The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (22 page)

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“Look, we
have a lot of work to do before Selena plays her next card; so let’s go eat and
finish the planning.” Adrianna
stated as she grabbed the door. Adrianna kept her back to her mates before saying, “If the mating pull
gets too hard and you need me, I’ll be there, but I’m going to sleep in one of
the spare bedrooms. I think that
will help.” Adrianna opened up the
door and walked out, leaving her mates in shock.

Cade and
Samson both felt as if they had been hit in the heart with a sledgehammer. Cade sat down quickly in a chair before
he fell to the ground. He loved
Adrianna, but she wanted to dissolve the mating. “What just happened?” Cade asked Samson.

“I think
she is trying to give us a way out. We screwed up,” Samson said shaking.

“Samson, I
don’t know about you, but I’m going to fight for my mate. I love her.”

“I know
and I do too, but getting her to believe it is another problem. We have to show her and make her
understand that we love her and we will wait forever until she loves us.” Samson knew Cade would work just as hard
at getting Adrianna to fall in love with them. They sat to begin their planning to win
their mate’s heart.



everyone had eaten lunch, they sat and planned a different strategy on how to
handle Selena. While Jacob was
reading what Selena had written about everyone, Adrianna sat silent at the
table. It was like she was in a
trance. At first, nobody noticed
that she wasn’t participating until Samson looked at Adrianna and felt
something strange.

are you alright?” Samson asked,
getting up from his chair and going to stand next to her.

didn’t answer; she continued to stare into space. It wasn’t until Cade came to stand on
the other side of her that she came out of the daze she was in. She shook her head then blinked looking
up at her mates. “What did you say?” Adrianna asked.

where did you go? We were calling
your name for a few minutes,” Cade said as he caressed her face.

“I think
we need to implement this plan starting tomorrow. Selena needs to be brought in. I know the spell on how to trap her
until the Twister’s Council can get here. She will be sent to a prison with them,” Adrianna stated as she got up
and moved away from her mates.

doesn’t give us much time, Adrianna,” Damen advised.

“I’m tired
of waiting on her to take us out, or me out for that matter. She wants me for some reason. We set a trap for her, using me as

“No!” Samson and Cade said at the same time.

face turned red. “Why, because you
two don’t think I can take care of myself? Well mates, you just watch what I can do. Never underestimate me.”

looked pissed off as she flicked her wrist and everybody that was in the house
was outside with the wind blowing hard. Then tree limbs started popping up out of the ground, surrounding

yelled at Adrianna, to get her to stop, “Adrianna, stop this now!”

It was as
if she was in a trance and she finally snapped out of it. Adrianna looked up at Mace with fear in
her eyes. She flicked her wrist again,
the roots retreated into the ground, and the wind stopped blowing.

“Oh Mace,
what did I do? Did I hurt you or anyone
else?” She ran over to Damen
to see if he was okay when he stepped back from her.

“I’m fine!” Damen said sharply.

jerked her hand back and looked around at her mates who stood staring at
her. “I…I’m so sorry. I could have hurt you, all of you. I need to leave, then she will follow me
and she can’t hurt you. I won’t be
able to hurt you either.” Adrianna
ran into the house, desperate to get away from her family.

wait. Adrianna!” Mace yelled.

Cade and
Samson ran past Mace. They told him
to take everybody home. They would
take care of their mate. She wasn’t
going anywhere without them.

ran to her bedroom, grabbing clothes and putting them in a small suitcase that
was left out. She had tears running
down her face. Cade and Samson ran
into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

where do you think you are going?” Cade
asked as he came to stand beside her.

“I’ve got
to leave alone. You saw what I
did. I could have killed all of
you. If Mace ha…” She couldn’t finish because Cade jerked
her hands away from the suitcase.

Adrianna, it’s the mating pull. I’ve heard of people who tried to stay away from their mate and they
started going mad. You are not mad,
but if you keep pulling away from us, then you may become mad. Listen honey, I know you think we don’t
care, but we do. I love you,
Adrianna, more than anything or anyone. I truly love you, and if you left then I would surely go mad. So don’t leave me, my love,” Cade
whispered as he looked into Adrianna’s eyes.

“I thought
you didn’t want a mate. I thought
you couldn’t love anybody,” Adrianna said pleading.

jerked her around and kissed her with so much passion that Adrianna’s legs gave
out from under her. She kissed him
back, missing the feeling of her mate’s mouth on hers. Samson pulled away from Adrianna,
looking into her eyes. She saw the
flair of his nostrils as he breathed in her scent. “Adrianna, my lovely Adrianna. What will we do with you? We love you, silly. I fell in love with you the first time I
saw you. I tried to fight it, but I
couldn’t fight fate. You were made
for me, my angel. No more running,
Adrianna. Tonight we come together
as the triad we were meant to be.” Samson said as he kissed Adrianna up and down her neck. “Do you hear me, Adrianna? I love you.”

“We both
do.” Cade agreed with Samson.

“I love
you too,” Adrianna said crying.

jerked her shirt open, kissing down Adrianna’s neck to her breasts. Buttons flew out over the floor. Adrianna gasped as she felt the passion
building up inside her like a volcano about to explode. He ripped her bra in the middle so he
could suck on her breasts.

“My love,
I’ve missed you,” Samson said as he continued to place butterfly kisses on her

Cade came
up behind Adrianna, kissing down her back and spine, when he reached her pants,
he let out one of his claws, ripped her pants, as they fell away from her. Adrianna was about to explode while she
waited for Cade to do something more. She needed her mates in her now.

moaned when Cade slid a finger inside her. He continued to kiss up and down her back. Cade grabbed her ass, squeezing it as he
added another finger inside her. Adrianna screamed with her first orgasm. The orgasm was so powerful she fell to
her knees. Cade caught her before
she could hit the ground.

shaking from her first orgasm, Samson picked her up and carried her to the
bed. He fell down beside her,
continuing to suck her breasts, teasing her mercifully. Samson reached up and grabbed her head,
bringing her lips to his, needing to explore her mouth, taking her tongue into
his mouth, deepening the kiss.

continued pushing his fingers in and out of Adrianna while massaging her clit
with his thumb. She pulled away
from Samson, dragging in air to fill her lungs.

“I need
more. I need you both,” Adrianna
cried out.

Cade pulled
his hand away from Adrianna, crawling up the bed. Cade grabbed Adrianna up then placed her
onto Samson, telling her to straddle him. Adrianna couldn’t wait any longer. She slid herself down onto Samson, gasping as she slammed herself down
on him until there was nothing between them. Samson growled as he grabbed her waist
shoving up into her.

He looked
at Cade and told him, “You better hurry. She isn’t going to last long and neither am I.” Samson and Adrianna’s breathing had
become more labored as they matched each other’s thrusts.

pushed Adrianna down as he placed his thumb to her private star, rubbing
circles around it. Adrianna moaned
louder, telling Cade to hurry. Cade
pushed one finger inside, twisting it, then adding another finger inside. Adrianna’s moans got more
desperate. Cade removing his
fingers then slowly pushing them back inside Adrianna, as she began groaning
and gasping from the burn and then pleasure she was feeling. Cade stilled, his breathing becoming

Replacing his
fingers with his cock, Cade thrust into Adrianna.

“Yes,” she
hissed as Cade entered her to the hilt in one powerful thrust.

Samson and
Cade slid in and out of her, working together to bring them to climax. Adrianna felt as if she was going to
pass out. The feeling was

coming!” Adrianna yelled.

grabbed Adrianna by the hair, looking into her eyes, “Then let it go my love,
come for us.”

comment was all Adrianna needed to hear. She exploded with the biggest orgasm of her life. She saw the pulse beating in Samson’s
neck and grabbed him closer, sinking her fangs into him, drinking his
blood. Samson gasped as he climaxed
so hard he lost consciousness for a few seconds.

climax broke free, sending his fangs into Adrianna’s neck, drawing her blood
inside his mouth. Smaller orgasms
followed, sending Adrianna falling onto Samson, passing out.

awoke later tangled between her mates. Samson had his legs draped between her legs and Cade had her head on his
shoulder. Adrianna felt at peace
for the first time in a couple of weeks. She loved her mates and they loved her. They showed her how much several times
last night.

looked around and saw the light starting to peek through the window. It had to be around five thirty in the
morning. Adrianna had to go to the
bathroom, but she didn’t want to wake her mates up. She pushed and pulled enough to get out
from between them, then looked back at them sleeping. They were beautiful creatures and she
loved them both, so much it made her heart ache. She never thought she would love
someone, much less two people so much. Adrianna went into the bathroom and closed the door so she wouldn’t wake
her mates. She showered and
finished in record time. As she
reentered the bedroom and walked across to leave the room she looked back at
her mates, hoped she hadn’t wakened them before she could make them
breakfast. She wanted to surprise
them this morning with a homemade breakfast.

Cade woke
up smelling bacon in the air. He
looked over and saw Samson was still sleeping. He knew it had to be Adrianna cooking
breakfast. He got in the shower
quickly, wanting to spend some alone time with his mate before Samson woke
up. Cade stood in the shower
thinking about what had taken place the past couple of days. He felt like something was off with
Selena but he couldn’t put his finger on it yet. All he knew was that he was in love with
his mate and he knew they would handle what came at them as long as they were

walked into the kitchen, smiling when he saw his mate cooking eggs on the
stove. She had a look on her face
that said she was deep in thought. Cade didn’t want to disturb her, so he went and sat down on the barstool
in front of her. When she turned
back around she jumped not hearing him walk in.

sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to scare
you. It smells good. Can I help you finish up?” Cade asked smiling at her.

“Nope. You need to sit right there on that bar
stool so I can finish what I’ve started, then we can eat. All I lack is these eggs and I’m
finished,” Adrianna said as she looked up at Cade’s wolfish grin.

“What are
you staring at, Smiley?” Adrianna
asked as she giggled at Cade.

looking at my beautiful mate, wanting to strip her down and have my way with
her on this bar. It looks sturdy
enough. What do you think?” Cade asked as he got up walking toward

“You stop
right there, mister. I’ve worked
hard on this breakfast and I plan to see you eat every bit,” Adrianna said as
she started backing up from Cade, laughing.

“Oh, I
plan on eating, except I will be eating it off you,” Cade said now stalking his

Cade could reach Adrianna, the front door opened with Percy and the other
Protectors and Guards walking in. “Oh excuse us. We were
coming in to eat. Sorry Alpha, we
thought it was ready. We can come
back later,” Percy stated as he started turning the others away, heading back

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