The Sensual Revolution (3 page)

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Authors: Kayler Holmes

BOOK: The Sensual Revolution
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Once all this was done, he suggested I have a go at a short clip that he would record and then we would compare the difference between that one and the one I had posted on his site originally. I made a little change to his clothing suggestion and kicked the sneakers off so I was just wearing little ankle socks on my feet, which he thought was a great idea
idea, telling me how natural I was at seeing the smaller details.

I decided that I would start the clip by positioning myself on my front, facing the camera with me feet swinging up in the air above me. I never had a chance to be involved in any amateur dramatics, my childhood being as it was and I soon realised that instead of being nervous I was actually having fun, it was so much easier to do when I pretended I was someone else. In light of using my past experience to gain success, I started off my just telling my viewers of one of the things that had happened in my past. I told it as a story leaving out none of the details including how I had felt at the time and how I felt now, but I didn’t refer to names or places. It was quite a minor session with my mum’s boyfriends best friend when it had all really just begun and so was not as hard core as many of the other times, but even so I found that the only way to recount it was to pretend I was someone else talking about something that was nothing to do with me personally. It was at this point I developed the “Little Lisa” persona that people came to love so much.

So there I am on the bed, legs swaying above me, talking to my computer about sex. It was strangely empowering and I found myself actually getting turned on for some reason, I guess people reading this testimony will be thinking that something inside me had been pretty damaged by my past, but it’s kind of liberating I guess.  It’s just fantasy, obviously I have more reason than many to hate child pornographers, but this was just acting. It stopped being real for me as soon as I looked into the camera, and that helped me to deal with it.

I was talking in a sweet little girl’s voice and after a while of talking sex, I started to switch positions so that I was now sitting cross legged on the end of the bed facing the camera and giving a tantalising glimpse of the tops of my legs, my little white panties just hiding my pussy. The more I talked, the more turned on I became until I just wanted to touch myself and I started getting wriggly with need. Mike quietly suggested that I just do what felt right so I untied the front of the baby doll and started to touch my breasts. I continued to describe my earlier sexual encounter as if it was happening to me now only I was touching myself to the rhythm of the story. When I mentioned how the man had touched my breasts I also touched them and when I described him stroking my pussy I did the same thing. It was like a sexual strip tease because gradually as the story unfolded, exactly as in real life, I ended up completely naked.

I continued with my tale, touching and rubbing myself into the camera until it became time to talk about when the first penetration had happened. At this point I took out my rabbit, lay back on the bed a little and spread my legs. I could hear Mike’s breathing get heavier on the other side of the camera which made me even more excited. A professional like him must have seen all kinds of videos yet mine seemed to be really turning him on.

At first as I lay back I just played with my pussy dipping my fingers in and out and making myself nice and wet. Then I started to fuck myself with my vibrator, still telling the screen
about what the man had done to the other me. I was astounded by how powerful I felt, using this experience to my advantage and began to improvise a little. I put the bunny ears onto my clit and shuddered as the feelings intensified. I played with my nipples, sincerely wishing that I was well enough endowed to be able to suck them myself.

I could hear sound from the other side of the computer indicating that Mike was enjoying this as much as I was – he was totally and unashamedly wanking himself as he recorded me.

I kept on fucking myself, talking about what had happened and getting closer and closer to orgasm, the large pink vibrator sliding in and out of me in that perfect rhythm that only girls know how to do for themselves.  Mike spoke, whispering softly, “Go for it girl, let it out, I want to see you come”.

I couldn’t bear it; I thrust the vibrator in harder and harder until I exploded into massive multiple orgasms, crying out and almost screaming my excitement, my juices were flowing over my inner thighs and onto the bed and my body wracked with shudders. I didn’t even hear when Mike came, but by the time I had come back to earth he had also stopped and was panting heavily. His initial breathless comment of wow was extremely gratifying.

Once I had put normal clothes back on, we sat down and he let me watch the video he had recorded. It was so sexy, so professional looking that even I was impressed, a little embarrassed by how appalling my first attempts now looked, but pretty chuffed none the less.

At this point Mike said that the best thing to do was to post the video on the site and see what sort of response it got. He promised that he would promote it through the website and arranged for a simple follow up call the following night to discuss what the initial response had been and how I could take things so much further than this.

Over the years that followed Mike played a very important part in the growth of my company, advising me on how to set up my websites, how to advertise and eventually how to expand. There were several times when he came over to visit and brought other sexy women with him. He would also bring almost professional video recording equipment with which was able to make really great films that had substance and even storylines which he scripted himself. Of course Little Lisa was always the leading lady and over the years I have been filmed having sex with women of all size, colour and creed in many amazing storylines, the man is a genius! It’s been such a lot of fun and the end results were huge money makers. It was also Mike that encouraged me to diversify into the other websites, the webcam one, where clients could pay to watch me having sex by myself or with other women, or just wanted to watch me talk dirty and that sort of thing. He helped me set up a private number and make it into a sex hotline which I very quickly needed to hire other people to work on. He helped me find suppliers for my sales website, and storage to keep all the merchandise safe. As my business grew and grew so did Mike’s own company as we used my rapidly increasing network of fans to promote it often, along with posting articles on “Let’s Talk about It” outlining how to make your own home videos using the software Mike’s team were forever improving. With the amount of customers I bought to his site, I never had to pay for upgraded software; in fact my company was often used as a testing site to make sure it all worked and to advertise the new developments. I was so glad to watch his company storm into success as mine did the same and we still work very closely together.

Rose helped out with the website often, coming over to have sex with me while lots of horny people watched and it was Rose that went to the swinger’s parties with me as I met like-minded people and networked to make my business even more successful.

Although throughout this stage of my life I was not even slightly interested in having sex with a man, I perversely felt hurt during the first couple of years when Mike made no moves to get intimate with me. Of course that hurt disintegrated instantly the first time he brought his boyfriend over with some of the girls and let me record them having sex. I didn’t understand if he was gay, how he had become so aroused with my first video and he wasn’t really sure himself. I think it was watching the sex happen right in front of him, coupled with how excited he was about the potential future that really stocked his fire although upon the occasion of drunken orgies here and there he has told me that I am the only woman could make him come!

That whole session was an incredible experience as well and proved hugely popular with my clients. His boyfriend was bi-sexual while Mike was just into guys (although he liked looking at me, possibly because of my almost boy like proportions, he never once expressed any interest in fucking me himself) and this made for some incredible orgy videos with Mike fucking his boyfriend while the boyfriend fucked me and other people played with me or with Mike and his boyfriend, or each other.

As I mentioned previously the business just grew and grew and eventually I had to move it out of my bedroom into specially bought headquarters with more professional camera facilities and lots of people working for me. It was truly astonishing how many people wanted to be in the films I made, but clearly the Sexual Revolution I had breathily described to Rose on our first date was definitely alive and well and picking up some serious speed!

At first I thought the local people of Rosemont and the surrounding area would scorn me if they knew what I was doing.  I was blown away when it all came out and instead or censure and scorn I quickly had even local people asking if they could be in one of the films, or if I could shoot films of them having sex for their own use. So yet another side of the business started where people could rent one of several rooms at headquarters and be discreetly filmed while they had all manner of sexual adventures.  Rosemont is a very young town with a large part of the population falling between sixteen and fifty five, so maybe this had something to do with how sexually liberated most people seemed to be. Of course I had some church people originally denounce me and I was very upset, I got over that quite quickly when even some of these people came round and gave the company a go. Man if I wasn’t sworn to confidentiality, the stories I could tell!

About now I think that I should explain about the set-up of the headquarters so you can see how it all works. I bought an old manor house when I was twenty. I had to take out a mortgage at this stage although that was paid off very quickly, I guess it helps if you live in a small town and the bank manager is one of your best clients!  The manor house was extremely derelict when I first bought it, but a lot of hard work from me, Rose, members of staff and outsourced workers soon turned it into a sex club of extreme popularity and the hub of a rapidly growing business empire. At the very top of the house are the rooms given over to more managerial jobs, from personnel to the people who run the sex hotlines and need quiet cubby holes to be able to talk to their clients. On the top floor I also have the rooms where I have all the stock rooms, holding everything to items for the store, stationary, supplies for the successful running of the club such as food and alcohol and all the spares for everything from cameras to bedding.

The second floor is where all the bedrooms are and these cover every possible sexual experience you could require except for the heavy bondage dungeon. There are dark rooms, where everything is done by touch, hearing, taste and smell, very popular amongst clients who want either mystery or anonymity. We have peepshow rooms, orgy rooms, fetish rooms of various kinds and many other things to do with sex of all kinds. Each room has cameras in positioned at various angles to either film customers wanting to hire them for their own use, or for the guys and girls doing the live webcam session that are still so incredibly popular. The arrangement of the club has not really changed in the last eight years; some of the décor and the toys on offer have been upgraded to make them more relevant to new exploration into new toys and gadgets, obviously these upgraded things are all on my website for people to buy and all members of the club, no matter what level of membership get accounts for each website set up automatically. It is all about crosslinking and back linking online for expanding your outreach as well as using social media (discreetly) to entice more people to what you are doing. It is outstanding how many people are interested and I have a huge team of people now to just manage the promotion side of the business.

The ground floor houses a huge reception area that doubles as a great party venue. People can book the use of this area for private parties and on a regular basis we hold our own parties here, inviting all our clients to come and play. They love the personal touch and although it is quite clear that I never play, some of the more obsessed people still tried it on with me. I ended up hiring body guards which was quite difficult for me until I met Rose’s friend Sally and she became my head of security. Wow she had those that got too fresh with me out into the parking lot as if their pants were on fire, but not before she had taken their photo id cards so she could register in the system that they were banned. People who saw how seriously Sally took her job stopped trying it on, it’s a waste of money to buy membership to such a club and then lose your money and access to the club for being an idiot! Most now settle for my autograph or a quick peck on the cheek and things have become a lot more peaceful there now.

Of course before I met Sally I had also met the man who would heal my scars and go on to be my husband - Nate. When I first met him I was really reluctant to talk about both my past and what I did for a living. By the time we got engaged though he had given up his own job and became my second in command in the business helping with all the technical details I could never get my head around.

The basement of the club hold the areas that are my personal favourites, a pool and spa with refreshments on offer and mirrors everywhere that allow people to see what they were doing whether it was just relaxing or indulging in some incredible “Water sports”!  I truly do mean water sports in the original sense of the word, with pool parties taking on a whole new meaning. Obviously bodily fluids were not involved or I would have had to refill the pool almost every day! At one end of this area is a little room through which members can access the stairs leading down to yet another basement but only if they have the special pass card. This is the dungeon area and members have to have the platinum membership pack (not cheap) to be able to use these rooms regularly, well whenever they wanted really subject to availability. The only time the dungeon is not available for general use is if an individual or group of people rent it out for a one off occasion. Mind you, if you are a platinum member and you do use the dungeon the rest of the time, you take your chances as to who else will be down there and what they are up to!

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