The Glenmore's: Caught (11 page)

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Authors: Susan Horsnell

BOOK: The Glenmore's: Caught
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She couldn’t take her eyes from the piece in her hand. She lifted it out of the box and asked Josh to fasten it around her tiny wrist. It fit perfectly and Justine turned her arm this way and that as she admired it. She hugged both Millie and Josh and kissed their cheeks.

“Well what do ya think?” Millie asked.

“I’m speechless” Justine laughed. “It’s the most beautiful bracelet I have ever seen and I’m never taking it off!”

Josh and Millie laughed. “We did good Millie” Josh winked.

“Oh yes, ya did real good; thank you so much” Justine hugged them again.

“Well c’mon now; we have to start gettin’ ready to head off. Lunch time will be here before we know it. Millie began gathering things together.

“What can I do to help Millie?” Justine asked.

“When Josh has the wagon ready we’ll start taking this baking and the gifts out and load them in the back”

“I’ll go and hitch up the wagon now darlin’.” Josh kissed Millie’s cheek before he left.

“What did ya get from Josh, Millie?” Justine asked after he left.

“Nothin’ yet; he told me I have to wait until tonight and he wouldn’t take my gift yet either. Very strange” Millie frowned.


The Glenmore family had also had their traditional breakfast with their ranch hands and they were now preparing for their
lunch arrivals.

Ben and Joseph had moved the large kitchen table into the dining room straight after breakfast so they could accommodate everyone. Virginia, Rebecca, Nellie and Alice had discussed the numbers before breakfast. They had Kate’s parents – Matt and Barbara, Nick’s parents – Hannah and Jack, Rebecca’s parents – Dan and Marie, Alice’s husband –Tom as well as all the young ones. In total there would be twenty adults and three children!

Both tables had been decorated so they looked identical. “We have quite a large family now Ginny” Alice commented as she helped Ginny and Nellie setting the tables.

“We certainly do Alice. If it gets much bigger we’ll have to move special occasions into the barn and move the animals into the house!”  They all burst into laughter.

“What’s so funny ma?” Ben asked when he walked in. “Jenny and George have arrived with the girls”

“Nothin’ son” Ginny smiled. “I’ll come see them now; we’re finished here”

Everyone was in the parlour where Caleb was busy playing with his new toy cowboys and indians.

“Merry Christmas darlings” Virginia greeted George and Jenny with a hug and a kiss and picked up Lucy after kissing and hugging Linda.

“Can we open the presents under the tree now Grandmama?” Caleb asked hopefully.

“No darlin’; we do that after everyone has had lunch” Virginia told him.

“He saw one with his name on it ma and the curiosity is drivin’ him mad!” James laughed.

“They ain’t goin’ anywhere I promise ya darlin’. You’ll have it before long. You’ve got those lovely cowboys and indians that St
Nicholas bought ya” Virginia pointed to the toys in Caleb’s hands.

“What did St Nicholas bring ya Caleb” Jenny asked.

“I got two pairs of pants, two shirts, new boots, a hat, cowboys and indians, some new cards, more marbles and a book. Guess what Auntie Jenny?” Caleb asked Jenny excitedly as he danced from foot to foot.

“What darlin’?” Jenny laughed.

“Grandpa and Grandpapa gave me my very own pony! I called her Missy!”

“My goodness, ya must have been a real good boy” Jenny told him.

“Pa said that too” Caleb looked adoringly at James and Rebecca. “I’m a good pardner ain’t I pa?”

“The best, little man” James smiled and ruffled his hair.

“Ya love me don’t ya ma?” he asked Rebecca as he plonked himself onto her lap.

  Rebecca felt the wind being knocked out of her.

“Careful there pardner” James lifted Caleb from Rebecca as he saw her pale. “Are ya okay sweetheart?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine in a minute” Rebecca answered but then doubled over.

“Rebecca, ya sure you’re okay?” James placed Caleb onto the floor and knelt in front of his wife.

“I need to lie down for a few moments please James” James swept her into his arms and carried her to the guest room on the ground floor; he lowered her gently onto the bed.

Virginia appeared at the door holding the hand of a very worried Caleb. “Ma, are ya okay?” Caleb asked as tears ran down his cheeks.

“Bring him here please James” Rebecca asked weakly. James picked their son up and sat him on the bed next to his mother. He smiled as he watched Caleb run his tiny hand down the side of Rebecca’s face.

Caleb began to cry.

“I’m alright son. The baby in ma’s belly just makes me feel real ornery and when ya sit down hard on ma’s lap it makes me feel a bit poorly for a few minutes. I’ll be okay
real soon” she assured her upset son.

Marie came in with a cup of tea and James helped Rebecca to sit up. “Thanks mama” Rebecca said. “How about ya go
back to the parlour with Grandma Marie now son; I’ll be there shortly?”

Caleb gave Rebecca a kiss and jumped off the bed. “I’m sorry ma” he said as he took Marie’s hand.

“It’s okay son. You go and have fun” Rebecca told him as she drank her tea. The colour was beginning to return to her face and she was feeling much better.

“Ya look a bit better sweetheart” James said as he took the empty cup from her. “How are ya feelin’ now?”

“Much better darlin’; we can go back in now” James helped Rebecca from the bed and walked her back to the parlour.

Kate, Max
and Kate’s parents – Matt and Barbara had arrived along with Laura, Nick and Nick’s parents – Hannah and Jack. The house was beginning to fill very fast.

“How are ya now Rebecca?” a concerned Jenny asked as James sat his wife down.

“Much better thanks Jenny; just felt a bit poorly when the wind was knocked out of me. I’ll be fine or as fine as this little one will let me be” Rebecca said rubbing her belly.

A short while later Justine, Josh and Millie arrived and the Christmas gathering was complete.

“My goodness ya have a large family” Justine laughed as Ginny welcomed her with a hug and a kiss.

“I certainly do darlin’.” Virginia agreed.

Ben stood up and took the wrapped gifts from Justine’s arms to place under the tree. “Merry Christmas Justine” he greeted with a smile that made Justine’s legs feel weak. “Come and sit over here” Justine sat in the chair that Ben had vacated and Ben sat on the floor at her feet.

The noise in the large parlour was deafening as everyone chatted and laughed. Justine sat quietly wondering what it would have been like to have a family of her own.


“Tables everyone please” Alice announced; she had been busy getting all the food out with help from Nellie, Marie, Virginia and Hannah.

Justine thought the tables looked magnificent. They were decorated with candles, which had now been lit and gave out a soft glow; red berries, ribbon bows and pine cones. The food was plentiful with chickens, beef, pork, roasted potatoes and pumpkin, carrots, green beans and various sauces and gravies. Fresh biscuits were in baskets and there were several pats of freshly churned butter.

“Yum” said Caleb
as he scrambled onto his chair and everyone agreed as they took their seats.

The chatter continued after Joseph gave thanks and dishes and plates were passed around until everyone’s plates were piled high. Despite the chatter and laughing the food had soon disappeared.

“Alice, Nellie, Ginny; that was real delicious. You’ve outdone yerselves this year” Joseph commented as he sat back in his chair and rubbed his belly. Everyone else wholeheartedly agreed with him and then laughed as they saw Caleb sit back in his chair and mimic his grandfather by rubbing his belly.

“You enjoyed that son?” James laughingly asked.

“I sure did pa; I’m right full now”


“We have fruit cake, fruit pudding, custard and berry cobbler for dessert” Alice announced and everyone groaned. Alice laughed. “We’ll clear all this away and then bring them out later”

“That’s a good idea Alice” Joseph agreed.

As Alice and Nellie began to rise from the table; Justine spoke up. “Please sit ladies; I’ll clear this away for ya”

Ben jumped up from the table and everyone looked at him. “I’ll help too”

Justine and Ben began clearing the dishes from the tables and stacking them onto the kitchen bench. “You have a wonderful family Ben; I cain’t remember a better Christmas” Justine said from the doorway as she headed back for more dishes.

“Justine; wait a minute please” Ben asked nervously and Justine stopped in her tracks.

“Yes Ben; what is it?” Justine asked as he came close.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out her gift. Justine looked down at the wrapped parcel.

“I thought we were giving gifts after lunch?” she asked. “Yours is in the parlour. I’ll go and get it”

Ben took her arm to prevent her from leaving. “It’s okay, I can have mine later; I just wanted to give this to ya now”

Justine took the gift from Ben’s hand and un-wrapped it. When she opened the black velvet box she inhaled. “Oh Ben, it’s gorgeous! Thank you so much” She removed the locket from the box and held it towards Ben. “Would ya put it on me please?”

“I’d love to darlin’.” Ben told her as he took the locket from her

Justine turned her back to him and held her hair
out of the way while Ben placed it around her neck and fastened the clasp. Justine ran her hand over the locket and admired it once more. Ben turned her around and thought it looked perfect.

Ben wasn’t thinking when he pulled Justine into his arms and began to kiss her. Justine kicked his shin and when he released her she pulled away. She then slapped his face hard.

“I’m not one of ya pushovers Ben; leave me alone!” she screamed before she burst into tears and ran out of the house.

“Goddamn it” Ben said as he walked back to the dining room rubbing his face and limping slightly.


Everyone in the dining room had heard Justine scream and the talking had stopped. They’d heard the sound of the slap so they weren’t surprised when Ben walked in with a red hand print clearly visible on his cheek.

Joseph was the first to respond. “Damn it son, I warned ya about hurtin’ that little gal” he said angrily. Both Joseph and Josh stood up from the table to go after Justine.

“Sit down both of ya!” Ben shouted. It was so unusual to hear Ben shout and see him angry that both men immediately sat back down. “I didn’t hurt her; I’m the one hurtin’. She kicked me in the shin and slapped my
damn face”

Laura, Kate, Jenny and Rebecca giggled at Ben’s outrage.

“Well what did ya do son that made her do that?” Virginia asked.

“I tried to kiss her ma! I really love that little gal!” Ben announced and everyone’s mouths fell open in shock. “I’m gonna go and find
her and try and talk some sense into her beautiful, ornery, stubborn little head!”

Ben turned on his heels and stormed from the room.

“Well, well. My brother looks like he’s finally been caught and is in danger of bein’ thrown back!” Laura commented.

“I cain’t believe he just said he’s in love
; I ain’t never thought I’d hear that from him” George said in amazement.

“Me neither. What happened to him sayin’ he was never gonna settle down ‘cause he was havin’ too much fun?” James asked.

“He’s gonna have a hard time convincin’ our little gal; she don’t think she’s good enough for anyone to fall in love with. She’s convinced no-one is ever gonna want her. I sure hope he don’t get his heart broken” Josh mused.

“It’s real obvious his charms don’t work on her so he’s gonna have to be real convincin
’ I reckon” Joseph added.


Ben stormed outside and slammed the door. He stood on the porch with his hands on his hips and looked around while he tried to calm down.

“Barn; Boss”
Ky told Ben as he walked past with his saddled horse.

“Thanks” Ben muttered as he strode off the porch and in the direction of the barn.

When he reached the barn door he saw Justine with her head buried in Dancer’s neck. She was patting the horse and sobbing so much that her body shook violently. Ben thought it was probably partly from cold too as she’d run out without a coat. Ben leaned against the door frame and watched for a moment.

As he began to move towards her; Justine began to talk to his horse and he stopped. “What am I gonna do Dancer? I love him so much and I know he could never love me. He needs a pretty girl he can be proud of not an ugly one that he wouldn’t wanna be seen with”

She rested her head back against Dancer and began crying so hard it was breaking Ben’s heart. He quietly walked forward until he stood behind her; Justine hadn’t heard a thing with all her crying.

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