The Sensual Revolution (9 page)

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Authors: Kayler Holmes

BOOK: The Sensual Revolution
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Cigarettes finished, the silence did start to seem a little oppressive to me until he began carelessly stroking my leg. He asked me how I was doing now, did I want to stop for now or did I want to carry on and explore all the possibilities. I had no hesitation when I told him I wanted to continue, but did come close to bashing him one, when he leaned back against the pillows (propped up against the wall the mattress backed onto), put his arms
behind his head and grinned expectantly, the full length of his body exposed for me to see.

I decided that I could give as
good as I got with this funny man so I scooted down the bed and sat cross legged beside him. I started looking over his body, really slowly, starting with his toes and paying lots of attention to detail. As my eyes travelled slowly up his body and I neared where his cock was, I am not sure which one of us this was bothering the most. He was squirming uncomfortably under my inspection, his grin looking a little strained and I was going even slower, unsure of what I would see. When I got to his cock it wasn’t the same hard thrusting one I had seen earlier springing out of his trousers. This one seemed a little smaller somehow, less exuberant, more relaxed. I was instantly intrigued. What had made it look so powerful before and was there anything I could do to make it look that way again? I had never realised that men’s cocks could take on so many forms. I was also surprised by how soft the skin on it looked particularly the head. I reached out tentatively to touch it and he instantly sucked in his breath.

I pulled my hand away startled but he quickly covered it with his and placed it back on his cock. With his hand over mine he guided me at first, stroking gently but his hand soon moved away as he became harder and harder. I was delighted! That was far easier than I expected.

For a while I continued gently stroking along the length of his cock, fascinated with its feel, so hard and yet still so soft. His breathing became heavier and heavier and he started growling quietly under his breath. I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t gotten any further on my investigation of his body, but I decided to be brave and that the rest of my exploration would be with my hands and mouth rather than my eyes. Taking my courage into my hands I nervously knelt up, used my hand to open his legs up and gingerly climbed between them. When he made no response other than to moan slightly, his head leaning back and his eyes closed I decided I would start just beneath the tip of his cock and work my way upwards.

I knelt back down only this time between his legs and leaned forwards to start kissing his stomach. As my breasts went down they brushed against his cock and his body jerked.  I smiled up at him wickedly and then stuck my tongue into his belly button. He jerked again and groaned and I felt the
most heady rush of power. He had been calling the tune up to now, but it was my turn. I discovered in me a deep naughty streak as I played with his skin, biting and sucking, stroking and tweaking. I rubbed my fingertips over his nipples and smiled as his breath caught again. He lifted his head to look at me and I decided I was having none of that. I got off him and strode to my dressing gown thrown over the back of a chair. Removing the sash I stalked back over to him and resumed my position between his legs. He first looked confused and then really surprised when I leant forwards and wrapped the sash around his eyes, fastening it like a blindfold.

I carried on with my exploration of his body, but now the groans seemed even more intense and heartfelt. I almost felt sorry for the poor fellow so when I had kissed his neck all over, nibbled and licked his ears one by one and then sucked on his lower lip I
retraced my kisses back down his body, pausing only to suck on his nipples in passing. I had no real idea what I was doing but figured I would copy what he had done to me. It felt amazing when it was my turn so I could only hope it would feel the same to him. I was impressed by what a good sport he was, he kept the blindfold on for ages while I explored the length of his cock with my tongue and sucked on his balls. That was strange, not because of how uncomfortable it was, but because of how much I liked it myself. I moved back up his cock with my tongue, loving the strange musky sexy scent I could smell as I licked. When I got to the head of his cock I paused there, sucking and licking the tip as his moans got louder and his breathing shorter.

I opened my mouth as far as it would go and then leaned forwards; sliding it down the length of his cock as far as my throat would let it go. His whole body tensed and he began to shudder. I lifted up in alarm this time sure I had done something dreadfully wrong but he was already pulling the blindfold off and growling,

“I thought you had no experience! Are you trying to kill me?”

I must have looked shocked to the core and completely panic stricken, I sure as hell felt it. He groaned again but this one was one of distress and again I felt terror course through my body.

“My silly, beautiful woman! I almost came into your mouth and I am not entirely sure you are ready for that experience just yet. Also if you had carried on it would have been all over and I would never have had the chance to show you this.”

He sat up and in the same fluid movement I found myself on the bed with him kneeling between my legs, completely uncertain as to how it had happened. He laughed again and started kissing me. It was amazing with him like this, between my legs, our bodies pressed close together. I soon forgot my fears and felt my blood heating right back up again. He leaned closer to ask if I had any protection. I frowned uncertainly and he explained that he needed to protect me from becoming pregnant. I assured him that I was on the pill; my doctor had put me on it in puberty to help me deal with awful menstrual cycles. He also frowned for a minute and then reached towards his jeans.

“I know you have never been with anyone, so you can’t have any diseases, but I should put this on anyway. That way you know I am safe as well. If you like this…”

He threw his head back and laughed at the expression of outrage on my face.
I had liked it…
? Pfft, crazy man.

“Since you seem to like this, if you want to do it again sometime I will make sure I am clean and will show you the results of all the tests so you don’t have to worry. I already know for sure I am going to want to do it again… and again… and again. And then some more if possible!”

The smile on my face lit up the room, I more than wanted to do it again, now if possible! I told him this and he grinned again and then saluted. “Any time my Mistress commands ma’am!” He quipped and began to open the little packet in his hand carefully. I knew what it was; I mean like most of us I had practised putting one on a banana in awkwardly uncomfortable school lessons. In fact the first time I did see an actual cock (by accident I assure you!) I was more than a little surprised to find it wasn’t banana shaped!

Condom carefully rolled onto his still throbbing cock he leaned down towards her, still smiling and started to kiss me gently. He pulled away and told me,

“This may hurt love. I will do everything I can to make sure it doesn’t but despite a guy’s best efforts it sometimes does. Are you sure? Really sure?” I nodded a little nervously and his smile was not cocky this time, but really tender.

“Thank you.” He whispered before starting to kiss me again.

Lost in his kisses I hardly noticed when his cock edged into the entrance of my pussy. I felt a rubbing sensation over my clit as he slid over it and that was enough to send my mind spinning so it was a short while before I noticed that about an inch of him was inside me. I tensed a little at first, but as soon as I did he stopped kissing me and leaned towards my nipple catching it in his teeth and giving it a tiny bite, hard enough to be right on the edge of pain. He then sucked on it and all I could really think of was the sensation of another orgasm building.

When I came, I gushed along his cock and thrust my hips forward pushing his cock in all the way. I felt a pain when he broke my hymen, but rather than it hurting me it excited me even further and I pushed him all the way into me and kept bucking and writhing against his cock.

I heard him groan a sound of pure frustration and I gloried in being able to make him sound so impatient. As my orgasm subsided he enveloped my mouth with his own and started tussling with my tongue again. Slowly, almost hesitantly he withdrew his cock up to the top of my slippery pussy and then pushed it back in again. Oh my goodness, what an incredible sensation. I just couldn’t believe it; I thought I had been feeling fireworks before, now it was the whole blooming parade! As he carried on, he increased the rhythm until it was an endless, smooth, divine movement. I inadvertently clenched the muscles in there and squeezed him which made him groan and then his breathing became even more laboured. The orgasm I had was the most incredible yet, I truly thought I may die, especially when I heard him groan again and then jerk as much as I was. It was like both of us were one person and the universe shot past us.

I was very glad his cock was not banana shaped though. I lost count of how many times we shagged that day. He would do some work and I would start stripping walls and then eventually one or the other over would go to claim a kiss and the whole thing started again. I kid you not when I tell you I could barely walk the next day or the fact that he grinned so much it looked like the wind had changed and stuck his face like that! I was more relaxed and confident each time we did it, more convinced that he would come back the following day and we would do it again, that somehow we had met at this time and whatever else may come in the future, right here was where we were meant to be.

The afternoon progressed and it became harder to work without the electricity on as the growing dusk deepened. He got dressed after another phenomenal shag and told me he would pop out and pick up some takeaway and a bottle of wine. That sounded good to me so I smiled up at him in agreement. I sat on the mattress watching him pull up his jeans, (no boxers after all!) and shrug back into his t-shirt, muscles rippling as he bent and stretched. This man, all of him from his smile, to his body, his personality and the way he screwed, everything was electric.

He headed off, grabbing his key from his jacket pocket. As he reached the doorway, he paused for a second and then turned round, the smile on his face tender now rather than cocky and said, “By the way… I’m Matt.”

The Sensual Revolution


And so it begins, in small places like Rosemont and in other places all over the world. People throw off the yoke of sexual oppression and unleash their inner passions to a world that is more than ready to receive them. Men begin to understand how satisfying it is to bring their partners to orgasm, rather than taking what they want and leaving with their partner frustrated and unhappy. They begin to understand that there is no greater proof of their manhood than to be the one that can produce this effect in others. Women realise that they are no longer slaves to other’s sexual appetites, that they can insist on experiencing anything they desire and choose to only to be with people that can fulfil these long buried yearnings. Everyone realises that submission is not weakness but in fact in reveals hidden strengths and those that revel in submission and domination become more and more open about their wants. Joining the Sensual Revolution gives you freedom to be exactly who you are as an individual; expressing yourself in whichever way feels right. It may start slow with a tentative request to be tied or spanked or just to try something new, but it begins. Across the lands people start to understand their sexuality and the power that they have over their sexual expression. Men and women, whether heterosexual, homosexual or bi-sexual find acceptance for who they are and what they want in the most important place of all: themselves.

I joined The Sensual Revolution several years ago and found how incredibly liberating and fun it was. I would like to invite all of you to join it with me and to this effect I have set up lots of places where you can come and talk to me or to each other about your experiences, get help and advice or just meet fellow revolutionaries. It’s all very well to say “Make Love – Not War” but like all other dramatic changes in human history, it needs to start with a Revolution! In the Sensual Revolution there are no stereotypes, each person is just themselves, accepted no matter what.


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In the very near future you will be able to see videos of the homes that these people live in and the way they look as interpreted by me on The Sims 3! Subscribe to the channel to follow their lives and stories here!


Thank you so much for reading this introduction to The Sensual Revolution and I really hope you enjoyed it. The first of the full next novels Rose will be released on Saturday 31
of August with the next one planned for the beginning of December. All of these following books will be full length stories (twice the size of this one at least) and will follow The Sensual Revolution that happens in each of the character’s lives. I hope that you will have experienced your own Sensual Revolution by then and will find parts in their stories that fulfil your dreams and fuel new ones.

The Sensual Revolution is coming!


Kayler Holmes xxx


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