The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (105 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“Why, what did she say?”

“I’m not completely sure but I can only guess. It
what she does Libby, she plays the victim and creates me as the bad guy. You should have seen his reactions to me after just one evening of her lies. Anyway I’ve decided I don’t care, if he really was my friend he wouldn’t have believed such bull from someone he’d only just met!”

“Didn’t you warn them about her?”

“A little, well mainly RJ but I didn’t want to go around slagging off my relations to my still new friends. I mean they still don’t know about me....about my past and I don’t know how long I can keep that part of my past a secret. Jack is the only on
e who
” Libby put her hand on my arm and nodded at my problem. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel so strange talking about this kind of stuff and Libby could tell.

“You don’t have to tell anyone anything you don’t want to. The
y will still be your friends and
I hate to bring this up but aren’t you worried about your biggest threat here?”

“I don’t under...”

“Hilary....she knows everything too
remember. Not that I think you have anything to be ashamed of but I understand why you don’t want people knowing
but are you not worried that the girl who hates you most in the world will take an opportunity like this and
try and ruin everything for you?
” Libby looked scared for me but I just shrugged my shoulders.

“She wouldn’t go that far. Look I know she hates me for some reason I don’t think I will ever figure out but I don’t imagine she would ever go
” She raised an eyebrow to indicate she clearly did.

“Trust me on this
” I said as I tried to get up but as soon as my legs touched the floor boards I had to sit back down. My he
ad started to spin thanks to a Corona
induced hangover.

“Rough night?” My sister asked as she noted my head in my hands.

“Umm....something like that. I drank way to
much last night and I’m not sure if I won’t be an alcoholic by the time we get rid of Hilary!”

at least one of us can. Right
well I’m off to work now but will I see you after college?” She stood up where
I couldn’t at the minute and looked down at me waiting for an answer.

but not for long, I’ve got work tonight so at least that should mean Hilary won’t be around here either
” I sounded tired every time I even said her name.

“Ok chuck, I will see ya later, try not to put up with too much shit from her and don’t worry about Jack, he will see her for what she is soon enough...they always do

but I don’t want him to get hurt

“Sounds to me like he deserves a good kick up the arse to wake him up
” she said as she walked to the door.

“Libby!” I scolded but she just smiled and blamed the ho
rmones before leaving me alone i
n the house with someone I wanted to staple things to. I got up and the first thing I did was go in search of pills to numb the pain from not only my hangover. While I was in the kitchen the other pain in my life walked in. She was dressed in a pink track suit that had stars on her bony backsid
e. The hooded top was one of tho
se that only covered half of her torso but she matched it with a skimpy pineapple top.

I just love exercising in the morning!” She said overly energetic.

“I prefer sex
” I said under my breath.

“Excuse me?” She asked snootily.

“Oh nothing...Juice?” I asked holding it out to her
, making her wrinkle her no

“I only drink organic freshly squeezed and no offence
but you don’t
look like the type to buy that.

“None taken
” I said wondering if that was supposed to be a
insult or not because I wasn’t sure.

“So what are we doing today?” She asked me
casually leaning back on the fridge. I found myself staring at it just hoping the door would slam into her.

“Sorry....what do you mean by
because I have collage?” I shook my head but she just smiled reminding me of the Grinch
at Christmas

“Perfect!” She then clapped her hands together and left the kitchen leaving me both worried and confused by that comment. I ran out after her and found her half way up the stairs.

“What do mean you have plans?”

of course
but I have to get ready and need a shower if I’m going to scrunch my has a natural wave you know...” I didn’t give two hoots about her
so called wavy
hair but what I did need to know about is her
so called

I need to get ready for college now

“Yes I know you do,

cause I’m not going to be seen dead with you wearing your hair like that!”  She was still climbing the stair
to the third floor and I was still following until we reached the top.

“What do you mean “with me”?” She stopped outside my room and opened the door before answering me.

“I’m coming with you
of course! It’s a great chance to m
et Jack again and besides
you didn’t expect me to hang around in
this rickety old house did you?
” I couldn’t answer her in my mental breakdown and she smiled at what she knew she did to me. I would have preferred her to
just punched me in the gut and get it over with,

cause any
pain was better than the mental pain I was going to get constantly with her around. I was still standing there dumbstruck when she walked into my room and turned round to say one last thing.

“Oh and Keira....My room remember!” And with that, she slammed the door in my face making me close my eyes at the air that hit me.

“Brilliant!” I said as I got in my room to change. I knew there was no chance at a shower now as she would purposely use all of the hot water. Thankfully I had had a wash and stuff before I went downstairs but my hair still looked a state from a night of tossing and turning. Of course the weather didn’t help as I soon discovered when we got outside.

I had my car here now as Draven had it driven back to me this morning. We had decided it was better if I had woken up here, because I needed to go to college and I didn’t want my sister to have to deal with our cousin alone. In the end it wouldn’t have mattered because she didn’t even have to see her...unlike

We were on the way to college when Hilary started to moan...again.

“My god Kizzy C
you still drive like an old woman. I’m surprised you even make any lectures. Do you ever get pulled over for going too slow?”

“No I don’t, do you ever get pulled over for going too fast?” I asked knowing full well that she didn’t have her license anymore because she had too many points for speeding.

“I bet Dominic never lets you drive
” She laughed to herself and avoided my question.

“He does actually!” I said fighting the urge to stick my tongue out at her after saying it. However
, she didn’t take much notice of
my responses to her insults, she was more preoccupied with applying a fresh layer of pink lipstick that in my mind made them look more like she had just spent the night sucking them! Did I sound bitter? That might be because my cousin free day had quickly turned into
at college.

“You do know that you can’t sit in my classes with me...don’t you?” I was still trying to put her off, even though we were nearly there
I would have been gladly late for all of my lectures if it would free me from her company.

“Well durr! Do you think I want to spend my time sat listening to American toffs talking a load of shit I don’t care about....I mean it’s obvious you don’t do beauty at this school of yours!”

“Gee thanks
” I said making her laugh at me, not with me.

“Then what are you going to do?”

“Oh didn’t I tell you....I meeting up with Jack and he’s going to show me around and stuff. Then he’s taking me to this bar he likes
” She noticed my face drop and a dark, satisfied smile wriggled its way across her lips. Then I smiled at the one thought of Hilary’s day not being picture perfect.

“Let me guess, is it called
‘Willy’s One Eyed Joe’
by any chance
” Now I couldn’t keep the smirk from my face.

so you’ve been there
” It wasn’t really a question as she knew the answer, more like her prompting me for more information.

“Yeah a few times
with the gang after lectures. You’ll have’s just your kind of place
” I said knowing she would hate
every minute of the dilapidated
building that calls itself a social meeting place. It has two regulars that looked glued to their seats and to look at, you just know when they finally do move from “their” seat, the stool cushions would have ingrained their distinct arse impressions.

We didn’t speak again until I parked my truck in its usual spot. I had been trying to word what I wanted to say most of the way here but I knew that it was going to be a pointless exercise trying to reason with this destructive girl. Even now
to look at her you wouldn’t really be putting her down to be the biggest bitch in Britain and now currently the US.

Today she had tried to tone down her slut look and went for a pair of tight, skinny jeans that made her thin legs look like matchsticks and matched it with a white T
-shirt that said “I love Yoga” o
n the front and then on the back had a winked eye with the words “It makes me flexible” underneath. Even naive me could read in between the lines to its seductive inner meaning.

“Look Hilary
I need to say something
” I tried to make my voice sound serious but when it croaked I realized that it was never going to happen but I still needed to try
and seeing Jack’s
red Toyota parked two spaces away made me follow it through.

“Jack’s a really good friend of mine and with you leaving
, I can’t help but think it’s not a good idea anything”
At this she laughed and turned to look at me for the first time this journey. That’s when I fully understood my mistake...I had just made this game all the more appealing.

izzy, Kizzy....Are you jealous?

“NO!” I shouted a little to


cause you know Jack told me how you two nearly hooked up but you just used him to get to Dominic! I’m just so glad you haven’t spoilt hi
m for me...It’s no fun when they’
but thankfully he got over you too q
uickly (his words, not mine)
to be affected. Actually
I think his exact words were “Used and abused” and imagine his shock when finding out this wasn’t the first time
” By the time she had finished
I was close to jumping on her and clawing her eyes out but I was frozen.

“Don’t worry about old Jackie boy, I will take good care of him...I think he’ll make a good fuck don’t you....
” She opened the door as she could see him coming over but she didn’t close it behind her until she finished her spiteful speech.

“Oh wait, you wouldn’t never really get that far do you Kizzy!” And then she slammed the door leaving me red faced and close to tears
I was that angry. I therefore
couldn’t help the rage filled scream that erupted making Jack turn to face me in concern. I grabbed my bag and wrenched open the door. I then slammed the door making Jack jump at my behavior. I stormed up past them and when Jack grabbed my arm to stop me I yanked it free.

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