The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series

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The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series
The Ashland Pack [1]
Bryce Evans

Adrianna McDonald is
-part wolf, vampire, and
She is destined to bring peace to
all of the three together. She has unique powers that have never been seen
Unfortunately, Adrianna will
need all these powers when she is faced with the secrets of her past that have
been hidden to protect her.


She has been fated for two of the strongest Alpha
Cade Maxwell leader of the Viston
Wolf Pack and Samson Ward leader of the Vampire Clan will help Adrianna lead
and learn to love again.
Adrianna is a
Protector for the Supreme Alpha and is used to only taking orders from
This will be a challenge for her
and her Alphas.


But the clock is ticking and
must return
to her hometown of Ashland, Georgia to train for the battle against the evil
ones who are coming.
Her past will
collide with her present and the struggle will be against each other.
Now Adrianna must decide if she can trust one
of her coveted circle members or decide if she is part of the evil ones
attempts to gain control of her powers.


It will take
and her family and friends to
come together if they are to survive.


The Trinity

The Ashland
Pack Series

Book One

Author: Bryce Evans

Editor: Rose Colton


Artwork by
JK Publishing, Inc.

by JK Publishing, Inc.




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This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents
either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and
any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or
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(c) Copyright
January 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.


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This book would not have been possible had one
unique woman not opened the door for me. Jana Leigh opened the door to a passion, which I had been hiding inside
myself. Thanks Jana, for the chance
to pull the stories out and place the pen to paper.


I would also like to acknowledge my mom who passed
away a few years ago, she told me to follow my dreams and never allow anyone to
tell me I couldn’t achieve it.


Thanks to the love of my life, John, for making me
a place to write and even took up the slack when I was writing. You helped to make my dream come
true. It may be a small table in
the corner, but it’s my corner of make believe, where dreams do come true.


Bryce Evans


Would love to hear from you:


[email protected]



She ran as fast as she could until her lungs
felt as if they were going to explode. She could feel him gaining on her, the others surrounding her, cutting
her off from being able to escape. She knew what happened next and she refused to give in if she didn’t
have to. The ground was uneven as
she tripped. She reached out a
hand, pushed herself upright, and kept moving. She felt a tingle of fear running
through her as she thought about her options. They had planned this,
she thought
, planned this torture.

Why couldn’t she get away? She tried so hard to make it to safety
but they were so much faster than she was. It was as if she were running in place. Her legs felt heavy and sluggish. She should have at least felt the
adrenaline rushing through her veins, pushing her to get to safety, but she
felt trapped in her useless body.

Eli yelled, “I’m coming for you,

She felt him close behind her. If she could just get one more
step—then she felt Eli reach out and grab her. She could feel the ground coming up to
meet her as they tumbled into a heap on the hard, cold ground. She had no voice to scream; could only
suck in precious air and pray it would be over soon.

Eli laughed as the others held her down and
ripped her clothes off. He yelled
at the others that he would be first. She started yelling for help as the first punch landed on her face. She continued to struggle and the
punches continued to land on her face and body.

She was going to lose her youth. Eli kept saying over and over he was
going to remember being her first as he came down on top of her, as if to rape
her. Help was coming, she could
hear them in the distance, but she didn’t know if they would get there in time. Eli would never let her live to
tell. She began to fight again and
he hit her over and over, even punching her in the stomach and side. The pain was too much to bear. She slipped into darkness.

woke up screaming, crying, and yelling for help. Selena was standing over her, calming
her, telling her to wake up; she was safe. She could feel the calming spell as she stopped moving and only felt the
peace of Selena’s soft touches on her face. She could only see Eli and his

“It’s just
a bad dream, Luv.”

When she
opened her eyes, the past drifted away.

“It was
only a dream,” Selena whispered.

realized she was safe and in her bedroom with Selena. She wiped her tears away. Then the hardness settled in as the
nightmare went away. Selena watched
Adrianna as she pushed the covers away and sat on the edge of the bed.

moved to the window and said absently, “Your wolf came out this time and you
were levitating above the bed when I came in. You will need new sheets again.”

“I am
sorry, Selena,” Adrianna whispered.

wondered what she was going to do if she couldn’t get this under control. Having these nightmares was beginning to
run her life; she refused to allow them to take that from her too.

didn’t do anything wrong, Luv. It
was a bad dream,” Selena consoled her.

“More like
a nightmare,” Adrianna whispered.

conference begins tomorrow. Your
brother, all the Alphas, and the Vampire Council will be there. You need to prepare and speak with all
the Protectors. Security will be a
top priority.”

knew Selena cared deeply for her like a mother cared for a child. Selena McPherson was her best

Selena was
a very powerful witch and vampire. She saved Adrianna’s life ten years ago when she gave Adrianna some of
her blood, changing Adrianna forever. Selena was a member of the Twister’s Council and Afton Mackenzie’s
mate. She had been teaching
Adrianna how to use her magic for ten years. Selena was considered, in the paranormal
world, as an authority of sorts when it came to different paranormal
groups. No one knew her family or the
extent of her powers.

sighed. “I will be prepared,
Selena, and the Protectors will be ready,” Adrianna said firmly, with more
confidence than she felt right then.

up the strength from inside herself, she pulled herself out of bed and began to
get ready for the meeting she was dreading.

Chapter One

Selena was
sitting in the lobby of the Supreme Alpha’s office, waiting to speak to
him. Afton Mackenzie would need to
know Adrianna had another nightmare and the prophecy was coming true. Even though he had never married, Afton
was in love and mated to Selena McPherson. They’d been mates for eleven years, but Afton also had a secret, which
would be told during the Conference and change their world. Sitting in the waiting room, she smiled
to herself, she was waiting just as any normal wolf would to see the Supreme
Alpha, and she knew that some wouldn’t understand their relationship. Selena accepted a long time ago, that it
was—what it was.

Mackenzie was the most powerful werewolf in the world. He ruled the werewolf packs. He was the Supreme Alpha and had been
for over twenty years. He was a
handsome man with brown hair and hazel eyes. His word was final when it came to the
laws that governed the packs. He
worked side by side with the Vampire Council and the Twister’s Council. He also worked with the Fairies in the
Nether World. Afton ran the
billion-dollar empire for the packs. He was considered a financial wizard in the human world.

Selena was given the go-ahead to go into the office and sitting behind the
large desk was where she found the Alpha. Not wanting to waste time on frivolous conversation, Selena started to
speak but he beat her to it.

what’s wrong? I felt the magic this
morning. I felt Adrianna’s pain and
sadness,” the Alpha said with a frown.

“She had
another nightmare. Her wolf came
out shredding the sheets,” Selena replied.

“Is she
alright?” Afton asked.

“Yes,” she
answered, “but Adrianna was levitating above her bed.”

grimaced. “Then the prophecy is true. Adrianna is the one. She is the witch, vampire, and wolf who
will bring peace to all the packs, clans, and covens.”

“Did you
honestly think she wasn’t?” Selena
asked, exasperated.

“I knew,
but I didn’t want her to suffer anymore,” he said slowly.

looked at Afton. “Adrianna is
strong; it’s time for her to find someone who can love her as she is. Somebody who isn’t afraid of the power
she possesses.”

“I love
her, Selena. I want—I won’t
lose her again!” Afton growled, he
didn’t love her in a romantic sense, and soon everyone would understand their

want! She has the power, the gift,
more than we thought. She is strong;
Afton, and we are running out of time. We have to trust Adrianna will get through this. The visions are coming more and
more. Time is not on our side. Adrianna will need to be prepared. As will all of us. She will need our help and others to
stand with her when they come,” Selena argued.

“Is there
a man who is strong enough to win her heart and soul? A mate who can love her and lead with
her when the time comes? Someone
who can help her get through the past and the battles coming in the near
future?” Afton asked waving his
hand in frustration. He knew what
the future held and so far, he was not convinced there was a wolf strong enough
to mate with Adrianna.

Selena got
up and walked to the window. She
looked out thinking before she said the words aloud. He was not going to want to hear this,
“Who said only one mate?”

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