The Glenmore's: Caught (13 page)

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Authors: Susan Horsnell

BOOK: The Glenmore's: Caught
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Ben stood up from the table when he saw her walk in, smiled and pulled her into his arms
fo a hug and a kiss. “Good morning beautiful girl” he whispered in her ear.

“Good morning handsome man” she whispered back.

“Let the girl go Ben so she can sit down and have her breakfast” Virginia chastised. Justine giggled and sat down next to Ben. Alice placed a plate of ham, beans, hash browns and gravy in front of her while Virginia gave her a steaming hot mug of coffee.

“Thank you so much” Justine told them both.

“Did ya sleep well darlin’?” Joseph asked.

“My word I did! I cain’t remember the last time I slept through the night without nightmares”

“You had an exciting day yesterday” Virginia observed.

“I certainly did; it was the best day of my life!”

“Mine too” Ben admitted.

“When you two lovebirds have some time I’d like to discuss your weddin’ with ya
if that’s okay” Virginia had talked through some of the things with Millie but wanted to make sure both Ben and Justine were happy with them.

“I’ve got time now Ginny” Justine told her and looked at Ben.

“I’ve got time too ma; the chores are done” Ben agreed.

“Okay, I’ll just get a coffee and a pencil and paper” Virginia poured herself a coffee and asked Alice and Nellie to join them.

Joseph stood up from the table to leave and Virginia pulled him up short. “Joe, where do ya think ya goin’? You’re part of this too”

Joseph groaned and sat back down while the others laughed at the tortured look on his face.

“Millie and I discussed gettin’ the preacher out here to our ranch unless ya wanna marry in the church in town. We thought there was more room to set up here. If ya decide on the church then we’ll use the church hall afterwards”

Justine looked at Ben. “As long as I got you darlin’ I’ll marry ya wherever ya like. I think it should be the bride’s choice” Ben told her in answer to her questioning look.

“I’d like it here then Ginny as long as it’s not too much trouble”

“It’s no trouble at all sweetheart; we’d be real pleased” Ginny told her. “Is there anythin’ else you’d like?”

“No, I don’t think so. I’ll ask Millie to make my dress. She made me a lovely nightgown for Christmas and she sews so beautifully. If she agrees I’ll go into town in the next few days and purchase the fabric”

“I’m sure Millie will love that. Will ya be takin’ her to town with ya too? I would love to come with ya if I may”

“I’d be happy to have ya come with me Ginny. I’ll let ya know when we decide to go”

“Ben, anythin’ you want?’ Virginia asked her son.

“No thanks ma. I’ll talk to George and James and we’ll organise ourselves. We’ve had plenty of practice recently” he laughed.

“Ya certainly have son” Virginia laughed. “What about bridesmaids Justine?”

“I would like Jenny and Rebecca I think. I’ll ask them next time I see them both. I would also like Caleb as ring-bearer so I will ask him too”

“They will be real pleased with that and Caleb will be adorable”

“I’d better get ya home darlin’ or Josh will have my hide” Ben rose from his chair.

“I’m ready when you are honey” Justine told him.

“I’ll go and get the buggy ready” Ben kissed her nose and went out to the barn


When they stopped in front of Justine’s house; Josh was on his way back from the barn.

“Mornin’ you two; how are ya?” Josh asked.

Ben lifted Justine down from the buggy. “We’re good thanks Josh” Justine answered and went over to kiss his cheek.

“I’m not pa anymore?” Josh asked disappointed.

Justine gave him a puzzled look.

“Last night when ya
was tired ya kept callin’ Millie and Josh ma and pa” Ben explained.

“Oh” Justine said embarrassedly.

“It’s okay sweetheart; ya don’t have to” Josh chuckled.

“I quite like the idea” Justine said as she looked from Ben to Josh.

“Either way is fine with me darlin’ but I have to admit I rather liked it”

Justine looked down shyly. “I think it’s pa from now on then”

Josh pulled her close and kissed her. “Pa it is then; thank you”

“Is there anythin’ needs doin’?” Justine asked.

“No darlin’; you go inside where it’s warm”

Ben took Justine by the hand and they walked inside.

“Would ya like a coffee?” Justine asked Ben.

“Yes, I’ll stay for a quick one” Ben and Justine hung up their coats.

“Ma!” Justine called out and giggled. “I like the sound of that Ben”

Ben chuckled and squeezed her hand.

Millie was in the kitchen when Justine called out but she was so engrossed in what she was doing that it hadn’t yet dawned on her that the ‘ma’ Justine was calling to was her!

Justine and Ben walked into the kitchen and Justine went over and kissed Millie’s cheek. “Ya didn’t answer me when I called out ma”

Millie gave her a shocked look.

“Don’t ya like it?” Justine asked with a disappointed look on her face.

“What darlin’?”

“Don’t ya like me callin’ ya ma? Josh said he likes me callin’ him pa”

“I’d love it darlin’. I was just shocked that’s all” Millie laughed.

“Can we have coffee please?”

“You certainly can. ‘Pa’ …” Millie emphasised pa. “… will be here in a minute and I have a batch of lemon drop cookies about to come out of the oven if ya can wait”

“Mmmm, of course we can”

Ben and Justine sat down at the table.

“Ma, we decided we’re gettin’ married at the Glenmore ranch and I was wonderin’ if ya would make my dress?”

“I would love to. Oh, it’s so excitin’ I can hardly wait” Millie exclaimed and Justine giggled.

“I told Ginny if ya said yes that she could come into town with us when we pick out the fabric”

“We can have lunch at the hotel while we’re there and make it a real good girl’s day out!” Millie said happily.

“That sounds real good; I cain’t wait”

Josh walked into the kitchen and washed his hands. “What cain’t ya wait for darlin’?”

“Ma, Ginny and me are gonna go into town to buy the fabric for my weddin’ dress and we’re gonna have lunch at the hotel. “It’ll be a real girl’s day out!”

“Sounds good to me; can I come?” Josh asked jokingly.

Justine and Millie laughed. “No ya cain’t; ya not a girl!”
Justine exclaimed.

Ben had finished his coffee and reluctantly told Justine he’d have to be going. She walked him out to the buggy and kissed him goodbye.

“I’ll see ya later on today” Ben promised.

“We can go for a ride?” Justine asked hopefully.

“If ya like, it’s a beautiful day but make sure ya dress warm”

“I will. I’ll see ya soon”

Justine watched and waved him goodbye.


Justine walked back inside to the kitchen. “I’m gonna have a bath and change. “I’m gonna ride over to Jenny’s for a little while” She informed Josh and Millie.

As she soaked in a hot bath and breathed in the rose vapours she thought about the previous day and how happy she was. After she’d washed, dried and dressed she called out to Millie.

“I’m going now; I’ll be back for lunch ma”

“Be careful darlin’.” Millie called back.

She went out to the barn and hummed to herself as she saddled Minx. “We’re gonna take a ride girl, I have some questions to ask Jenny” she told her horse and Minx nickered back. Justine mounted up and galloped away.

When she arrived at Jenny’s she again left Minx in the lean to out of the cold. A few seconds after she knocked at the door, Jenny answered and invited her in.

“Justine, it’s so nice to see ya again”

“Thanks Jenny; are ya busy?” Justine asked as she followed Jenny down the hall.

“No I just put the girls down for a nap and I was about to have tea. Would ya like some?”

“That would be lovely thank you”

When they sat down in the parlour with their tea Justine spoke. “Jenny, can I ask ya some questions?”

“Sounds like ya gonna ask me the same questions Laura did” Jenny chuckled and Justine blushed.

“Jenny, until yesterday I’d never been kissed and I have no idea about married relations. I need ya help” Justine admitted.

“My goodness, so Ben was ya first kiss? That’s mighty special”

Justine looked down and picked at an imaginary crumb on her denims. “No man had ever been interested in me Jenny; they certainly didn’t want to kiss me with my face like this”

“Oh Justine, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise” Jenny apologised.

“That’s okay Jenny but ya can see now I need help. I wanna make Ben happy”

“I can give ya the basics and then Ben will teach ya the rest. Everyone is different darlin’.”

Jenny went on to explain to Justine what she could expect on her wedding night and Justine was shocked. “Does it hurt?” Justine asked. “I could feel Ben against my thigh last night Jenny and he seems so big; it won’t fit!”

Jenny laughed. “I thought the same thing about George but trust me it works. It will hurt the first time as he pushes through your barrier but it doesn’t last long. After that Justine it’s the most wonderful feelin’.” Jenny had a far away, contented look in her eyes.

“Was ya weddin’ night real special?” Justine asked.

It was Jenny’s turn to lower her eyes and blush. “We couldn’t wait that long Justine; we were just too much in love”

“Oh” said Justine; embarrassed now she asked.

Jenny laughed. “Times are changin’ Justine and lots of betrothed couples don’t wait anymore”

“I wonder if Ben will decide he don’t wanna wait? I’m scared Jenny”

“Tell Ben; he’ll take good care of ya. He loves ya and he won’t hurt ya. There’s no need to be scared I promise”

They talked for a while longer and before Justine left she remembered she had something special to ask.

“Jenny, I have to be goin’ ‘cause I promised Millie I’d be back for lunch but I have somethin’ else to ask ya”

“Of course Justine, what is it?”

“Would you please be my Matron of Honour?”

“Oh Justine” Jenny hugged Justine to her and had tears in her eyes. “I would love to be”

“Thank you Jenny. I feel like we’ve become real good friends in the past few weeks. I’m gonna ask Rebecca to be bridesmaid and I would like Caleb as ring bearer”

“Oh Caleb will be thrilled! He will be so cute”

“Would ya like to organise ya own dresses with Rebecca; I’m happy for ya to wear whatever colour ya like?”

Jenny laughed. “Yes, we can do that. We’ve done it before!”

“Thanks again Jenny” Justine hugged and kissed her new friend and made her way home.

As Justine brushed Minx down in the warmth of the barn she thought about what Jenny had explained to her. She would trust Ben as Jenny had told her; she knew he would do nothing to hurt her.


“I’m back” Justine called out as she walked inside.

“Lunch is ready darlin’.” Millie called back.

Josh was at the table working on the ranch books when she walked into the kitchen. “How do the books look pa?”

“Very, very good darlin’; your ranch is doin’ really well”

“OUR ranch” Justine corrected and Josh laughed.

“Okay darlin’; OUR ranch is doin’ really well!”

“How did ya go at Jenny’s?” Millie asked as they all sat down for lunch and Josh put the books aside.

“Good, I had some woman things I wanted to ask and I asked her to be my Matron of Honour. She said yes! We had tea; the girls were having a nap so I didn’t get to see them”

“Ya coulda asked me ya know” Millie said quietly.

“I didn’t think; I’m sorry”

“Probably best ya talked to Jenny anyway. She’s closer to ya own age”

Josh had no idea what his two girls were on about so he kept quiet and happily ate his lunch.

“What are ya doin’ this afternoon?” Josh asked Justine as he finished lunch.

“Ben will be over soon and we’re gonna go out for a ride unless ya need me”

“No darlin’, ya go and enjoy yerself”


Squeaky Dalton and Bill Stanton
had been moping around in town for the past two days. They’d been down by the stream when Justine and Ben had ridden up on Christmas Eve and they had almost been caught by the pair.

They’d dammed up the stream after Mason had died and they’d been hoping it would be a while before it was discovered. They knew the cattle had been moved up to the house paddock and they wouldn’t be looking to drink at the stream until spring; they’d figured on having until then to pull out more gold.

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