Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (30 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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Draven goes in it
” I said pleading
my case one last time. But she just let out a snort

“Yes well
he is a fool in love and clearly would do anything to keep you happy because have no allusions Keira, he would have never been seen dead in that thing you call a car before he met you

“Alright Sophia that is enough
, if she wants to drive she will drive or she won’t go at all
” He said firmly but from the look on Sophia’s face I was going to
have to
cave quicker than these two.

ts fine
we will go
in something ridiculously fast,
with a shin
y paint job.

I said in defeat but
Sophia smiled which told me that
she had something else in mind.


“Well I was thinking
” Oh no
this was getting worse
by the second
they laughed when
my face drop
. I had only been in a Limo once and that was
Prom and
was filled with
a load of
drunken teenagers!

“That’s a little over the top for shopping
” She shook her head and again I caved.

but I need to get some food on the way back
” They both looked shocked but what did they think
that I was getting the maid
to cook!

I’m cooking tonight…Libby can’t cook for toffee
” They hadn’t heard this expression before and Sophia giggled.

“Are you sure?” Draven came up to
me and I looked up to his bemused

“Yeah I’m sure, I
mean that girl burns everything.
Once she

I mean
do you not mind cooking tonight’
s meal?” Aww bless
he must be
looking at this as a chore.

“No of course not
I cook most nights. B
I enjoy it and I’m quite
at it
” I said being modest about something
for the first time and Draven noticed

“Oh really
” He said as he kissed me and Sophia just cleared her throat to indicate that she was

I’m ready
” I said but it was a lie as all I wanted to do was stay there
having him kissing me
all day.

, you
remember what we talked about
” He said as he threw her something I didn’t see. She caught it like it was part of her body she’d been missing and she slid it into her pocket before I could see.

“No problem, leave it to me
” She said winking at him and now I was doubly worried.

“What are you up to?” I asked before she dragged me away from my happiness. I could just make out him laughing as she pulled me out
the door.


There was a car waiting at the side of the building and it was like she said
long black
Limo. I really didn’t want to turn up at home in this so I used the excuse that I needed my truck at home and that I would meet her there. She moaned a bit but agreed in the end.

I walked over to my blue beast and found Ragnar
my guardian stood leaning against it. I sighed and hoped my car door wasn’t dented from his
size. I knew I would
get away with driving back on my own. I couldn’t believe ho
w protective Draven was over me.

“Do you want me to drop you off somewhere
” I said sarcastically
but he just grunted.

“To your home
” He said not getting my humour. Ok
I was going to have to work on this. He got in the cab and I could almost hear the suspension cry out in pain. I tried to get it to start
but it was cold and didn’t want to move like last time. And like last time I rubbed the dash and said

“Come on baby

agnar stare
at me in disbelief

“You speak to your car?” His question was serious and I coughed back a laugh.

“Oh yeah, I don’t have many friends
” I looked across to him and he thought I
was serious
. I started the car and then turned to face him.

“I’m joking but it worked didn’t it
?” At t
his he
making me jump. Would I ever get
used to his version of a laugh. It was
cross between a deer’s mating call and sandpaper being sw
allowed, then being
thrown back up!

“You are a strange human girl
” I couldn’t tell if this was his idea of a good thing or bad
so I stayed silent. I swung the car round and made for the main road. I could tell he wasn’t happy with my slow driving but my m
otto was ‘
I preferred to get there late
than dead’
but c
onsidering he was immortal I doubted he would agree with me on this one.
I was wracking my brain to try and bring up a conversation but come on
what did I have in common with a Viking Demon?

“I know it must be very boring for you to be babysitting me
” I said but he seemed not only surprised that I was speaking to him but also that I had sympathised with him at all.

“It is differe
nt. But I have been entrusted with
guarding My Lord
’s most prized poss
so it is an honourable one
” I let out a growl of my own.

“I’m not a Ming vase or his family’s crown jewels and I am mos
t definitely not one of his poss
essions!” I said
trying to get it through
t he remained unmoved by my out

“Humans are too sensitive
,” he stated but I counter
acted his statement for one of my own.

“And you? Were you not once human?” He turned toward
s me and I got a bit scared that I had
gone too far.

“Yes I was
but I was a Warrior King a
nd our women weren’t out
spoken. They knew their place well enough.

He said this as a warning for me to behave for my Master but I just chuckled as it was
far to
late for that.

“Well times have changed and I doubted even back then tha
t Queens kept their mouths shut.

I snapped back
my point
e didn’t
reply but he did at least look
as though he
was giving what I said some thought
but then his thick lips curved on one side and his eyes moved sideways at m
I however
was confused by his sudden amused behaviour
but I was smart enough not to question it.

We pulled up outside my house
and the Limo pulled up after
. Thankfully Libby and Frank were out. Ragnar walked over to the Limo and waited for me there. I made a motion at the blacked out windows and one rolled down.

“I will be five minutes
” I shouted to Sophia before running in the house to get ready. It didn’t take long but I remembered to grab my purse with my bank card and some cash
as I really did need to get some new clothes. I quickly changed my clothes and picked up my
phone that had been left to charge.
And that was it, I was ready. I checked myself in the mirror and for a moment I didn’t recognise the happy Keira staring back at me. It wasn’t long ago that it had been a rare sight but these days I just couldn’t stop smiling. Then the unbelievable hit me…

Draven really had fixed me.


The drive there was interesting but this was more down to its passengers. Three Demons and a
lip biting
human. If I wasn’t already a little crazy this would
have terrified me. But
face it
, I wasn’t exactly
normal. If anything I felt more comfortable than I would do with most humans.
This was probably down to the fact that finally
I didn’t feel crazy anymore. Being around these Demons and Angels made every second of my life real. Every sight, every dream and every scary touch
I now felt that it had all pointed me to this strange family that I felt so
part of
that it in itself scared me. I was terrified but for reasons
opposite than what they should be.

I never wanted it to end.

Zagan sat in the front with the driver and Ragnar sat at the front of the Limo
’s long seats
. He looked a little cramped but I could imagine this he would be used to. I think he’d even look big in a hummer
. Me and Sophia sat next to each other at the very back and I really didn’t understand the need for this car for a simple shopping trip. But then we passed the turning to the mall I knew
so it made me speak for the first time.

did we just mis
s the turning?” Sophia laughed at me
in response

“Keira did you really think we were going sh
opping in that tiny little mall? F
or starters they don’t have any designer stores

“I don’t buy my clothes from designer
boring non rich human here
” She was laughing again, only this time she flicked her hair back.

“Well you do now

“OH no, I
not been dragged around some fancy store and spending a ridiculous amount of money on stuff I won’t wear.” She let out a moan but I ignored it.

“Draven likes
me the way I am
not becaus
e I come with diamonds, an expensive handbag and a five hundred dollar haircut!
” She was now pouting and this might have worked around Draven but not me. Although
it was adorable. When I didn’t budge she spoke.

“Fine! We can go in your boring plain shops but you have to at least come in some of mine

“As long as you don’t make me buy anything in them, then sure
no problem
” She was happy with this outcome. Well this was a first, I had never had to get the rules straight before going on a shopping trip.

“What did Draven mean back there?”
I asked once again breaking the silence.
She tried to put on a blank expression but it was hard when she really wanted to smile.

“I don’t know what you mean

“Oh come off it! What did he throw you?”

“You will just have to wait and see
” And that was all she would say on the matter. I could tell we were heading
to the city as I vaguely remembered coming back from the airport this way. The Limo got a lot of attention, especially when we got into more populate
d areas. People
beeped their
horns and wave
we could have been celebrities. I was going bright red even though no one could see me through the blacked out windows.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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