The Living Bible (433 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Prov 1:26
Ill laugh! Mock me, will you?

, see

Examples of

1 Sam 9:21
my family is the least important of all the families
Est 1:12
Queen Vashti, she refused to come.
Job 32:4
Elihu had waited until now to speak

Of Women

1 Tim 2:9-10
be the same way, quiet and sensible in manner



Gen 23:16
400 pieces of silver, as publicly agreed.
Zec 11:12
So they counted out thirty little silver coins


Matt 21:12
knocked over the moneychangers tables
Mark 11:15
knocked over the table of the moneychangers
John 2:15
scattering the moneychangers coins over the floor

Love of, evil

1 Tim 6:10
love of money is the first step toward all kinds of sin.

, see


Examples of

Gen 21:7
I have given Abraham a child in his old age!
Exod 2:1
Moses mother saw that he was a beautiful baby,
1 Sam 1:19-20
in the process of time, a baby boy was born to her.
2 Sam 21:10
Then Rizpah, the mother of the two men,
1 Kgs 3:26
the woman who really was the mother of the child,
2 Joh 1:1
Cyria one of Gods very own, and to her children

Laws concerning

Exod 20:12
Honor your father and mother,
Exod 21:15
strikes his father or mother shall surely be put to death.
Exod 21:17
curses his mother or father shall surely be put to death.
Lev 18:7
nor a son marry his mother
Lev 19:1
You must respect your mothers and fathers,
Lev 20:9
curses his father and mother shall surely be put to death

Love of

Isa 49:15
Can a mother forget her little child
Isa 66:13
a little one is comforted by its mother.

Exhortations concerning

Prov 1:7-9
Listen to your father and mother.
Prov 6:20
Young man, obey your father and mother.
Prov 20:20
the man who curses his father or mother.
Prov 23:22
dont despise an old mothers experience.
Matt 15:4
Gods law is Honor your father and mother;


Of God

Psa 106:8
you saved themto defend the honor of your name
Ezek 36:21
I am concerned about my reputation


Prov 20:27
the Lords searchlight exposing his hidden motives.
Eccl 4:4
motive for success is the driving force of envy
Jas 2:4
shows that you are guided by wrong motives.

Right, required

Matt 6:3
when you do a kindness to someone, do it secretly
1 Thes 2:3
we were not preaching with any false motives


Num 32:16
Not at all! they explained.
Josh 22:22-23
we have not built the altar in rebellion
2 Sam 10:2
David sent ambassadors to express regrets to Hanun
Job 1:9
Why shouldnt he when you pay him so well?

Seen by God

Psa 7:9
the righteous God, look deep within the hearts of men
Psa 26:2
test my motives and affections too.
Prov 21:2
but God looks at our motives.
Jer 11:20
See the hearts and motives of these men.
Jer 17:10
He searches all hearts and examines deepest motives
Rom 2:16
Christ will judge the secret lives of everyone,

, see
; Weeping

For the dead, customs

Lev 10:6
hair hang loose as a sign of your mourning,
1 Sam 30:4
they wept until they could weep no more.
1 Sam 31:13
fasted for seven days.
2 Sam 14:2-3
Wear mourning clothes, and dishevel your hair
Jer 16:6
nor shave their heads as a sign of sorrow
Matt 2:18
Screams of anguish come from Ramah,

Because of national calamity, customs

Num 14:6
they ripped their clothing
Judg 11:35
When he saw her he tore his clothes
Ezra 9:3
I tore my clothing and pulled hair from my head
Jer 14:3
baffled and desperate, and cover their heads in grief.
Ezek 24:17
dont bare your head nor feet,

Ceremonial laws concerning

Lev 21:1
never to defile themselves by touching a dead person,
Num 19:11
who touches a dead body shall be defiled
Num 31:19
stay outside of the camp for seven days,
Deut 26:14
defiled (for instance, while I was in mourning),

When blessed

Eccl 7:2
better to spend time at funerals than at festivals.
Matt 5:4
Those who mourn are fortunate!
Luke 6:21
What happiness there is for you who weep,

Of Abraham

Gen 23:1
there Abraham mourned and wept for her.

Of the Egyptians

Gen 50:11
a place of very deep mourning by these Egyptians.

Of the Israelites

Num 20:29
informed of Aarons death, they mourned for him

Of David

2 Sam 1:17-18
David composed a dirge for Saul and Jonathan
2 Sam 3:33-34
the king lamented.
2 Sam 18:33
the king broke into tears, and went up to his room

Of Jeremiah

2 Chr 35:24-25
even Jeremiah the prophet, mourned for him,



Exod 21:13
I will appoint a place where he can run
Num 35:11
Cities of Refuge shall be designated
Josh 20:3
he can run to one of the cities and be protected

Laws concerning

Exod 20:13
You must not murder.
Num 35:16
the murderer must be executed.
Deut 17:8
to decide whether someone is guilty of murder
Deut 27:24
Cursed is he who secretly slays another.

Examples of

Gen 4:8
Cain attacked and killed his brother.
Judg 9:5
they slaughtered all seventy of his half-brothers,
2 Sam 3:27
he pulled out a dagger and killed him in revenge
1 Kgs 16:10
Zimri simply walked in and struck him down
2 Kgs 15:10
assassinated him at Ibleam and took the crown
2 Chr 24:21
King Joash ordered him executed in the court

Source of

Matt 15:19
from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery,
Gal 5:21
envy, murder, drunkenness, wild parties,

Punishment of

Gen 4:12
you will be a fugitive and a tramp upon the earth,
Gen 9:5-6
any man who murders shall be killed;
Num 35:30
All murderers must be executed,
Ezek 16:38
I will punish you as a murderess is punished


Invention of

Gen 4:21
Jubal, the first musicianthe inventor of the harp

Instruments, examples

Gen 4:21
the inventor of the harp and flute.
2 Sam 6:5
lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets, and cymbals.
Psa 81:2
accompanied by drums; pluck the sweet lyre and harp.
Psa 81:3
Sound the trumpet! Come to the joyous celebrations
Psa 150:4
Praise him with stringed instruments and horns.
Psa 150:5
with the cymbals, yes, loud clanging cymbals.
Amos 6:5
You sing idle songs to the sound of the harp,

Used for worship

2 Sam 6:5
playing every sort of musical instrument
1 Chr 15:28
the blowing of horns and trumpets,
Psa 33:2
Play joyous melodies of praise upon the lyre
Psa 81:1
Sing praises! Sing to Israels God!
Psa 92:1
sing praises to the God who is above all gods.
Psa 108:1
I will sing and rejoice before you.
Psa 150:3
Praise him with the trumpet and with lute and harp.

Used at festivals

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