Read The Second World War Online

Authors: Antony Beevor

Tags: #History, #Military, #World War II

The Second World War (159 page)

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We’ll never see
’: Divisionspfarrer Dr Hans Mühle, 305th Infanterie Division, 18.1.1943, BA-MA N241/42

We have got to believe
’: H. Paschke; ‘If we lose the war’: Hugo Miller, both 25.1.43, GBP

morbid sense of honor
’: quoted Atkinson,
An Army at Dawn
, p. 197

SOE involvement in Darlan’s assassination and OSS reactions
: based on conversations with the late Sir Douglas Dodds-Parker, Sir Brookes Richards, Evangeline Bruce and Lloyd Cutler

’: conversation with Susan-Mary Alsop

in the German way
’: BA-MA N395/12

The German soldier suffers
’: Divisionspfarrer Dr Hans Mühle, 305th Infanterie Division, 18.1.1943, BA-MA N241/42

I and the whole German Wehrmacht
’: BA-MA RH20-6/236

It’s twenty days since we were encircled
’: TsA FSB 40/28/38, pp. 69–72

On the first day of the holidays
’: TsA FSB 40/28/38, pp. 52–3

crushing the wounded
’: Divisionspfarrer Dr Hans Mühle, 305th Infanterie Division, 18.1.1943, BA-MA N241/42

When liberating the
’: TsA FSB 14/4/1330, p. 17

from the beginning of December 1942
’: Abakumov to Vishinsky on atrocities by German soldiers to Soviet prisoners of war, 2.9.43, TsA FSB 14/5/1, pp. 228–35

Soviet prisoners dying at Gumrak when given food
: Yevgeny Fyodorovich Okishev in Drabkin (ed.),
Svyashchennaya voina
, p. 222

Surrender out of the question
’: BA-MA RH19VI/12, p. 324

like wild animals
’: BA-MA RW4/v.264

Paulus was completely unnerved
’: Zakhary Rayzman, personal account. I am grateful to his grandson, Val Rayzman, for passing it to me

great agitation caused
’, ‘
so-called factual
’: BA-MA RL 5/793

days of apolitical soldiering
, vol. ix/1, p. 589

Total War–Short War
!’, ‘Do you want Total War?’:
Deutsche Wochenshau
, Feb. 1943. Goebbels’s
Totaler Krieg
speech: Ursula von Kardorff,
Berliner Aufzeichnungen, 1942 bis 1945
, Munich, 1997, pp. 67–8

27: Casablanca, Kharkov and Tunis

other buggers to
’: Keith Douglas,
Alamein to Zem-Zem
, London, 1992, p. 73

We had all seen the enemy
, p. 80

we came, we listened
’: quoted Atkinson,
An Army at Dawn
, p. 289

nothing but a clerk
’: diary, 16.1.43, Martin Blumenson (ed.),
The Patton Papers
, vol. ii:
, Boston, 1974, p. 155

A dashing, courageous
’: Alanbrooke,
War Diaries
, p. 361

Ike is more British
’: diary, 12.4.43, Blumenson (ed.),
The Patton Papers
, vol. ii, p. 218

the Greek slaves
’: Macmillan to Richard Crossman in Nigel Fisher,
Harold Macmillan
, New York, 1967, pp. 100–1

I am a cross between
’: Eisenhower to Paul Hodgson, 4.12.42, EP 687, quoted Crosswell,
, p. 360

under a transparent crust of ice
’: Irina Dunaevskaya, 15–16.1.43, in
, no. 5, 2010, p. 64

Your prayers
’: Dmitri Kabanov,
Pamyat pisem ili chelovek iz tridzatchetverki
, Moscow, 2006, p. 36

a two-storey barrack
’: VCD, 22.2.43

Blue Division
: Payne,
Franco and Hitler
, pp. 146–54; X. Moreno Juliá,
La División Azul: Sangre española en Rusia, 1941–1945
, Barcelona, 2004; Jorge M. Reverte,
La División Azul: Rusia 1941–1944
, Barcelona, 2011

Can this possibly be
’: Nikolai Ayrkhayev,
Far Eastern Affairs
, no. 4, 1990, p. 124

For the last week and a half
’: Ivan Ivanovich Korolkov, 10.2.43, in
Pisma s ognennogo rubezha (1941–1945)
, St Petersburg, 1992, pp. 30–4

When his victims
’: Guy Sajer,
The Forgotten Soldier
, London, 1993, p. 149

Relative strengths on the eastern front
: Glantz and House,
When Titans Clashed
, p. 151

Women in the Red Army and at Stalingrad
: see Reina Pennington, Women and the Battle of Stalingrad’, in Ljubica Erickson and Mark Erickson (eds),
Russia: War, Peace and Diplomacy
, London, 2005

These girls evoked memories
’: Ehrenburg,
Men, Years–Life
, vol. v, pp. 81–2

Many were sent back to the rear
’: Yevgeny Fyodorovich Okishev in Drabkin (ed.),
Svyashchennaya voina
, p. 172

great sin
’, ‘
Yet all around
’: Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/3/50

It’s unbelievable what
’: Gefr. Karl B., 28.12.42, 334.Inf.Div., BfZ-SS 48 037A

You will have heard
’: Gefr. Siegfried K., 15.Pz.Div., 16.2.43, BfZ-SS 09 348

It was the first–and only
’: quoted John Ellis,
The Sharp End: The Fighting Man in World War II
, London, 1993, p. 265

American losses
: Atkinson,
An Army at Dawn
, p. 389

Personally, I wish I could
’: Blumenson (ed.),
The Patton Papers
, vol. ii, p. 163

Patton’s Gestapo
’: Atkinson,
An Army at Dawn
, p. 402

Rifle butts appeared everywhere
’: John Kenneally,
The Honour and the Shame
, London, 1991, pp. 83–5

28: Europe behind Barbed Wire

: Mark Mazower,
Hitler’s Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe
, London, 2008, p. 459

’: quoted
, p. 152

Greater German economic sphere
, vol. ii, p. 322

stand his booming voice
’: quoted Terry Charman, ‘Hugh Dalton, Poland and SOE, 1940–42’, in Mark Seaman (ed.),
Special Operations Executive: A New Instrument of War
, London, 2006, p. 62

extraordinary fellow, Van
!’: quoted J. G. Beevor,
SOE: Recollections and Reflections, 1940–1945,
London, 1981, p. 64

We soldiers are like gods
’: Lt Peter G., 714.Inf.Div., 24.6.41, BfZ-SS 41 768 B

Balkan mentality
’, Browning,
The Origins of the Final Solution
, p. 339

Belgrade was the only great city
’: quoted
, p. 423

tourist country
, vol. ii, p. 323

Stunted growth of the young in France: Collingham,
The Taste of War
, p. 172

the great advantage of remaining above the fray
: conversation with Sir Brookes Richards, 1993

Personally, I think it is time
’: Guy Liddell diary, 14.1.43, TNA KV 4/191

nothing was more like Vichy than Algiers
’: conversation with General Pierre de Bénouville, Jan. 1993

273 Luftwaffe aircraft destroyed
: Thomas Polak,
Stalin’s Falcons: The Aces of the Red Star
, London, 1999, p. 355

Heil Hess
!’: Mazower,
Hitler’s Empire
, pp. 476–7

: for the best account, see M. R. D. Foot,
SOE in the Low Countries
, London, 2001

Danish food supplies for Germany: Collingham,
The Taste of War
, p. 175

Vemork Operation: Jens-Anton Poulsson,
The Heavy Water Raid
, Oslo, 2009

29: The Battle of the Atlantic and Strategic Bombing

five divisions, twenty squadrons
’: Alanbrooke,
War Diaries
, p. 285

In which case
’: John Colville,
The Fringes of Power
, p. 145

Butt Report
: see
, vol. iv, pp. 205–13

air destruction was so exaggerated
’: PP, folder 2c, quoted Tami Davis Biddle,
Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare: The Evolution of British and American Ideas about Strategic Bombing, 1914–1945
, Princeton, 2002, p. 2

a pattern of exaggeration
, p. 69

to bomb them harder
’: Trenchard, quoted
, p. 71

revolting and un-English
’: Admiralty memorandum of April 1932, quoted Uri Bialer,
The Shadow of the Bomber
, London, 1980, p. 24

’: P. B. Joubert de la Ferté, ‘The Aim of the Royal Air Force’, May 1933, TNA AIR 2/675

intentional bombardment of
’: TNA AIR 14/249

take the gloves off
’: quoted Biddle,
Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare
, p. 188 For the lives of bomber aircrew, see Patrick Bishop,
Bomber Boys
, London, 2008, and Daniel Swift,
Bomber County
, London, 2010

had to hose it out
’: quoted Swift,
Bomber County
, p. 56

keyed up like a violin
, p. 70

a glorified bus driver
’: Bishop,
Bomber Boys
, p. 48

Now terror will be
’: Below,
Als Hitlers Adjutant
, p. 308

Churchill’s dinner at Chequers, and ‘England is the place
’: Donald L. Miller,
The Eighth Air Force: The American Bomber Crews in Britain
, New York, 2006, pp. 58–9

The worst thing is seeing
’: quoted Swift,
Bomber County
, p. 95

‘A shell bursting beneath you
’: quoted Bishop,
Bomber Boys
, p. 103

Experience of US aircrew: see Miller,
Eighth Air Force
, pp. 89–136

The Eighth Air Force
’: Donald L. Miller,
Eighth Air Force
, p. 109

primary objective will be
’: Casablanca Directive, quoted Biddle,
Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare
, p. 215

For German accounts, see Jörg Echternkamp (ed.),
Die Deutsche Kriegsgesellschaft, 1939 bis 1945
, Munich 2004; Rosa Maria Ellscheid,
Erinnerungen von 1896–1987
, Cologne, 1988; Jörg Friedrich,
Der Brand. Deutschland im Bombenkrieg, 1940–1945
, Munich, 2002; Olaf Groehler,
Bombenkrieg gegen Deutschland
, Berlin, 1990; Hans-Willi Hermans,
Köln im Bombenkrieg, 1942– 1945
, Wartberg, 2004; Heinz Pettenberg,
Starke Verbände im Anflug auf Köln. Eine Kriegschronik in Tagebuchnotizen 1939–1945
, Cologne, 1981; Martin Rüther,
Köln im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Alltag und Erfahrungen zwischen 1939 und 1945
, Cologne, 2005; Martin Rüther,
31. Mai 1942. Der Tausend-Bomber-Angriff
, Cologne, 1992; Dr P. Simon,
Köln im Luftkrieg. Ein Tatsachenbericht über Fliegeralarme und Fliegerangriffe
, Cologne, 1954; Anja vom Stein,
Unser Köln. Erinnerungen 1910–1960. Erzählte Geschichte
, Cologne, 1999

All the inhabitants
’: Hermans,
Köln im Bombenkrieg
, p. 30

With two other men
’: Pettenberg,
Starke Verbände im Anflug auf Köln
, pp. 162–8

Children were running
’: Lina S. in Rüther,
Köln im Zweiten Weltkrieg
, p. 167

Everywhere you heard the screams
, p. 243

This could all
’: Heinz Boberach (ed.),
Meldungen aus dem Reich
Die Geheimen Lageberichte des Sicherheitsdienstes der SS, 1938–1945
, Herrsching, 1984

Hamburg firestorm
: Friedrich,
Der Brand
, pp. 112–18, 191–6; Bishop,
Bomber Boys
, pp. 125–9; Miller,
Eighth Air Force
, pp. 180–4; Keith Lowe,
The Devastation of Hamburg, 1943
, London, 2007

It sounded like
’: quoted Miller,
Eighth Air Force
, p. 198

like a Parachute invasion
, p. 199

The sky arches
, part II, vol. x, 27.11.43, p. 136

like a stage-set for
’: Kardorff,
Berliner Aufzeichnungen
, p. 153

Battle of Berlin
: Friedrich,
Der Brand
, pp. 119–21, 483–7; Bishop,
Bomber Boys
, pp. 206–14, 293–4; Moorhouse,
Berlin at War
, 318–35

ashamed of area bombing
’: Harris to Sir Arthur Street, under-secretary of state at the air ministry, 25.10.43, TNA AIR 14/843, quoted Biddle,
Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare
, p. 22

In periods of sustained
’: Biddle,
Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare
, p. 229

the Luftwaffe will go
’: Swift,
Bomber County
, p. 143

Jupiter complex
’: quoted Friedrich,
Der Brand
, p. 101

30: The Pacific, China and Burma

smelled like goats
’: quoted Rafael Steinberg,
Island Fighting
, New York, 1978, p. 194

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