The Virgin Master (23 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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“What do you want to do?”


Jeremy moaned into Evan’s mouth. “Everything. I just don’t know for sure what everything means. I mean, I’m not going to be very good at anything for a while. I’ve never done this before. I mean not that I wanted.” That brought back some very bad memories. “I just wish that fat guy could have left me alone for another ten minutes.”


Evan shivered at the thought of being first with Jeremy.
be the first to make you like it.”


eremy looked at him dou
btfully. “It hurt so bad, worse
than the crop, Evan; it scares me to think about doing anything like that again. But I’ll try, if that’s what you want.”


“Would you
be more comfortable taking me?”


Jeremy blanched. “I don’t even want to think about hurting
ou like that!”


“I won’t let you hurt me. I promise---it will be so good for both of us, you won’t
believe it. Can you try for me?"


“I’d do anything for you, Ev. What do I do?”


Evan scrambled across the bed and got out lube from the bedside table drawer. He hesitated over the condoms. He had only ever been with Justin and Jeremy had been tested right after Evan bought him. Evan had been tested at his annual physical for the past four years. They didn’t need condoms. He gave Jeremy the lube.


Coat your index finger with that and gently ease it into me.” He rolled on his stomach and pushed his ass toward Jeremy with a little wiggle. Jeremy snickered.


I didn’t have any idea you could be so playful. Everything I learn about you just makes me want you more.”


Jeremy lubed up his index finger, Evan, watching Jeremy’s face in the dresser mirror, noted that Jeremy looked very serious and seemed to be concentrating hard enough to be taking a calculus exam. He smiled to himself and then gasped as Jeremy’s huge
finger eased its way inside. It had been a very, very long time. Evan hadn’t forgotten how to relax and allow the pressure to ease, but the burn
and stretch were still a shock.


is voice rasped a little bit as he asked Jeremy to move his finger. As he moved, he crooked his finger a little bit and hit Evan’s prostate, causing him to flail and grab at the sheets.


“Oh, God! Did I hurt you?”


“Just the opposite,” Evan gasped out. “Do what you did again.”


Jeremy smiled as he found tissue that felt different to his touch and lightly pressed and massaged it. Evan writhed and moaned and thrust his body down on Jeremy’s finger with total abandon. Jeremy’s erection twitched and quivered with greatly heightened interest.


“Two.” Evan moaned.




After applying more lube, Jeremy got two
fingers in by using a twisting
motion. He concentrated on slow
ly opening Evan up and felt the
tightness gradually relax and alm
ost suck his fingers inside. He
shuddered at the tight heat and tried desperately not to imagine what it would feel like when he finally sheathed himself in that taut


He had to grab the base of his erection to keep from coming when Evan started fuck
ing himself on Jeremy’s fingers
with little breathy gasps.


“So good,
, so


Jeremy paid more attention to Evan’s prostate and reduced him to a completely mindless wriggling mess.
If it feels this good, I have to let him do this to me.
He looked at his truly huge erection and at the tiny muscle he was trying to stretch open. He began to scissor and twist his fingers, always careful to nudge that sweet spot. Without coaching, he lubed up a third finger and with a lot of twisting and
stretching managed to get it in as well. Evan by this time was panting for breath, lost in his own little bubble of sensation.


, please, want you so bad, please….” Evan babbled, while tilting his hips upward.
withdrew his
and flipped Evan onto his back.


“I need to see your face.”


Evan nodded and spread his legs further canting his hips upward in invitation. Jeremy put Evan’s legs over his shoulders. He lubed up his cock carefully, not really sure how much to use, but figuring that more would be better he nearly used the rest of the tube. Holding Evan’s thighs apart he started trying to push inside.


He held back, afraid to push too hard, but Evan wriggled distractingly, all the while begging and pushing up against him. Taking a deep breath, Jeremy pushed harder than he would have liked to. The crown of his penis disappeared inside Evan with an almost audible pop. Evan’s channel made him feel like he was on fire; the tight clutching ring of muscle drove Jeremy to the brink.


Watching Evan carefully for any signs of discomfort he continued a long slow slide until he was finally fully embedded. Evan was completely inarticulate. Jeremy waited for him to adjust and finally felt a slight lessening of the hard grip Evan had on him and heard a little satisfied sigh. Evan began thrusting his hips up, which Jeremy took as consent to move. He remembered roughly the location of Evan’s prostate and angled and pushed until he got a moaning arching response.


Evan’s face as he responded to the pleasure Jeremy gave him, triggered some switch deep inside. He felt his orgasm boiling up like a storm cloud, low in his spine. He lost complete control of his body as he began to really pound into Evan. He worried about hurting him, but he couldn’t seem to stop, or even slow down. He had never felt anything so good.
Evan suddenly uttered a noise
somewhere between a squeak and a scream, tensed up, arched and came, muscles savagely clamping down on Jeremy, sucking the orgasm right out of him. He had no idea it was possible to come so hard. Even as it happened he couldn’t believe it and then his wits
deserted him and he collapsed. Evan wrapped around him like an octopus and held him tight through the aftershocks.


“Well,” Jeremy sighed. “That didn’t suck.”


Evan laughed out loud. A real belly laugh. Jeremy had never heard him laugh like that before.


drew Jeremy to him and kissed him gently. Two seconds earlier Jeremy had been positive that it might be weeks before he would be able to sustain an erection again. Feeling Evan’s soft lips and tongue working at gaining entry to his mouth made him half-hard again immediately. Jeremy tried to communicate to Evan all the love that he felt for him in his return kiss. He knew better than to say it. His heart ached
full of emotion he knew he could not specifically convey without spooking Evan. They kissed lazily and tenderly, satisfied and happy just to be completely together at last.


Jeremy finally got enough energy to go to the bathroom to get a warm damp cloth to clean up Evan’s chest and his own cock. Flinging the dirty wash cloth in the general direction of the bathroom, Jeremy pulled Evan into a tight spooning position.


Evan pushed back into Jeremy’s
chest and belly and Jeremy felt renewed interest. But it was late and Evan had an early meeting with his financial staff. He nosed at Evan’s ear. “Good night



Evan shivered a little bit. “Oh, God…you must be trying to kill me. I guess we really should go to sleep now. Is it wrong that I just want to stay in this bed with you forever?”


Sounds like a plan to me.” Jeremy nuzzled the juncture of Evan’s neck and shoulder gently and hugged him close.




Evan yawned and slipped into sleep nearly immediately. Jeremy smiled and enjoyed the deep current of contentment running through his soul.





Everyone noted the change in Evan over the next few weeks. He no longer had bags under his eyes, he stopped skipping lunch, he participated in group conversations and he smiled. A
lot. He talked to staff, cooed over baby pictures and okayed days off without comment. The door between Jeremy and Evan’s offices stood open once more and they fell further into sync at work. Jeremy understood what Evan needed before Evan asked for it. Evan never failed to appreciate Jeremy’s efforts. He appreciated Jeremy every night and nearly every morning.




About a month after Evan caved in to his own feelings, he left to go to a downtown business lunch, leaving Jeremy alone in their offices to hold the fort. Just before closing time, Frank Owens tapped on Evan’s door and walked in. As he had expected, he saw that Evan wasn’t there and he also saw the open door to the connecting office. He strolled on over and looked through the door and saw Jeremy hard at work on a spreadsheet and slideshow for a board presentation at the end of the month. Jeremy was so focused on his work that he didn’t notice Frank watching him.


lust rise up in him. Evan
’s toy might be the
most beautiful young man
he had ever seen. Using Jeremy
against Evan had to be the easiest decision he had ever made. He hadn’t been sure that Evan would develop real feelings for his slave, but Evan’s selfishness, keeping Jeremy all to himself, screamed
“inappropriate relationship.”


As Frank had planned, Evan wasn’t here now. Jeremy couldn’t defend himself without making both himself and Evan subject to punishment. If Jeremy pushed him away or tried in any way to escape, Frank could restrain him
him. Then Evan would be subject to fines for failure to properly control his slave. He certainly shouldn’t have left him here alone. That was just asking for trouble. So, Evan deserved whatever he got. Frank strolled on into the office and was disappointed when Jeremy, rather than looking up, which would have been forbidden, simply stilled and came to a correct formal kneeling posture, head down.


rank walked over and stood with his crotch directly in front of Jeremy’s face. “We’re all alone here, boy. Evan isn’t here to stop me, and you
stop me. Look at me.”


Jeremy continued to passively kneel, head down. Frank chuckled.


“You’re better trained than I would have expected. He’s had you what? Four, five months?  He must beat the life out of you. He looks like the kind that would enjoy that. Does he? Enjoy listening to you scream? Watching you wiggle and struggle to get away? Hmm? Do you like it, too?” Frank cupped his burgeoning erection with one hand and caressed the top o
f Jeremy’s head with the other.


“Look at me, boy.
. I’ll make you sorry you were ever born if you keep on disobeying me like this.”




Jeremy gave him no response, praying that Evan would be back soon, or that Jeff,
no wait…Jeff
went with Evan
. Sandy
left at noon for a doctor’s appointment. Jeremy swallowed down panic as he realized
that he might be all alone back
here in the executive corridor. He couldn’t remember if Allen came in to the office today or not. Well, he
had been raped before and he survived it. He didn’t want it to happen again but he had no choice. He could not lay hands on a citizen without being given permission. Not even to defend his
own life. He heard the distinctive sound of a zipper being pulled
. He winced as
rubbed his
penis up a
nd down his face and a cloud of mus
ky arousal scented the air.


“Now, this is what you’re going to do. You’re going to give me the best blow job I’ve ever had, or I’m going to claim that you pushed me down. No one will believe you. I’ll thrash you within an inch of your life and I’ll either kill you or have you removed from James’ household and resold. Who you think will buy you then? I understand you have a previous acquaintance with Roy Cavenaugh?

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