The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (19 page)

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“She has
to learn, Cade, that we have feelings too and she needs to understand we aren’t
going to take her crap when she dishes out. Just because she is, the
doesn’t give her the right to
treat us like shit. She needs a
good spanking.”

exhaled as he looked up at Samson and smiled. They sat there hatching their plan to
give Adrianna a good spanking when she returned home. Then they would make love to their mate
and tell her how things were going to change in their house.

Samson and
Cade waited at the house for Adrianna to return while Adrianna ran toward Seige
Field. Adrianna was so tired from
the stress of today and the moving that she dropped down, lying in the field of
wild flowers. The flowers were
beautiful with all kinds of different colors. She fell asleep, crying in her
sleep. She was in such a deep sleep
that she shifted back into her human form. As Adrianna was sleeping, a brown wolf was watching on the outskirts of
the field. He knew his Master would
be happy to know she was finally alone. He shifted and picked up his cell phone, calling his Master’s
number. Within minutes, six other
wolves showed up. They watched and
waited for their Master to arrive. As they waited, Adrianna started to levitate above the flowers. She was in a deep sleep. The wolves moved closer and surrounded
Adrianna; afraid she would wake up and float away before their Master could
arrive. They knew if that happened
someone would die, most likely one of them. They didn’t want to bring the Master’s
wrath upon them.

Cade and
Samson sat at the table frustrated because Adrianna hadn’t returned home
yet. They decided to go and look
for her. It was starting to get
dark outside. Cade informed Samson
that she had probably fell asleep at Seige Field.

“She did
that all the time when she was little,” Cade said as he walked in the direction
of the field.

The wolves
started inching closer and closer to Adrianna. They continued to look behind them as if
they expected someone to be there. As
Cade and Samson got closer to the field, the wind had picked up, blowing
harder. The hair on the back of
their necks began to rise. They
knew something was wrong and started running, trying to find Adrianna.

The wolves
started pacing back and forth when they knew their Master had arrived. The brown wolf turned around and saw his
Master walking up toward Adrianna. His Master had a black cape and hood on. The wolves spread out, bowing their
heads as their Master walked past them.

Cade and
Samson ran into the clearing where they saw Adrianna floating in the air above
the flowers and seven wolves surrounding her. Then they saw the person in the hood and
cape. They couldn’t see who the
person was because the hood was hiding their identity. Cade couldn’t tell if it was a man or
woman. Cade started to shift when
the wind became so brutal they couldn’t move.

could see the person in the cape had reached out, trying to touch
Adrianna. Then the tree’s roots
that surrounded the field started moving underground toward Adrianna. The wolves could sense that something
was moving toward them, they started panicking, and trying to flee the
field. The roots burst through the
ground, surrounding Adrianna, shielding her from the person in the cape. The roots were so tightly woven that
nobody could get through their barrier. Then it sounded like the flowers in the field were yelling at the wolves
and the person in the cape. Cade
and Samson thought their eyes were playing tricks on them, but the flowers
started weaving together and throwing rocks from the ground at the wolves.

The person
in the cape started moving backwards, almost like they were floating. The person held their hand up, shielding
the rocks from touching him or hers body. However, the rocks were pummeling the wolves. One of the wolves was hit in the
head. He died instantly, falling to
the ground, shifting back to his human form. The other wolves escaped, running toward
their Master that was standing, staring at the edge of the field. The edge of the field was the borderline
between Ashland and Viston land.

Cade and
Samson had no power to move, as they watched, the wind died down allowing them
to regain their movement. They
watched as the caped person ran behind the field. They heard a vehicle’s engine start and
then leave the area. They couldn’t
see what type of vehicle had driven off or who the caped person was. Cade and Samson continued to watch as
the roots retracted from their woven patterns and disappeared into the
ground. They ran toward Adrianna as
she continued to float above the ground. Her eyes were closed and she remained in a deep sleep.

reached out and pulled Adrianna to him. Adrianna never woke up but snuggled closer to Cade as he hugged her to

“Let’s go
home,” Samson said to Cade. “We
have a lot to discuss about Selena’s vision coming true. We need to call the Supreme Alpha and
the others. They were too
close. They almost had her,
Cade.” Samson ran his hand
reverently over her hair.

know. Let’s get her home,” Cade
said, and snuggled Adrianna closer.

Cade and
Samson walked back to the house, looking around for any type of danger. They were usually the hunters, but
tonight they felt like the hunted. If it hadn’t been for the trees and flowers, Adrianna would’ve been

When they
arrived at the house, Selena was standing on the front porch. It was odd that she was there without
Afton. She was looking in the
direction where they came out of the woods.

She ran
toward them with a worried look on her face. “What happened?”

“Let’s get
inside first,” Cade answered.

“She is
bleeding on the side of her face. Go to my car, Samson, and get the first aid kit out of the glove box,”
Selena asked Samson. He ran to
Selena’s car as Cade carried Adrianna in the house.

tried to open the passenger side door but the door was locked. He walked around to the driver’s side
door, opening it. As he was about
to lean in the car, he noticed something black laying in the backseat. He hit the lock button and opened it up. He was shocked to see it was a black
cape and hood. He placed the cape
back on the backseat and then went around to the passenger side to retrieve the
first aid kit. He ran back into the
house with the kit. Cade had laid
Adrianna on top of their bed, trying to wake her up. Samson walked in the bedroom staring at
Selena. He didn’t know what to
do. Should he say something about
the cape and hood that he had found in Selena’s car? Samson held his tongue waiting for
Selena to leave, and then he would talk to Cade about it.

stood there with the first aid kit in his hand staring at Selena. “What’s wrong, Samson?” Selena asked as she reached for the

“Nothing!” Samson said a little harshly.

looked up at Samson but didn’t say anything. He knew he would ask Samson about it

ignored Samson’s harsh tone and got a little vile out of the first aid
kit. “What’s that?” Cade asked.

smelling salts. This has happened
before and I couldn’t get her awake, but this works.” Selena cracked open the bottle and
placed it under Adrianna’s nose. Adrianna jumped awake, backing up toward the headboard. She had wild eyes, looking around the
room for some type of danger.

happened?” Adrianna asked looking
at Cade.

spoke to Adrianna in a calm voice. “You fell asleep in the field. Your mates found you and brought you back home.”

didn’t have time to tell Selena the rest of the story before Samson spoke. Samson put his hand on Cade’s shoulder
and thanked Selena for dropping by but they needed to be alone with their mate. Samson advised Selena that they had a
lot to discuss in private. Cade and
Adrianna both looked at Samson in shock.

looked at Samson but never showed an expression. She got up and walked over to Adrianna
and kissed her on top of the head, then walked out of the bedroom. Nobody spoke as the front door open then

Cade shook
his head from the daze he was in at how Samson spoke to Selena. “What the hell, Samson? Why were you so rude to Selena? She was only trying to help, plus we
didn’t finish telling her about the person in the field.”

“What? Who was in the field?” Adrianna asked.

sighed as he pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. “Adrianna lay back down. Don’t argue about this. Can you do that without arguing with us?” Samson said, his tone demanding.

sighed as she sat back on the bed, pulling the sheet up covering her

“Cade, I
need for you to sit and listen too. There is something you don’t know about yet.” Cade sat down beside Adrianna grasping
her hand. This time Adrianna didn’t
pull her hand away.

started explaining what happened at Seige Field with the trees and the person
in the black cape and hood. Then
Samson explained how he went to get the first aid kit in Selena’s car and found
a black cape and hood in the back seat. “Also, do you remember, Adrianna,
Selena wasn’t in the dining hall at the Oakland Hills Resort when the magic was
used against the Protectors? She
ran in after the incident.”

was about to say something but Samson continued talking.

“I know
what you are thinking, Adrianna, but come on. Selena is a powerful witch, she had to
have felt magic being used, unless she was the one using the magic.”

and Cade stared at Samson.

say something. I think the person
in the field was Selena.” Samson
bristled as he looked at Adrianna waiting for her reaction.

stared at Samson shaking her head no. “It can’t be her. Selena is
like a mother to me. She could have
taken me out numerous times. I know
it’s not her. Please, it can’t be

looked at Samson hoping it wasn’t true. “Are you sure Samson, maybe she has a similar cape? I mean, it’s coincidental—but
Selena? She is the Supreme Alpha’s
mate.” Samson frowned at Cade’s

“Look, I
know it doesn’t make sense, but if I’m correct, then she knows everything,
including all of our plans. She has
access and whereabouts on everyone. She has magic too, Adrianna. I mean, she taught you how to use your magic. The only problem is we don’t know
why. And then there is that
question of why she warned us?” Samson explained as he watched Adrianna’s defeated expression.

sorry, Adrianna, but it’s how I see it. I know you love her, but we have to take into consideration all the
facts. She was waiting here for us
when Cade carried you from the field and she was without the Supreme
Alpha. Why would she leave him at
home? Why was she here? We need answers to these questions. She may have planned all of this to get
you here in Ashland. She said you
had the most power in Ashland. If
she can control you here, well she knows the rest of us will follow you. We are your mates, Adrianna. We would have no choice,” Samson said.

hugged Adrianna closer. “We need to
make a plan and call Mace and let him know. We’ll need to leave the Supreme Alpha
out of these plans, Adrianna, because Selena is his mate. We can’t take the chance of him telling

Cade left
the room, called Mace, and asked him to come alone to their house.

A little
while later, Mace walked in smiling, until he saw the expression on everybody’s
face. “What now?” Mace asked looking at Cade.

“Sit down,
Mace. This may take a while to
explain,” Adrianna calmly instructed.

Mace sat
down as Samson explained to him the events that had taken place and then he
explained about Selena. Mace sat
silently only with a shocked look on his face. He didn’t want to believe it, but the
facts were staring him in the face.

“Oh my
God! She knows our plans that we
have in motion already. All that
freakin’ work we’ve done. The
Bitch! I’m going to kill her. She is now on Ashland land, I just
welcomed them. I have put my pack
in danger.” Mace shook with the
rage building inside of him. He
stood up pacing the floor.

immediately went to Mace’s side and sent a calming spell to him. “Look Mace, I don’t know if I believe
Selena is the bad guy here. I have
known Selena a long time; she has been like a mother to me.” Samson was getting up, trying to defend
his explanation when Adrianna cut him off. “Samson, I understand what you are saying, but maybe it just seems that
way. What if it’s just our
imagination? I would hope that I
could see this, even feel this, in her.” Adrianna walked up to Samson, caressing the side of his face looking up
into his eyes. “I just need more
before I have to do something. She
is Afton’s mate. This will destroy

I know how you feel about her, but Cade and I will do what is necessary to
protect you and our people from her. We will change the plans without them knowing. If we find out it’s not her, then we
will tell them the new plans. We
have to act the same around them. Okay?”

didn’t want to, but she shook her head in acknowledgement, agreeing to the

continued to pace while they changed the plans and decided who could be trusted
to help with the new plans. Adrianna sat silently listening. She kept thinking that it couldn’t be Selena, there had to be a reason
for her actions and the cape in her car. She knew that she was going to do some investigating of her own, but she
had to do it without her mates finding out.

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