The Glenmore's: Caught

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Authors: Susan Horsnell

BOOK: The Glenmore's: Caught
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When the Glenmore’s neighbour, Mason Prentiss, passes on suddenly it leaves his ranch to his only surviving relative – Justine, his granddaughter.

Since the death of her parents two years previously in a hotel fire that also left her badly scarred; Justine has been trapped in boarding school in Boston training to be a teacher. When she learns of her grandfather’s death she determines to make a new life for herself at the ranch. She is sick of the taunts and the cruelty and wants to escape to the seclusion of the country.

Justine meets Ben Glenmore when one of the Glenmore bulls escapes and gets in with her breeding cows; it is not a pleasant first meeting! Their lives become intertwined until the most handsome man in Gold Springs falls for the badly scarred young girl from Boston.

Justine’s ranch is under threat when Justine’s cattle are rustled, her stream is dammed and a kidnapping takes place. Ben attempts to help but finds himself caught in the criminals plot.

Will Justine arrive in time to save the one she loves? Will she finally find the peace and happiness she seeks?

This is the fourth and final book in The Glenmore’s Series.

The Glenmore’s:


The Glenmore Series – Book



All rights reserved

Copyright © 2013 by Susan Horsnell


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or

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, or by any information storage and retrieval system,

permission in writing from the Author : Susan Horsnell.

[email protected]





With thanks to my husband, Robert, for his love and support


My Parents
, Beryl and Allan, for reading as I wrote and being loving critics



Title Page




Chapter 1: Arrival                           

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5: Clean up

Chapter 6: Dance             

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12:
Future Plans             

Chapter 13:
Squeaky and Bill             

Chapter 14:

Chapter 15:

Chapter 16:

Chapter 17:

Chapter 18:
First Love             

Chapter 19:




Gold Springs TEXAS 


Justine pushed the hair from her eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. She was finally on the last leg of her trip to Gold Springs where she
expected to be met by one of her Grandfather’s men. He would then accompany her to what was now her ranch; one hour from town. The track was rough and she was constantly being jostled into her fellow passenger, Maurice Thompson. He had also travelled from Boston and was on his way to visit his elderly mother. She had given up apologising to Maurice as it seemed she was being thrown against him every few minutes. Justine was trying hard to keep her seat but it was proving to be impossible. When they hit a large rut just before arriving in Gold Springs; she almost landed in the poor man’s lap and her hat was pushed down over her face.  As she straightened her now battered hat and sat back on her seat; she apologised for what she hoped would be the last time.

“Mr Thompson; please forgive me but it seems I just cannot stay seated”

“No need to apologise Miss Saunders; it clearly isn’t your fault”

“Nevertheless I will be most relieved when we finally arrive”

“It has indeed been a long journey and I must say I have enjoyed your company. Your wit and quick mind have been truly stimulating”

“Why thank you Mr Thompson. I have also enjoyed your company
; having you share the journey has made me feel very much safer”

; GOLD SPRINGS!” the driver shouted as he pulled the horses to a stop in front of the stage office.

“Do you have someone to meet you Miss Saunders?” Maurice enquired politely. He
hoped he wouldn’t have to be seen with Justine in Gold Springs where his family and friends lived.

“Yes Mr
Thompson; my Grandpapa’s foreman should be here” Justine answered as she tied her scarf over her head, down the side of her face and around her neck. She then placed her bonnet over her head.

Maurice held out his hand as the driver opened the door. “Once again Miss Saunders; it’s been a pleasure
” he shook her gloved hand and promptly left the stage. He walked straight to his valise and began walking to the other end of town.

sighed and rose from her seat; she then made her way to the door at the top of the steps. The driver, who’d watched Maurice walk away, offered his hand.

“That was rude Miss, please allow me to apologise” He gripped her hand as she walked down the steps and onto the boardwalk.

“No never mind sir, I’m quite used to it. Thank you”

Josh and Loni from
her ranch watched her exit the stage and, as she was the only one on it, they knew she had to be their new boss. They walked towards her and doffed their hats in welcome.

“Miss Saunders; how was your trip?’ Josh enquired. “
I’m Josh, yer foreman Miss and this here fella’s Loni, one of the hands”

Justine held out her gloved hand and the two men shook it in turn. “The trip was long and dusty so I’m very glad to be here. Thank you both for meeting me. My trunks are just over there if ya don’t mind” She pointed to the two large trunks which the driver had placed on the boardwalk under the stage office window.

“We’ll load them in the wagon Miss if ya’d be kind enough to follow”

Justine followed the men to a wagon waiting nearby and as the men loaded her trunks; she climbed onto the seat. Once the trunks were secured Josh climbed up on one side of her while Loni climbed up on the other. Josh lifted the reins and urged the horses forward.

thought Justine as they started away. She hoped that in time this would be where she would find the peace she’d been seeking.


Justine Marie Saunders is 20 years old and the only child of Marshall and Melanie Saunders. She’d been raised in Tulsa Oklahoma where her father had been a Lawyer; she’d led a very comfortable life and wanted for nothing.

She was short at just 5feet 2inches but had a slim, curvy figure. Her chestnut hair hung well past her waist when released and it shone like a mirror. Her eyes were large and as blue as the sky but the sadness that lived there was obvious to anyone who cared to look.

Two years ago Justine and her family had been visiting Boston when fire broke out at the hotel they were staying in. Justine had managed to make her way out through the flames and the choking smoke to escape the inferno. Sadly; her parents had been trapped in their bedroom by a falling beam and had burned to death. Justine could still hear her mother’s screams in her nightmares. Justine had been hit in the face by a piece of burning ceiling just before getting free and it had caused terrible burns to the side of her face and her neck; the area was now heavily scarred.

Justine’s Grandfather, Mason Prentiss, was her only living relative and he’d rushed to Boston to be by her side. Mason had been devastated to see his once beautiful granddaughter so terribly disfigured. He was saddened to know she would endure life alone because of her injuries and he vowed to help her in any way he could.
He determined to send her to boarding school where she could train as a teacher. Justine recovered and was sent to ‘Miss Simpsons College for Refined Ladies’ in Boston. Her once happy life became miserable from that point on and she often wondered if it was worth going on.

The taunts and torment were almost unbearable and Justine struggled hard to live through each day.
Lizzie, her saviour, became her best friend. Lizzie walked with a bad limp due to a broken leg as a child and she’d also suffered ridicule. Justine had been told yet again how she would never marry and have children with her hideous looks and Lizzie held her while she cried. “You have to be strong Justine, don’t let them defeat you. It’s what they want”

Justine had made the decision at that moment to hold her head high and be proud of who she was. She’d told herself
“I won’t marry or have children but I’ll have the comfort of the children I teach. I don’t need a man!”

Justine and Lizzie joined together to face their tormentors and although the taunts continued they no longer had the effect they
’d once had.

When Justine received the wire from her Grandfather’s Lawyer
telling her he’d passed on and she’d inherited his ranch; she decided it was her chance to begin a new life. The ranch was going to be her new start! She knew nothing about ranching but at least she could ride a horse; the rest, she decided, she could learn. She sent a wire back to the lawyer advising him she was coming and promptly booked her train and stage tickets.

Lizzie accused her of running away and, although Justine knew there was some truth in the comment, she argued it was her heritage and she said she owed it to her Grandpapa to continue on with his ranch. Lizzie finally accepted Justine’s decision and wished her luck. There was kissing, hugging and loads of tears before Justine finally walked from the school.


Justine took in her surroundings as the wagon was bounced along and Josh pointed to things he thought would interest her. He explained about the boundary with the Glenmore Ranch which was close by and told her he would be happy to introduce her when the opportunity arose.

As they passed through the gates of the Circle P Ranch; Justine took in her new home.

“How many acres
are there Josh?” she enquired.

“About 60,000 now; Mr Prentiss
just sold off 20,000 acres to two young couples that just got ‘emselves hitched. One of ‘em is the only Glenmore gal. She’s got three big brothers and they’s real big. They’ve got the biggest spread in these parts, about 150,000 acres and they run about 10,000 head. They got a lot less now though ‘cause they just thinned down for winter. Joe Glenmore is a real nice man and him and his wife Ginny do a lot in the community to help out. Two of their sons and their daughter are married now. One of their sons is the Deputy in town” Josh explained.

“What cattle does Grandpapa have?”

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