The Glenmore's: Caught (9 page)

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Authors: Susan Horsnell

BOOK: The Glenmore's: Caught
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Justine arrived at Jenny’s and left Minx in a lean to out of the cold. It was there for visitors horses and came in handy in this cold weather.

“Jenny, ya there?” she called out.

Jenny came to the door with one of the girls in her arms. “Justine; how nice. Come on in; I could do with another pair of hands at the moment. I’ve got Lucy here fussin’ every time I put her down and Linda needs dressin’. Look at me still in my nightgown and robe too. Haven’t been able to get anythin’ done this mornin’; I think she might be teething”

Justine walked in and took Lucy out of Jenny’s arms.

“I’ll go make us some tea” Jenny said as she walked away and Justine followed with Lucy. “Are ya just visitin’ or can I do somethin’ for ya?” Jenny asked as she put the water on to boil.

“Both actually; I thought I’d come and talk to ya about somethin’ that’s been puzzlin’ me. I was talkin’ at Joe and Ginny’s yesterday about bein’ all scarred and sayin’ no man wants someone who is ugly and marked. I told them I’ve accepted that I’ll always be on my own”

“Oh Justine” Jenny interrupted. “Don’t you dare give up. I’m sure there’s a man that will see past it just like George did with me”

“Ben began mentionin’ somethin’ about ya but then said it wasn’t his place and if ya
wanted me to know about ya then ya’d tell me. I’ve been real puzzled ‘cause ya don’t have anythin’ to put a man off. Why, yer beautiful Jenny”

“Put Lucy down on the blanket with Linda, she’ll just have to fuss” Justine put Lucy down while Jenny took the water off the stove. Jenny then took her by the hand and led her down the hallway to the bedroom. She undid her robe and laid it on the bed. She then pulled her night gown over her head and turned her back to Justine so she could see. Justine raised her hands to her mouth and gasped. She was shocked by the thick ugly scars that criss-crossed Jenny’s back.

“Oh Jenny, whatever happened to ya?” Justine asked with tears in her eyes.

“Sit down and while I dress I’ll tell ya”

Justine sat down on the bed and Jenny began to explain what had happened to her while she got dressed. Justine could hardly believe her ears.

“So ya see, without the Glenmore’s, I’d be dead. I was convinced no man would ever want me when he knew about my back but I also knew he’d have to be told before I could marry. I thought as soon as I say somethin’ he’ll head for the hills. I believed, like you, that I would never marry or have children. George saw my wounds when they found me and Justine he fell in love with me anyway. It was like he didn’t see ‘em, to him I was perfect. He loves me so much Justine and I love him with all my heart. There I was makin’ plans to spend my life alone but here I am now with the most wonderful husband and family”

“I cain’t believe what you’ve been through and yer poor back! I thought I’d suffered in the fire but nothin’ like what you’ve suffered. Yer better off though Jenny ‘cause you’re scars can be hidden by clothes and away from the stares. I don’t think a man would ever get past my ugly scars” Justine hugged Jenny close.

“I don’t believe it” Jenny said firmly. “For one thing, I’ve seen the way Ben looks at ya!”

The girls headed back to the kitchen and Jenny put the water back on to make tea. The twins were happily rolling around and kicking their legs.

“Ben would never look at me like that Jenny. He’s so handsome; his wife will be so beautiful. She’ll be someone he’ll be proud to have on his arm when he walks down the street not someone who is ugly and attracts stares and whispers like me. Thank you for sharing your past with me though” she said sadly.

“Give it time Justine; now how about that tea?”

“Yes please” Justine sat down at the table and watched the girls on the floor. She sighed and thought to herself
‘if only”

Jenny placed the tea and a plate of oatmeal cookies on the table and began to chat. “I have a favour to ask” Justine told her.

“What is it?” Jenny asked.

Justine explained how Josh wanted to ask Millie to marry him the following day and
how he wanted to do it at lunch at the Glenmore’s. He had wanted to do it while they were alone but Justine had convinced him otherwise. She needed Jenny and Virginia’s help but couldn’t ask when Millie was around. She explained to Jenny what she needed her to do and Jenny agreed immediately.

“It will be so romantic” Jenny sighed.

“I must go Jenny, I promised Millie I’d be home in time for lunch and she’ll worry if I’m not there”

“I’ve enjoyed our time together Justine, please come again soon”

“I will Jenny and once again thank you”

The girls hugged and Jenny watched from the porch as Justine rode off.


Ben had been playing cards in the bunkhouse with Doug and Walter but he was so busy thinking about seeing Justine
the next day he’d been losing hand after hand.

“Well fella’s, I think I’ll call it a mornin’. I’m gonna go and wash up and have lunch” Ben got up and started for the house.

“You be back for more after lunch?” Doug asked.

“Nope, think I’ll go for a ride. You got enough of my money” he laughed.

Doug and Walter watched him walk out and Doug dealt the next hand. “You’re gonna have to clear that table off in a minute you two. Your lunch is almost ready too” Shorty, the cook growled.

“We’ll just play this hand and move Shorty” Walter assured him.

“Ben, that you?” Virginia called out when she heard the door close.

“Yes ma, just hangin’ up my coat. Be there in a minute”

“Okay, we’re just puttin’ lunch on the table so come through as soon as you’re washed up”

“On my way ma”

Lunch was steak, mashed potato, carrots, gravy and fresh biscuits. Ben’s mouth started to water as he sat down.

“How was yer card game son?” Joseph asked after a mouthful of steak.

“Miserable pa; didn’t win a hand” Ben grumbled.

Joseph and George both looked at each other.

“That’s not like you Ben” Virginia looked surprised. Ben almost always won at cards. “Somethin’ botherin’ ya?”

Before Ben could answer his mother Joseph spoke up. “Yeah, names Justine” he chuckled.

“No pa; just preoccupied about things”

“Yeah, like pa said names Justine” George laughed.

Ben grumbled and kept quiet as he ate the rest of his meal.

“What are ya plans for this afternoon” Joseph asked Ben as they were drinking their coffee.

“I think I’ll take a ride and clear me head pa unless ya got somethin’ ya want done”

“No nothin’ I need until late afternoon chores”

Ben stood up. ‘I’ll see ya in a couple of hours”

“Why don’t ya go and see Justine?” George asked.

“Lay off George” Ben shouted as he stormed out.

Joseph and George exchanged looks and then said in unison. “He’s fallin’!”

Ben was still angry and muttering to himself as he saddled Dancer. “Why cain’t they see I just want to be her friend girl? I ain’t got no interest in bein’ serious” Ben mounted up and headed off at a gallop.

He rode straight towards Justine’s without realising it. As he got to the boundary between the two properties he saw Justine headed his way.


Justine and Ben came together just as Ben crossed onto Justine’s property.

“Justine, I didn’t expect to see ya out ridin’ on such a cold day”

“Thought I’d take a ride to have a good look at my property. I had a quick look with Josh a few days ago but there was nothin’ else that needed doin’ around the ranch and I didn’t wanna sit around the house all afternoon. I’m not one for needlework and Millie chased me outta the kitchen. She said when she’s this busy she don’t like anyone in the way”

“Do ya mind if I join ya?” Ben asked hopefully.

Justine was hesitant about spending time with Ben but she’d been thinkin’ about what Jenny had said about Ben liking her and thought it would be rude not to give friendship a chance.

“I don’t mind Ben; will be nice to have ya along”

Ben looked shocked at her change of attitude from the previous few days but he didn’t want to spoil things by commenting as they walked off together.

“Josh is gonna ask Millie to marry him tomorrow” Justine told Ben to get conversation started.

“Well, he’s finally gonna do it after all these years. I can remember ‘em sparkin’ when I was a youngster” Ben chuckled. “One thing about Josh; he don’t make a decision in a hurry”

Justine giggled. “He was tellin’ me they’ve been seein’ each other for fifteen years!”

“That’d be about right. Ma will be over the moon; she’s been sayin’ for years they’re the best suited couple she knows”

“I was out with Josh a few days ago as I said; we were lookin around my land to see where he could build a cottage for both of ‘em. I offered ‘cause I don’t want ‘em leavin’ and Josh loved the idea”

“I’m real pleased for all of ya. Josh is a real good man and I know he’ll take real good care of ya both”

Justine’s heart sank a little when Ben said Josh would take care of her.
“What are ya thinkin’? Ben would never be interested in me”
she told herself. “Yes I know he will. Millie and Josh are more like a ma and pa to me already rather than the help. I been thinkin’ of makin’ ‘em partners and I’ve decided to ask ‘em at breakfast tomorrow”

“Wow, Josh will like that a real lot!” Ben exclaimed. “He really believes in what Mason was doin’ for breedin’ and he’ll work real hard at it for ya no matter what. I think Mason would be real happy knowin’ Josh is takin’ such good care of his ranch and I reckon he’d be right pleased about ya makin’ him a partner”

“He works so hard for me Ben and the other men are just wonderful too. I am so very lucky”

“You sound happy Justine”

“I am Ben, I really am”

“I’m glad ‘
cause ya sure do deserve it. What do ya do in ya spare time if ya don’t like sewin’?” Ben was curious to find out more. “I prefer to be outside ridin’, workin’ the ranch. I help cook when Millie ain’t so busy and she’ll let me help and I like to sit quietly and read sometimes”

“You certainly are a ranch gal” Ben chuckled.

“I think I am Ben, I don’t mind bein’ alone and I love it out here. I love the work too”

“I understand how ya feel” Ben said quietly.

They rode through the paddocks that were struggling against the winter frosts; Ben knew they’d come back just as good as ever in spring. When they came to an embankment that led down to a stream; they dismounted and left the horses to graze on what grass there was while they looked around.

Justine walked to the edge of the embankment to look down and Ben came up alongside her. As he knelt beside her Justine
felt his arm brush against hers; chills raced down her spine and she shivered.

“Are ya cold?” Ben asked.

“No I’m fine”

“Curious” Ben said and leaned further over the embankment.

“What Ben?”

“Someone’s dammed up ya stream and look at them footprints” Ben pointed to a spot slightly upstream from them and Justine could clearly see where someone had been.

“Let’s go down and take a closer look. Take my hand so ya don’t slip and fall” Ben held out his hand and Justine placed hers into it. He held onto her tight as they slipped and slid their way down the wet, grassy embankment to the bottom. Ben still held her hand when they reached the stream.

Justine couldn’t concentrate with her hand gripped by Ben’s and she had to consciously remember to breathe. She had sparks and chills shooting through her body in all
directions; this man certainly had an effect on her.

Ben was also struggling; his body was out of control and he was desperately trying to ignore his feelings so he wouldn’t slip and injure Justine. His groin was beginning to ache and he mentally told himself to relax.

They walked up to where the stream had been dammed and Ben bent down to take a closer look. Justine took the opportunity to wriggle her hand free and look around.

“Ben, these look like two separate sets of footprints over here” Ben came over to where Justine was standing and looked at where she was pointing.

“They sure are darlin’. Why would two men be out here damming a stream?”

“I have no idea Ben, we’ll ask Josh if he’s got any ideas” Justine had loved hearing Ben call her darlin’ in his deep, honeyed baritone voice and warmth pooled in her belly. They heard growling in the distance and Justine gave Ben a terrified look.

“It’s okay there’s cougar up in the hills but they don’t usually venture out in the daylight” Ben assured her and again took her hand. “C’mon, we’ll get ya home and have a chat with Josh”

Justine nodded gratefully and allowed Ben to lead her back up the slippery slope to the horses. He circled her waist with his hands and lifted her onto her horse, mounted up and they headed for Justine’s.


They arrived back at the house a few minutes later and Loni took care of their horses while they went inside.

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