The Sensual Revolution (2 page)

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Authors: Kayler Holmes

BOOK: The Sensual Revolution
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Then she turned the vibrator on to full power all at once and suddenly there was vibration on my clit, a long hard cock inside me that moved and twirled and vibrations going into my arse hole. It was like I was being electrocuted only really really nice. I think I came for the first time in about two seconds but I have to say I wasn’t really timing myself! Orgasm followed orgasm as Lisa showed me how much fun you could have with a bunny whilst at the same time licking and sucking my nipples one after the other.

When Lisa realised that I had come so hard and so much that I could barely breathe she turned the vibrator off and gently eased it out of me.
 I lay on the bed completely naked, my hair in wild disarray on the pillow around me, my chest heaving as I fought for breath and my skin slick with perspiration. Getting up from the bed and wrapping her robe around Lisa announced she was going to the kitchen to get us some supper and more wine. I protested the wine because I had enough inside me already and I didn’t need the buzz of alcohol right then. As she left she announced that she would bring coffee instead as I would need the caffeine kick before the night was out. She suggested I hop back into the shower to rinse the sweat off me but told me not to get dressed afterwards as there was still more to come! Considering how much I had come already I was more than a little bemused at the thought of more, but decided that another shower would be nice as I was more than a little sticky.

In the shower I started investigating my own body with my hands and eyes. Touching my breasts and my pussy I was a little disappointed to feel that the sensations were not the same as when Lisa did it. It was still nice like, but not as intense, until I closed my eyes and imagined that it was Lisa’s fingers touching me rather than my own.
Well all I can say is that it was a good job I was already in the shower or I would have needed another one once my orgasm subsided!

Pulling a spare bath robe over my sensitive skin I reached the bedroom just as Lisa returned with a tray laden with small sandwiches, chips and dips, chocolate muffins and a large jug of sweet milky coffee. I had no idea how hungry I was and was astounded when between us we polished off the lot. It didn’t seem that long since we had been stuffing our faces with pizza and pasta, but her digital alarm clock had a different tale to tell. My face must have reflected horrified surprise because Lisa took one look at me and cracked up laughing. I was a little embarrassed and hurt until she giggled at me that age old saying “time flies when you’re having fun”! Having fun? Understatement of the century, this wasn’t just having fun it was almost divine! Still the humour of the situation got to me and I also started to laugh.

Lisa opened the sash to my dressing gown and told me how much she loved to see my breasts bouncing up and down when I was laughing. She told me that I had the most beautiful breasts she had ever seen and a really tasty pussy as well. Of course I blushed and stammered and looked like a sixteen year old on her first date. Not that far from the truth actually, only a couple of years out!

Lisa cleared the tray from the bed and then asked me if I had ever wondered what it felt like to be fucked. Well of course I had tried to imagine it before but I had no point of reference to
go from so I was curious, even more so now that I had experienced all this other amazing stuff. I did wonder for a few minutes if Lisa had a man stashed away in a closet somewhere which started her laughing again when I raised the question. It was a very valid question from my perspective of absolutely no experience whatsoever, but Lisa assured me that a man was not necessary. I think that the very thought of being with a man was abhorrent to her then, she hadn’t actually said that she was a lesbian but afterwards as we lay in her bed together smoking a joint (first time for that too) she described in more detail what she had been through . It was enough to turn anyone towards being a lesbian in my opinion.

Once she had finished laughing she told me to wait and see
, stood up and letting her robe fall to the floor she strode to her dresser in full naked splendour. She bent towards her bottom drawer and I could see her arsehole and pussy in full detail. I was overwhelmed with the inexplicable need to go to her and lick her and suck her and push my fingers into her, but I hadn’t even started to move when she straightened up with some kind of black leather strap in her hand. Before I could ask what it was, she put her black dildo into it somehow and then strapped it around her waist.  She walked back to the bed with the black dildo thrusting out proudly in front of her positioned by the straps to be in the same position as a real cock would be when it fucked you. She climbed onto the bed on her knees and opened my legs so that they spread apart.

I closed my eyes as she bent down and started to lick my clit and pussy, pushing her fingers inside me and spreading my pussy as she had spread my legs. When I was almost unconscious with bliss she rose up a little and came closer to me. She reached down to the dildo and then positioned it at the tip of my pussy. “This may hurt a little first time sweetheart “were her warning words as she started to ease the dildo inside me again. It was strange how much more different it felt having it thrust into me from this angle. Lisa took it very slowly, pausing and withdrawing a little every so often. I did feel a moment of pain as she finally pushed completely into me, but it was lost within a fraction of a second as Lisa bent over to kiss me with the dildo buried deep within me.
 As our tongues entangled Lisa started to rock back and forward easing the dildo in and out of me as a real cock would have done. The feelings just exploded into me like a shard of lightning. With her fingers Lisa played with my clit as she fucked me with the large, black penis and it felt so good. I could feel an orgasm building deep inside me and my breathing became shallower and interspersed with moans and cries. As she heard me getting ready to break apart Lisa increased the speed and depth of her thrusts so that it was harder, so much harder and faster. Eventually I forgot to breath and then came, head lost in the stars as my voice screamed out my passion for the world to hear. As I came slowly back to earth I could feel Lisa lying on top of me and I heard her broken whisper as she told me that now I was  safe, that I would never have the pain and fear of someone taking that from me. It had been freely given with rapturous results and that I was safe now. As the tear hit my shoulder I pushed up and angled around so that I cradled her in my arms. She told me about what had happened in her childhood and we cried together. When she had calmed I gave to her all that she had given to me and we fell asleep entangled in each other’s arms, still talking about who we were and why.

That was the beginning of a deep and abiding friendship in which we agreed straight away that we would be friends with benefits and free to see other people. She was very adamant that I explore men and see if I liked them as well as women, which it turned out I really did. I am twenty nine now and she is twenty eight and our lives have changed so much. I spent a long time playing around and having loads of fun before I entered the situation that left me bed bound and reliving my wildest sexual exploits to everyone! Throughout all of that time our friendship has never wavered.




It is funny how life goes isn’t it. I was exposed to sex far too young, seriously far too young although at the time I didn’t know it was either sex or that it was in any way wrong. Looking back you would think that sex would be the furthest thing from my mind after all I went through but sex was my life for so long that even by the time I was 16 and away from all the abuse, I couldn’t get enough of it. To me it was a form of validation, an acknowledgement that I was sexy and attractive. During the years of my so called parent’s abuse, if I did what they wanted with them and with their friends I was treated to ice-creams and sweets, meals out and takeaways, clothes and jewellery and all sorts, so I had also come to associate sex with rewards.

Considering everything, when I finally got to live on my own the fact that I decided early on to make a career in the sex industry should come a bit of a shock. I quickly found a way to make my sexual experience pay even more though so why stop?

The business that I ran from home started when I was sixteen and three quarters and finally settled in my little cottage on my own. My only real ambition was to pay back the people who had bought the cottage for me and get myself out of what I considered a huge debt. All I needed to start this business was a computer with a webcam and lots of sexy clothes and toys. Eventually even my telephone became a source of income.  From age sixteen to present day sex has been my whole life, well technically from about three to present day but that no longer haunts me anymore. In fact I am almost grateful for it in a strange kind of way. Even if I wasn’t having sex myself with other people, (a rare occurrence frankly) or just recording myself playing alone, I did also help lots of other people to have awesome, mind-blowing sex themselves.

My website started off as one big site with lots of portals to different things. The main part of the site was dedicated to talking about sex, about articles and conversations about everything sexual, but eventually I had to buy my own server and break the site into lots of separate ones, all linked to each other. By the time I decided to take a more managerial role at 28 I was hiring over a hundred people both male and female to provide all kinds of virtual experiences and assistance. My main site “Let’s Talk about It” continued to be the same as the main part of the original site (it was the original site actually just moved to my private server), in which I talked about sex, hosted chat rooms for others to talk sex to each other and sent people to my other sites where I had more chance of making money. Don’t get me wrong, even on this site I was making money through affiliate marketing and email promotions, but the main sources of income came from my other sites and my telephone services.

I am sure you can imagine what I do but I thought I would share this information with you so you can see exactly why it is so popular.

The other two main sites that I have are a clothing and accessories site and a webcam site and it I was predominantly the webcam site that made me as successful as I am now, that and the endless support from my best friend Rose. I thought that since I had to write for you a little about myself, my life and my sexual exploits that I would tell you about all of this, it kind of sums it all up really!

So the very main website has all kinds of articles and hints and tips about sex, articles about how to increase the size of your penis, the G-Spot… a map, lots of articles, quizzes and reviews of sex toys – which I use to promote the shop. I have a whole part of the site devoted to tantric sex and another to the Kama Sutra, in which I explain all of the thinking behind both concepts in depth. This site does mostly attract women but I also get a lot of response from the whole gay community.

My second site “Close to the Skin” is all about fashion and fantasy. Here you can get all kinds of awesome toys to play with like the Rampant Rabbit Rose talks about as well as clothing to fit all tastes and budgets. It’s a bit like Ann Summers only more xxx rated, the toys are more hard core and we cater for all kinds of fetishes from baby outfits and adult sized nappies, bottles and potties to black rubber, ropes, blindfolds and whips. We even have a specialist site that takes things to a whole new level and provides dungeon equipment and large scale sex toys like the chair that can give women six orgasms a minute (it really works, I tried it!) This part of the site is closed to all but members and there is a small membership fee to access it, despite the fee however, it is incredibly successful and I make a good amount of money each year just from the membership subs!

The last of the bigger websites is called Little Lisa’s Web and is far and away the most lucrative part of the business. It all started not long after I bought the cottage and started getting into the whole computer side of things. I did eventually go to college and learn about all things computer, such as site design and html code but at first it was just me and a webcam. It took me a month of Sunday’s  and some very specialist help to work out how to use the webcam and where to position it, but once that was done it was amazing how quickly the business took off.

I was surfing the internet, looking for interesting sites when I came across one for amateur porn stars. “Make your own porn movie here…” well that sounded like a lot of fun so I downloaded the software and began to give it ago. My first few attempt were a blatant failure, I felt so self-conscious that I kept giggling and the videos were rubbish.  The website that owned the software had a post your own video section and I decided to put one of the better ones of my first attempts on there and see what happened.

What did happen was an email from one of the owners of the site requesting a telephone or video call conversation to discuss my offering. I was intrigued, did they think it was appalling and want me to take it off the site or did they like it? I set up a webcam meeting for the same evening and looked forward to talking to their representative with a mixture of excitement and outright terror. Now as you all know I was seriously not into guys at this stage in my life but when Mike’s face appeared on the screen even I was impressed. White blond hair with well-tanned skin and sparkling blue eyes this man was like a walking, talking, (masturbating) Adonis.

We exchanged introductions and then Mike got right to the point.

“I have looked at your video several times and while there is a lot I like about it, there are several things I hoped to discuss with you to make this and your future videos more appealing to the public. I hope you realise that even with the video you posted you could make money. If I can teach you how to make them more marketable you could have an extremely lucrative career ahead if you want it.”

I frankly was amazed that he liked any of it and was intrigued to hear what he found appealing and what he hated. He offered me coaching sessions, virtual ones of course and I readily agreed. The main things he said that he liked about my video was how I looked as a person and how uninhibited I was – if a little giggly, even with all of that though he had seen straight away that I was a natural at this and was for some reason really interested in teaching me and getting my career of the ground. He said the fatal flaws were how amateur the video looked, the lighting and positioning and other technical issues. We talked for a long time and eventually agreed to other sessions like it but with more teaching going on, like how to correct those previous faults, starting the following evening. He instructed me to wear something seductive but revealing, people like to see you naked, he told me but went on to explain that they also love a bit of mystery, some teasing, virtual foreplay if you like before the strip tease that revealed all I had to offer. In my previous videos I had just stripped off before hand and spent the whole time naked. He advised me that the sight of me naked was enough by itself to get most men interested, but that if I wanted to drive them crazy, I needed to take each video like a performance and make sure all aspects were right, from what I wore, to makeup and lighting. He also quickly explained that talking to people was an important part of it as well so I needed to do some script work. Before he signed off he told me that he thought I had the potential to be great and to make a lot of money and laughingly told me that when I as rich and famous I could promote his services to my customers (it turned out that this was originally his main reason for approaching me, he could tell I would be good and hoped to use my business as a stepping stone for his own. Of course I had no problem with this, once I did starting making the business successful I was more than happy to advertise and backlink for him and his rise to fame and fortune almost matched my own).

The following day I spent a lot of time composing a script and working out what to wear that was sexy but not revealing. I had to admit that young as I was I didn’t own much in the way of seductive like that so I dipped into the bank account that had been set up for me and took a trip to the local lingerie shop where I bought all kinds of sexy clothing up to and including to tiny thongs (in my opinion the most uncomfortable thing known to womankind).

Before I tell you about that first proper session perhaps I should explain what I look like undressed! I am only short at five foot four but I am very lucky to have almost perfect proportions. Although my breasts were not as big as I would have liked them and I thought my arse was a little big, I did have a nice slim waist (sorry but I am one of those annoying people that can eat what I want and never gain an inch, although I do work out a lot and not just by having kinky sex!).  I have short blond hair that always seems to look like I just crawled out of bed and bright blue eyes. I am never terribly tanned though, as without the benefit of alcohol I am really conscious about showing my body off outside – ironic really all things considered but there you go.

I was excited but nervous when the time came for my coaching session and quite gratified when he appeared exactly on time and was all dressed up and nowhere to go in a racy black and red Basque, fishnet stockings, a teeny red thong and four inch red stilettos. Looking back I must have looked like a child playing with her mum’s lingerie but I thought I looked great, sexy and mature. Mike had other ideas though and looked a bit stunned when I first appeared on his screen.

He asked me if that was all the lingerie I had and when I said I had more he asked me to show him. After looking at all the outfits he made me get changed –in front of the camera-
into a very young looking baby doll, all white with white cotton panties underneath: not a cheese cutter in sight! He also told me I should wear socks and sneakers to start with. I was very confused and more than a little disgruntled when he told me to put all the black and red stuff, the truly racy things away for several months. He must have seen my face fall or something because he asked me what was wrong. I explained about how much of my limited savings I had spent on these clothes and how I couldn’t afford to get any more right now. He asked me for my measurements and then told me not to worry about it for the time being. He said for the next couple of weeks at least I would just work with him as I was now dressed. I didn’t understand why and he seemed a little embarrassed when I queried this. After a couple of uncomfortable minutes he asked me how old I was. When I told him seventeen he exhaled a sound suspiciously like a sigh of relief – seventeen is above the legal age of consent in this country where you could start having legal sex at the age of sixteen, an even more significant birthday for all those who started at fifteen or younger.

He explained to me that I was in an enviable position because I looked a lot younger than I was and some people were really interested in underage girls. I shuddered a bit when I heard that and must have gone a bit pale because he again asked me what was wrong. I don’t talk about it much, even to this day only Rose, Mike and Nate and anyone connected with the trial know all the details, but I realised I needed to tell him  if we were going to work together, so that he would understand why I wouldn’t have sex with men. He looked a bit pale himself when I told him, but quickly pulled himself together. His opinion was that in some ways I was lucky. Needless to say I was very surprised to hear that, shocked speechless actually and he must have caught that too because he hastened to reassure me.

“Look Lisa, this in a way will help you immensely. I know what happened was awful and hideous beyond my comprehension but you can turn this pain and suffering into something really lucrative now, use the bad experiences to make a career that will be stunning.”

I still didn’t get it, until he went on to explain that all this experience gave me an understanding about what turned people on and this was what had jumped out to him from my first video. When he watched it he had been a little concerned about my age, but still saw a cute, tiny, little blond girl that dominated the screen with her sexiness and her natural ability to feed straight to people’s desires. Then we started making a plan for the future, Mike helped me get started on all of this and I still send him customers from each of my websites in gratitude.

We first discussed the fact that I needed to become professionally young and innocent whatever that meant. I had never been innocent so I wasn’t sure how to pull that off but he said that it was okay that he would help me learn how to act innocent while still setting viewers blood on fire. I just needed to keep in my mind that I would be providing a service but that none of it was real anymore so I would need to think of it as an acting job.

We worked on the speech for a while and then he suggested some things I could do to instantly improve how I looked on the screen. He told me that just like being on stage the camera has a tendency to make people look pale so I needed to use a little more make-up in stronger shades. He told me that he had a colleague who would teach me about how to do that at some point. He then made me sit on the bed so he could see the angles I was presenting to the camera and showed me how to get the best position for viewers to see everything. We discussed lighting and mood and tried a number of different options to work
out where to position lights so that the room implied a sexy atmosphere without preventing people from seeing things.

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