The Sensual Revolution (5 page)

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Authors: Kayler Holmes

BOOK: The Sensual Revolution
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It was a weird time, I always went to work, the company I had apprenticed with gave me a job when the apprenticeship was over, they were always really impressed by how good my work was: drugs, booze, women, smokes, it didn’t matter, none of that ever affected my work. Once I was on the construction site I was a new man, eager to learn, hardworking and completely committed to my job. I loved it. And then evenings, weekends, holidays I was off at huge parties or taking road trips to far of places with packages to deliver for the “Big Man”. I didn’t always know what was in those packages, I assumed drugs but it could have been anything, I just didn’t care, as long as it paid well.

Although I had a reputation for being a bit of a nutter (I used to fight lots too) the Big Boss trusted me, because no matter what happened I never squealed. If fate had not been my friend again I would probably still be using drugs, supplying them to others and who knows what else.

It was about this time that I first met Lauren. She started going to all the same parties as we did and gradually became part of our circle. She was a really shy little thing, tiny with chestnut hair and brown eyes. She was very pretty but I didn’t try anything on with her strangely. She brought out the need to protect her in me and the main person I needed to protect her from was me.

Well everything came to a head one August night when the police did a huge bust on the Big Man’s place. There was a massive fight and several people got either injured or killed, perhaps you remember reading about it in the papers? It was all over the news. With Lady Luck so firmly in my pocket I was protected again, however because I wasn’t there when it happened.

Lauren had been having a hard time with some guys at the bakery she worked in and I had gone to meet her late at night to show some arm to them, threaten or beat them into leaving her alone and to take her home. These guys as it turned out were dough boys though, (excuse the pun) and it didn’t take much to send them running, tails between their legs yelling promises over their shoulders that they wouldn’t so much as look at Lauren again.

Needless to say she was very grateful.

In the car driving to her house we first heard the news about the raid and it left us both speechless. The newsreader went on to list the injured and killed a big list including one police officer dead, a WPC it seemed although I couldn’t imagine anyone there that I knew attacking a woman. We have this unwritten rule, do whatever you like but you don’t touch women, children or animals. I never did find out what had happened to her, no one seemed to know but everyone assumed that she had just accidentally got into the line of fire and was popped by accident.

The last name on the list was the one that made me actually throw up though. The Big Man had been gunned down trying to flee the cops while shooting at them with his pistol. He was shot no less than seven times and died instantly. It took me ages to stop vomiting. We drove around a little for a while, trying to find anyone who knew what had gone down, but most people were more intent on getting away from the area and to safety before the cops decided they wanted to talk to them too. I started to drive Lauren home but suddenly she burst into tears. She was trembling and couldn’t seem to stop crying and I figured that it was the shock making itself known. I couldn’t have taken her back to her parents like that so instead I took her to my apartment with the intention of filling her up with sweet tea, or maybe brandy and then taking her home when she was okay again. The best laid plans of mice and men and all that, although laid was a pretty significant word as it turned out.

When she had settled down I started making moves towards taking her home but she really didn’t want to leave then. It is often said that situations like the bust of the Big Man and his crew give you a need to have sex. It’s a basic animalistic instinct, a primitive need to ensure that your genes are passed on, regardless of the consequences. Finding that someone you know had their life taken away from them, so quickly, so suddenly makes you realise how fragile your own life is. None the less I was still completely stunned when she suddenly took her sweater off. At first when she stood up and started removing it I just figured she was hot and needed to cool down. No top underneath and no bra on either. I think my eyes came out on stalks, I mean I hadn’t done anything to chase her or attract her, hadn’t needed to use any lines, buy her a drink, or give her a trinket or anything. It was a new experience for me, because it seemed as if she just wanted me. Not the playboy, the sassy, cocky love ‘em and leave ‘em guy but me. I mean I had always treated her like a little sister, never used any tactics on her because I figured she was too good for me and just laugh in my face. I mean don’t get me wrong, sure I bought her drinks, sometimes food and once a really nice jacket, but that was just because she needed it and I never did shake off
my need to protect her.

So there we were, I was sat on my sofa fully dressed and she was stood in front of me, arms to her sides and her perky little tits poking right out towards me. I was totally floored, but despite my protective instincts I was now also horny as hell. Still trying to be the strong protective type and quash the caveman instincts I started to ask her what she was doing but she just put her finger to my lips and told me to shush. I still love that word today – shush – such a funny little word to be the only introduction to what was about to happen!

I wonder if you can guess what happened, well maybe you can have a stab at it but most guys would be groaning and calling me a lucky sod at about this point! She pushed my legs open and then knelt between them, lifting my hands up to cup her tits. Oh they were perfect and I wondered I how I had never noticed them before. Mind you she wasn’t part of our crowd the previous summer and this one had been pretty dire so topless sunbathing or bikini wearing hadn’t really happened yet, but still. I kind of thought that she was pretty flat chested, I guess my urge to protect her had blinkered my eyes towards them because flat-chested was the last thing she was. Remember that old film Weird Science, where two geeky school boys try to create the perfect woman to be their girlfriend? In the program they created they had to put the dimensions of her tits in and I always remember them saying not to make them too huge because any more than a handful and you get a sprained tongue!

These beauties were just perfect, plump and ripe, sort and creamy with nipples like buds of flowers so perfect were they. Hah! Listen to me; I am going to turn into a poet soon if I go on like this!

You know this doesn’t feel right, telling you this, I mean I am married now and talking about another woman like this, especially Lauren… well it almost feels like adultery. Still it was Rose that insisted I did this so… ah well.

So there was I, legs spread on the sofa hands squeezing and playing with these perfect tits completely blissed out and oblivious to anything else, for a while at least. I have to admit she got my attention when she unbuckled my belt and opened the button fly on my Levis. She grabbed onto my attention and held it fast when she leant forward and casually bit my stomach just below the trouser line. It wasn’t just my attention she got either, my cock stood up like a flag pole, making her chuckle a soft seductive sound that made her breath flow down my stomach towards the head of my now more than a little uncomfortable cock!

She was a nice girl. She saw the state of affairs and quickly tried to wrestle my jeans down over my butt to take them and my shorts off and free the beast as it were. Well, nice and snug is how I like my jeans so it was no mean feat but with a little wriggling both hit the floor right across the other side of the room where she threw them.

I was just about to protest her casual treatment of my Levis and Calvin Klein boxers, especially in light of the fact that both my expensive new (large as a brick) mobile phone and my designer watch were in the pockets as well as a few pills, and my smokes! The protest died in my throat though, seriously I kid you not, as she calmly leant down and swallowed my cock. I mean she was only a tiny little thing as I said, but she just bobbed on down there and took the whole 9 inches of it right into the back of her throat and held it there for a good while. Meanwhile at the top end of me was a very experienced lover trying with every fibre of his being not to come down her throat straight away.

Oooh it felt so good and I was fighting myself the whole time, even when we screwed that first time, terrified that I was going to let the side down and for the first time in my life shoot to soon. She started to work my cock with her lips sliding up and down, a little jerkily at first, using her tongue to lubricate me until sliding up and down on my cock was as easy and fluid as it could be. Bear in mind at this point that I was holding my breath in an attempt to stop myself from coming, so much in a state that I had even stopped playing with her tits.

She looked up at me with another sexy chuckle and asked what was wrong. When all she got out of me was incoherent groans she took pity on me and stopped sucking for a bit.

I sat looking at her as my heart beat started to settle and my head cleared, I am ashamed to admit it took a good couple of minutes to happen!

I’m not sure who was the most surprised when I surged to my feet and then literally swept her up of the floor and carried her to my bedroom. She was play fighting me, giggling all the time in a saucy way. The way she wiggled next to my body, her bare breasts bouncing against my arm; so soft but with a hard nipple caressing my skin.

Don’t get me wrong you already know I was far from being an angel and certainly not innocent when it came to women, but my blood was heated and I have a feeling I slightly turned into Neanderthal man right about then. Kicking open my bedroom door I almost threw her onto the bed and demanded that she strip.

“Get naked, now.” I growled at her while removing all the rest of my clothes at what approximated the speed of light. Maybe even faster, perhaps that is all the space program needs for inter-galactic travel, a large bunch of seriously horny guys and an even bigger selection of women, all scantily clad and prepared to do their bit for progress by being shagged by all the men!

She kneeled up on the bed, thrust those gorgeous tits out in from of her and smiled.

“Make me,” was her saucy reply.

As you can no doubt imagine, I didn’t need telling twice. I strode over to the bed, cock thrusting up so hard and pushed her backwards onto the bed and yanked her legs out. Then I roughly unfastened her jeans and pulled them down leaving only the little tiny thong that barely covered her pussy and disappeared straight up her arse. This I took in both hands and ripped them straight off her. I was so much happier now that I was in charge again; I thought I knew exactly how to handle this now.

Opening her legs I started towards her to let the shagging commence, but she stopped me with a look and a few words.

“I’m being a very naughty girl, I need punishing.”

Seriously, sweet little Lauren was into S and M? I was gobsmacked! Mind you never one to look a gift horse in the mouth and all that, I quickly pulled her over my lap, my cock now pressing into her side and slapped her arse. She groaned and so I did it again and again till her body bucked underneath me. Okay this woman was so into bondage and pain that she came just because I slapped her arse? Just proves you never really know people right?

When she stopped coming, I rolled her off my knees onto the bed and stood up, moving to my wardrobe to get something to restrain her with. With four of my best ties in my hand I grabbed one of her ankles and tied it to the bedpost. I did the same with the other leg and both hands until she was spread eagled across the bed. I finished off by putting a sleep mask that an ex-girlfriend had left behind some time ago.

“I can gag you as well if you prefer, but personally I always like to leave girls with the ability to bite me,” I growled at her.

She thrust her head forward as if to bite me but I ducked away quickly and going to the end of the bed I started sucking on her toes. She writhed around, thrashing her body on the bed and crying out. I am still not sure whether she was jerking because she liked it or it tickled but her thrashing and moaning was sure increasing the horniness in the room! Working my way up the insides of her legs, sucking and biting all the way up the soft delicate skin caused more thrashing and moaning, I really loved the sense of power I had over her. I decided that I was just going to play it rough and see how far I could take her. Got to the top of her thigh and just at the place where the skin of both of the tops of her thighs met I stopped and then started to suck on it really quite hard. She was practically screaming at this point and there was no practically about it when I pushed two of my fingers hard into her open pussy. I carried on teasing her like this for a while and then just as I was bringing her back up to orgasm I stopped and moved up her towards her nipples, again biting and sucking hard all the way up. I got to her tits where I stopped and played again bruising the golden flesh around the dusky aureole. She was panting and straining by this point her voice husky from the screams and moans that kept being wrenched out of her. I got up and straddled her body and forced her mouth open. Then without giving her time to protest I stuck my cock into her open mouth and started to fuck her face.  I know I had said I wasn’t going to gag her and that was my intention, but some of the time that my cock went into her mouth she gagged quite a bit, but despite that her moans were still throaty and excited sounding with no indication of fear or discomfort, in fact each time she gagged she seemed to get more excited.

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