The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (26 page)

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received a call from Sleepy that he had both of his precious cargo. They were safe, sound, and delivered to
the Pevington Pack. Samson relayed
the message to Mace since it was his pack members.

Mace and
Damen got together to come up with a way to keep the pack safe if something
happened at the dance. They would
need Cade’s pack to help with this. Mace and Cade had previously come up with a plan when they were little
mutts. Even though they were just
small pups when they came up with it didn’t make it a bad plan. They added to it over the years, talking
about it but never putting it down on paper.

placed his call to Torture. “Hello
dear, how are you doing?”

fine, Alpha. How is Selena?”

dear, that is why I’m calling. Selena is in trouble.” The
growl on the phone was an indication of how pissed Torture was about Selena,
her only true friend, who was kidnapped by Edward Jonas. Well, he would hate to be him. Afton explained to Torture what was
going on and why he needed her help. He asked if she could get in touch with Johnny the Fink. He was a loan shark who Edward owed a
lot of money to. Johnny the Fink
was also a wizard. Edward Jonas
wouldn’t be able to pay off his debt because he wouldn’t be over the Vampire
Council anymore once Afton told the Council about him. Johnny the Fink would want his money
now. Edward was scared of the Fink
and he should be. Torture advised
that she would get in touch with Johnny since he was a client of hers. She added that Edward probably wouldn’t
make it to see Johnny, since she owed him for her friend Millie who Edward beat
to death a few months ago. She
added that if he did, well, Johnny owed her big time. He was in love with Torture, so not to worry
about poor old Eddie. Afton got off
the phone laughing.

“What is
it, Alpha?” Samson asked.

let’s just say that your traitor of a leader will be handled tonight. We won’t be seeing him anymore. Be ready son, you will get the call soon
to take over the Council. It was
what you were born to do,” Afton said as he smiled at Samson.

came over to Samson, putting her arms around him, kissing him on the mouth then
saying, “Yes Dad, he is. He will be
the best leader the Council has ever had. I’m proud of you, honey.”

“We both
are,” Cade said as he came up behind Samson, placing his hand on his

guys, but we have to get through this first. I just hope all goes as we planned. So let’s go over it again,” Samson said
as he popped Adrianna on the butt laughing.

It was
decided after they strategized for the millionth time that everybody would lay
down and rest a few hours before they had to get ready for the party that night
at McDonald’s Pub. The plan had to
go off without anyone getting hurt.

getting everybody settled, Adrianna and her mates went to their bedroom to
rest. Well, first they needed to
take care of some business that was long overdue. Adrianna lay on the bed beside her
mates. They knew they had guests in
the house so they wanted to be discreet and quiet. Adrianna loved to look at her
mates. They were beautiful, if a
man could be called that, then her mates were definitely beautiful. No words were spoken; each man knew what
to do. They loved their mate,
caressing her body, and passionately showing her. Samson and Cade knew they didn’t have
long with their mate, so they made love to her, stayed up talking to her, and
telling her that as soon as this was over they could enjoy their new life here
in Ashland.

woke up with Cade’s cell phone ringing. It was Josh Pevington, the Alpha Lilly and Liv were sent to stay
with. “What’s wrong Josh?”

friend, your girl Lilly needs to talk to you. She was pounding on my door early this
morning saying she had a vision. Is
she a Seer, Cade?”

Alpha, she is and a very powerful one at that.” Josh put Lilly on the phone and she
explained she had a dream that involved Adrianna and the man with the black
cape. She said they were at Seige
Field and there was a battle. Wolves and vampires were fighting each other. She said she recognized Mace, her Alpha,
fighting another wolf with brown fur. The wolf changed, pulled out a gun, and shot Mace.

didn’t get back up Cade, sorry, I mean, Alpha.”

okay Lilly, go on with your vision,” Cade told her.

“Well, I
also saw you fighting, but you were not in wolf form. You were in human form. Two vampires were coming after you and
they had swords. You picked up a
limb and were doing a good job at keeping them off you. But the battle that was odd was between
Adrianna and the man with the mask. They were fighting but with magic. It was odd seeing that. Lighting was coming out of their hands, shooting at each other. Then I saw the man in the cape saying
something aloud and snakes starting coming out everywhere. They weren’t just any kind of snakes,
Alpha, but huge ones. They came
from behind the man going toward Adrianna. She tried to fight them off but there were too many of them. They grabbed her and squeezed her until
she couldn’t fight anymore. The man
came to stand by Adrianna and it was as if the fighting had ended and everybody
turned to look at the man who had Adrianna bound by these snakes. It was as if they were now all under a
trance or something. Nobody tried
to help her. The man had the snakes
unravel from Adrianna and he cast some type of spell on her. Then he lifted her up and bit her on the
neck. She stood up and placed her
hand into the man’s hand. Everybody
started following them out of the field. Oh yeah Alpha, these snakes were made with black magic. They had to be. I’ve never
seen snakes like that even on TV. They were ugly too. Then I
woke up. I hope this helps
you. I guess it was really a dream
instead of a vision like I usually have.” Lilly sat silently on the phone waiting for Cade to say something.

“Um Alpha,
are you still there?” Lilly asked
with concern in her voice.

Lilly, I’m here, just thinking. I
appreciate you calling me. If you
have any more please call, okay?” Lilly agreed and thanked Cade for getting her sister safely to her. Cade hung the phone up and stared off in
space until Adrianna put her hand on his back to ask what Lilly had said.

“We need
to get everybody together. This
changes some things,” Cade muttered.

was assembled in the living room while Jacob was making breakfast with some
help from Declan. Cade told the
story of what happened in Lilly’s dream.

Mace got
up from the couch pacing. “The gun
had to be loaded with silver bullets or I would have gotten back up.” Mace didn’t say anything more; he
excused himself to the bedroom to make a call. The plan was changed in case Lilly’s
dream did come true. They planned
for the battle to happen at Seige Field.

Jacob came
into the room, told them breakfast was ready and everyone walked into the
kitchen. “Where is Adrianna?” Samson asked.

“I saw her
go outside,” Jacob said.

Samson and
Cade walked outside to find their mate being swept up into the tree. They knew the trees would protect her so
they went back into the house.

came back into the house asking if anyone saved her something. Cade pushed a plate in front of her
smiling. “Thanks honey. I’m starving.”

“So what
did the trees have to say?” Cade
asked smiling.

they didn’t have any information, so I just told them how much I appreciated
them.” Cade and Samson looked at
her with confused looks.

Cade muttered.

They got
together again, going over the plan, then left to go get ready for the
party. Mace knew that Dalley and
her Master wouldn’t play fair. They
would have a lot of Rogue wolves fighting for them. Mace knew he had to plan something on
his own to help his sister. They
couldn’t win. He made his own
arrangements, then left to go get ready for Phase one.

would go with the team to implement Phase one, which was to rescue Selena. Afton, Samson, Cade, and Damen would
ride together with Adrianna. The
least amount of cars seen leaving wouldn’t cause any concern if somebody were
watching. Nobody could see in the
windows of the Supreme Alpha’s SUV so they only thought it was the Supreme
Alpha leaving. He headed in the
direction of the hotel, but took a side road. They had already planned for another SUV
to be waiting at the side of the road. This decoy would go to the hotel and pull into the garage, making
whoever was watching think that Afton was back at the hotel getting ready.

Declan had
left early that morning and was watching the compound. He told Cade over the radio that nobody
had left the compound. Adrianna and
the others pulled up on a dirt road then exited the vehicle. They would need to go on foot the rest
of the way. It was still early in
the morning, so they could surprise Dalley in the house.

explained there were five guards walking around the perimeter. He advised them as they sat in the tree
that was down wind so the wolves wouldn’t pick up their scent.

going to be a problem then. Our
scent will give us away before we even get close to them,” Cade stated.

“Maybe for
you, but not for me,” Adrianna explained how she could mask her scent. She didn’t have time to teach everyone
how to do it. Time wasn’t on their

“I’m going
in alone, when I get rid of the guards, you can come in then,” Adrianna

“No!” Samson and Cade said together.

Afton came
to Adrianna’s defense. “Listen
boys, I know she is your mate, but she can do this. You have to trust her. This is what Adrianna has trained to
do. She is the
. These are the
times you put your pride and fear behind you for a few minutes and let the girl
do her job.”

Cade and
Samson didn’t know what to say to that. They leaned over and kissed their mate. “If you get one fingernail hurt on you,
then I’m going to spank that pretty little ass of yours. Do you hear me, Adrianna?” Samson said. “And when you get done with the guards,
you wait for back up before you go in the house. Adrianna, these are our demands. Choose!”

honey. Just sit back and watch your
mate,” Adrianna said as she jumped down from the tree. Adrianna was so quiet. She had changed into her wolf, quietly
moving closer to one of the guards. She changed back into her human form and took the guard out. She pulled him closer to the bushes,
hiding him in case someone looked out the window. Adrianna was using a lot of magic to
conceal herself. Adrianna had taken
another guard out, then another.

“Look at
her, Cade. She is magnificent. We are lucky bastards to have found a
mate like her,” Samson’s awed voice came out in a whisper.

answered for Cade. “Yes, you are,
boys. Yes, you are.”

came back around and found the last guard, who was sitting on the porch smoking
a cigarette. She made a noise that
got the guard’s attention. He
walked over to the side of the house and before he could scream, Adrianna struck
him down with her sword. She
signaled for the rest to approach the house quietly.

Afton was
the first to enter the house. He
wanted his mate. The rage he kept
controlled was itching to get out. They went room to room and nobody was in the house. Adrianna whispered that Lilly said it
looked like a basement where Selena was being held. Declan signaled there were stairs
leading down off from the kitchen. Adrianna cast a spell so their footsteps on the stairs wouldn’t be
heard. She was using a lot of magic
to complete these spells. They used
a lot of energy.

Afton was
first on the stairs. They could
hear people talking down the stairs. As they went further down, they could hear Dalley, she had a whip in her
hand hitting Selena with it. Selena
could feel her mate was near. Selena started laughing.

“What’s so
funny, vampire?”

let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be you when Afton gets a hold of you. He is going to tear you limb from
limb.” That pissed Dalley off, so
she reached back with all her might and hit Selena over and over with the

When Afton
reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Dalley with the whip hitting Selena,
the rage that had built up over the past couple of days came forth. Afton shifted before he hit the bottom
step. He hit Dalley, knocking the
whip out of her hand. Before Dalley
could scream, Afton had ripped her arm off and was working her other arm.

He looked
up at Dalley’s face when she screamed, “The Master will get all of you.”

Before she
could chant a spell, Afton grabbed her neck, pulling her neck apart from her
body. There wasn’t much left of
Dalley Cord after the Supreme Alpha was done. Afton was in such a rage that Selena
would be the only one able to calm him down. Adrianna and Samson had got to Selena,
releasing the magical rope that bound her arms. She went to her knees in front of Afton
who was pacing back and forth.

calmly spoke to Afton, “Mate, it’s me, come back to me. I need you, Afton.”

The air
changed in front of Selena and Afton was on his knees covered in blood. Selena reached for him.

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