The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (17 page)

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Samson flipped her onto her stomach. Cade instructed Adrianna to straddle him. Adrianna did as her mate told her. As she was placing her body on top of
Cade’s cock, he thrust inside her, filling her and stretching her. Adrianna gasped, feeling pure
pleasure. She couldn’t hold back
and started moving up and down on Cade. Cade placed his hands on her hips restricting her from moving any more.

Cade, I want it so bad,” Adrianna whispered.

“Hang on,
baby,” Cade said as he pulled her down to him and pressed his lips to her
throat, kissing and licking on the spot where he intended to bite her.

placed his hands on Adrianna’s back, kissing up and down her spine, telling her
how much he wanted her and couldn’t wait to finally mate with her. Samson rimmed her ass with his finger,
rubbing circles, getting ready to stretch her. He knew he was big and needed to help
her open before he pushed into her. Samson pushed one finger inside, past her tight rings, and then pulled
it out again making her groan wanting more. Samson placed another finger inside,
then another, picking up his speed, knowing she wasn’t going to last long.

“You like
it don’t you, angel? I know you
do. It’s going to burn at first,
like last time, but then you will feel nothing but pleasure,” Samson said as he
finger fucked her.

loved her mates to talk dirty to her. It made her hotter and wetter. She couldn’t take it much longer if Cade didn’t start moving. Then she felt Samson push into her dark
hole. He tried to go slowly but
Adrianna couldn’t wait. She pushed
back into Samson until she felt his balls hitting her ass.

please, move. I am so full; I need
both of you to move. I want to feel
it now!” Adrianna yelled.

“So I
see.” Cade smiled then made eye
contact with Samson. They both
started pumping inside Adrianna. Samson reached up, wrapped his hand in Adrianna’s hair, and pulled her
head back whispering in her ear, “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be
able to walk. I know you like it
hard, don’t you? Look at yourself
in the mirror, Adrianna. Look how
beautiful you are,” Samson said as he tilted her head so she could watch what
they did to her.

didn’t know if she was coming or going. All she could do was wait for the bomb that was going to explode inside

me, mate. You want us to fuck you
hard? Then scream for us,
baby.” Samson continued the dirty
talk. Adrianna just shook her head,

looked to her side and watched Cade and Samson make love to her. Adrianna didn’t think she would like to
watch herself since she was so shy, but with her mates it made it all right. Samson was biting her with little bites
all over her back, moving up toward her shoulder, stroking her hard from behind
when Adrianna finally exploded with an earth shattering orgasm. The magic in the air was sparking off the
three of them. Adrianna felt her
canines come out when she reached out and bit Cade on the shoulder, making him
come. Cade and Samson hugged
Adrianna and then bit her on opposite shoulders as they came together, filling
their mouths with her blood, taking her life force into their bodies. Adrianna screamed again with another
orgasm. Then she reached around and
bit Samson on his neck, drinking in his blood. Samson was shocked at how fast Adrianna
grabbed him, but the bite was not painful, it was pure pleasure. His voice was raw from all the talking
and groaning but Samson roared out another release.



They all
fell onto each other on the bed and drifted into a deep sleep. Cade pulled the blanket over all of them
before he lay down beside Adrianna.

found it hard to drift off; he knew he had a lot to do the next day getting the
Clan ready to move. At around
midnight, Samson finally drifted off to sleep.

slowly woke up from being cold. When he opened his eyes, he noticed that he was eye level to the
ceiling. Cade reached out and
touched the ceiling. He looked over
at Adrianna and Samson who were floating in the air.

“Shit!” Cade said loudly.

woke up, looked over at Adrianna, and saw Cade looking at him with a funny grin
on his face. “What’s wrong?” Samson asked.

don’t go crazy, but we’re floating above the bed.”

jerked then turned and looked up at the ceiling then down at the bed. “What the fuck?!” Samson yelled.

I’ve been asking myself that same question.” Cade chuckled.

Samson could reach out and touch Adrianna, her eyes opened from all the
commotion and they all fell back onto the bed.

immediately went into an aggressive position, trying to locate the threat in
the room.

down, baby. Nobody is in here with
us,” Cade spoke to Adrianna trying to calm her down before she went into attack

wrong? What happened?” Adrianna asked with fear in her

Cade and
Samson immediately moved to Adrianna’s side, caressing her face, calming her
down. “Nothing baby, except we were
just floating above the bed,” Cade said calmly.

looked around the room, assuring herself that nothing was in the room with
them. She felt off since she wasn’t
familiar with the hotel yet. “I’m
sorry. I should have told you that
sometimes I levitate in my sleep. I
didn’t think it would affect you both.” Adrianna jerked around and started skimming her hands on their bodies,
making sure she hadn’t ripped into them with her claws.

“What is
it, baby?” Samson asked with a worried
look on his face.

tell me I didn’t hurt you. I
usually claw up my sheets too. Show
me your stomachs, please, oh please.” Adrianna insisted they show her their stomachs.

stop, you didn’t hurt us. You
wouldn’t do that. We’re fine, see;
nothing, no marks to show you,” Samson said as he reached out and pulled
Adrianna to him.

“If I had
hurt you or Cade, I don’t think I could live with that,” Adrianna said as she
started crying, then sobbing into Samson’s shoulder.

baby, you didn’t hurt us. Hell, it
just surprised us with the floating above the bed. I can’t believe you can fuckin’ do that,
but it doesn’t surprise me. Baby,
you have so many gifts. We just
need to figure out what exactly you can do. Then figure out how to use that gift to
help us in defeating whoever it is,” Samson stated firmly.

waited to hear what Adrianna would say. “You’re not pissed at me?”

“Hell no,
baby. Why would we be mad? It’s a gift you have,” Cade said.

“Well, I
may have been mad if you would have dropped me on my head.” Samson teased her.

Samson and
Cade burst out laughing. Adrianna
smiled then started laughing too. Cade reached out and kissed Adrianna with a smoldering kiss. When Cade released her, Samson grabbed
her and kissed her too. The men
settled her back on the bed and began to make love to their mate.

Chapter Thirteen

Later that
morning, they walked to the dining hall in the hotel to eat a late
breakfast. It seemed that everybody
was getting up late too because they were all sitting around eating breakfast.

“Morning, everyone,” Adrianna

morning, Sissy.” Mace was the first
one to greet Adrianna and her mates. They all sat down and ordered breakfast.

Afton and
everybody else spoke to Adrianna, but Selena just looked up at Adrianna then
looked back down at her plate. Adrianna didn’t want to say anything in front of everyone but would ask
Selena later what was wrong.

breakfast, Adrianna and Samson sat down with a decorator from the biggest furniture
store in town. They picked out
everything from dishes to couches. Cade had excused himself to travel to Viston, GA to speak to his pack. Adrianna knew what Cade wanted for his
office as he gave his recommendations while sitting down at breakfast. He trusted Adrianna and Samson would
pick furniture he would like too. Samson and Adrianna would meet him later in Viston so they could be
introduced to his pack.

Once the
order was placed, the decorator would have it all delivered to their new house
within a few hours. Samson had
asked Jamenson if he would take Jacob to the new house so he could wait for the
new furniture. He had asked Jacob
if he could get things arranged and if he put something where they wanted to
change it, they would do it later. Samson wanted the house to have the furniture arranged and the beds put
together before they arrived back from Viston.

and Samson left Ashland and traveled to Viston. The town bordered Ashland and most of
the residents knew each other since Mace and Cade’s fathers were best friends
too. Cade’s parents, Meris and
Siliva Maxwell, were still alive and lived in Viston.

was nervous to meet Cade’s parents and the Viston Pack. She knew most of the ladies would be mad
because she had taken Cade off the market.

wrong, angel?” Samson could smell
her worry.

I’m just nervous about meeting the pack and Cade’s parents. I don’t seem to remember anyone.”

everyone will love you, don’t be nervous. Just remember Cade loves you and the pack will too. Hey, don’t forget about me, I come with
this package deal.” Samson teased

“Oh, you
goof, I know that, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s just you know how to talk to people
and make them like you. I don’t,
all I know how to do is kill people,” Adrianna muttered.

Adrianna, you don’t give yourself enough credit. You are wonderful. I feel the love seeping out of you. They will see this too. They will come to care for you just like
Cade and me. Remember that when you
feel nervous,” Samson said as he pulled Adrianna onto his lap.

Mace came
with Samson and Adrianna in case the Viston Pack had questions for him
too. He drove as he sat listening
to Adrianna and Samson talking. He
wanted to reassure Adrianna, and he hoped that Samson was right. He knew there would be a lot of women in
Viston who would be pissed off that Cade had mated Adrianna. He didn’t want to worry her anymore so
he just sat there listening.

He knew he
didn’t have to protect his sister from any other female, but being accepted was
what she wanted most and if she weren’t, this would bring more grief to
her. Plus, some would blame her for
taking their Alpha away, even if it were right on the Viston and Ashland

Georgia was a beautiful area. The
small town was not as big as Ashland, but just as many people. The town hall would be where everybody
gathered to hear Cade talk about his mating and how he would be living in
Ashland. It wasn’t that bad because
Seige Field was right next to Viston land, where the two towns met.

pulled up at the town hall where a hundred vehicles were parked. It would be a full house. Cade was standing at the front of the
auditorium speaking when Adrianna and Samson walked in. Mace was following his sister, keeping a
watchful eye on her. All eyes
turned to see what their Alpha was smiling at, some smiled, and some frowned at
Adrianna when she came into view. Cade had already informed his pack that he would be living in Ashland
with his mates. A few females gave
Adrianna dirty looks when she looked out over the crowd.

immediately walked to Adrianna and Samson. He hugged Adrianna, and kissed her on the lips passionately. If Adrianna didn’t know who was going to
welcome her, she would soon find out with that kiss. Adrianna smiled at Cade then reached
down and took his hand into hers. Cade brought Adrianna and Samson up to the front to sit in their
seats. He asked Mace to join him as
he addressed the pack.

I want to introduce my mates to you. This is Adrianna McDonald and Samson Ward. All of you know Mace and some of you
remember Adrianna. She is Mace’s
sister. Please come up at the end
and introduce yourself to them. Now, let’s get started with questions. I’ve asked Mace to come here today in
case you had any questions on how this would work and about Ashland. Does anybody have any questions?”

It seemed
like everybody raised their hand. Cade looked at Mace and said, “Well at least we know they are
listening to us.” Mace just
shrugged his shoulders then pointed at one of the Elders first to ask their

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