The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945 (119 page)

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Wye River Agreements 314–15

Yom Kippur war 309–11

Zionism is Racism Resolution (1975), 162, 315–16

Arab League
385, 506

Arafat, Yasser

Arendt, Hannah

Aristide, Jean-Bertrand
509, 541–3, 555

armed conflicts, nature of
see also
internal armed conflicts; international armed conflicts; UN-authorized military operations; use of force

1816–1997 44–9, 508

1945, since 44–9

casualties, decrease in 44, 512–14

causes of decline in international armed conflicts 45–8

Cold War 512–13

colonial wars, decline in 44, 508

economic interdependence, rise in 46

economic utility of war, decline in 46

internal armed conflicts

increase in 44, 49, 508

internationalized 44, 45

international war, decline of 44–8, 249, 508

non-involvement in wars, SC 507–8, 512–13

UN Charter Article 2(7) 508

armed forces
standing forces

arms control
18, 394–6
see also

arms embargoes
see also

Afghanistan 460

al-Qaeda 218–20

Bonn-Berlin Process 222

Bosnia and Herzegovina 142, 426, 428, 432

Côte d’Ivoire 481–3

criminalization of violations 214–15

design and implementation of 214–15

Haiti 542

Iraq 214

Liberia 471–2, 486

monitoring 214–15

Rwandan Hutu rebels 220

sanctions against terrorism 218–20

Sierra Leone 476

Somalia 540

stand-alone embargoes 211

Taliban 218–20, 460

Yugoslavia, former 52, 413, 415, 416, 426, 428, 432

Wassenaar Arrangement 222

arms trafficking

Asian financial crisis

asset freezes
see also

Afghanistan (al-Qaeda and Taliban) 219, 460

Côte d’Ivoire 483

Iran 371–2

Haiti 542

targeted sanctions 207

terrorism 612, 614–15, 617, 620

atomic weapons
nuclear weapons; weapons of mass destruction

Attlee, Clement

Austin, Warren
73, 271, 272–3


Core Group on East Timor 358

and creation of SC 67, 79–80

East Timor 347, 350, 358, 363–6, 553, 593–4

great powers, SC and 135–6

InterFET (International Force East Timor) 347, 350, 358, 363–6, 553, 593–4

RAMSI (Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands) 506

regional organizations and arrangements 506

sanctions 291

Solomon Islands 506

Suez crisis 297

veto 135–6


authorization of force
UN-authorized military operations

aviation sanctions
217, 219

axis of evil

Aznar, José Maria

Baker, James
314, 385, 395, 417, 420–1

Balfour, Arthur

Ballasteros, Enrique Bernales
624–5, 628, 632–3

Bangladesh conflict (1971)
325, 326, 338–41, 343, 505

Banny, Charles Konan
484, 485

Barak, Ehud

Barnett, Michael

Bédié, Henri Konan
470, 483

Bellamy, Alex
J 554

Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes

Ben-Gurion, David

631, 634

Bernadotte, Folke
302–3, 309, 322, 609

Betts, Richard

Bevan, Aneurin

Bevin, Ernest

Bhutto, Zulfiqar Ali

504, 630

Big Four

and creation of SC 73–7, 79–81

Declaration 1942, signing of 75

unanimity, importance of 73–7, 79–81

veto 75

Big Three

and creation of SC 73–4, 76, 80

unanimity, importance of 73–4

bin Laden, Osama
218–19, 457, 459, 460–1, 463–4

biological weapons
394, 397–8

Blair, Dennis

Blair, Tony
397–8, 401, 403, 556

Blix, Hans


Bonn Agreement
(2001) 461–2, 594–5

Bonn-Berlin Process
see also

Bosnia and Herzegovina
see also
Croatia; UNPROFOR; Yugoslavia, former

arms embargo 142, 426, 428, 432

Bosniacs 409, 429, 431, 448–9, 451

Bosnian Serbs 241, 408–9, 424–37, 446–51, 512

casualties, number of 440

ceasefires 428–9, 450, 511–12

close air support from NATO 127, 232–41, 245, 430–7, 446, 450

Constitutional Court 575–6

Contact Group 446–7

Bosnian Croats 409, 424–5, 429, 432, 436, 450–1

Dayton Accords 242, 245, 423, 450, 451, 511

dual-key approach 236, 238, 241–2, 247

ethnic cleansing 450

European Union 419–21, 424–5, 427–8, 431–2, 437

France 433, 436, 449

GA Res. 46/242 (1992) 433

General Framework for Peace 437

Geneva Conventions, breach of 427

Gorazde ultimatum 239–40

great powers, SC and 142

humanitarian intervention 194–5, 426–9, 446–9

humanitarian law, SC resolutions on 530

impartiality 172–3

Implementation Force (IFOR) 25, 242, 245

International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia (ICFY) 428, 432–3, 445–6

Lake Initiative 450

Lisbon Agreement (1992) 425

marginalization of SC 1995 449–51

monitoring missions 425

Muslims 409, 435, 437, 447–8

national identities 409

NATO 127, 228, 232–42, 430–7, 444, 446, 450

no-fly zones (NFZ) 446

Operation Deliberate Force 196, 241, 436–7

peacekeeping operations 116–17, 425, 428–30

political aims 443–4

Rapid Reaction Force within UNPROFOR 116–7, 196, 436, 450

reconstruction, lack of incentive for 511

Red Cross, International Committee of the 426

referendum 424–5

refugees 425–6, 446

Research and Documentation Centre 440

Russia 236, 241, 427

safe areas 194, 228, 232–42, 432, 434–5, 447–50

sanctions 426–8, 432

Sarajevo ultimatum 236–7, 239–40

SC Res. 752 (1992) 426

SC Res. 755 (1992) 419

SC Res. 758 (1992) 427

SC Res. 764 (1992) 427

SC Res. 776 (1992) 194

SC Res. 781 (1992) 428

SC Res. 786 (1992) 428

SC Res. 787 (1992) 428

SC Res. 816 (1993) 428, 431, 446

SC Res. 819 (1993) 232

SC Res. 820 (1993) 426

SC Res. 824 (1993) 232

SC Res. 836 (1993) 232

SC Res. 844 (1993) 237

SC Res. 913 (1994) 431

SC Res. 941 (1994) 529

SC Res. 942 (1994) 431

SC Res. 943 (1994) 431

SC Res. 970 (1994) 436

SC Res. 988 (1995) 436

SC Res. 1004 (1995) 436

SC Res. 1031 (1995) 90, 170, 437, 566, 573

SC Res. 1088 (1996) 170

secession 409

Sector Sarajevo 426–7, 435

Secretary-General, involvement of 232–3, 237–9, 241, 247

security zones 426

self-defence 232–3, 429, 434, 449

self-determination 424, 428


massacre 27, 116–17, 127, 199, 232–42, 436, 447

safe areas 448–50

Stabilization Force (SFOR) 245

standing forces 116–17, 127

state sovereignty 424, 429, 431

statehood, recognition of 419–20, 424–5

territorial administration 575–6

UN Charter 240–2, 407, 427

UN High Commissioner for Refugees 425–6

United Kingdom 427–8, 433, 436, 449

United States 142, 425, 427, 429–32, 446, 450

use of force 407, 427–31, 434, 436–7, 446–7

authorization of 425–6, 428, 440

consent 429

strategy, role of 443–5

sustained force 445

Vance-Owen Plan 445–7

war (1991–1995) 407, 420–37

Washington Agreement (1994) 429, 432

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros
15, 84, 106, 109, 111, 114–16, 187, 314–15, 393, 421, 452, 472, 473–4

Brahimi, Lakhdar
121–2, 458, 462
see also
Brahimi Report

Brahimi Report (Report of the Panel on Peace Operations) (2000)

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