The Living Bible (437 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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1 Chr 16:11
seek his strength and seek his face untiringly.
Hos 12:6
Live by the principles of love and justice,
John 8:30-31
are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you
1 Cor 15:58
always abounding in the Lords work,
1 Cor 16:13
stand true to the Lord; act like men;
Gal 5:1
Now make sure that you stay free
Eph 6:13
use every piece of Gods armor to resist the enemy
Phil 4:1
My beloved friends, stay true to the Lord.
2 Thes 2:15
stand firm and keep a strong grip on the truth
Heb 10:23
There is no longer any room for doubt,


Doctrines of

Matt 9:11
Why does your teacher associate with men like that?
Matt 15:9
for they teach their man-made laws
Acts 23:8
but the Pharisees believe in all of these.

Traditions of

Matt 9:14
fast as we do and as the Pharisees do?
Matt 12:2
They are harvesting on the Sabbath.
Matt 15:2
ritual of ceremonial handwashing before they eat.
Matt 15:5-6
by rule you nullify the direct command of God
Mark 7:3
will never eat until they have sprinkled their arms
Luke 18:12
I go without food twice a week,

Hypocrisy of, condemned

Matt 3:7
he denounced them. You sons of snakes!
Matt 15:7
You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you,
Luke 12:1
But such hypocrisy cannot be hidden forever.

Rejection of

Matt 12:39-40
Only a faithless nation would ask further proof;
Matt 15:13-14
They are blind guides leading the blind,
Luke 7:30
They rejected Gods plan for them

Some become disciples of Jesus

John 19:39
Nicodemus, the man who had come to Jesus at night,
Acts 15:5
the men who had been Pharisees before their conversion

Paul, a former

Acts 23:6
I am a Pharisee, as were all my ancestors!
Acts 26:5
I have always been the strictest of Pharisees


Examples of

2 Chr 16:12
didnt go to the Lord but to the doctors.
Mark 5:26
She had suffered much from many doctors
Luke 8:43-44
she had spent everything she had on doctors).

Proverb concerning

Luke 4:23
quote me that Proverb, Physician, heal yourself

Lukes profession

Col 4:14
Dear doctor Luke sends his love,


Job 13:4
doctors who dont know what they are doing.
Jer 8:22
no medicine in Gilead? Is there no physician there?

, see


On the Egyptians

Exod 7:17
the river will turn to blood!
Exod 8:2
I will send vast hordes of frogs across your land
Exod 8:16
strike the dust with his rod, and it will become lice,
Exod 8:21
I will send swarms of flies throughout Egypt.
Exod 9:3
a deadly plague to destroy your cattle,
Exod 9:9
cause boils to break out upon people
Exod 9:18
I will send a hailstorm across the nation
Exod 10:4-5
cover the entire nation with locusts
Exod 10:21
darkness without a ray of light will descend
Exod 11:5
all the oldest sons shall die in every family

On the Israelites

Exod 32:35
the Lord sent a great plague upon the people
Num 11:33
he killed large numbers of them with a plague.
Num 16:46
the plague has already begun.
Num 21:6
the Lord sent poisonous snakes among them
Josh 22:17-18
not even yet been cleansed despite the plague
2 Sam 24:15
So the Lord sent a plague upon Israel

On the Philistines

1 Sam 5:9
destroying its people with the plague,

Foretold as a judgment

Rev 11:6
to send every kind of plague upon the earth
Rev 15:1
to carry down to earth the seven last plagues
Rev 16:2
horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone
Rev 22:18
God shall add to him the plagues described in this book.


Evil, condemned

Prov 21:17
A man who loves pleasure becomes poor;
Eccl 2:1
I found that this, too, was futile.
Amos 6:1
Woe to those lounging in luxury at Jerusalem
2 Thes 2:12
refusing the truth, and enjoying their sins.
1 Tim 5:6
seeking only pleasure and thus ruining their souls.

Effects of, evil

Luke 8:14
are never able to help anyone else to believe
Jas 5:1
because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you.
2 Pet 2:15
They have gone off the road and become lost

Warning against, evil

1 Tim 3:5
Dont be taken in by people like that.
Titus 3:3
we were misled by others and became slaves
1 Pet 4:3
You have had enough in the past of the evil things

Positive, examples

Prov 3:16-17
Wisdom gives: A long, good life, Riches, Honor
Prov 23:24-25
what pleasure a wise son is!
Eccl 2:10
I even found great pleasure in hard work.

, see

Ever present

Deut 15:11
There will always be some among you who are poor;
1 Sam 2:7
Some he causes to be poor and others to be rich.
Matt 26:11
You will always have the poor among you,
Mark 14:7
You always have the poor among you,
John 12:8
You can always help the poor,

Condition of

Prov 13:8
being held for ransom never worries the poor man!
Prov 14:20
his own neighbors despise the poor man,
Prov 19:4
the poor man has no friends left.
Eccl 9:16
if the wise man is poor, he will be despised,
Jas 2:1
look down on poor people?

Oppression of, condemned

Exod 22:25
If you lend money to a needy fellow-Hebrew,
Neh 5:2-4
sell their children or mortgage their fields,
Job 24:4
The needy are kicked aside;
Prov 14:31
Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting God
Prov 17:5
Mocking the poor is mocking the God who made them.
Prov 22:16
He who gains by oppressing the poor
Prov 28:3
When a poor man oppresses those even poorer,
Eccl 5:8
some poor man being oppressed by the rich,
Isa 3:14
with grain extorted from the helpless peasants.
Amos 2:6
sold into slavery the poor who cant repay
Amos 4:1
women who encourage their husbands to rob the poor
Amos 5:11
You trample the poor and steal their smallest crumb
Amos 8:4
Listen, you merchants who rob the poor,
Jas 2:6
you have despised the poor man.

Gods care of

1 Sam 2:8
He lifts the poor from the dust
Job 5:15
God saves the fatherless and the poor
Psa 10:14
Lord, the poor man trusts himself to you;
Psa 74:21
Give cause for these poor and needy ones to praise
Isa 11:4
but will defend the poor and the exploited.
Zep 3:12
they will trust in the name of the Lord.

Kindness to, examples

Ruth 2:14
he gave her food, more than she could eat.
1 Kgs 17:13
there will still be enough food for you
Jer 39:10
the very poor, and gave them fields and vineyards.
Luke 10:33
when he saw him, he felt deep pity.
Acts 6:3
we will put them in charge of this business.
Acts 10:2
He gave generously to charity
Rom 15:25
to take a gift to the Jewish Christians

Churchs responsibility to

1 Cor 16:3
I will send your loving gift with a letter
2 Cor 8:3
They gave not only what they could afford,
2 Cor 9:9
The godly man gives generously to the poor.
Gal 2:10
we must always remember to help the poor,

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