush touched her cheeks. Her
sisters were ready with praise for her efforts when they saw her and their 'you
look great and have fun' followed us as we went to kiss each of the kids
goodbye before heading out the door. 

Chapter 7

It was a nice balmy night, clear skies
and a nice breeze; holding her hand I led us to my Porsche, at the passenger
door I pressed her up against the side with my body.

"I love you and you're
beautiful." She attacked my mouth and I groaned as her hard nipples pushed
into my chest. Down boy you've already Od'd on pussy today enough. I separated
our lips and removed my body from hers and with one last peck on her lips I
opened the door and seated her and strapped her in.

She'd chosen this nice quiet out of
the way place with candle lighting and cozy corners where lovers could hide
away from the rest of the world. I held her hand in mine on the drive rubbing
my thumb over her pulse, letting her know through my touch that I knew she was
there, that I'm aware of her. We talked about everything and nothing so relaxed
again, the children obviously were our favorite topic, not just the three she'd
given me but all six. Who was talking, walking learning to talk or walk, who
was showing signs of becoming a class A criminal, things like that. I liked to
be kept abreast of every and anything to do with my children, since I'm away
from them for so many hours during the week and their mothers were there with
them I relied on each of them to keep me up to date. I tried to make as many
doctor appointments or whatever the hell else they had going on as I could, dad
always moved shit around so he could be there.


The maître D sat us in the far corner
overlooking the water.

"Sit next to me babe." I
sat her in the circular leather booth next to me instead of sitting across from
each other; I wanted her close all night because the night was about her about
reinforcing my love for her.
To that end
I kept some part of me touching some part of her all night, like when we looked
over the menu we had our heads together as we shared one and I let my fingers
play idly with the ends of her hair.

Over appetizers I held her hand in
one of mine while feeding her little tidbits from my fingers. I ordered her
favorite Chilean Sea Bass with asparagus and wild mushroom au gratin while I
had the prime rib. There were soft words spoken in between light touches and by
the time the waiter brought over the Tiramisu we planned to share her head was
on my shoulder.

We ended the night out with laughter
and happiness and when we reached the house I excused myself for a few minutes
to let her sisters know that I wouldn't be in my bed tonight. They understood
because they all got to have their private time as needed so there was no
drama. Just a few shared kisses some I love yous and I left them for the night.

When I went back to her in the
nursery room and led her to her room she stopped short.

"Brad the others."

"Ssh, it's okay sweet girl
tonight's all about you." I led her into her room and undressed her slowly
touching her as I removed each piece of clothing. “I love you Janine Taylor
never doubt that, never doubt me.” She looked up at me so trusting so
vulnerable; did she understand did any of them understand have any idea what I
felt for them? How the love inside me would never allow me to willfully harm
their hearts in any way?

I kissed her soft lips taking my time
to give her gentle and sweet, we whispered to each other, me asking her what
she wanted and her telling her man how she wanted to be loved, held, touched.

I spent the night into the early
morning hours making love to my wife staking my claim once more branding her if
you will; by the time the sun was creeping over the horizon I'd emptied my seed
inside her too many times to count. We both fell asleep wrapped around each
other content, happy and most of all one.


"Jonathan get your butt down
from there boy." I think I'm being punished or some shit the girls had
taken off for parts unknown with Chelsea like almost three hours ago leaving me
here with the five spawns of hell; okay the twins weren't that bad other than
for a soiled diaper here and there but the other three are fucking terrors.

Jonathan is the ringleader, two years
old and already into every damn thing, what's with boys and climbing shit anyway?
I don't remember Chels doing that then again she had her own shit to get into.
I checked my watch for the fiftieth time or so since they'd been gone, it's not
like I haven't been left alone with the kids before at least once a week is
daddy day but I'm usually prepared. They just flung this one on me out of left
field, girl’s day out or some shit, whatever.

"Russell don't follow your
brother, I'll beat both your asses." The two miscreants looked back at me
grinning. I turned to one year old Damien for some help but lil man was busy
building shit, why the fuck his two brothers couldn't find something peaceful
like that to do I don't know. The twins meanwhile are chortling and cooing at
each other, two little hell raisers in the making. I must be out of my damn
mind wanting to breed the girls again, and so close together no less, damn.


By the time they made it back home I
was a frazzled mess, the boys had been fed and watered though the kitchen was a
fucking mess, too bad I didn't do that cleaning shit. They sauntered in with a
mountain of shopping bags grinning and chatting up a storm like they hadn't
left me in kiddie hell all morning.

"Hey hubs how was it?"

"I sold the little fucks Anna
that's how my days was."

"Har har very funny."

"Did you know that at least two
of our sons are going to be juvenile delinquents? I'd get started on bail money
from now and at least one of them is a con artist."

"That'll be my Jonathan, poor
little tyke he's got middle child syndrome."

"No he's the criminal mastermind
even Russell follows his orders and he's older."

"Left anything in the stores
ladies?" I snooped in their bags; I really didn't give a fuck what they
bought or how much of it they bought as long as they were happy that's all that

"Oh hush we hardly bought
anything at all."

I'm married to nuts; twenty fucking
shopping bags easy but they hardly bought anything okay sure.

"Daddy look."

My little princess bounced over to me
and the first thing I noticed was how shiny her hair was; they'd done some shit
to it who knows. It's when she held out her little hand and tried to lift the
matching leg that I knew there was going to be trouble. I looked at her mothers
who all seemed to be holding their breaths, as well they should.

I got a juice box from the
refrigerator and sent my daughter off to play with her dolls like any three
year old should be doing. Once I was certain that she was out of earshot I
turned back to the room. I'm sure by now they could see the stone cold fury on
my face but just in case they missed that shit.

"What in the fuck did you do to
my daughter?"

"Brad calm down."

"No Marcy I will not calm the
fuck down, why is my three year old daughter wearing fucking nail polish?"

"It's a girl thing Brad it's
nothing bad all little girls like to paint their nails.” Janine tried soothing
my temper.

"Not mine, she's three fucking
years old, what's it going to be next lipstick? The fuck!"

"Geez get out of the stone ages
Fred Flintstone it's just a little paint it's not like we're dressing her in
string bikinis and parading her on a stage or something.” Anna always has to
stir the fucking pot.

"Yeah and I'm gonna make sure
she doesn't ever end up there; get it off."


"Off Janine."

She pouted and glared at me, yeah I
gave a fuck, not in this lifetime and not when it comes to my kid.

"She's going to be so
disappointed and after she had such a nice time too."

"Too bad she's not wearing that
shit until she's eighteen or older."

"You can't be serious."

"Anna what the fuck, get it off
I don't care how upset she is you're the adults you should've thought this shit
through; how could you not know that this shit was not okay with me? What the
fuck happened to the build a doll or build a bear or whatever the fuck that she
likes so much you couldn't just do that?"

I didn't wait around for an answer
just left them there muttering under their breaths like I gave a shit. What
three-year-old needed nail polish for fucks sake?


The house was like a war zone for the
rest of the day, permafrost prevailed as the three of them banded together
against stuffy old me, yeah I gave a fuck; they knew me better than that or
they should by now. Shit I barely let them get away with certain things so I
don't see how between the three of them they could think that I would be okay
with my three year old little girl getting that shit done.

Dinner was a trial, I ignored them
and talked to the kids, Chelsea didn't seem any worse for wear with her new
bare nails; she still crawled into daddy's lap for her raspberry kisses so I
was good.

I left the witches of East wick to do
KP and headed to the bathroom to get the kids' baths started, I'd do the older
boys since I just threw them all in the tub together with every rubber toy in
the Western Hemisphere. A few bubbles and let the madness ensue until it was
time to wash heads.

Chelsea's mothers usually saw to her
because she claimed she was too big to bathe with her brothers, whatever.

After I helped bed down the rugrats I
took a nice relaxing shower to clear my head, I don't mind the women freezing
me out it happens at least once every couple of months around here they knew it
didn't make a damn bit of difference when bedtime came around though, if I was
in a giving mood I'd leave them alone with their moods after all their entitled
but if like tonight I was feeling a little mean one of them was in for it.

Chapter 8

They were sitting in the kitchen
gabbing when I walked in with my robe on. I leaned my shoulder against the door
jamb and watched them unawares, they were talking about the upcoming week and
what each of them had on their personal calendars, which kid needed what, whose
turn it was to go grocery shopping things like that. It was like any other Sunday
night at the Taylor mansion.

"Ladies." They stopped
talking when I walked into their midst.

"Let's go Anna." I held out
my hand, which she took because she knew better than to deny me all of them

"Good night you two I'll see you
I didn't bother taking her
to her room and took her straight to mine. The door was hardly closed when I
had her up against the wall and a hand down the front of her tiny panties.

"Hssss...." She hissed when my big
fat fingers plunged into her depths, I bit her jaw lightly while using my
fingers to torture her. She lifted up on her toes from the pressure and I added
my thumb to her hard clit that had come out of its hood. She grabbed my forearm
to steady herself when I lowered my head to her chest.

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