The Living Bible (430 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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From nature

Prov 24:30-31
it was overgrown with thorns,
Eccl 3:2
A time to plant; A time to harvest;
Matt 6:26
Look at the birds! They dont worry

By object lessons

Josh 4:19
This miracle occurred on the 25th of March.
Isa 20:2
to take off his clothing, including his shoes,
Jer 27:2
Make a yoke and fasten it on your neck
Ezek 4:1
take a large brick and lay it before you
Ezek 4:4-5
Now lie on your left side for 390 days,
Ezek 12:18
Son of dust, tremble as you eat your meals;
Ezek 37:16
take another stick and carve these words on it:

, see


Regulations concerning

Exod 22:25
If you lend money to a needy fellow-Hebrew,
Lev 25:37
Rememberno interest; and give him what he needs,
Deut 15:2
Every creditor shall write Paid in full
Deut 23:19
Dont demand interest on loans you make
Deut 24:10
must not enter his house to get his security.


Examples of

2 Kgs 7:3
there were four lepers outside the city gates.
2 Kgs 15:5
Because of this the Lord struck him with leprosy,
Mark 14:3
the home of Simon the leper;

Laws concerning

Lev 13:2
He must be brought to Aaron the priest
Lev 14:1
regulations concerning a person whose leprosy disappears
Lev 22:4
No priest who is a leper or who has a running sore
Deut 24:8
the instructions of the priest in cases of leprosy,

Sent as a judgment

Num 12:10
Miriam suddenly became white with leprosy.
2 Kgs 5:27
Naamans leprosy shall be upon you
2 Chr 26:19
Suddenlyleprosy appeared in his forehead!

Healed by God

Num 12:13
Heal her, O God, I beg you!
2 Kgs 5:14
his flesh became as healthy as a little childs,

Isolation of those with

Lev 13:46
he is defiled and must live outside the camp.
Num 5:1
they must expel all lepers from the camp,
Num 12:14
Let her be confined outside the camp seven days,
2 Kgs 15:5
so he lived in a house by himself.
2 Chr 26:21
lived in isolation, cut off from his people

Healed by Jesus and his disciples

Matt 8:3
instantly the leprosy disappears.
Matt 10:8
cure the lepers, and cast out demons.
Mark 1:42
Immediately the leprosy was gone
Luke 17:14
as they were going, their leprosy disappeared.


Long, promised

Exod 20:12
that you may have a long, good life in the land
1 Kgs 3:14
I will give a long life if you follow me
Psa 21:4
a long, good life,
Prov 3:1
If you want a long and satisfying life,
Prov 10:27
Reverence for God adds hours to each day;

Shortness and uncertainty of

Gen 47:9
I am not nearly as old as many of my ancestors.
1 Sam 20:3
I am only a step away from death!
Job 14:1
How frail is man, how few his days,
Psa 39:4
to realize how brief my time on earth will be.
Psa 103:14
For he knows we are but dust,
Eccl 6:12
In these few days of our empty lifetimes,
Isa 40:6
that man is like the grass that dies away,
Luke 12:20
Fool! Tonight you die. Then who will get it all?
Jas 4:14
How do you know what is going to happen tomorrow?


Rom 6:4
you were given his wonderful new life to enjoy.
Rom 8:10
your spirit will live, for Christ has pardoned it.
Gal 2:20
I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
Eph 2:5
he gave us back our lives again when he raised
Col 3:3
Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God.

Gift from God

Gen 2:7
breathed into it the breath of life.
Job 12:10
soul of every living thing is in the hand of God,
Psa 66:9
for he holds our lives in his hands.
Dan 5:23
God gives you the breath of life
Acts 17:28
in him we live and move and are!


Creation of

Gen 1:3
Then God said, Let there be light.

Miraculous, examples

Matt 17:2
his face shone like the sun
Acts 9:3
a brilliant light from heaven spotted down upon him!

God is

1 Tim 6:16
lives in light so terrible
1 Joh 1:5
God is Light and in him is no darkness at all.

Christ is

Luke 2:32
He is the Light that will shine
John 1:4
this life gives light to all mankind.
John 3:19
that the Light from heaven came into the world,
Rev 21:23
the glory of God and of the Lamb illuminate it.

Figurative and symbolic

Psa 119:105
Your words are a flashlight to light the path
Prov 6:23
their advice is a beam of light
Matt 5:14
You are the worlds lighta city on a hill,
Luke 11:34
Your eyes light up your inward being.
John 5:35
John shone brightly for a while,
Eph 5:8
now it is full of light from the Lord,
1 Thes 5:5
you are all children of the light


Examples of

Psa 102:7
lonely as a solitary sparrow on the roof.
Jer 13:17
in loneliness my breaking heart shall mourn
Luke 1:80
grew up he lived out in the lonely wilderness


Isa 30:17
You will be like lonely trees on the distant
Ezek 7:16
Any who escape will be lonely as mourning
Hos 8:9
She is a lonely, wandering wild ass.


Examples of

Matt 6:9
Pray along these lines: Our Father in heaven,
Luke 11:2
this is the prayer he taught them:

Lords Supper

Examples of

Matt 26:26
Jesus took a small loaf of bread and blessed it
Mark 14:22
Jesus took bread and asked Gods blessing
Luke 22:19
This is my body, given for you.


Toward God

Deut 6:5
You must love him with all your heart,
Deut 10:12-13
to love him, and to worship him
Josh 22:5
Love the Lord and follow his plan for your lives.
Psa 31:23
love the Lord, all of you who are his people;
Dan 9:4
fulfill your promises of mercy to those who love you
Matt 22:37
Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
1 Joh 5:3
Loving God means doing what he tells us to

For Jesus

Matt 10:37
If you love your father and mother more than you love me,
John 8:42
If that were so, then you would love me,
John 16:27
you love me and believe that I came from the Father.
Eph 6:24
who sincerely love our Lord Jesus Christ.
Phile 1:5
love and trust in the Lord Jesus


Lev 19:18
love your neighbor as yourself,
Deut 10:19
(You too must love foreigners,
Matt 19:19
love your neighbor as yourself!
Matt 25:35
I was hungry and you fed me;
Luke 6:31
Treat others as you want them to treat you.
Rom 12:10
Love each other with brotherly affection
Gal 5:13
freedom to love and serve each other.
1 Thes 4:9
pure brotherly love that there should be among you

Of money, condemned

1 Tim 6:10
love of money is the first step toward all kinds of sin.

Blessings of

Neh 1:5
God who keeps his promises and is so loving
Psa 145:20
He protects all those who love him,
1 Cor 2:9
wonderful things God has ready for those who love him

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