The Sensual Revolution

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Authors: Kayler Holmes

BOOK: The Sensual Revolution
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The Sensual Revolution.


Kayler Holmes


Published by Kayler Holmes.

Copyright © 2013 Kayler Holmes

The phrase The Sensual Revolution is a trademark of Kayler Holmes.

The moral rights of the author have been asserted.


All Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the author/publisher. It is not to be circulated in other forms, bindings or covers, nor is any part to be used in any other publication for profit. While we have no problem with people sharing the work with others we expressly forbid the sale for money of any part of this book by anyone other than the author.


Author’s Foreword


e Sensual Revolution can only be described as a concept of sensual freedom. It shows that everyday people from all walks of life can have the most incredible sensual experiences if they would only choose to.  It’s about finding what is repressing you and dealing with it. If you already have a terrific sex life it’s about getting some ideas you have never tried before. It is about the freedom to explore whatever boundaries of sensual behaviour you can think of and finding out if the boundaries are only in your own mind. Mostly it is about lots and lots of hot steamy passion. If you can turn words on the page into a picture in your mind then read this book and the rest of the series to read about some of the most sensual and passionate experiences you can imagine.


This book is a collection of stories about some of the central characters of The Sensual Revolution. The main books in the series start with Rose and are about 3 times longer than this one! So I hope you enjoy my stories and come to like the people in it as much as I do!


The Sen
ual Revolution is coming… are you?



I would like to give special mentions to the following people;


Perlin for her constant support and encouragement.

Brenneman for many many emails and invitations to work in the sun.
Sarah Hudson, Zena Easman and Philippa O’Donoghue for their long term support and encouragement and for believing in me when I found it hard to believe in myself.


As expected though my main acknowledgements go to my editor in chief Jess, for being the rock I built my life upon,




Pascal Rillmann for being the place in which I rest.


Love you both with all my heart




I was never very adventurous in the bedroom until I met Lisa. Saying that I was never interested in having sex with girls either until I met Lisa, note to self… talk to Lisa about this!

I met Lisa properly when I was eighteen and living and working in Rosemont. I had seen her around for a few years, she moved here when she was sixteen. Gossips claimed it was because of some kind of sex scandal but I do try not to listen to gossip, it’s never as true as it seems. Besides I had seen her around as I said and she seemed really nice. She was very pretty but she hid that well under clothes that were very unflattering and often
boy’s clothes.  I sensed a sadness about her, when I saw her in passing, but I always smiled and said hello. Truth to tell I was very impressed by her, she seemed to do whatever she wanted, dressed how she liked and was outspoken and fun. She settled into the town straight away like a native and after a while all the speculation died down and the town just accepted her as she was.

So anyway, I was eighteen and she was seventeen on the day I met her properly. I have this fatal attraction to cars; have nearly been run over a whole lot of times. That’s not even talking about the car crash that left me bed bound for months, reduced to reliving my wild sexual exploits to escape the boredom. There wouldn’t have been any wild sexual exploits if I wasn’t so absent minded when it came to roads but on this day I was so busy
 thinking about the cappuccino I was about to buy that I just stepped off the pavement and into the road to cross to the coffee shop without a moment’s thought. I am fairly sure the bus driver had several thoughts as he slammed on the brakes but he didn’t need to worry. Lisa had seen the situation and hauled me out of the path of the bus with several seconds to spare before I was road kill.

She pulled me back quite hard, yelling her lungs at me and we both over balanced and landed on the sidewalk in a heap.
 Once we had extricated ourselves, Lisa was laughing but I was a bit of a shaky wreck and became a little tearful, just shock I expect. Lisa must have worked this out; she is a pretty smart cookie after all, so she hauled me to my feet after asking if I was hurt. She then dragged me to the nearby crossing and took me to the café for the aforementioned cappuccino. It was there that we got to know each other and just like when you meet a potential lover for the first time we just talked for hours. It was only when we realised that the afternoon was almost gone that Lisa reluctantly started making noises regarding leaving.

I also felt an unusual sense of reluctance to part so I suggested that I take her out and buy her dinner to say thanks and she agreed readily. We decided not to bother getting changed and so just wandered down the high street to the local Italian restaurant for pizza and pasta and a nice bottle of wine. Still talking ten to the dozen we again lost track of time as night drew in and the restaurant gradually filled up with people. We discussed everything, her past, mine, our thoughts and dreams. I had never found anyone that I could talk to like this. Born and bred in Rosemont, daughter of the local school principal I grew up to exacting standards in a nice house that always had to stay nice and was now living by myself in a little apartment. Lisa had a whole different past to relate, one of fear and horror that made me feel sick to my stomach for her. Still I wanted to know her better so when she asked if I wanted to go back to her house for coffee I readily agreed.

Lisa lived in one of the poorer parts of town and I was very surprised to see that she lived alone, in a little house with a small garden.  She had made the house lovely but I still wondered how she had been able to afford the place at seventeen. Settled in her cosy living room with cups of coffee, liberally laced with brandy, she explained about foster care and how she had hated it. She told me how she had left school and started her own business which was doing quite well. I was still astounded by how nice the house was and when I expressed that Lisa just shrugged. She had already mentioned the ladies from her mum’s morning club when she told me about the abuse she had suffered and how they had worked together to get her to safety. She went on to tell me about how they had kept in touch and involved when Lisa moved to Rosemont and how, when foster care proved to be no good for her they had all clubbed together and helped her to raise the money to buy the little cottage she now lived in.

I was glad for her, all the things she had been through it was nice that life was starting to pick up for her now. I realised that the brandy on top of the wine had made me unsafe to drive and so asked Lisa if she knew of any taxi firms nearby. Of course Lisa insisted that I stayed over and so we opened another bottle of wine and got comfortable. Lisa lent me a little nightie so that I could get a shower and get out of my slightly rumpled clothes
(it was little to me at least, I am quite few inches taller than Lisa and definitely more buxom) which she then put into the washing machine for me and tumbled them dry ready for the following day. The next day was a Sunday so I had nothing much to get up for but I was still grateful for her kindness.

As the night progressed we talked of more and more intense things, about hang-ups and fears and about dreams and wishes. Lisa told me that all the abuse she had suffered had made her prefer women to men on a sexual basis. I was amazed and confessed to having no sexual experience whatsoever. Lisa was aghast, especially when I explained that no sexual experience meant that I had not even experimented by myself.
 She told me that she really enjoyed sex by herself because she had all her toys to play with to make it fun. I didn’t understand, why would you play with toys while having sex? Only children play with toys and hopefully they are not having much in the way of sex at the time! So Lisa took me into her bedroom and got out a wooden box from under her bed. It was strangely exciting sitting on her huge double bed looking at vibrators and gels and other things. I had a feeling of standing on the edge of something incredible, something I had never experienced before.

Lisa also seemed a bit nervous but this just made her a little giggly. She started to tell me what some of the toys did and how you used them and as my eyebrow climbed h
igher and higher she became even gigglier. Eventually she picked up the box and slid across the cream satin duvet to the pillow end of the bed. Pushing the duvet to the floor with her feet she started to take her clothes off and told me that she would show me how the vibrators worked if I wanted. She told me that I would have to take the nightie off and my little white panties as well and when we were both naked she patted the satin sheet in front of the pillows beside her and I went to sit there, feeling both self-conscious and scared but also excited with strange feelings coursing through my body.

Before she started playing with the toys Lisa explained that it was really important to warm up before you started with the bigger vibrators so she leaned over and started to stroke my breasts. Instantly my skin became covered in
goosebumps and my nipples stood to attention so proudly that it was almost painful. Until Lisa took it in her mouth of course and then the feeling was so exquisite that I forgot almost everything else.

Lisa started the whole process in a rather teaching manner which was funny and made both of us a little less nervous and a lot gigglier. One of the vibrators that Lisa owned was called a Rampant Rabbit and the part of the vibrator that stimulated the clit actually looked like bunny ears, this added even more to the hilarity when I squawked with laughter about it!

She was reluctant to just start using the toys on me, so first she showed me with each one exactly how they worked on herself, encouraging me to hold them in place.  I was fascinated by the look on her face as the large rubber cock went into her pussy.  I had never even seen a pussy before; self-examination and masturbation were not exactly encouraged in my childhood so I also spent a little while just looking at her and touching her. She got really aroused when I started to look at her pussy and told me to touch it, to put my fingers inside her and to lick it. The more I touched her, especially with my hands and mouth, but also with the vibrator, the more aroused she became and it filled me with a strange feeling as I saw her breathing become heavier and her face flush. The little moans she made caused my own body to react and I could feel both of my breasts become hot and heavy with nipples that were hard and throbbing. I felt a strange swooping sensation in my stomach and warmth between my legs around my pussy which made my own breathing heavier.

After a while, Lisa sat up and pushed me down onto the sheet beside her.
 She said she was going to take things nice and slow because I was new to it, but judging by how my pussy was throbbing I was not sure at all that this would be an issue. She started of my sensual initiation at my head which surprised me. She started to kiss me, pushing my lips open with her tongue and thrusting it against my tongue. I had seen people kiss like this in movies but never dared myself so this was in itself a revelation. Can you remember the first time you kissed like that, tongues swooping and diving, wrapping round each other’s as your saliva mingles. Her deep breaths onto my face and her little moans as the kiss went on and on only made the experience more exciting. I was a complete virgin, new to all of this so every sensation was strange but incredible.

Lisa started to suck my tongue and then my bottom lip before pulling away and placing small soft kisses down over my chin and onto my neck. She kissed my neck slowly and lazily, pausing now and then to bite me gently and to lick me. She worked her way up to my ear and then took the lobe between her teeth. Biting gently she placed her hand on my breast and started to play with the extremely sensitive nipple. I have no words for how amazing that felt, her hot breath in my ear and the dull pain of her teeth only made what she was doing with her fingers more exciting. She trailed kisses down my body to my breast and moving her hand to the other nipple began to suck on the one she had just been playing with. If I thought the sensation was amazing before I knew nothing. As soon as she sucked my nipple I felt this weird feeling starting from my toes and working its way up my body. It was a hot tingling feeling, one that left me feeling twitchy. The sensation travelled up my naked body until I could do nothing but buck and writhe as the feeling became all I knew. I am fairly sure I even forgot to breath and as I moaned and panted for breath I could just hear Lisa’s own moans and her occasional whisper of encouragement as she stopped sucking my nipple for a second.

Once the sensation, which was like a hot tide of pleasure that consumed my body, had finished and I lay panting on the bed Lisa looked down at me with a wicked smile on her face. She asked me if I was sure I was a virgin because I was so passionate and so easy to arouse. When I again protested my previous innocence she laughed and started caressing my body. She promised me that for the rest of the night she would introduce me to a sensual revolution that would forever change my life. And boy did she keep her promise.  Kissing all over my sensitive skin, licking my clit and putting her fingers inside me, I lost count of the number of times I came. She started to show me what the toys felt like but first she rubbed a kind of sticky gel onto my clit and into my pussy. At first the gel was just there but soon it began to cool down on my skin and gave a cold tingling sensation to my entire pussy. I almost came just because of that alone, but then she started to play with her toys on me. First she used some white fluffy handcuffs to tie my hands behind my head so that I could not interfere with what she was doing. I was a little nervous about that at first but she showed me how easy there were to get out of so that I wouldn’t worry, explaining that the cuffs were more as a reminder not to touch than anything sinister.

Of course once she got going with the vibrators I wasn’t too worried about anything else for the rest of the time we played together. She started off with a small bullet shaped vibrator which she said was called a clit stimulator. It was just amazing, the vibrations were not particularly strong but for a first time they seemed just fine. Once she had brought me to orgasm she removed that one and got out one of the ones that was vaguely penis shaped. She told me that this was a dildo, no vibrations just a nice large cock to pump into my pussy, which she did. It was a big dildo and wide and black and it looked huge against the white cream of my skin when she first showed me it. Lisa made me move so that I was facing a mirror as she started to open me up ready to put this monster dildo inside of me. As a natural redhead, although a dark red, my pussy was covered in a thin smattering of red hair, it was trimmed and tidy, but I had never felt the need to shave or wax it as I wasn’t expecting anyone to see it.
 Lisa loved it though and kept stroking it as she eased the dildo into my pussy, only pausing every now and again to lubricate me with more of the tingle gel.

Looking in the mirror, seeing this gorgeous girl kneeling beside me and touching my pussy was seriously erotic but when she opened my pussy with her fingers and then eased this large black dildo into me it was explosive. Being a redhead, my skin is naturally very fair, especially down there as naked sun bathing was also something my sheltered upbringing had neglected to prepare me for. So the fair skin and the red hair contrasted well with the
black dildo making it easy to see as it slid in and out. Slowly at first but with increasing speed and depth Lisa hand fucked me with the dildo until I thought I was going to break apart again, but just as I was almost there she stopped with a grin and said she would go back to that later.

My puzzlement quickly faded when she bought a rabbit out, not the Rampant Rabbit this time, but instead one with protrusions both at the front and the back. A new confusion reigned then as I looked dubiously at the two prongs. Lisa laid me back down on the bed again, but this time she made me lift my hips up so that my pelvis was tilted. I have to say, this was far and above my favourite vibrator once I knew what it did and I think I came quite dramatically about 4 times just with using this toy alone. It turned out that the front protrusion was a clit stimulator like the original bullet, the penis part of the vibrator had little balls in it that moved round and round inside you, brushing against the side of your pussy and the G-spot deep inside. Then tilting my hips a little more she pushed the “ears” of the other bunny at the back so they went just into the edge of my arse hole. Not deep just enough to caress all the nerve endings there at the top. Okay that was just about the most amazing thing ever and was the reason by itself that I became so interested in anal sex.

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