The Living Bible (434 page)

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Isa 5:12
You furnish lovely music at your grand parties;
Isa 14:11
the pleasant music in your palace has ceased;
Luke 15:25
he heard dance music coming from the house,

Teachers of

1 Chr 15:22
The song leader was Chenaniah,
1 Chr 25:6-7
all were under the direction of their father

Effects on men

1 Sam 16:15
The harp music will quiet you
1 Sam 16:23
David would play the harp and Saul would feel better,

In heaven

Rev 5:8
each with a harp and golden vials filled with incense
Rev 14:2
the singing of the choir accompanied by harps.
Rev 15:2
All were holding harps of God,


Of God, see
God, His names

Of Christ, see
Christ, names of

Good, value of

Prov 22:1
take a good name rather than great riches;
Eccl 7:1
it is more valuable than the most expensive perfume.


Gen 17:5
It is no longer Abram (Exalted Father) but Abraham
Gen 17:15
her name is no longer Sarai but Sarah
Gen 32:28
It isnt anymore! the Man told him, It is Israel
Isa 62:2
God will confer on you a new name.


Hos 1:6
Name her Lo-ruhamah (meaning No more mercy)
Hos 1:9
Call him Lo-ammi (meaning Not mine),
Hos 2:1
name your sister Ruhamah (Pitied),


Laws concerning

Exod 20:17
You must not be envious of your neighbors house,
Lev 6:2
or by oppressing his neighbor,
Lev 19:13
You shall not rob nor oppress anyone,
Lev 19:18
love your neighbor as yourself,

Treatment of

Prov 24:28-29
Dont testify spitefully against an innocent neighbor.
Mark 12:31
You must love others as much as yourself.
Rom 13:9
love your neighbor as much as you love yourself
Jas 2:8
You must love and help your neighbors



Isa 15:1
In one night your cities of Ar and Kir will be destroyed.
Isa 21:11
calling to me: Watchman, what of the night?
John 9:4
there is little time left before the night falls
Rom 13:12-13
The night is far gone,
1 Thes 5:5
do not belong to darkness and night.


Rash, examples

Gen 25:33
Esau vowed, thereby selling all his eldest-son rights.
Josh 9:19
We have sworn before the Lord God of Israel
Judg 11:30-31
Jephthah had vowed to the Lord
1 Sam 14:24-25
A curse upon anyone who eats anything before evening
Matt 14:7
he vowed to give her anything she wanted.

Used to ratify agreements

Gen 14:22
I have solemnly promised Jehovah,
Gen 21:23
swear to me by Gods name that you wont
Gen 24:3
Swear by Jehovah, the God of heaven
1 Sam 28:10
Saul took a solemn oath that he wouldnt betray her.
Psa 132:2-5
Then I vowed that I would do it;

Of God

Gen 22:16
I, the Lord, have sworn by myself
Jer 11:5
the wonderful things I swore I would if you obeyed.
Jer 51:14
The Lord of Hosts has taken this vow,
Luke 1:72-73
by remembering his sacred promise to him,
Heb 4:3
I have sworn in my anger
Heb 7:21
Lord has sworn and will never change his mind:
Rev 10:6
swore by him who lives forever and ever,

Laws concerning

Exod 20:7
nor use it to swear to a falsehood.
Exod 22:11
must take an oath that he has not stolen it,
Lev 19:12
You must not swear to a falsehood,
Num 5:19
require her to swear that she is innocent,
Deut 6:13
use his name alone to endorse your promises.


Examples of

Gen 6:9-10
to conduct his affairs according to Gods will.
Gen 12:4
Abram departed as the Lord instructed him,
Num 27:22
So Moses did as Jehovah commanded,
Deut 33:9
He obeyed your instructions
2 Kgs 22:1-2
his ancestor King David, obeying the Lord
Ezra 7:10
Ezra had determined to study and obey the laws
Luke 1:6
careful to obey all of Gods laws
Luke 22:41-42
But I want your will not mine.

To God, encouraged

Exod 19:5
obey me and keep your part
Lev 26:3
If you obey all of my commandments,
Isa 1:19
if you will only obey, then I will make you rich!
Jer 26:13
stop your sinning and begin obeying the Lord
Jer 38:20
if only you will obey the Lord;
Jas 1:25
do what it says, and God will greatly bless

Blessings of

Exod 23:22
then I will be an enemy to your enemies.
Deut 28:1
God will transform you into the greatest nation
Deut 30:3
God will rescue you from your captivity!
1 Pet 1:22
your souls have been cleansed from selfishness

Preferred before sacrifice

1 Sam 15:22
Obedience is far better than sacrifice.
Mic 6:8
be fair and just and merciful,

To the faith

Rom 1:5
so that they, too, will believe and obey him.
Rom 16:25-27
will have faith in Christ and obey him.
1 Pet 1:2
making you to please him.

Of children, see
Children, obedience of


Laws concerning

Lev 1:2-3
use animals from your herds and flocks.
Lev 16:7
he shall bring two goats before the Lord
Lev 17:3-4
Any Israelite who sacrifices an ox, lamb,
2 Chr 7:12
this Temple as the place where I want you to sacrifice
Ezek 43:24
sprinkle salt upon them as a burnt offering.


Lev 1:9
then the priests will burn them upon the altar,
Lev 9:2
a ram without bodily defect for a burnt offering,
Num 15:23-24
must offer one young bull for a burnt offering.
Num 29:6
the regular monthly burnt offering
2 Chr 2:4
sacrifice burnt offerings each morning
Ezra 3:3
evening burnt offerings to the Lord:


Gen 35:13-14
he poured wine over it as an offering
Exod 30:9
burnt offerings, meal offerings, or drink offerings.
Lev 23:13
a drink offering consisting of three pints of wine.
Num 6:17
grain offering along with the drink offering.
2 Kgs 16:13
poured a drink offering over it,
2 Chr 29:35
the usual drink offering with each,

Of firstfruits

Exod 34:26
the best of the first of each years crop
Lev 23:9-11
The Festival of First Fruits:
Num 18:12
the first-of-the-harvest gifts
Deut 18:4
the first of the grain, the new wine,

Free will

Lev 22:17-18
or a spontaneous free will offering
Num 15:3-4
to fulfill a vow, or a free will offering,
Deut 16:10
a free will offering proportionate to his income

Meal (grain)

Exod 29:40
offer three quarts of finely ground flour
Lev 5:11
he shall bring a tenth of a bushel of fine flour.
Lev 23:13
A grain offering shall accompany it,
Num 4:16
the daily grain offering,
Num 8:8
a grain offering of fine flour mingled with oil,
Num 15:3-4
must be accompanied by a grain offering.
Ezek 42:13
the cereal offerings, sin offerings,


Lev 7:11
given to the Lord as special peace offerings:
Lev 9:4
the people are to bring to the Lord a peace offering
Lev 23:19
two male yearling lambs for a peace offering.
Num 6:14
a peace offering, a ram without defect;
Num 10:10
over your burnt offerings and peace offerings.

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