The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (62 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“For what
?” His eyes didn’t dare look at mine but his voice shook with

“For being my…my friend
” I replied but as soon as the answer reached his ears his skin started to turn icy cold. I dropped my hand from his and tucked it under the covers to warm it back up. He turned from me but before he left
he corrected me.

“I’m much more than that Keira
” And with that bomb shell
he left
as quickly as an Angel with wings.

I was left not only utterly embarrassed but also feeling a little guilty and I wasn’t sure why? Was it my imagination or did Vincent seem to have a few deeper feeling
swimming about in his mind. And even more confusing…were they about me? I shook that idea out of my head quickly and put it all down to some hidden feelings about someone else.
Maybe seeing me and Draven so happy together, made those emotions to find
his own happiness all that stronger.

I battled like this for about an hour and by the end didn’t come up with any answers to Vincent’s strange behaviour around me. In front of Draven he was as he had always been but whe
n we were alone it was definitely
different. More intense and I’m not just talking about all the accidents we kept having. Ever since that kiss we shared
I felt like his eyes
following me everywhere. He would notice every move I made and his senses would interpret every detail. If I frowned he would frown, if I smiled he would follow suit. I had put it all down to protecting what his brother loves but what if I was wron
g? What if there was more to it?


In the end I must have fallen asleep because when I heard the sound of breathing above me I found myself in the dark. I only had opened my eyes a tiny degree, enough to add a figure to the breathing. I was acting asleep because I didn’t know who it was that was stood above me like a statu
e of Rome. I was l
on my back with one arm above my he
ad and the other resting lightly on my stomach.

I tried to keep my breathing light, like deep slumber would have induced but it was hard giving the position I was in. I wasn’t about to make the same mistake a third time and assume it
was Draven that
deadly tranquil over me. If it had been Vincent I wanted to pretend I was asleep but if it was Lucius then I knew I was still dreaming. Why were all the men in my life exceptionally tall and well built, why can’t we have all the
dies like little goblins
, bumpy and disgusting
and all the goodies tall and handsome…that would be helpful!

I felt my hair move away from my face but there was no hand that governed it. Then the bed covers followed and moved down my body exposing my
rose covered corset and matchin
g thong.
Then what looked like a black hand rose above me and illuminated my body from the bluish sparks that ignited from under the shadowed skin. It moved over my figure, following every curve without contact. A
t this I heard a low growl that came from the gut of a supernatural. The covers kept disappearing to the bottom of the bed and soon I could feel the cold edge of the night on the thin material of my stocking
legs. They had stayed
in place
thanks to the suspender belt that attached on to the lace around my thighs.

The room went silent and I could hear the wild weather blowing nature to within an inch of its life outside. I didn’t know what was worse, being out there and letting Mother Nature give me a sound lashing or in here without a clue as to who or what was
taking in my sight like
sleeping prey.

Then every nerve in my body lit up making me let out a moan in unspeakable pleasure. Fingertips had started to touch my ankle
just after the blue light disappeared and then
worked their way up with a fine art. It was like this hand was communicating with my blood making it tingle uncontrollably, fusing a connection with my vulnerable body and my even more vulnerable sex. I bit down on my lip to hold in the screams that wanted to erupt. I shifted under the fingers but the lightest touch turned quickly into a secure hold on my inner leg. Whoever it was didn’t want to let me go! And deep down I didn’t want them to, until Draven’s face popped into my
head and made my eyes flash open to face my stalker.

It was only when I was faced with the mix of Angelic and Demonic glow of Draven

s power that my heart flipped in both realisation and excitement. His eyes looked strained in a control
he was trying not to lose and
his other hand was balled into a fist by his side. The contrast to the gentle hand he touched me with and the other that was taking his frustration was blatantly obvious.

He was acting slowly, like he was trying hard not to get
carried away too quickly. One thing was clear, tonight was going to give me what I had been craving
but I
wasn’t going to be in control as
I had planned.
His tensed muscles told me as much. He was now looking directly into my eyes but he still hadn’t spoken. It was like he was drowning in my image before consuming my mind with his commanding voice. Soon he would do t
o me what he wanted to do and
all the while giving me more pleasure than any normal human girl could take
I was sure

He let his fist uncurl and his other hand left my leg so that he could pull my hands round to the front of me. I couldn’t help it … I spoke first.

“What…” I cleared my croaky whisper before continuing. “What are you doing?” I asked but all I got was

“Ssssh, be silent
,” w
ith a shaking of his head. Then
with a tight grip on my glove covered wri
sts and a sharp
tug upwards, my body flung towards him like I
was the one with powers. I let out a gasp but his lips caught it as my upper body was now securely in his concrete arms. He wrapped them around my waist and his fingers entwined in the tightly
tied cord at the back of my corset that concealed my breasts from him. I felt them about to pull it free but he stopped himself, all the while devouring me in deep, sensual kisses.

He was trying to taste every inch of me as his mouth moved from mine to my neck and shoulders. He was still holding all my weight and one arm moved further around my back and up my spine to my neck,
where his hand supported the top of my
as he bent it backwards. He grabbed a handful of my lo
se hair and pulled it downwards to encourage my mo
ments, all the while never letting it hurt me.

His mouth played at the base of my ear before moving closer down to where my pulse was the fastest. There he didn’t even bot
her to tease me with his teeth. No,
he didn’t have the will for that
, proving as much when
he bit down into my flesh
making me cry out in a blissful pain that made me succumb to the pleasure growing in between my thighs. I came
with orgasmic results
for the entire time that he remained sucking the essence out of me. I could feel the warmth of my blood seep out of the puncture wounds he had made but the two little streams didn’t get far as he licked it back upwards, not wasting a single drop. 

I was panting when he had finished tasting my blood and mixing it with his own as I was now very much a part
with our blood creating a new energy
inside his veins
made me smile in the dark, showing off the whites of my teeth, like
a beacon to where my thoughts lay.
After he noted the bliss in my eyes, he licked m
y small wounds
and I felt them
start to fuse together
the skin replacing the stinging pain with an annoying itch. He touched it lightly with his thumb and after a few circular movements it was all as though it had never happened. 

My body was still in its aftermath stages of a huge release but Draven was
about to give me any time to recover. He raised me up further and took hold of me from under the legs with one arm and the other held my upper body. He stood up straight and any ot
her man’s back would have strained
with the awkward weight of carrying a body from leaning down. But Draven
made me feel as though I weigh
ed nothing more than a bag of leaves caught up in the wind. He walked towards the glass doors and I stiffened in his hold.

“Where are you taking me?” I whispered but he didn’t answer. It was almost like he was lost in his own world and I just hope
it was one where he didn’t forget that I was a ver
y breakable human that would no
doubt catch
my death
if I went out into that stormy night. I gripped on to his suit jacket as he was still wearing what I had seen on him earlier
, making me the only different one…t
hat being the near to naked one.
This time he didn’t need to touch the glass for it to respond and as it opened
the cold hit me like a tidal wave of ice.

“Draven!” I said in more of an urgent tone. But as soon as he took his first step outside, my mind was more concerned with the rippling vibrations erupting from under his skin. This close up
I could actually see the purple energy flowing through his veins
like it had replaced his blood with light. Then I cried out with shock, when I saw two huge dark wings emerge from his back making a ripping sound, like they had cut their way from his flesh.

The wind was fierce and whipped around our bodies like a lasso. My hair flew about like an abandoned flag and the rain started to pelt down as
warning to the ever growing storm. I was about to beg him for shelter when I was silenced by a blank wall of feathers. His wings had shot forward creating a storm proof cocoon around me. He was covered up to the neck with the softest long feathers that any exotic bird would have been jealous of.

I couldn’t help but reach out and touch them.
I don’t know why I was surp
rised to find them warm through my gloved fingers
. I heard him moan a little and I wondered if it was a nice feeling to have them explored by human hands. I soon forgot about the wild night’s weather and got lost in my heated little
bubble. I could feel him taking me somewhere but I didn’t dare ask as it was evident that he wasn’t in the talking mood. The changes in his movements were the only indication that we were not just walking straight. I felt him climb stairs and jump long distances but all the time he kept me covered and safe.

I could have gone to sleep quite easily but excitement had me buzzing. Where was he taking me and more importantly
what was he going to do with me when we got there?
Thankfully my questions didn’t plague me for too long as I felt him slow down and when his wings went back I wasn’t hit with the wind like I
was expecting

He was walking
asis of flowers. It was like we had j
ust broken into heaven its
I looked up at him to see him staring ahead, with serious intent plastered on his face. I followed his eyes and saw a clearing in the middle of the treasures of the natural world. I felt like I was on drugs or at l
east how they always made out in
movies. Flowers moved in
existent wind and the moon that should have been hidden behind stormy black clouds lit up the fantasy. We were outside I was sure but I doubted even Draven was powerful enough to change the weather. There was no rain, no cold bitter chill, there was just calm life that reached up to the heavens above. It was only when I followed the wall of life up that I realised we were in a glass dome and then
it didn’t take long before
I cou
ld hear the rain lashing down against
the glass. I loved that sound. The drops of water too heavy for its creators
and leaving the clouds, like escaping souls trying desperately to get to earth.

His footsteps were in rhythm to the sound of the outside world and as it got angrier, he got calmer. I wanted to ask a million questions but my eyes drank in this little hidden world instead of speaking of it. The smell of thousands of flower
all in bloom was intoxicating and I was getting drunk from their sweet perfumes. I wanted the sun to come out, so that I could soak in their dazzling colours bu
t the moon
’s light had to suffice
. The room was huge and only when we got to the centre did I see what was meant for us. The clearing was surrounded by life and covered every inch of the floor by deep, red rose heads that matched my corset. There wasn’t one thorn as he laid me down onto the softest bed in existence.

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