The Glenmore's: Caught (10 page)

Read The Glenmore's: Caught Online

Authors: Susan Horsnell

BOOK: The Glenmore's: Caught
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“Josh” Justine called out as she walked through the door.

“Parlour” Josh called back but met up with them near the kitchen.

“Ben; how ya doin’?” Josh held out his hand and Ben shook. “C’mon into the kitchen where it’s warm. Millie can we have some coffee please darlin’?”

Millie was still busily baking and spoke over her shoulder. “Hi Ben darlin’; there’s a fresh pot on the stove Josh. I just made it”

Josh made the coffee while Justine and Ben sat down.

“Josh do ya know any reason why ya stream in the west paddock would be dammed up?” Ben asked. “It’s been dammed by humans not animals”

“I got no idea Ben, why on earth would someone do that?” Josh was concerned as that was where the summer water supply for the cattle came from.

“We found two sets of footprints down there too Josh” Justine added.

“Real strange, first the stolen cows and now this; cain’t say as I much like it Ben”

“Neither do I Josh; somethin’s not right”

“I’ll ask the men but I can tell ya now they won’t know nothin’. The only time we go down that way is to get the cattle that go down to drink in spring. We bring ‘em up to service ‘em and keep an eye on those due to calve. Ain’t been down there in months”

“I’ll ask pa and the men when I get home if they might have heard somethin’ but I don’t think they’ll know anythin’. Keep an eye out that way just in case Josh” Ben was concerned for Justine and Millie’s safety but wasn’t going to frighten them.

“Yeah, I’ll make sure it gets checked regular now and I’ll send a couple of men down to clear it after Christmas”

Millie, that was mighty fine coffee and real good oatmeal cookies. Thank you”

“You’re welcome Ben. Tell y
a family we’ll see ‘em tomorrow”

“Will do ma’am; I’ll let ya know if we find anythin’ out when ya come for lunch tomorrow Josh”

“Thanks Ben”

Ben began walking to the door. “I’ll walk ya out Ben” Justine offered and followed him.
Millie looked at Josh over her shoulder and gave him a knowing smile.

“I’ll look forward to seein’ ya tomorrow darlin’.” Ben told her as he mounted.

Justine stood and watched with a smile on her face as he rode away.


When Ben arrived home he took Dancer straight to the barn where he unsaddled her and gave her a good rub down.

“I do believe we might have cracked the ice today girl” Ben told Dancer as he brushed and she nickered back at him softly.

Ben laughed. “I swear ya know every word I say. Ya sure are one mighty smart horse” Ben finished brushing and closed her into a stall where Ky had laid out fresh hay, fresh oats and fresh water. Dancer noticed the oats straight off and buried her face in the feed bucket.

Ben whistled as he strode to the house.
“I knew I’d break through eventually”
he thought to himself smugly.

“Pa, where are ya?” Ben shouted as he entered the warm house.

“In the kitchen Ben” came his father’s reply.

Ben walked through and was greeted with Caleb throwing his arms around his legs. Ben reached down and pulled him into his arms.
“Hi pardner; what ya doin’ here?” Ben asked as Caleb gave him a hug.

“We came for Christmas Uncle Ben. I
ain’t never had Christmas that I can remember” Caleb was so excited. “Ma and Pa said I’ve been real good so I’m gonna get gifts!”

“I think you’re gonna get lots of gifts pardner ‘
cause you’re the best behaved boy I know”

“Yippee!” Caleb shouted then took Ben’s face in his tiny hands and gave him a serious look. “Have ya been good Uncle Ben? Will ya get gifts too? I can share mine if ya like”

Ben laughed at the little boys’ innocence. “I’ve been good enough; I might get a gift too”

“Phew, I was real worried for ya Uncle Ben

Ben gave him a hug and placed him down on the floor and he ran off to play in the parlour.

Ben shook James’ hand and kissed Rebecca’s cheek. “That’s one great boy ya got there” James and Rebecca agreed. “How ya feelin’ now Rebecca?”

“This just has to be a boy Ben. A girl couldn’t possibly make me feel this ornery and I swear if I faint one more time I’m gonna give up and just stay in bed”

James chuckled. “She’s havin’ a real tough time of it”

“I’m glad ya think
it’s funny” Rebecca scowled. “You can have the next one!” she declared and everyone laughed.

“Pa, I just got back from over at Justine’s. We were ridin’ her property when we came
to an embankment that leads down to the stream. The streams been dammed pa and we found two sets of footprints nearby” Ben explained to his father.

“Why on earth would anyone wanna dam up the stream?” Joseph asked.

“That’s what we been tryin’ to figure pa. First the cows, now this; somethin’ ain’t right”

“What about cows?” James asked.

“Justine had about fifty of her best breedin’ cows that were in calf stolen a couple of nights ago. They were in the house paddock and nobody heard a thing” Ben informed him.

We ain’t had rustlers round these parts for years”

“Yeah we know James. Josh didn’t seem to think
it’s rustlers. He was tellin’ us that Squeaky Dalton and Bill Stanton were real ornery about bein’ told they couldn’t buy the ranch after Mason died and Josh thinks it might have somethin’ to do with them. They told Josh that Mason told ‘em he was gonna sell the ranch but Josh was like Mason’s son and Josh said he never said a word about sellin’.” Ben told James.

“Why would Mason set up a breedin’ program if he was gonna sell? Somethin’
don’t sit right about those two” Joseph mused.

“Why would two miners wanna buy a ranch?” Virginia asked.

Ben, Joseph and James all looked at each other and spoke together as one “the stream!”

“Of course, the stream” Ben said “makes sense now. They’ve found somethin’ in Justine’s stream”

“Yer right son; when we’ve got Christmas over with we’ll go down with Josh and have a look around” Joseph told them.

“When I get back to town Dan and me will question ‘em too” James offered.

“Ya don’t think Justine’s in any danger do ya?” Rebecca asked and heads turned towards her.

“I swear if anyone touches her I’ll kill ‘em” Ben stated and everyone in the room smiled. They all knew Ben was smitten; they were just waiting for him to admit it. Virginia was convinced another wedding was close by but refrained from sharing her thoughts with Ben.

“Josh will be here tomorrow and I doubt Justine will be leavin’ the house tonight so we’ll let ‘em know what we think when they come over” Joseph didn’t think Justine was in any danger. Squeaky and Bill were pretty harmless he thought but there was still no need to take chances. Josh will be with her and Millie tonight so I’m sure there’s no need to worry” Joseph said confidently.


Dawn broke to reveal a cold but gloriously sunny Christmas day. Justine and Millie were busy with breakfast and were almost ready.

“Josh, Millie; can I have word before the men get here please?” Justine asked.

“Of course ya can darlin’.” Millie said and wiped her hands on her apron
before moving towards the table.

“Let’s sit down” Justine sat down at the table
and placed her hands in her lap.

“First of all, Merry Christmas to ya both” Justine handed them their wages which they’d earned over the past month. “There’s a little extra in there for ya and I’m sorta hopin’ they’ll be ya last wages”

Millie and Josh looked at her in horror and Justine couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh dear, if only ya could see ya faces” she giggled and added to Josh and Millie’s confusion.

Justine took their hands in hers.

“I don’t know how to ask this so I’ll just say it straight out. I would like to give you each
; a quarter ownership in the ranch”

Josh almost choked on his mouthful of coffee and what didn’t come back out of his mouth came out through his nose. Millie wiped his face with a napkin as she smacked his back until he recovered his breath.

“Good God girl; warn me next time will ya?” Josh sputtered. “We cain’t take half of ya ranch, what are ya thinkin’?”

“I’m thinkin’ that I’ve come to love you two like ya
was my ma and pa. I know you’ll never replace my real ones but ya sure are close. I have more than enough to last me five lifetimes Josh and I’d be honoured if you and Millie would be my partners. We could all easily live here; hell, we’ve been doin’ it fine for the past weeks. Please say yes?” she begged.

“I just don’t know darlin’. We love ya too but it’s awful generous” Josh looked at Millie who had tears in her eyes.

“Josh, Grandpapa loved ya like a son and I’m sure he’d be mighty pleased if he knew I’d asked ya to partner me. We’ll make it all legal like and I’ll still help ya” Justine was pleading with Josh to agree.

“What do ya think Millie?” Josh asked his soon to be wife, although Millie wasn’t aware of it yet.

“We are like a family now Josh and if it’ll make her happy”

“Okay pretty lady, ya got yerself partners”

Justine squealed and threw herself into Josh’s arms. “Thank you, thank you” she said as she showered him with kisses. “What a wonderful Christmas present. We’ll go into town and get all the papers done proper after Christmas”

They were all hugging and kissing when the rest of the men walked in.

“Nobby, Loni, Levi, Rod” Justine handed them their wages and kissed their cheeks. “There’s a little extra in each of them to say thank you” Justine informed them. They all thanked her shyly and she urged them to sit down for breakfast.

Sure will be good to eat a tucker I didn’t have to cook” Nobby laughed.

“Men, I have some news for ya” Justine said to get the men’s attention. “As of today
Josh, Millie and I are partners in the ranch”

“Well, I’ll be. That’s real good news for all of ya Miss. I’m mighty pleased for ya Josh, Millie” Levi told them and the other men kissed Millie’s cheek and shook Josh’s hand as they congratulated them.

Justine was as proud as a peacock of her ‘family’ and they spent the next two hours talking and planning for the coming year as they ate breakfast. The men had some good suggestions for the breeding program and Josh said he’d be happy to give them a try. The men were pleased to be able to contribute their ideas to the ranch and even more pleased when Josh agreed to give them a try.

“Well Miss, it’s time we got out and did the chores” Loni said as he stood.

“Just do what is necessary men for the next couple of days and enjoy ya Christmas” Josh instructed.

“Thanks Josh and once again congratulations” Levi said.  

“Please come with me to the parlour men, I have a small gift for each of ya” The men followed Justine through to the parlour and accepted the gifts that Justine offered.

Loni and Rod had leather tobacco pouches full of tobacco while Levi and Nobby had shiny new pocket knives. “Thank ya Miss, this is a mighty fine knife” Levi told her as he gave her a kiss. The other men followed with kisses and thank you’s and when they had left Justine took Josh and Millie’s gifts from under the tree.

She took them back to the kitchen where Millie and Josh had been talking. “Millie, Josh; Merry Christmas” She handed their gifts over and watched as they un-wrapped them.

Millie gasped when she saw the beautiful blue woollen cape, matching hat and gloves.
Tears flowed as she hugged and kissed Justine and Justine began crying with her. “Darlin’ it’s the prettiest gift I ever got, thank you so very much” Millie cried.

Josh couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his new brown duster, brown leather gloves and a new Stetson. As he tried it on for size and found it fit perfectly
; Justine spoke. “You’re a ranch owner now Josh, ya can’t wear that old battered one anymore”

Josh laughed. “Ya make me real proud sweetheart, thank ya” Josh hugged her so tight she thought her ribs would crack.

“C’mon Josh, let’s give our gal her gifts” Millie said as she wiped her eyes dry. Josh disappeared into the parlour and came back with two beautifully wrapped packages. Justine was so excited.

“They’re from both of us darlin’.” Millie told Justine as she began opening her first package. “Oh Millie, it’s gorgeous. Thank you both so much”

Justine had received a pale pink, diaphanous, silk and lace nightgown with the most delicate white embroidered flowers. Justine thought it was the softest, prettiest garment she had ever seen.

She placed it on the table while she opened her second gift. When she removed the wrapping she was left with a black velvet box; she opened it and placed her hand over her mouth. The box held the most delicate silver bracelet that was dotted with small red garnets. Justine didn’t own any jewellery
; her grandfather just hadn’t thought to give her any and she hadn’t asked.

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