The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945 (124 page)

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Goulding, Marrack
168, 186, 420–1, 426


failed and war-torn states 54

military occupations, international law on 607

SC, strength of record of 54

territorial administration 567, 570, 577

Graham, Frank P

great powers
64–70, 73–82, 133–53, 504–5
see also


GA Res. 109 (1947) 158

Greenstock, Jeremy
360, 362, 364, 399


Grew, Joseph B

Gromyko, Andrei

Gross, Ernest
269, 273

Group of Friends
137, 138, 139

Guantanamo Bay
454, 464

Guard Force, proposal for

Guei, Robert

Guelff, Richard
519–20, 534

Guicciardi, Vittorio Winspeare
351, 352–3


Gulf War (1980–8)
Iran-Iraq War

Gulf War (1991)

Arab League 385

Arab states, contributions from 386

bombing campaign 387–8

cessation of hostilities 388

chemical weapons 387–8

coalition 385–6

collective action 386

embargoes 385

France 387

GA 386

ground campaign 387–8

inspections, sanctions plus 384

Israel 386

‘New International Order’ 507

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) 385

oil 386

Operation Desert Shield 385

Operation Desert Storm 89–90, 387

P5 385

sanctions 384–6, 390–1

Saudi Arabia 385

SC Res. 661 (1990) 205

SC Res. 669 (1990) 386

SC Res. 678 (1990) 89, 91, 98, 303, 387, 401

SC Res. 687 (1991) 89, 91, 208, 388, 389, 402, 404

SC Res. 689 (1991) 386

SC Res. 692 (1991) 386

SC Res. 706 (1991) 391

SC Res. 712 (1991) 391

Soviet Union 385

UN Charter 89–90, 387

United Kingdom 384, 387

United States 385–7

use of force, authorization of 386–8

Gulf war (2003)
Iraq, war in (2003)

Gusmão, Xanana
356, 365, 366–7

Gutteres, José-Luis

Habibie, Ir Bachruddin Jusuf
356, 359–62, 551–2

Hague Regulations
1907 583–5, 597, 599, 606

see also

arms embargo 542

China 542

commercial embargo 543

consent 509, 561

fuel embargo 542

GA Res. 47/20 (1993) 541

Governor’s Island Agreement (GIA) 542–3, 544

great powers, SC and 139, 141

humanitarian intervention, use of force for 541–4, 554, 555

invasion, authorization of 509

MICIVIH (International Civilian Mission) 543–4

naval blockade 543

occupation law 589–90, 596

Organization of American States (OAS) 542

police, professionalizing the 590

refugees 542, 544

regional support for intervention 139, 141

resources 502, 503

sanctions 542–3, 555

SC Res. 841 (1993) 35, 542

SC Res. 862 (1993) 543,

SC Res. 867 (1993) 543

SC Res. 917 (1994) 543

SC Res. 940 (1994) 35, 542, 543, 544, 590

SC Res. 948 (1994) 590,

SC Res. 964 (1994) 544

SC Res. 975 (1995) 544, 590

SC Res. 1063 (1996) 590

United States-led multinational force (MNF) 544, 589–90

use of force, authorization of 541–2

Halifax, Lord


election of 320

terrorist attacks 316

Hambro, Edvard

Hammarskjöld, Dag
103, 104, 172, 179, 180, 184, 282, 287, 289, 294–7, 305, 500, 501

Hariri, Rafik
24, 321

Harland, David
29, 638–9

Hassan, Hussein Kamel

Heinbecker, Paul

Helsinki Principles
412, 414–15


Arab-Israeli wars 318, 321–2

Israel attack in Lebanon on (2006) 321

kidnapping of Israeli soldiers by 318

rockets fired into Israel 321

Higgins, Rosalyn

High-Level Panel Report on Threats, Challenges and Change
UN High-Level Panel Report on Threats, Challenges and Change


Hoare, Mike
629, 631

Holbrooke, Richard
358, 450, 489

Home, Lord

Horta, José Ramos
353, 354–5, 357, 360, 366–7

Houphouet-Boigny, Félix

Hull, Cordell

human rights
see also
humanitarian intervention

Annan, Kofi, and mainstreaming of 357, 548

conflict between 31, 251, 539

drafting of Charter and 536–7

European Court of Human Rights 38

Iraq 600

Liberia 472, 488

massive and systematic breaches of human rights 548

mercenaries 628

monitoring of human rights 187, 191, 202–3, 472, 475, 488, 570

occupation law 583, 586, 587, 592, 599

peacekeeping missions 190, 257

relevance to SC action 140, 576

SC resolutions, pressure to comply 522–5

Secretary-General, role of 526

Sierra Leone 488

Sudan 559

targeted sanctions and 138–9, 206, 207, 223–4, 614

territorial administration 575–6

terrorism 622–3

use of force and 622–3

Venezuela 543

humanitarian intervention
27, 535–62

Africa 253

authorization of force 535–6

Bosnia and Herzegovina 446–9

Cold War, SC practice after 537–53

consent from host government 561–2

criticism of UN 536

customary international law 243

decision-making, criteria in 556–7

diplomatic initiatives (2000–2005) 556–8

East Timor 550–3, 554, 555

GA 173

great powers, SC and 149

guidelines on use of force, establishment of 556–8

Haiti 541–4, 554, 555

ICISS (International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty) Report (2001) 173, 547, 557–8

impact of intervention, assessment of 553–6

India-Pakistan wars 339

Iraq 389–91, 538–9, 554, 555

Kosovo 96, 243–4, 438–9, 548–50, 557

Kurds in northern Iraq 389, 390, 538–9, 554–5

mobilization of forces, problems with 561

NATO, regional arrangements for use of force and 243–4

resources 561

responsibility to protect criteria 557–60

Rwanda 544–8, 557

self-defence 536

Somalia 539–41, 554, 555–6

standing forces 114, 124, 126–7

success of intervention 553–6

Sudan 124–5, 558–61

African Union 559–61

consent 561–2

International Criminal Court, reference to 560–1

sanctions 558–9

UN, reluctance to discuss 559

United States 559–60

use of force, authorization of 561

threats to international peace and security, determination of 535, 537

UN Charter and 96, 98, 536–7, 558, 561

UN High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change 557, 558

UN World Summit (2005) 557–8

unilateral use of force in 96

United Kingdom 96

United States 559–60

Uniting for Peace Resolution 173

Hungary (1956), Soviet intervention in

spheres of influence 165, 504–5

Suez crisis 290, 293–4, 296

United States 164–5

Uniting for Peace Resolution 160, 164–5, 167

Hurd, Ian

Hussein, Saddam
187, 201, 208–10, 257–8, 314, 371–3, 383, 385–401, 403, 538–9, 597

IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
see also
weapons of mass destruction; nuclear weapons

disarmament 18

Iran 321

Iraq 394–6, 399, 400

ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)

ICC (International Criminal Court)

International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS)

ICJ (International Court of Justice)
1, 3, 38, 41, 70

Certain Expenses
5, 7, 20, 170

DRC v. Uganda


87, 95, 97

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