The Wives (Bradley's Harem)

BOOK: The Wives (Bradley's Harem)
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© 2013 Alison Jordan


Table of Contents













My name is Bradley Taylor111 my
friends call me Brad.

I’m considered an upstanding member
of the business community, revered by many for my business acumen and my
prowess in the boardroom, I’m a shark and make no apologies for it, that’s
pretty much how I approach everything in life.

In some circles I'm called suave and
debonair, women adore me, including my lovely wife of five years, I'm thirty
two, in the greatest shape of my life, with the world at my finger tips. My
software patent that sold for millions my second year in college was still
making me even more money everyday because I’d had the good sense to work out a
deal in such a way that I still stood to gain from royalties among other things
associated with the patent, which meant anything the company that bought it did
with it I still made something, they did plenty.

But that's not what this story is
about though, no this story is about the secret I've been keeping for three
years now, a secret that could potentially prove disastrous if the wrong people
get wind of it that secret? The fact that I have not one but three wives.

No not like that, I didn't marry one
woman and then run off to another state and marry another, I mean I have three
wives who live in the same house as I who are raising my children together, as
one big happy family.

It has been rather easy keeping our
secret so far, much easier than I had first expected, that could be because my
family lived on a four thousand acre spread far away from any neighbors and
prying eyes and the fact that our children are not yet part of the school system
though if anyone thought to look they’d see that my name is on all their birth
certificates. We live a pretty normal life all things considered, even taking
holidays together, though we tend to gravitate towards Europe where folks
pretty much mind their own business and it isn't frowned upon too much to see a
man out and about with his arms around two beautiful women.

My wives and I are not part of any
religious sect, this is just the lifestyle I have always seen myself living, so
I sought out a woman who was of the same bent and started what I call my little

Chapter 1

Janine, Marcy and Anna, are my women,
each beautiful in their own right and each with a different need that only I
can fulfill. Janine is my first wife, we've known each other since college,
she's the stay at home motherly type whose only interest is in pleasing me, I
need that. The rigors of the business world take a lot out of me and I need her
soft kindness to decompress at the end of a long tiring day.

Marcy is wife number two she's a
little more out going than Janine; she's also my go to girl for business ideas,
she's got a good head on her shoulders when it comes to investments and things
of that nature and is one of the reasons our little family will be solvent for
many years to come.

She has a no nonsense approach to
life, kind of a go getter if you will, that's how she ended up with us, she
wanted me she claimed at first sight and after a few rough patches in the
beginning when she first realized I had no intentions of leaving my wife and in
fact wanted her to join our union she came on board.

Then there's Anna, the name invokes
thoughts of piety and wholesomeness somehow, but nothing could be farther from
the truth. Anna is my little freak; after being married to my sweet Janine for
two years before meeting and marrying Marcy, I met Anna one year later, so
we've been together for two years now Anna and I whereas its been five for Janine
and I and three for Marcy. Anna loves to fuck, not that the others don't but
you've got to understand; my first two wives are in their early thirties and
late twenties, Anna is twenty three, not a college grad like the other two and
from a completely different background from the rest of us.

She's wild and uninhibited and
totally blows me over. Sex with her is always an adventure, where Janine and
Marcy likes a good thorough love making session, my Anna prefers gritty, edgy
fucking with a little pain and daddy kink thrown in for good measure.

Between us we have six children Anna
just gave birth to twin boys three and a half months ago, Janine has three a
girl and two boys and Marcy has one boy. My kids, like my wives are my life,
there's nothing I wouldn't do for any of them. That's why I try so hard to keep
us safe; not many people would understand or accept our lifestyle no matter
that it’s our choice, they'd either see me as a dirty old man or perceive my
wives to be dupes. Nothing could be farther from the truth, these women are
smart as fuck, they each knew a good thing when they saw it and latched on and
that's not my ego talking.

At six three a hundred and eighty
pounds, coal black hair worn military style, aquamarine eyes, and dimpled
cheeks I've known since my early teens that I was a heart breaker, if my mirror
hadn't solidified the fact, the amount of pussy I caught from age thirteen up
would've told me. Add my wealth and my winning personality and my wives had no

My women like I said earlier are all
beauties; Janine is the forty DD racked MILF with strawberry blonde curls that
she wears long past her shoulders because that's what I like and angel blue
eyes. At five seven she has an ass that even to this day I find it hard to stay
away from and her lips always makes me think of deep throating her.

Marcy is a little more slender, she's
my amazon at five ten with apple sized tits that I love to mouth while I deep
stroke her sweet pussy, and it is sweet. She has platinum blonde hair, pin straight
that hangs halfway down her back and green eyes.

Anna is a little bit of a thing, five
three in her bare feet, she is the polar opposite of her sisters, her jet black
hair and amethyst eyes always make people do a double take. Of course it
doesn't hurt that she has a tight, compact body with a nice round ass and a
decent mouthful of tit meat.


It's five o' clock and I'm headed
home, Friday means a relaxing weekend ahead and lots of play time. Marcy and I
have a date with the hot tub later on tonight, she likes getting hit doggie
style while the pressure jets pound her clit, she could cum for minutes on end
like that. Because we didn't have any close neighbors noise wasn't really a
concern for us, which is a good thing because my girls are all loud as fuck.

"Janine I'm on my way in you
guys need anything? Think carefully before you answer that because I'm not
coming back to the city barring emergencies this weekend."


"Well hello to you too, let me
ask the others and see, or did you ask one of them already?"

I heard the slight bite in her tone;
as much as she was into our lifestyle she sometimes still had a problem sharing
her man. This I understood, I'm not into sharing myself, but she'd agreed to
this life with me and as long as none of them got out of hand I pretty much
ignored their little flare-ups. Usually a good spanking or some time spent in
the chamber quelled any insubordination.

"Is there a problem?"

She didn't answer me right away,
which was an answer in itself.

"Babe I don't have all day here
traffic is a bitch and I'm almost to the turnoff do you have a problem?"

"Did you promise Anna the new
Tiffany's bracelet?"

"Come again?"

"It's just that...."

"Did you just ask me if I
promised to buy my wife something, have you lost your mind? Look I'll call
Marcy or Anna and find out what we need if anything, when I get there you and I
need to have a little talk." I hung up the phone, I hated dealing with
these little fires but it was a necessary evil sometimes, it's only to be expected
when dealing with three very different personalities. Jealousy reared its ugly
head every once in a while and though I tried to be fair sometimes something
might slip by me. Like this bracelet, Anna is into jewelry big time, so I try
to get her a nice little trinket a couple times a month, usually she'd find
something on line and tell me about it. Janine is more into fashion bags and
shit like that while Marcy is my sports girl. She has a garage full of ATVs and
kayaks and all that other shit she likes dragging me to at least once a month.
I try to find little things that they each like and do it with them
individually though we spend most of our time together as a unit.

I knew that fucking bracelet was
going to be trouble; it cost quarter of a mil, no skin off my nose but Janine
is a worrier; no matter how much I tell her we're set financially she still
stresses over every big purchase. Marcy not so much because she has a better
handle on our finances and Anna just thinks money grows on trees, but when your
young hot as fuck wife clenches her ass around your cock, looks over her
shoulders with those jewel toned eyes framed by wild midnight black curls and
says 'please daddy can I have it?' You fucking cave.

Shit my cock got hard at the memory
of it.

"Down boy it'll be a few hours
yet before you see any action."

I didn't bother calling again to see
if they needed anything, one headache was enough.

Pulling through the gates that led
down the mile and a half lined drive to the front of the house I took in the
scenery. Oaks lined both sides like sentinels on guard, the lawn, which was a
pain in the ass to up keep, was well manicured and a nice green shade as far as
the eye could see. The girls had planted their own garden which they added to
every year or so and it was a beautiful riot of colors against the sandstone of
the house.

Our home was a monster, that's the
only word for it, ten bedrooms and eight and a half baths. We needed all that
space since we planned on having a fuck load of kids; we already had a good
start with six, but with all the fucking that goes on around here not to
mention the fact that there's no real birth control to speak of we're looking
at a football team or more.

Marcy was out in the yard when I went
around hands buried deep in the dirt of a rose bush.

"Hey babe." I called out
before I reached her.

I love that mischievous grin on her
face when she first sees me after a long day. In three years it hasn't changed
and I hope it never does.

She was up and in my arms in the next
second our mouths coming together in what would be a first of many shared
kisses for me. My wives loved kissing and petting, cuddles too. It could get
kind of crowded on the sofa sometimes and there was always the issue of who got
to sit closest to me. I usually oversaw those things to keep the peace so we
worked on a rotation sort of. Anna loved my lap anyway so sometimes it didn't
matter unless one of the others were in a pissy mood and decided she wanted my
lap to spite Anna

"Your wives have been bitches
all day, I'm hiding out out here, the kids are in the playroom bent on
destruction; I'd head for cover if I were you."

"That bad huh, wanna tell me
what set it off this time?"

"What always sets it”.

"What the fuck, I wasn't even

"Figure it out stud." I was
still holding her loosely in my arms so I took the opportunity to pinch her
sides softly.

"Why don't you tell me
instead?" She squealed with laughter and tried to get away.

"Quit it Brad you'll make me pee
my panties."

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