Read The Second World War Online

Authors: Antony Beevor

Tags: #History, #Military, #World War II

The Second World War (156 page)

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My answer is
’: 20.9.41, RGALI 1817/2/185

Crowds of civilians are escaping
’: Gefr. Hans B., 269.Inf.Div., BfZ-SS

Columns of thick smoke
’: VCD, 4.9.41


One even sees
’: O’Gefr. Hanns W., 387.Inf.Div., 31.5.42, BfZ-SS 45 842 Ukraine famine: see Snyder,
, p. 53

Everyone admires
’: Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/3/49

grass like cattle
’, ‘
they fell on
’: Sold. Josef Z., 3.Kp/Ldsschtz. Btl.619, 12.9.41, BfZ-SS 20 355 D

The Russians arrived
’: Paul Roser testimony, IMT VI, p. 291, quoted Peter Padfield,
Himmler, Reichsführer-SS
, London, 2001, p. 431

Partisan preparations
: 2.9.41, Bellamy,
Absolute War
, pp. 267–8

time of iron
’: Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/3/43

the shoah by bullets
’: Vasily Grossman,
The Road
, London, 2009, p. 60

Some Thoughts on the Treatment
’: Christopher Browning, ‘Nazi Resettlement Policy and the Search for a Solution to the Jewish Question, 1939–1941’, in his
The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution
, Cambridge, 1992, pp. 16–17, quoted Mark Mazower,
Dark Continent: Europe’s Twentieth Century
, London, 1998, p. 170.

Himmler and Madagascar
: Christopher R. Browning,
The Origins of the Final Solution
, London, 2004, pp. 81–9

territorial solution
’: quoted Kershaw,
The Nazi Dictatorship
, p. 112

This will happen best
’: quoted
, p. 266

For the SS Einsatzgruppen
, see
, pp. 224–43

self-cleansing efforts
’, or
, p. 228

Jews in party and state
, p. 219

The ‘sardine method
’: Raul Hilberg,
The Destruction of the European Jews
, New York, 1985, p. 146

A pilot from the third air squadron
’: TsA FSB 14/4/326, pp. 264–7

men, women and children
’: Gefr. Hans R., Interview ‘Die Deutschen im Zweiten Weltkrieg’, SWF TV, 1985, quoted Robert Kershaw,
War without Garlands
, London, 2009, pp. 285–6

A girl–a Jewish beauty
’: RGALI 1710/3/49

In my opinion
’: TNA WO 208/4363

They’re willing and comradely
’: Gefr. Ludwig B., Nachsch.Btl.563, 27.7.42, BfZ-SS 28 743

the soldiers were shouting
’: Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/1/123

People with fawning
’: Ida S. Belozovskaya, GARF 8114/1/965, pp. 68–75

Sixth Army and Babi-Yar: Hannes Heer (ed.),
Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941 bis 1944
, Hamburg, 1996

On 28 September
’: Ida S. Belozovskaya, GARF 8114/1/965, pp. 68–75

deformed newborns
’: Henry Friedlander,
The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution
, Chapel Hill, 1995, p. 43. Friedlander is the main source for the section on the euthanasia programme

Look at the eyes
’: quoted Hilberg,
The Destruction of the European Jews
, p. 137

14: The ‘Grand Alliance’

I will unsay no word
’, ‘
if Hitler invaded Hell
’: Winant and Churchill’s speech of 22.6.41, Valentin M. Berezhkov,
History in the Making
, Moscow, 1983, p. 123

it would be fatal
’: TNA HW 1/6, C/6863, quoted David Stafford,
Roosevelt and Churchill
, London, 2000, p. 65

a gift for treating
’: Kenneth S. Davis,
FDR: The War President
, New York, 2000, p. 212

for much longer than
’: Berezhkov,
History in the Making
, p. 126

The country that could produce
’: quoted
, p. 141

From 27 January to 20 August, fifty-two Axis ships sunk and thirty-eight damaged:
, vol. iii, p. 712

German swimming-pool
’: Wolf Heckmann,
Rommel’s War in Africa
, New York, 1981, p. 157

One has to treat the Italians
’: Leutnant André F., 15.P.Div., 28.5.41, BfZ-SS 37 007

a bare flat plain
’: Geoffrey Cox,
A Tale of Two Battles
, London, 1987, p. 134

the Führer is prepared practically
’: BA-MA RM 7/29

He clinked glasses with Sikorski
’: Ilya Ehrenburg,
Men, Years–Life
, vol. v:
The War: 1941–1945
, New York, 1964, p. 19

15: The Battle for Moscow

on the roof watching
’: quoted Lourie,
, p. 53

Most of the militia
’: Yuri Vladimirov,
Voina soldata-zenitchika, 1941–1942
, Moscow, 2009, p. 118

I thought I’d seen retreat
’: Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/3/49

German tanks chasing Red Army soldiers
: Vladimir Voitsekhovich in Artem Drabkin (ed.),
Svyashchennaya voina. Ya pomnyu
, Moscow, 2010, p. 12

’: John Erickson,
The Road to Stalingrad
, London, 1975, p. 217

The Russians are beasts
’: Maj. Hans Sch., Stab/Pi.Btl.652, BfZ-SS 33 691

Lots of mad rumours

I don’t think anyone
’: Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/3/49

Tolstoy’s grave

They used fear
’: Vladimir Ogryzko, quoted Laurence Rees,
World War II behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West
, London, 2009, p. 112

Execution of gang boss
: Vladimir Voitsekhovich in Drabkin (ed.),
Svyashchennaya voina
, p. 15

’: quoted Dmitri Volkogonov,
Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy
, London, 1991, p. 422

Bosses from many factories
’: Yefim Abelevich Golbraikh in Drabkin (ed.),
Svyashchennaya voina
, p. 79

surrounded by mobs
’: quoted Lowrie,
, p. 55

human whirlpools

What went on at Kazan
’: Ehrenburg,
Men, Years–Life
, vol. v, p. 17

The German invaders
’: Alexander Werth,
Russia at War
, London, 1964, p. 246

I have looked through the files
, p. 15

destroy and burn to ashes
’: quoted Volkogonov,
Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy
, p. 456

Stations were covered
’: Vladimirov,
Voina soldata-zenitchika
, p. 119

SS motorcyclist
: Bellamy,
Absolute War
, p. 317

destroyer battalions
’: Vladimir Viktorovich Voitsekhovich in Drabkin (ed.),
Svyashchennaya voina
, 2010

the good old war-horse
’: Richthofen KTB, 10.4.41, BA-MA N671/2/7/9, p. 59

around half-naked when
’: quoted Charles Messenger,
The Last Prussian: A Biography of Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, 1875–1953
, London, 1991, p. 61

dependant’s’ ration
, ‘
’: Reid,
, pp. 168–9

Our situation with food
’: VCD, 28.10.41

Our corporal Andronov
, 20.11.41

I saw a Polutorka

all along the bank
, 8–9.12.41

I cannot describe to you
’: Gefr. Hans Joachim C., 6.Kp/Infantry.Rgt.67, 23.Inf. Div., 4.12.41, BfZ-SS

I don’t know what’s wrong
’: Obgefr. Herbert B., Nachschubkp.31, 6.12.41, BfZ-SS

Are we going to have to pull out
?’: Oberschütze Helmut G., 8.12.41, BfZ-SS

The frosts were exceptionally severe
’: Ehrenburg,
Men, Years–Life
, vol. v, p. 35

Many of the wounded
’: Oberschütze Helmut G., BfZ-SS, N:Gil

‘There’s an enormous number
’: Oberschütze Helmut G., BfZ-SS

the Americans in the Grand Hotel
’: Ehrenburg,
Men, Years–Life
, vol. v, p. 18

16: Pearl Harbor

This means war
’: Robert E. Sherwood,
The White House Papers of Harry L. Hopkins
, 2 vols, New York, 1948, vol. i, p. 430

I think they have had
’: D. K. R. Crosswell,
Beetle: The Life of General Walter Bedell Smith
, Lexington, Ky, 2010, pp. 227–8

Roosevelt’s decision on atomic weapons research
: Kershaw,
Fateful Choices
, p. 7

national hara-kiri
’: Joseph C. Grew,
Ten Years in Japan
, New York, 1944, p. 468, quoted
, p. 366

In the first six to twelve months
’: Arthur Zich,
The Rising Sun
, Alexandria. Va, 1977, p. 19

third-class nation
’: Nobutaka Ike (ed.),
Japan’s Decision for War: Records of the 1941 Policy Conferences
, Stanford, 1967, pp. 208–39, quoted Kershaw,
Fateful Choices
, p. 365

Do you mean to say
’: Zich,
The Rising Sun
, p. 51

A gorgeous formation
’: Fuchida Mitsuo, ‘Pearl Harbor: The View from the Japanese Cockpit’, in Stanley M. Ulanoff (ed.),
Bombs Away!
, New York, 1971, quoted Lewis,
Eyewitness World War II
, pp. 260–1

MacArthur’s command in the Philippines
Philippine Islands
, USACMH, Washington, DC, 1992, pp. 4–9

Women clustered under
’: Carlos P. Romula, USMC, quoted Lewis,
Eyewitness World War II
, p. 268

dollar arsenal of the Empire
’: quoted Peter Thompson,
The Battle for Singapore
, London, 2005, p. 16

Today all of us
’: TNA PREM 3/469/13

Prince of Wales
looked magnificent
’: O. D. Gallagher, ‘The Loss of the
and the
Prince of Wales
Daily Express
, 12.12.41

We’ll get it over by spring
, p. 35

not the slightest chance
’: quoted Philip Snow,
The Fall of Hong Kong: Britain, China and the Japanese Occupation
, New Haven and London, 2003, p. 41

23rd Army’s invasion of Hong Kong
: see
, pp. 53–7

There must be no thought
, pp. 66–7

the first man to surrender
, p. 67

10,000 Hong Kong Chinese women raped
, pp. 81–2; see also testimony of Connie Sully, in Rees,
Their Darkest Hour
, pp. 129–35

We are paying very heavily now
’: Alanbrooke,
War Diaries
, 12.2.42, p. 229

I am grateful to Michael Montgomery, the son of the cruiser’s navigating officer, for updating me on the Court of Inquiry in 2008–9 headed by Justice Terence Cole

astonished to find
’: Theodore White (ed.),
The Stilwell Papers
, New York, 1948, p. 60

17: China and the Philippines

For the New Fourth Army
incident, see Chang and Halliday,
, pp. 278–85

‘the greatest shame
’: quoted Kawano, ‘Japanese Combat Morale’, in Peattie, Drea and van de Ven,
The Battle for China
, p. 331

Hemingway and Gellhorn in China, ‘China has cured me’ etc
.: Caroline Moore-head,
Martha Gellhorn: A Life
, London, 2003, p. 213

Chinese Communist opium trade: A. S. Panyushkin,
Zapiski Posla: Kitay 1939 –1944
, Moscow, 1981, p. 278, quoted Chang and Halliday,
, p. 3

Three all
’: Edward L. Dreyer,
China at War, 1901–1949
, London, 1995, p. 253 Fall in the population of Communist base areas: Chalmers A. Johnson,
Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power: The Emergence of Revolutionary China, 1937–1945
, Stanford, 1962, p. 58

proletarian internationalism
’: Garver,
Chinese–Soviet Relations
, p. 239

Soviet military advisers in China:
, p. 40; Zhang Baijia, ‘China’s Quest for Foreign Military Aid’, in Peattie, Drea and van de Ven,
The Battle for China
, pp. 288–93

For the Japanese strategic bombing offensive, see Edna Tow, ‘
The Great Bombing of Chongqing and the Anti-Japanese War
, 1937–1945’, in Peattie, Drea and van de Ven,
The Battle for China
, pp. 256–82

A Red Cross ambulance
’: Smedley,
Battle Hymn of China
, p. 158

The division’s situation was so desperate
’: Tobe Ryöichi, ‘The Japanese Eleventh Army in Central China, 1938–1941’, in Peattie, Drea and van de Ven,
The Battle for China
, p. 227

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