The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (63 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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A bed of roses.


“A rose should be plucked among its sisters. It would be an insult against Mother Nature to deny her of your beauty
” His deep voice echoed around the dome making it a mighty
and unstoppable
force. I
away at his complement but he didn’t allow this reaction for long.

“Look at me
” He ordered making my heart flip. I moved my eyes to his dark form and watched in amazement as his suit started to
It was disappearing into the air like little particles of dust leaving an overwhelming body above me. I took in every inch of his God like
, more
like an oil painting from the world’s greatest artists
had all joined force to capture the
mix of strength and beauty. He was the

Once naked, with only his wings behind him casting shadows
he came down to my level. There he studied me in great detail before his urges started to show. His hands gripped the material that concealed me and I kept expecting to hear ripping noises. I was somewhat relieved when I didn’t as this was one outfit I wanted to keep safe…or at least in one piece!

“Turn round
” I jumped at the sound of his Demon voice and I couldn’t help but slowly obey. As I lowered myself back down on to my stomach I was shocked to see a bright light emerge from Draven

s right arm.
I looked to my
right and saw a large blade of
energy grow from his hand. I moved away but his left hand caught me and held me in place.

He leaned down to me ear and whispered
“Trust me Keira, I won’t hurt you
” This was a little comforting but when I saw the blade coming closer to my back I could
help but flinch.

“Hold still and don’t move
” Ok
now I was panicki
ng but closed my eyes tight as if
that would somehow help. I felt his left hand on my side and the
one with the blade was coming nearer
to my skin
. Although I couldn’t see it, I c
ould feel the heat coming from this
part of him. Then I felt my corset loose
ning at the bottom near the curvature of my behind

The sound of the cord being cut could be heard over the storm and when I felt the tighter part ping back I knew it was his way of freeing my body. It didn’t take long before I could breathe easier and when he had finished
he motioned for me to turn back round to face him. I did so while still holding my corset in place, making his eyebrows

His hands felt the embroidered roses and worked their way down to undo the ribbons that were attached to my thong by hand. I was close to trembling in anticipation which was adding to the intensity
of all. And he knew it…Big time did he know it!
He was getting some weird kick out of making me wait and when I opened my eyes I saw him displaying an evil, dark grin. 

“Tell me what you want

“You know
” I replied in my shy way but this wasn’t good enough.

“Speak it!” He demanded louder and I had to close my eyes again, so that I wasn’t being controlled by his black gaze of desire.

“I want you

“To what exactly? Say it, shout it!” He was working himself up until he would soon just take it anyway
so why not give him what he wanted, what we both wanted. I knew what he was doing, he was giving me a shred of control back…waiting until he heard the words, giving him the
fire start

He started to encourage the words as his hands moved to my sex. He
then moved round to cup my cheeks behind
and when he pulled me up to bring the front of my thong to his face I wanted to shift away in shame.

“Speak the words Keira
” He said softly taking a new approach. I tried to move again not wanting to give in just yet but when he started to blow down on me, I felt like I was going to explode if he didn’t kiss me down there.

“TAKE ME!” I screamed out and when he had gotten what he wanted
he flashed the whites of his
fangs b
efore replying with self confidence oozing from every pore,

“As you wish
” And then it happened…
the first kiss to my most intimate place followed quickly by
he greatest orgasm that I had ever experienced!
It felt as though something inside of me had exploded and my reactions weren’t control
by any logical thoughts I possessed.
It was wave upon wave of mind blowing bliss
and when my voice was dry from screaming I had to move his head away to indicate that I couldn’t physically take another second. He released me and came back up to take his prize tha
t he had waited for until I had
had my fill.

“Now it’s my turn
” He whispered in my ear and then with a flashed movement he ripped away my corset and all other material covering my skin. He was like a man
, so much so his hands shook as if by trying to contain the deep energy beneath him, like a caged animal fighting
its master
to be freed. He covered my body in little bites that didn’t pierce the skin but sent shivers down to my toes. His hand
pulled me to him like I was never close enough. Then before he could enter me he asked me one last question.

“Do you belong to me?” It came out in a raspy breath and the purple eyes told me that I not dare but speak the truth.


As soon as the Y
could be heard I screamed as he t
rust himself into me
force. Thanks to the moistness between my legs it slid in but the size
as always
still shocked me
and was difficult to take
. This was when I
went into my own world of a
seventh heaven
I thought that I would soon blac
k out as it was sending me into another world.
Actually the world I lived in
could have been ending...skies falling, oceans flooding the land and earth’s core spilling out causing vast destruction and I wouldn’t have known anything but the ecstasy he was inflicting!

Every movement he made cause
a different pleasure
, pain
and sensation. He would move me around to his exotic dance and I became fixated on the pumping energy beneath his shadowy skin. His wings shook with the
he received and they twitched as his momentum built up until his release was near.

I couldn’t have counted the amount of orgasms he gave me but by the time he was close I was a mere shell. I pushed myself to find my last moment
s of energy as I wanted his orgasm
to be as powerful as all of mine were. I gripped his neck and pulled my body up into him. I locked my legs around his waist and joined into his rhythm before biting into his neck,
and then
I added the cata

I belong to you…Take me now!” His head arched backwards and his
body forwards for one last thrust. He released inside me and I in t
urn found my final raptures
with the sound of his roar into the night. His fists grabbed handfuls of petals and crushed them into scented pulp. He was still coming and his wings had stretched out behind him, tensing under the strain. I watched from underneath him in a bewildered state. It was the most pleasure I had
seen him endure.

He collapsed on top of me but still managed to find the strength to hold his w
eight so as not to crush my smaller
frame. He remain
ed quiet, with only the panting beneath hi
s chest. I could feel his heart
beat as though it was my own and for once I was the one to ask.

“Are you alright?” This made him realise that I was staring at him in awe and when he smiled it lit up my face along with his.
It was the first time that Draven looked truly shattered after sex. This was surprisingly comforting.
Usually it was just me.

His wings shook and ruffled as he stretched one more time before answering me, which reminded me of a bird getting comfortable before settling down for the night.

Am I alright? Is that what you asked?” He was laughing at my question and I was left utterly confused with his outburst. He rolled over and pulled me on top of him making his wings come forward and wrap around me securely once again. The feathers tickled my naked body and made me let out short little giggles.

“That’s adorable
” he said and before I could stop
he ruffled his feathers making the
tickle me more.

“Oi! Behave!” I threatened but seeing as I was still laughing it didn’t sound very convincing. He took my face in his hands and was about to kiss me but stopped before he reached my lips.


incredible… that was
incredible!” He spoke the words proudly before resting his mouth to mine.

After the kiss, he let me roll off him and to his side, wh
ere I nestled in my little nook
nder his arm and on his firm chest. I ran my fingers along the lines of his defined pecks and he let out a satisfied sigh, which blew my wild hair out of my eyes. I found myself smiling as my mind was drifting towards a sleepy state. His arm pulled me close and his head flopped down to rest on mine. It didn’t take long before sleep devoured us both in this bed of roses.

It wasn’t only the first time that I had slept on a bed of roses but also…

Wrapped i
n the wings of an Angel. 





























ter 28

The Self-A
Surfer D



I couldn’t remember the last time I had slept as peacefully as I did that night. I woke with a feeling that a flame had been lit in my soul and the aftermath of last night would
with me forever.
Is that what was meant by the eternal flame? An everlasting love so powerful, so deep, that it became a part of you, like it had in some way
your DNA.

I felt stronger in an unnatural way and I knew that
last night had been different in more ways than one.
It was
if the reasons behind Draven
exhaustion after sex was down to him somehow
passing over
some of his power because although
when I looked over to him
he was still fast asleep,
I on the other hand felt as though I could have climbed a mountain and still have time for a round of footie afterwards! My body tingled and my muscles
felt brand new like after a full body massage.

The light was what woke me and I was now gazing at what it was reflecting off. Thousands of stunning flowers that made the glass dome seem like we were in the middle of a rainbow. The roses beneath us hadn’t even lost their lustre after a night of being not only without water but also slept on. I looked to my left to see Draven peacefully breathing and adding to the beautiful sight, he was also still naked.

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