The Wives (Bradley's Harem) (5 page)

BOOK: The Wives (Bradley's Harem)
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"Go on, I'm listening."

She paced back and forth arms folded,
as she too seemed to be choosing her words carefully.

When she finally turned to face me
she seemed to have her shit together in her head.

"I think I need to have more of
a say in certain things."

"Like what per se?"

My tone in no way gave away the fact
that I wanted to strangle her ass for being stupid, either her crazy fuck
mother had done a real number on her or she'd finally lost it.

"I don't know, like expenditures
for one I mean somebody has to rein it in, if you're going to be buying quarter
of a million dollar bracelets every month for Anna and twenty thousand dollar
ATVs for Marcy then I think someone with a steady head should be overseeing

"And you think you're more
qualified than I am, me who amassed millions while still in college and went on
to turn those millions into billions? Carry on."

I could see my little interruption
had stumped her but she was nothing if not tenacious.

"Well that's different, it seems
that when it comes to your women you lose all sense and I'm afraid that one day
it's going to land us in trouble, I'm only thinking of the children here."

"Anything else bothering you

"No I think that's about it for

"Okay first, you've lost your
fucking mind plain and simple, I thought you'd had enough time last night and
this morning to see how skewed your thinking was but I was wrong, you've gone
around the fucking bend if you think I'll let you control what I do or don't do
for my wives. I noticed you don't mention the shit I've bought you in that
lineup and since I'm not as fucked in the head as you seem to be I'm not going
to throw that shit in your face. I had no idea you were this selfish Jan,
you're keeping tabs on what I buy your sisters now? We have to keep a tally?
Fuck that, my money my wives I'll do what the fuck I want there, as for you
looking out for my kids' implying that I'm not, I find that shit not only fuck
stupid but insulting."

She wasn't looking so full of herself
anymore, she had to have known that I was going to shoot her ass down I mean
seriously did she not know me at all?

"Why can't you understand my

"Because you don't have one
you're talking out of Elizabeth's ass, you have never gone without since you've
been mine, not once, name one thing you wanted that I denied you, tell me
what's missing in my kids' lives, go on tell me."

"I don't know how to make you

"Talk plainly, don't beat around
the bush just say whatever the fuck it is you have to say and maybe then I'll
understand because that shit right there that you're feeding me is pure

"Do you want out, is that

Her eyes flew wide and she approached
the desk, I guess she was recalling me telling her yesterday she could leave.

"No, no I don't, I just feel
like I've lost all control all say in our lives, when it was just us...."

"It hasn't been just us for a
long time babe." I knew better than to entertain that train of thought no
fucking way.

"I know, I miss that, I don't
hate Marcy and Anna or anything like that, I love our life I do, it's just
sometimes it gets to be too much and I need you to understand when that

I studied her trying to see where her
head was at, that last bit was her the rest hadn't been. I understood needing
reassurance, whether I had three wives or just one, women always seemed to be
in need of reassurance, they needed to feel special, that's why we had one on
one time. Though we didn't operate on a time schedule they each let me know
what they needed from me and I made sure I gave it, if there was any overlap I
usually let them work that shit out amongst themselves because again I didn't
want it to seem like I was choosing favorites or some shit, women could find
hidden meanings in every damn thing. Unless of course one situation was more
serious than the other then I obviously went with the emergency first.

"Do you think I stopped loving
you when I married Marcy?"

She held her head down and rung her
hands, we'd been here before too and if I didn't find a way we'd be here again
and again. I didn't have a yardstick to go by, none of my friends lived this
way and very few of them even knew about my life and that was solely because of
necessity. The few who knew that gave a shit would ask me questions like how
the fuck do you deal with three when I can barely handle one? They'd even made
reference to the fact that I was crazy but none of the ones I'd shared with had
judged. My younger friends in that equation couldn't get past the sexual
aspects of the arrangement; they pretty much thought we were just constantly
fucking all day everyday. Assholes.

"I don't think you stopped, you
just shared what had been all mine up until then."

"Have I ever lied to you Jan?
Did I not lay his shit out before I even touched you?"

"Yes but..."

"But what, you thought I'd
change my mind? I told you when I was in my early twenties that this was the
life I wanted to lead, I told you you could walk if this was something you
didn't think you could handle."

"Brad I was in love with you of
course I would've agreed to anything, I wanted to be with you, to have some
part of you even if I couldn't have all."

"So what you lied?"

I can't believe this shit, she does
this now, after three fucking kids and a family together a life we've built
through blood sweat and tears? What the fuck is the penalty for murder in this
state again?

"It's not so much that I lied
Brad it's just that saying yes to something when it's not a reality is
completely different to living that reality."

"Okay, I've heard you, I
obviously can't give you what you want, I'm not getting rid of my wives and
kids just because you've got cold feet, because you said yes when you meant
no." I think I actually hated her in that moment, not because of her
fears, but because she'd waited this long, why hadn't she said anything years
ago, before the kids, before we'd invested so much into who we are? This was
fucked, I had no worries about her leaving with my kids, if she decided not to
stay she'd be leaving on her own, no one was taking my kids from me ever...I
hoped like fuck she wasn’t heading down that road though because she’s mine, my
wife the mother of my children, I can’t see not having her here, I can’t see
not having any of them, fuck.

"I'm not asking that Brad."
She finally broke the silence softly and my heart started beating normally

"Then what are you asking?"

"I don't know I just need time
to think."

"Time to think about what?
You've been doing this shit for three years it's cut and dry either you're in
or you're out."

"I don't want out, it's not
that, I just..."

"Tell me about the bracelet
Janine." Since that seemed to be the catalyst for her fucking breakdown I
figured we should stop beating a dead fucking horse and get to the heart of the

"Oh that, well. Anna was going
on and on about the bracelet and how much it cost and how gorgeous it was and
it just rubbed me the wrong way that's all."

"Did Anna give you shit when I
bought you that Himalayan what the fuck ever handbag from Hermes two months
ago, the ugly shit that costs almost as much as the bracelet? Oh I see you
forgot about that shit, if your thinking is that you're the only one who
deserves high end gifts you're fucked, and since you claim to be so worried
about our kids' futures you already know they're set, them and how many ever we
may have in the future, I made sure of that shit from the gate, the little
fucks are worth more at their ages than I was when I started and I'd already
had an inheritance. Our daughter the little princess just had a bedroom
designed that cost seventy five grand and she's not even four years old, what
in the fuck are you thinking?"

"You're right of course, but
like I said she was going on and on about it and I just reacted badly and then
there was that phone call from mom and she just dredged up all these old fears
and I could see her side of things, I guess I just got a little scared that's

"Scared of what? That I'd leave
you, what?"

"I don't know, mom just seemed
to have a lot of good points at the time and I let it all get to me."

“Janine babe we can’t keep doing this
shit, I can understand doubts and fears but I’ve never given you reason to
doubt my love for you, I’ve never mistreated you in anyway never denied you
anything, why would you let your mother or anyone else for that matter make you
think different? I love you, I don’t love you any less now than the day we met,
in fact if it’s possible I love you more, but it’s not just you and me babe and
that’s something you’ve known our whole relationship, please get it through
your head I didn’t stop loving you, I just happen to love them as well.”

She walked over to the bookshelf and
started rearranging my shit.

I could tell from her body language
that she'd calmed the fuck down again, crisis over for now at least until the
next time one of them set the other off and we were right back here again.

"You drive me up the fucking
wall no fucking joke."

"You don't even try to comfort
me any more."

"Babe cut the bullshit, when you
need comforting I know it and I offer it, this isn't about you needing comfort
this is about you wanting to control me and everything else and that shit's
just not going to happen. I'm the man of this house I run shit, not you and not
your fucking mother it would do you well to get your loyalties straight yeah,
you don't live in Elizabeth Stanton's house anymore, you haven't since you left
for college, this is your family. What? Did you think Marcy and Anna were just
fresh pussy? Did you think I just needed some different on the side so I went
out and found me some? They're my wives the same as you are. You can't make me
leave them any more than they can make me leave you so cut the shit. And just
so you know this is the last time we're doing this, straight up no fucking
around we can't keep going around and around in circles on this. This is our
life, we're all in now because I'd be fucked if my kids are going to be
separated so get your head out your ass."

"Must you be so crass?"

"Yes because it's the only time
I get through that thick fucking skull of yours, now come here."

She dragged her feet a little but I
knew it was just for show my girl loved me as much as I loved her. Now If I
could just bury her pain in the ass mother in the sewer system out back my
worries would be over; yeah right, fucking females.

I pulled her in close enjoying the
peaches and cream scent they'd no doubt smoothed into her skin all over, I
loved spa days there was always something good for me to discover, of course
that's why the girls did it, they liked keeping their husband interested and
these little surprises sure did do the trick like waxed pussies that were
smooth to the touch or a pussy jewel once in a while keeps me on my toes.

"You okay now sweet girl?"
She loves when I call her that, maybe I haven't done it in a while, I'll have
to stay on my game or these women will string me up by my nuts. I nibbled my
way along her neck as I awaited her answer.

"I'm getting there, a little
more to the left, yeah right there."

She has the most sensitive neck
sometimes when I'm balls deep in her pussy all I have to do to send her over
the edge is take a nip out of her neck and she clenches down on my shit hard
before showering my cock.

"You want me?" I nibbled
her flesh as I pressed my hard cock against her middle.

"I always want you

She put her arms around my neck and
lifted her mouth to mine for a kiss. Our tongues mated as I ran my hands over
her jeans clad ass.

"Ummm..." How long has it
been since I'd kissed her like this, since I'd shown her romance? Fuck I’m an
asshole. I took it for granted that they knew, that they always just knew what
I felt for them, what I held in my heart for each of them. It never occurred to
me that I'd been neglectful.

I'm here every night with them, where
I go, they go, but there was a time when I'd done a little more; when I went
out of my way, went that extra mile. It hurt to realize that maybe I'd dropped
the ball after all, maybe it was my own negligence which had made it possible
for a serpent to slither her way in or at least try.

"Hey babe." I took little
nibbles of her mouth as I held her precious face in between my hands.

"How about I take you out
somewhere? Anywhere you like the choice is yours, would you like that sweet

"You mean it?"

Fuck, her smile lit her whole face,
had I really been that fucking clueless? What a dick.

"Yeah sweet girl I mean

She grinned and clapped her hands and
did a little jitterbug dance that used to have me in stitches when we first
met, come to think of it I hadn't seen that dance in a while.

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