The Wives (Bradley's Harem) (2 page)

BOOK: The Wives (Bradley's Harem)
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"So talk."

"I ain't no stitch." She
was gasping for breath as I pulled her back in for one last peck.

"Okay then, wish me luck."

"Uh huh, just make sure they
don't mess with my spa night, I've been primed all day."

I turned back to grin at her
facetiously while passing my hand slowly over my semi hard cock.

"Me too babe me too."

Chapter Two

I took a deep breath before entering
through the kitchen, the room was a wide open space with an island that ran the
whole length, there were pieces of each of my women evident here, little
touches that spoke of their presence. Janine loved to bake, there was always
some kind of pie or cookies to be found around here, and Marcy was a health nut
as was to be expected from a sporty outdoorsy type and Anna; Anna brought the
spice of the Caribbean with her. That was part of her heritage; my little
violet blossom is a spicy mix of Caribbean beauty and English reserve though
she was pretty low on the reserved.

I saw the fire in Janine even before
she noticed me; damn this was going to be bad. I knew each of them like the
back of my hand, knew their moods. I'd better, because that PMS shit was a
killer, I knew that wasn't her problem though since that's another thing I'm
pretty up to date on. See to keep your woman satisfied you have to know her
body, inside and out. I know that some women and this is true in the case of my
wives, tend to be extremely horny in the days leading up to their periods,
which meant with all of them starting only days apart my dick usually got a
workout around about the middle of the month.


She turned accusing eyes on me; I
know that look, I'd fucked up somehow in her eyes and she was going to nail my
ass to the wall.

"What's the problem?"

The way she chopped into the zucchini
on the cutting board I knew she was imagining it was my dick. Damn that's

"I asked you a question." I
walked farther into the room as I loosened my tie.

"Why are you buying her a two
hundred and fifty thousand dollar bracelet?"

"Put the knife down
Janine." She was going so fast I was afraid she'd hurt herself.

"Now!" I said it in such a
way that she knew not to fuck with me.

Laying the knife down she spread her
hands on either side of the cutting board head down.

"Look at me love."

She picked her head up, her face a
storm cloud.

"Don't ever ask me that shit
again, ever, now I repeat what is your problem?"

She huffed and folded her arms

"I didn't know when I agreed to
this that it was going to be like this."

I held the bridge of my nose between
my thumb and forefinger to try to ward off the headache I felt starting there.

"Like what?" Damn I didn't
need this shit, I just wanted to come home spend a few hours with my kids, have
dinner, fuck Marcy in the spa until she couldn't walk straight and get some
sleep. I did not have time for this fuckery.

"You love them more than you do

Not this shit again, every once in a
while Janine gets what I call the first wife blues, she starts thinking all
kinds of crazy shit believing that I no longer love her, things that we've already
been through over and over again; I don't know what else to do to reassure her
to reassure them all that they each held a special place in my heart.

"Come here babe." She was
being stubborn and took her time getting to me.

I pulled her in when she got close
enough and kissed her hair; as much as I wanted to say fuck it I’m tired of
going through this shit I couldn't take that route, I understood that each of
these women had their moments, there were fears I'm sure, what if I woke up one
day and decided this lifestyle wasn't for me after all? Marcy and Anna
sometimes got pissed way the fuck off at the fact that Janine and I had an
official marriage license while I simply exchanged vows with them. I'd conceded
to take off the ring Janine had given me in favor of one they'd all chosen
together. That had been a little rough going too but I saw the logic in it so
that's that.

"Sweetie, you agreed to this
yeah! Did I coerce you into doing something you didn't want to do?"

I squeezed her softly when she didn't
answer me right away.

"I don't like feeling like a
fifth wheel Brad, I didn't sign up for this."

"What are you talking about what
fifth wheel?"

"I'm your wife I should know
about these kind of things we have three kids to plan futures for if you're
going to be spending that kind of money on her then I'd have to look out for
their interests."

I had to take a minute to gather my
thoughts together because as often as we'd been here before she'd never gone
there. One because she knew I would never put up with shit talk like that and
two because she was talking out of her ass.

I pushed her gently away from me,
holding a tight reign on my temper, which was never a very pretty sight.

"You want to run that shit by me

She couldn't or wouldn't look me in
the eye and I didn't ask her to.

"I don't know if I want to do
this anymore."

"What does that mean, do
what?" Yeah this evening was turning out just dandy, that's what I get for
having my mind on pussy all day long today.

"I want to go back to the way
things were." She rung her hands as she looked up at me from beneath her

My heart didn't stop or anything that
dramatic in fact quite the opposite happened; I have this strange phenomena
that's been with me my whole life, when faced with certain things I go to a
place of calm I get the sense that all will be well and I deal with whatever
accordingly. That's what I was feeling right now, this was some sort of power
play on her part and I didn't have to look too far to figure out where she got the
gumption to say this shit to me. Her mother hated our lifestyle and though I'd
never forbidden Janine to talk to her she wasn't allowed in my home around my
kids. She'd had those privileges revoked the first time she'd spurned my son
Jonathan because he was Marcy's; the fuck out of here, she must've lost her
fucking mind.

"You want out I'll write you a
check for five million, I'll have the funds ready by tomorrow morning."
Her eyes flew open wide in fear as I made my way to the entrance between the
kitchen and the rest of the house.

"That's it, that's all you have
to say to me?"

"Lower your fucking voice, I'm
not doing this with you, I'm not fighting fucking Elizabeth Stanton, I don't
answer to your mother. You didn't think this shit through too good babe, no one
backs me into a corner, this is something you've always known about me. What?
You expect me to kick my wives and children out of the house to please you;
you've lost your fucking mind. I repeat you want out there's the fucking

I left the room and went in search of
my kids; I knew damn good and well she wasn't going anywhere, if I thought for
a minute she was serious I would've handled that differently but I know her
game, she could take that shit somewhere else it was never gonna fly with me.

"Daddy." My little princess
ran over arms out stretched a huge grin on her chubby cheeks. I picked her up
and buried my nose in her baby sweet scented neck. This was one of the great
pleasures of my day, seeing my kids. Chelsea was the oldest at three years old
her brothers Russell and Damien were two and one respectively; then there was
Jonathan, Marcy's son who was also two and lastly the twins Justin and Jason
who were just three months old. They were all spread out around the room in
differing stages of disarray while Anna sat off to the side keeping watch while
reading on her tablet.

"Hello husband and how was your
day?" She gave me her toothy grin that always warned me that she'd been up
to something.

"What did you do baby

"Who moi, not a thing."


"What, why do you always assume
I've done something anyway?"

"Because I'm usually right, now
out with it, what went on here today between you and Janine?"

"You mean the wicked witch of
the west?"

"Tell me you didn't call her
that how many times must I beg you to behave?" Shit that headache wasn't
going away any time soon. If this one had a burr up her ass about something
there's no telling what the hell I had to look forward to. She's not known for
her tact and her temper is as fiery as her scorching passion in bed. For some
reason Janine was more threatened by her than by Marcy and I didn't get it. I
don't know if its because she's of mixed heritage and has that exotic appeal
going on; who knows to me they're all fucking gorgeous but who am I? I'm only
their poor sap of a husband; my reassurances don't mean a damn thing.

"She was on the tele with queen
witch again and started acting the fool so I had to put her in her place.

"And how did you do that?"
I was afraid to even know, if Marcy was hiding out in the yard it must've
gotten really bad; the one thing I'm sure of is that neither woman had done or
said anything in front of the children that was a hard and fast rule of mine,
the kids were going to be confused enough in their formative years what with
having three mothers the last thing they needed was infighting and bullshit,
fuck it was the last thing I needed.

“I just told her some home truths
that’s all, like the fact that just because she’s the one you officially
married she isn’t entitled to special treatment or to lord it over Marcy and I;
maybe you should set her straight on that or am I wrong?”

"No you weren't wrong but
there's always a right way and a wrong way to handle these things, now do me a
favor and don't get in her face any more for the rest of the week?"

"Hey why is it my fault?"

"I didn't say it is, I'm just
asking you to help me out a little okay, she's a little raw right now so let's
just take it easy."

"No wonder she acts the way she
does, you're always babying her."

"Anna for fucks sake...." I
started in a harsh whisper so that innocent little ears wouldn’t overhear but
then I couldn't even finish what I was gonna say, when it rains it pours in
this fucking house now I have two pissed off hell cats out for my blood, that
shit is enough to make a lesser man tuck nuts and run. I have a better idea
though; I liked to keep drama to a minimum, if I didn't handle these things the
right way they might pull a coup on my ass so I never gave them a fucking inch,
what am I stupid, it's three of them and one of me, and nobody can organize
better than a group of females, hell no.

"Get my kids ready."

"Why where are we going?"

"We're not going anywhere get my
kids dressed and ready in twenty."

I left before she could argue any
farther, heading back out to the yard I caught Marcy's attention, Janine hadn't
been in the kitchen when I passed through which meant she was probably in her
room sulking waiting for me to come placate her, not gonna happen, not this

"Hey Marce change of plans we're
going out."

"What all of us?" She
removed the muddy gardening gloves and started towards the house.

"Nope just you, me and the

She gave ne a knowing look over her
shoulder before sashaying into the house, our date was still on the only
difference was instead of having family dinner we'd take the kids out, this way
I get to spend time with them and with the one female who wasn't devising ways
to castrate my ass, fucking women.

Chapter 3

It's not easy handling six kids out
in public all under the age of four, I'd brought the twins along because I knew
it would piss Anna off, shit I can be petty too, I'm only human and if they
couldn't appreciate the fact that I busted my ass to make sure we were all good,
then too fucking bad. Let them stew for a little while, anyone thinking of
doing this shit needed their heads examined, one woman was a pain in the ass to
begin with, why the fuck I decided I needed three is a mystery.

Marcy and I packed the kids up in our
behemoth custom made Escalade, shit was a house on wheels there was enough
space to pack the kids in three in a row and then another seat in back to fit
all three women though one was usually up front with me riding herd from this
end while the other two took care of shit from the back.

"You ready munchkins?" They
all grinned at me with their chorus of dada and readies except the twins who
were just looking around like what the fuck?

Believe it or not we had a pretty
good time, maybe because we went somewhere that was kid friendly and had
crayons and toys to keep them occupied while mommy and daddy ate mouthfuls in
between feeding them. Jason and Justin were pretty content to sit in their
carriers gnawing on their fingers as they took in the sights and sounds while
lady Chelsea lorded it over her brothers the lesser beings, I could already see
she was going to be just like her mothers, maybe I should pitch for all boys in
the future.

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