The Virgin Master (24 page)

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Authors: Jordan Brewer

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: The Virgin Master
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Jeremy felt nausea overwhelm him as he remembered his rapist. Sweat broke out in beads all over his face and torso. He swallowed bile and remained motionless. Frank pushed him suddenly
sideways and rolled him onto his back and straddled him. Jeremy turned his head to the side to avoid
aking eye contact. Owens worked his way up Jeremy’s body until his erection rubbed at Jeremy’s lips.


“You’re going to open up that pretty mouth and let me fuck your throat. Right now.”


Jeremy lay like one dead. Completely unresponsive and passive, head turned to the side, eyes closed. The slap caught him totally by surprise. His eyes flew open and he gasped, but he held his position, clenching his teeth together before Frank could take advantage of his gasp. Frank began digging at his cheeks, trying to separate his teeth so that he could force his mouth open.


“You will do as I say!”


“No, he won’t.” Evan entered the room and walked calmly over to where Frank had Jeremy pinned to the floor. “Get off him Frank.”


“The slut begged me for it and then locked down.”


“I sincerely doubt that. By the way

this office is continuously monitored
by security cameras and microphones,” Evan bluffed. He saw Jeremy’s eyes go wide and hoped that Frank hadn’t noticed. “What do you think I’ll find when I review the data collected over the last twenty minutes or so?” Evan stared at Frank, coolly and outwardly in complete possession of himself. Inwardly rage ate its way slowly up his spine as he thought about Jeremy

being completely helpless to defend himself against this kind of attack.


Frank just as coolly, rose, and tucked himself away, his erection having withered when he first heard Evan’s voice.


“There’s no need to get upset over a slave, Ev.”


“He’s my property. No one can use him without my permission.”


“Well, t
hat goes without saying, but….”


“Did you need me for something, Frank?”


“No, I just happened to be nearby and thought I’d pop in.”


Evan sneered. “You knew Jeff and I had that meeting this afternoon. You were supposed to be there. You came up here knowing that I wouldn’t be in. Were you hoping to find Jeremy alone like this?”


No, no. Meeting? I guess I forgot. No, no, just a friendly visit. I wanted to remind you about Friday dinners.”


Evan sighed heavily. “Frank…
what goes on at your
dinners. I don’t find that kind of thing at all appealing and it’s certainly nothing I want to subject Jeremy to. So, back off. Forget it. You can’t have him.”


Frank scowled and lost all pretense of friendliness. “I
have him and I’ll make you give him to me. One way or another. You think you’re better than me? Punk.” Frank kicked Jeremy hard in the hip, ignored Evan’s gasp, and stormed out of the office.




Frank grinned to himself as he left; his beliefs about Evan’s attachment to his pretty slave having just been proven true.




van crouched down beside Jeremy, and Jeremy reached for his hand, holding it tightly. “I guess from now on if I have to leave you here we’ll make sure the doors are all locked.”


“Better still, just don’t leave me here. I’d rather be with you, no matter where you are, than have this kind of thing happen again. I didn’t know what to do, Ev. He said if I resisted him, he’d beat me to death and then get you fined for not being here to control me. Ev, he knows about….Cavenaugh. He said he could get me resold and make sure that Cavenaugh would be my new owner. Can we go home? I really want to wash my face.”


van seethed. “Sure, sweetheart. Do you need help to get up? How bad did he hurt your hip?”


I’m going to have a bruise, but it’s not bad.” Jeremy rolled up and got to his feet. “Are there really security cameras and microphones in here?”


Evan smirked. “No. That was a total bluff. Do you think I would ever kiss you or, you know, do some of the things we do in here if I thought Mark watched us all the time?”


Jeremy laughed. “You convinced me. That guy’s not going to stop, Ev.”


“I know.”


“Let’s go home. I want to wash my face and then I want to suck your brains out.”


“So romantic. But that sounds good to me.”




Frank laughed out loud when he reached his limousine. Crawling into the spacious back seat and signaling his driver to take him home he reached for the disposable
phone that had come for him in the mail earlier. It was time for his monthly report. The number in the directory occupied it alone; Frank sighed as he pressed to dial the number.




“Uncle Yuri? Alexei.


“So, nephew. Do you have control yet?”


“No. I thought I had young James when the old man suspended him. The boy is infuriating. He had become a complete wreck and all I had to do was wait for his psych evaluation. But he had to go and get better. But, I have a new plan; if all goes well he will be in even worst shape by the time of his evaluation.”


“This is taking too long, Alexei. Much too long. I have been patient with you.”


“I realize this, Uncle. I promise I’m moving as fast as reasonably possible.”


“Just kill them.”


“The building is a security nightmare. I found out that Evan even has security feed running from his office and his personal assistant’s office twenty-four seven.”


“Sounds like a prudent man.”


“He’s way more capable than I thought. I admit I underestimated him; but I have the key to him now.”


Next month I better be hearing this is done.”


“Next month, Uncle.”


The phone disconnected without further ado. Frank sighed and called his daughter.




When they got back to the apartment, Jeremy assessed Evan’s mood. He seemed a little bit desperate to Jeremy. Not that Jeremy had anything against making his
aster lose his
ind, but something was off.


After checking to see that Marta had really gone for the evening and thoroughly washing his face, Jeremy joined Evan in their bedroom. Evan had already stripped and pulled down the duvet, lying displayed on the dark green sheets; the perfect color to highlight Evan’s copper hair and violet eyes. Jeremy smiled to himself. Once Evan made up his mind….he held nothing back. Jeremy felt that he shouldn’t be holding anything back either. Evan had absolutely not pressed him about trying to bottom
but he knew Evan preferred to top. Every time he tried to think about totally submitting, fear drilled through him, spoiling the mood. Evan had told him repeatedly that it made no difference, but Jeremy wanted Evan to take him

to remove those ugly memories and replace them with gentleness. Tonight had to be the night.


van opened one eye and made a come here gesture. Jeremy rolled onto the bed and over on top of Evan, kissing him lazily, feeling that Evan was already fully erect from anticipation. He swallowed hard and then captured Evan’s head between his hands.




Hey. What’s on your mind,
? Something wrong?”


“No…I just…it’s time.”




“I mean I’m ready.”


Oh. OH! No,
…be sure.”


Jeremy tried to keep from laughing. Evan had actually squirmed a little bit when he realized what Jeremy was trying to tell him and Jeremy had felt his cock twitch.


“I’m sure. I want you to take me; claim me; make me completely yours. I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I especially don’t want to be afraid of you or of anything we might want to do. Please.”




Evan’s breath caught somewhere and he couldn’t seem to find it. He had resigned himself to never having Jeremy like that---and he couldn’t really blame him for being scared to try. The rape Jeremy experienced had been brutal and the recovery painful. Jeremy still had nightmares occasionally and woke Evan up trying to get away from dream attackers. He held Jeremy’s gaze and saw only firm certainty there. No enthusiasm, but Evan thought he could make that happen.


If you’re sure; and if you promise that you’ll tell me the minute anything hurts or causes you discomfort.”


“Well, there has to be a little dis
comfort, doesn’t there?” Jeremy

smiled gently.


“Probably.  But….”


Jeremy broke in. “Evan…I really want this. I want this


“Well then; I want you as relaxed as possible.”


Evan shimmied down the bed and dragged the sheets with him, smirking playfully up at Jeremy, trying to ease the tension. He noted that Jeremy’s cock seemed to have no interest at all in the proceedings despite Jerem
y’s firm declaration of desire.


He leaned forward and sucked the entire flaccid organ into his mouth.
This is the only way I could ever get it all in my mouth
, he thought a little deliriously. The response came so instantly and thoroughly that he found himself desperately backing off to keep from being choked. Jeremy moaned and Evan devoted his attention to teasing Jeremy to such a pitch that he would forget to be anxious.


God he loved this. He loved the weight and velvet cloaked heat of Jeremy’s length filling his mouth to the point that his jaw nearly unhinged. He reveled in the way Jeremy gripped the whole top of his head in one hot palm and the noises he made. Normally, he would tease Jeremy repeatedly

bring him to the edge and back off until Jeremy begged and wriggled. But today he had a different endgame and getting Jeremy to come like this would only be a means to an end. He set up a steady pace, using his hand and mouth in tandem to try to suck the anxiety out of his partner. Jeremy’s fingers scrabbled on his scalp indicating that the end neared quickly. Evan sped up just slightly and Jeremy growled and came hard, his cock jerking and moving like it planned an escape. Evan continued stroking and licking through the aftershocks.


Jeremy’s arm fell limply to the bed and Evan began phase two. He pushed Jeremy’s knees back toward his ears, rolling his hips up.




. Just relax.”


Evan knew that having Jeremy on his hands and knees might be easier for him, but Evan didn’t trust him to actually confess when something hurt. He knew he would be able to tell if he could watch his face and see his cock. When Evan began licking around the puckered rim of Jeremy’s entrance, the sound Jeremy uttered sounded like heaven to Evan. He had palmed the lube before even beginning his preparation and he checked to see that he could still find it as he began to open Jeremy up with his tongue. Jeremy grabbed the sheets and pulled as he tried to stay still. Broken noises and profanities poured from his mouth as Evan plunged his tongue inside and began a familiar rhythm. Jeremy thrust


his hips toward Evan’s mouth helplessly seeking deeper contact.

Evan sat back and Jeremy whined.


I’m going to put one finger in
slowly. Push out

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