The Rape of Europa (89 page)

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Authors: Lynn H. Nicholas

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NA, RG 239/44, Crosby, “Report on Mission to Europe,” June 23, 1945.
NGA, Library, Smyth Papers. Hammond, “Report on TDY Brussels 5/9/45.” Various letters, JNB to A. K. Brown, August 1945.
NA, RG 239/41, Murphy to Secretary of State, September 11, 1945, and Acheson to Murphy, September 18, 1945.
NA, RG 239/28, U.S. Ambassador Hornbeck dispatch, October 24, 1945.
E. E. Adams, “Looted Art Treasures Go Back to France,”
The Quartermaster Review
, September-October 1946.
A. Ritchie, “The Restitution of Art Loot,”
Gallery Notes
(Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y.), July 1946.
NGA, Library, Lesley Papers, Lesley, Statement on Return of Altar, undated. Also NA, RG 260/3, Bumbar, WAC, MFAA, “Informal Report Covering Return of Veit Stoss Altar,” May 24, 1946.
S. M. Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris, 1945–1960
(New York, 1975), p. 171.
Mrs. A. M. Kellen, New York. Telephone conversation with author.
NA, RG 239/6, Petrides to Henraux, April 19, 1945.
NA, RG 239/37, Cooper, “Report on Visit to Switzerland,” March 22, 1945.
Getty Center, Cooper Papers, “Rapport de M. Paul Rosenberg sur son voyage en Suisse.” September 1945.
NA, RG 239/82, Cooper, “Note of a Conversation with Herr Emil Bührle,” Dispatch 13144, December 10, 1945, U.S. Legation, Bern.
Getty Center, Cooper Papers, Bührle, “Exposé concernant G acquisition de tableaux,” October 15, 1945, and Bührle to Vodoz, October 17, 1945.
NA, RG 239/82, OSS/ALIU, Plaut and Rousseau, “Memo on Investigations in Switzerland,” December 9, 1945.
Rosenberg Archive, New York, transcript of decision of Chambre des Actions en Revendication de Biens Spoliés, Tribunal Fédéral Suisse, Lausanne, June 3, 1948.
The Passionate Eye
, exhibition catalogue (Zurich, 1990), p. 22.
Rosenberg Archive, A. Rosenberg to H. G. Blechschmid, February 12, 1971.
ANF, RG F21, Non-côté, Dossier Jaujard, Douanes to Henraux, January 30, 1946.
Ibid., Nicolas to Henraux, undated.
Sonderauftrag Linz
, pp. 44–45.
Kunsthandel in Nederland
, pp. 488–90.
NA, RG 239/80, DGER Report, January 1945.
Dossier Jaujard, DGER to Jaujard, October 4, 1945.
Ibid., Duchartre to Henraux, January 27, 1946.
OSS/ALIU, RG 239/7, Wittmann, “Activity of the ALIU in France,” October 25, 1945-February 6, 1946.
SD, RG 59/10, Ardelia Hall Records, Vollard File.
Dossier Jaujard, Gascon to Jaujard, March 25, 1949.
NA, RG 239/27, AMG Report 159, Annexure X, “Report on the Western Provinces of Holland,” May 1945.
See Venema, op. cit., pp. 494–97 and 234–44.
See Lord Kilbracken,
Van Meegeren, Master Forger
(New York, 1967).
NGA, Library, Standen Papers, MS, “MFAA 1945–47.”
NA, RG 260/86, Heinrich to RDR Division, January 25, 1949.
AAA, Howe Papers, “Summary of December 1950 Monthly Report of the Central Collecting Point, Wiesbaden.”
Report of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas
(Washington, D.C., 1946), p. 46.
NA, RG 260/34, memo, Taper to Leonard, January 14, 1948.
Princess J. Lubomirska and D. Shelest, conversations with author, Washington, D.C., December 1991.
, pp. 155–57, and various diary entries. Also memo, Quinn to G-5, Seventh Army, June 10, 1945.
The New York Times
, December 12, 1977, and January 6, 1978.
M. Kurtz,
Nazi Contraband
(New York, 1985), pp. 194–97.
Chapter 7
gives a detailed discussion of the establishment of the JRSO.
J. Dornberg, “The Mounting Embarrassment of Germany’s Nazi Treasures,”
, September 1988, p. 139.
Faison diary entry, April 25, 1951, quoted in note to author.
Howe Papers, Heinrich to Faison, February 13, 1951.
Leonard Papers, Washington, D.C., Haberstock to Breitenbach, August 13, 1947.
SD, RG 59/10, Haberstock to Hall, July 1, 1956.
SD, RG 59/10, Yugoslavia File.
See R. Siviero,
Arte e Nazismo
(Florence, 1984).
NGA, Library, Hartt Papers, Keller to Hartt, undated.
NA, RG 260/260, note to MFAA, OMGUS, June 14, 1948.
Leonard Papers, Leonard to unknown, August 3, 1948.
NA, RG 260/260, AG 007PD, Garde to Director, OMGUS, Bavaria, June 19, 1948.
Ibid., A-736, 2743, Lovett to USPOLAD, Berlin, December 24, 1948.
Standen Papers, Heinrich to Standen, January 4, 1949.
S. Münsing, interview with author, Washington, D.C.
NA, RG 260/260, Draper to Hawkins, July 5, 1949.
Ibid., HICOG memo to Schott, November 23, 1949.
Ibid., article from
Die Tat
, Zurich, March 12, 1950.
Louvre Museum, Archives, Dossier Valland, Chatelain to Valland, April 1, 1965.
Getty Center, Arntz Archive, Reutti, “Post-War Activities,” translated by author.
SD, RG 59/10, “St. Patroclus” File.
Based on author’s interview with T. Kline. Also conversations with William Honan, and
New York Times
coverage 1990–1992.
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