The Wives (Bradley's Harem) (4 page)

BOOK: The Wives (Bradley's Harem)
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I bit into her ass cheek none too
gently as I kept my fingers moving in her ass my cock was hard as fuck already
so I knelt behind her and rubbed the head up and down between the folds of her
pussy dipping the tip in and pulling back out. By the third or fourth time she
caught on and tried to turn around but I held her down forcefully with my hand
on her head.


I stroked my cock quickly as my eyes
remained transfixed on her pussy as it tried to draw my meat in. With just the
bare tip I worked her clit and her hole while stroking my cock; in other words
I used her pussy to masturbate until I felt my cum rising with a tingling down
my spine. I sprayed her pussy and asshole with my cum until I was empty.

"Go to your room." I
slapped her ass hard.

She jumped from the bed full of piss
and vinegar.


"Right back at you and if you
keep this up you'll get a spanking, and not the kind you like either, now

She flounced from the room probably thinking
up ways to maim my ass but too bad, they had to learn that no one controlled
me, no one.

Chapter 4



Saturday morning found me in the pool
with the older kids; they had on all their gear as we sat in the kiddie side of
the pool so they could splash to their hearts' content. I only had to stop
Chelsea from drowning one or the other of her brothers like ten times, it was
coming to my attention that the females in this family had way too much
attitude even this one, damn.

"Chels, why do you think that
it's cool to sit on your brother's head?"

"Damien bad."

"Oh yeah, what'd he do?"

"He a boy boys asshole

What the fuck?

"Really sweetie, did you see
that on the TV?" I knew damn good and well where she'd heard it.

"Nuh uh, momma says it."

"Really baby, which momma says
it, come here let me tie your suit."

I couldn't let her know I was
grilling her, she was proving to be a slippery one too, too many damn females I
can't wait for my boys to grow the fuck up so I'd have some reinforcements
around here my ass was outnumbered.

She plopped down on my legs so I
could tie the string around her neck. " So was it momma Marcy?"

"Nuh uh." She laid back on
my chest and started playing with her toes.

"Momma Anna says it."

Uh huh, thought so; I'm sure the
culprit in question probably hadn't been aware of the little ears in the
vicinity when she'd been spouting off, but that was no excuse, we all knew to
be careful of certain things. I'm no prude but I don't want my little princess
to have a gutter mouth before she even reached Pre School.

The women were nowhere to be found as
was the custom on Saturday mornings, it was daddy time, the weekends were about
the only time they had to catch a breath, though each took turns watching over
all the kids throughout the day during the week, they never really had any me
time. They used Saturdays to get their hair and nails and shit done which was
cool by me because by the time they get back it will be complaint hour. That's
the hour they spent telling me everything that was wrong, it's like they saved
that shit up for the weekends when they had my undivided attention.

I let the kids do their thing while I
sat in contemplation; things seemed to be going a little haywire here lately
and I'm not much for chaos, I like order and structure, it's how I've made my
millions and turned them into billions at a very young age. I like to think
ahead, plan for every contingency where I could. This latest thing with
Janine's mom is the last in a long line of shit storms she's tried to brew in
my family, in the past I've pretty much let things blow over because her petty
shit was just that, petty bullshit; but now it seems she was stepping up her
game, her discord had caused some issues that stretched beyond me and her
daughter, I have to nip that shit in the bud.


Feeding time in this burg is a hassle
for sure, my little helper Chelsea makes a mess that I have to clean up
afterwards but daddy would never tell her that she wasn't helping, nah, she was
too cute with her little head leaning to the side in concentration as she
spread peanut butter on a slice of bread that somehow ends up all over her and
the table.

The twins who thank heavens were
pretty good boys were starting to fuss because they wanted their bottles. I set
the other three boys up in their seats, the two year olds were in their special
seats too even though they complained boisterously every time they had to sit
in them. Chelsea had a strap in booster and the twins still laid in their inside
carriers on top of the table.

With the others chowing down on PBJ
sandwiches and chips to keep them occupied I held two bottles to the two little
mouths as my greedy pigs went to town. Damn my boys were bruisers, all my kids
were big babies, but these two had a little extra, made me wonder how Anna
dealt with them at feeding time since she was still nursing and if the way they
pulled on these bottles was any indication then she was a real trooper.


Nap time couldn't get here fast
enough to suit me, I had some things to do but I'd heard enough horror stories
to know you couldn't leave young kids alone no matter how quick you thought you
were going to be. Chelsea was the first one out so I tucked her in with one of
her pink bears before it was the boys' turns. Damien still slept in a crib
while Jon and Russ had their little Batman car beds. This room had been built
specifically for this, so all the kids could sleep here until they aged out so
to speak. We'd figured age four was old enough to rotate them from the nursery
to their own rooms. Chelsea was almost on her way out but the boys still had a
ways to go, plus I hadn't bred anyone in over a year so I’m thinking something
had to give pretty soon.

Janine is my breeder usually, seems
like every time I even sneeze in her direction she gets nailed, Marcy seems to
be having problems getting pregnant again it's something she's brought up to me
a thousand times and no matter how much I tell her that there's nothing wrong
with her she still stresses. It breaks my heart to see her cry over some shit
we can't control, when Anna had gotten pregnant with the twins last year right
after Janine had had Damien it had been hard on Marce, I'd spent plenty of
nights reassuring her not to mention trying my best to rectify the situation.
Marcy had some fucked up idea that the more children we had together the closer
we'd be, by that estimation I should be closer to Janine and now Anna than her,
I didn't understand that shit and didn't try to. When dealing with multiple
wives you learned quick to stay the fuck away from certain things because when
a female got something stuck in her fucking head you'd need a stick of dynamite
to blast that shit out.

I went to my home office and turned
on the monitors so I could keep an eye on the rugrats, the little shits had
power napping down to a science and I didn't want anyone crawling out of bed
and toddling down the stairs.

First order of business was going
over the weekly expenses, getting people's allowances situated for the coming
week, seriously, I don't know what my women did with their money because I
bought all their shit. Jewelry, clothes, designer bags and all the little odds
and ends that women seemed to need to make them feel like women.

The kids' shit were a given, I made
sure my kids were set, spoilt fuckers. It didn't take me long to go over this
shit, it's just something I did to keep track of what was needed where. We had
to do a huge grocery shopping every two weeks or so, we usually did that as a
family, I think that's where we get most of our stares because as much as we
don't broadcast, we don't hide either. So it could happen that Anna would be
holding my hand down one aisle and Marcy or Janine the next. Most people would
stare but no one ever approached. There were lots of whispers and I'm sure
speculation but we were left pretty much alone.

I had the bills set up for automatic
withdrawal except for credit card purchases and shit like that. So that was
half my job done, I took care of the two household credit cards that were in
all our names, again because I didn't want to deal with the favoritism bullshit
and then moved on to transferring funds. I'm the only one who messed with our
finances, the wives were more than welcome to take a look anytime they wanted
but they couldn't touch. There was a reason behind that shit, you see, Janine
and Marcy are pretty good with handling money, Anna not so much, I'm not sure
if it’s because she didn't have much growing up and they had or what, but the
girl could blow through hundreds of thousands of dollars in a few hours time.
To say this freaked the others out the one and only time she'd done it is an
understatement. There'd been more screaming and tears and name calling bullshit
surrounding the situation that I'd ended up risking my manhood and stepping
into the fray. The end result was that none of them any longer had access to
the accounts, I'd set up a household account with a cap on it that was for
emergencies and shit, Anna had been banned from the computer for two months, I
think that more than anything had cured her of her shit that now that I think
of it she gets me to do her dirty work these days. Fucking girl.


I spent some time digging into one
Elizabeth Stanton's public profile, nothing too deep but I think I might want
to take her seriously this time. Her brand of crazy didn't seem to abate over
time like I'd originally thought so I was going to have all my ducks in a row
when and if she popped shit off, I also had to seriously sit my wife down and
get it through her head that this shit was serious, I'm not sure she got it
from my little speech yesterday and I know from experience that no one could
fuck her high on life worse than her good old mom. That bitch was miserable and
wanted everyone around her to be the same, at least that's the best I could
come up with, anyone who could hate children had to be seriously fucked in the

There wasn't much more there than the
shit I already knew but that's about what I'd expected. I saved everything I could
find on line including her charitable chairs, her husband's business dealings
that had been lauded over time and anything that could be of interest. If
things persisted I'd see about doing a deeper dig or hiring someone else to.

I hadn't realized so much time had
gone by while I sat there until I heard the women downstairs. At least there
was laughter and joviality instead of screaming so I'm guessing they'd had a
good time at the spa. Damn my dick got hard already, usually a trip to the spa
meant freshly waxed pussies and oiled skin with sweet smelling shit that never
failed to make me want to chew the shit out of them. I wonder which one of them
was going to get caught in my crosshairs first.

Chapter 5

Ahh, the sweet Janine it was.

She came in looking all shiny and
buffed, hair bouncing in those big fat curls I loved to bury my face in. Down
boy, we have business with this one first.

"Had a good day?"

"Yes we did, how were the

"The kids were good, where're
your sisters?"

"Checking in on the kids."

"Good come in and close the
She closed and locked the
door; this way if one of the others came up here they'd know we weren't to be

I sat back in my chair and studied
her as she stood in front of my desk, I didn't want this to disintegrate into a
screaming match where nothing got resolved and she walked away feeling
helpless, so I had to choose my words carefully.

"Now that we're both calm you
want to tell me what happened yesterday?"

She folded her arms and set her mouth
mutinously, not this shit again.

"Babe seriously that stance
you're about to take is only going to get you fucked and not in a good way,
lose the atti and tell your man what the fuck is wrong, I can't fix shit if I
don't know shit."

"I don't know what's wrong, I was
talking to mom and..."

"Stop right there, how many
times have we had this conversation? How many times have we come to the same
conclusion? What your mother thinks is not conducive to this family, anyone
who's only going to spread hate and venom can't be too fucking sane so why in
the fuck you'd want to listen to that shit is beyond me."

"But she does have a point
Bradley, I mean how do I know that you're not going to wake up one day and
decide that you'd rather just be with one of the others? I mean they're both
younger and prettier than I am so I'm pretty sure I'll lose there."

"Babe are you fucking shitting
me right now? You can't be serious, what the fuck?"

"These things happen all the
time in conventional marriages so I don't see the big leap."

I'm not sure who I was taking to
right now so I thought it best to hold my peace and let her get all of her shit
out before I tore her a new one.

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