Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (64 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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The light let in from the glass walls was making Draven’s skin look like liquid gold that blanketed an extensive muscular body. I couldn’t help but start to touch his heated skin, starting a
t the shoulder blade. He was lying
on his side, hiding his face from view and his night black hair was chaotically hung around his
cheek and neck. Like a night of sweating had made it stick to the lines of his face.  My hand crept down further round to his chest and the lightness of his breathing made me wonder if he was in as deeper sleep as I thought. I was soon answered when his hand shot up so fast and grabbed my wrist in less than a heartbeat.

“Ahh” I let out a slight scream of shock and when he heard my voice
he relaxed his grip on my scarred
arm and pulled it closer to kiss the white lines that decorated my pale skin. It was now that I realised I was as naked as he was and the light wasn’t only making him look like a
Mediterranean heartthrob but it was also showing my every imperfection. 
I wanted to shy away but the feeling of his lips brushing my skin was to

“Are you cold?” The question caught me off guard as I didn’t feel cold but considering
he was now running his fingers over little
bumps that covered
my arms, then I guess my skin felt otherwise.
He was leaving trails of warmth as his fingertips reached up to my face that he now had cupped in his palm.

“Cause you know, I can think of more than one way to warm up
beautiful naked girls that I love
” He turne
d his body round to face me and i
one quick movement he had my body disappearing underneath his massive frame as he towered above me. He shot me a bad boy grin before going in for the kill. His kisses started soft and gentle, like being covered in butterflies but it didn’t take long before his Demon side started to devour me in the height of our morning passion.

He circled each hand around my wrist and raised them above my head so that he could pin me down.

“Speak to me
” He asked in a raspy voice and I blushed at his request. It was silly the way I still got embarrassed around him even after all the nights we had shared but there was something about the sound of his voice that would always send sparks down my spine
like fireworks being lit by those supernatural hands of his. Finally I gulped down my
shame and spoke the words I kne
w he was waiting for. I raised my lips to his ear and whispered, “Make love to me


After a few hours of extreme morning exercise we finally
made it  to his room and on
the way back he explained to me what that place had been. Thankfully I might add, I hadn’t had to walk back in the nude because knowing my luck I wou
ld meet Vincent in the hallways
! No he made some of my clothes appear
, along with some of his own, so we didn’t look too much like Adam and Eve on our way back from a roll i
n the hay in the Garden of Eden.

He explained how his
projects sometimes came in handy when trying to seduce his girlfriends. I had punched him playfully on the arm, making him roar with a deep laughter.

“Don’t joke about that!” I reprimanded him but he made it hard
when he shot me a sexy sideways glance. We had walked through the numerous corridors hand in h
and, as if
we had been taking a morning stroll in a local park. He looked happier than he had done last night and I wondered how last night would have really gone if he knew that he wasn’t the only man to see me like that. I quickly push
ed Vincent from my mind and
an impulse
I squeezed Draven’s hand tighter, making his eyebrows rise. God he didn’t miss a beat!

Back in his room he left to attend to some business
while I had some breakfast and
then a shower. The shower part I had been reluctant
the scent of Draven from my body
but the part where I had been sweating was something I couldn’t live with. Maybe I could ask Draven to bottle his scent
and make me soap from it.

After I w
as nicely wrapped in lush white
fluffy towels
I walked back into the room to find it wasn’t as empty as I had left it. A Draven of the short
variety smiled sweetly at me and I shrieked in response to find Sophia sprawled out on the bed playing idly with the edge of one of the fringed pillows.

“You scared me half to death!” I screeched
but I was met by a cool look of knowing.

“I doubt that, giving the colour of your cheeks


The dead don’t blush Keira dear.
did you enjoy my
dome?” The cool look of knowing turn
quickly to smugness garnished with a slice of demon. I decided to play dumb, evidently something I seemed to be good at.

“I’m sure that I don’t know what you’re talking about
” It would have helped if I could look her in the eye when I lied but come on
that was never going to happen. She laughed making me turn from the opposite directi
on and when met by those amused
dark eyes I just shrugged my shoulders.

“Oh come now, don’t play coy with me
sister, besides this bed hasn’t been slept in and my rose petal floor had been crushed to a pulp!”

“NO it wasn’t, it was fine this morning!” I said in defence but she had been
expecting it and pointed at me, shouting

got ya!”

“Grow up!” I said in a way that I would have to Libby but with Sophia
it was like having a naughty sister watching my every move.

“I do try
,” s
he replied sarcastically
, “b
ut it’s hard when you

” I flashed
her an un
amused eye roll but w
hen it turned to a smile and we both laughed.  Draven was right, it was utterly useless trying to stay mad at Sophia. Like telling off a puppy for
in your favourite shoes and then resisting cuddling it when its starts to cry for attention. Not that I was calling Soph
ia a dog, more like a tiger cub. Cute as a button but with one swipe could take your face off!

As graceful as a dancer from S
wan Lake, Sophia dismounted
the bed and followed me into my new dressing room. There she stood by watching as I scanned my wall full of clothes but every time I went to grab something
she made a sound that reminded me of the TV game show Family Fortunes,
the noise they made when you got an answer wrong.

my fashion muse, what would you have me wear?” I asked as I folded my arms and took a step back. She floated ahead of me and picked out a tight pair of stretch jeans in black and a
charcoal grey
tunic top with big bell shaped sleeves and pretty
light pink flowers around the bottom. It had a big roll neck and it looked warm and inviting. It was just a shame that it wasn’t me.

“That’s lovely but I doubt Draven would want me wearing something like that
just to meet Justin
” She whipped her head round like it was attached to


meeting with Justin today?” She looked shocked with the idea and once again I found myself shrugging my shoulders.

“So what
” I said pulling out a pair of faded blue jeans down off the rack and grabbed a plain black T-shirt with long sleeves.
I turned round to get some underwear out of the draw
s and when I saw Sophia now sat on top of the large dresser
, it startled me. Her short dainty legs hung down like s
he was sat on a giant’s doorste

“Sophia what are you…”

“I’m helping
” She started and her foot reached down for the lower draw
and pulled it open with the slightest flick of her ankle.

“Knickers?” She wore the cheekiest of grins and I couldn’t help but laugh.

what you call them in England isn’t it?”

“Yeah….sometimes. So what was with the face… don’t look at me like that, you know
what I mean…
when I mentioned Justin

“Nothing major,
just answered a few questions
for me, that’s all

She jumped down and landed lightly on her feet like a cat on a tin roof…soundless and flawless.

so what’s that supp
osed to mean?” She walked past
me now and was leaving out
the door, when she stopped and flung her perfect curls over one shoulder before answering me.

Just that it explains why Dom
was in such a foul mood last night, I guess he didn’t want this day to arrive. After all, it’s not every day a prince lets his princess
out on a date with a pauper
See you tonight Keira dear
” And with that she left making me want to throw something at the d
oor behind her! In the end all I
did was shout “IT ISN’T A DATE!”


After a quick change and a scribbled goodbye
to Draven I grabbed the outfit that Sophia had picked out before running for the door. I was still stuffing it into my bag whilst half running down the corridor, when I bumped into someone with a solid chest, which incidentally knocked me down.

“Ouch!” I said as my
cheeks slapped on the cold stone floor.

” Vincent’s astonished voice filled the air and then quickly memories of us last nigh
t filled my mind. I started to m
umble out words of apology, at least that
’s what I thought they were.
I usually just start ta
lking when I was nervous and while
my mind was busy on other things, I was never sure what new trouble I
getting myself in with speaking.

He started to laugh as he helped me up and when my s
ed feet slipped on the floor
he was fast as lightening catching me again. The feel of his arm tightly wound around my waist was like setting off a firecracker in my stomach. He leaned down to my face and for a second my heart stopped, I thought he was going to kiss me. But if that was true then why was I closing my eyes instead of pushing him away.

“Are you steady?” He whispered and this seemed to break the spell. My eyes flew open and all I managed was a nod. It appeared he was quite reluctant to let me go but after minutes of silence his hand left my side. He looked down at my feet and another
low laugh came from deep beneath his chest.

“Perhaps you should think about shoes, after all
raining out
” Then it happened…I snorted out a laugh! If I didn’t want to die of shame before
then now was a contender! His eyes widene
d making them look like crystal
blue lakes that could have commanded the winter skies. His lips curved into an angelic smile at the new sound he had witnessed and I bent down to pick up my shoes that had dropped from my bag. I kicked my feet into them just so I didn’t have to look into his alluring eyes. It
was powerful enough to feel them
burning into my every move.

“You seem in a hurry

“Umm, yeah, I guess. Just errands and stuff, my sister is a bit hopeless when it comes to cooking and she wanted me to cook today, while Justin’s staying
” As soon as the name was out of my mouth, I wanted to slip again and
this time
bash my head against the
hundred year old stone.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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