The Girl. (17 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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The door opens Seth was out of breath, standing there with no shirt on wearing his gray jogging
pants and scratching his head Sebastian asked, “Aw bro, it’s almost midnight, what’s up you
“No, I just can’t sleep”. Sebastian wearing gray sweat pants with no shirt on, as his broad
muscular chest stuck out, said, “Try Seth, count sheep huh!”
“I will grouch”, sneers.

Pointing at Seth and angry Sebastian said cross, “No I mean it, one more time your head board
almost comes through my wall, my fist comes through yours”, and stormed back to his bedroom.
Seth shut his door saying, “Oh, but it is ok all the times I lay hearing his, what a mean man”.

A few more days go by.
On Sunday evening, there was no work and the Wiley’s break.
Most the boys were out and Saul was the only one home with Ella they were sitting by the
kitchen table playing a game of cards along with his parents having fun.

Shane comes rushing in the back kitchen door out of breath with his hands to his head and
seem upset, neither Paul Gene or Brenda meddle into their relationships, if he wanted to talk
they were always there to help.
Shane put his head down close by the sink and they notice he definitely was upset and heard as
he mumbled, “Morgan cheated!”

Meanwhile, as the family was enjoying the work break except Shane, another was not either
working up a sweat at the loading dock.
Sebastian stood wiping sweat off, as another person said, “Hey you cannot break look at this
load man!”

Looking into the full truck Sebastian replied, “Gosh mastermind, think I don’t know or have
eyes, because I am not breaking buddy get your facts straight”.
The person jumps off the ramp, got in Sebastian’s face and said, “I don’t think I like you’re your
attitude”, and Sebastian very sober faced said, “Do something about it”.

The supervisor hollered, “Is there a problem?” Sebastian gave the person before him a dirty look
literally growling.


“No sir”, getting back to work with Sebastian, that got a break an hour later and sat on a crate
eating an apple, yawns a few times.

Back at the Wiley home, everyone was having fun playing a game laughing, as they even ordered
a pizza.
Until, Seth comes rushing into the back door now with blood all on him and was holding his
nose everyone looked, as he hurried by the sink.
Paul Gene said, “Hey rebel”.

Disgusted, Brenda shook her head and said, “Oh lord not your nose again Seth!”
Now Paul Gene yelled, “HEY THERE CHAMP”.
Turning around with his nose all bloody Paul Gene said, “Yep Seth looks pretty bad”.

“Man, I think it’s broke again for the third time in my life, young life too”.
“Pause the game y’all while I check on the fighter” said Paul Gene that went over by Seth.

Leaning over in his chair, Saul told Shane, “Man it’s not even bar night”, and Shane just smiled,
as he did feel better.
“Yep Seth boy it is broken”, as he was checking Seth’s nose.
Brenda rose her eyebrows and Paul Gene added, “Heck Seth what did you do”.

“Oh man my nose is going to be disfigured”, touching his bloody nose.
Brenda was upset, as Paul Gene shook his head and a bit mad.
This makes how many times with Seth.

“I swear when I work the bar from now on I am wearing a mask”, and his two brothers laughed.
“Oh come on maw, let’s take Seth down to the hospital”, said Paul Gene grabbing his keys off the
“Okay let me grab my purse,” and she went hurrying to get it and cracking his knuckles, Saul
asked, “How’d that happen little bro?”

Seth was holding his nose and said, “Me and Missy, were at the arcade room and some jerks
started, so I fought them of course”.
“Hey little buddy, how do they look?” With a silly grin and Seth said, “I do not know Shane,
because they didn’t get up while we were still there”.
Shane smiled saying, “Woo-wee, you are a champion”, as Saul laughed too.
“Funny y’all, just make jokes about it”.

Saul along with Shane was cracking up laughing, making comments, “Tough guy”.
“Those fist should be illegal”, Shane pushing Saul added, “No outlaw”, as the busted up in tears
laughing so hard.
“Ha-ha real funny y’all”, wiping his face with the towel.

His brothers are really laughing and Ella just held her smiles back taking a sip of her ginger ale,
feeling nauseated again.
Getting aggravated, Seth pointed at his brothers saying, “Know what, one time I will take you
both on and show y’all I really am a rebel”.

His brothers now giving a high five to each other laughing like crazy.
Waving his hand at his brothers Seth said, “Fools, I ready showed you Shane so why you
Putting his hands up to his face acting scared, Saul said, “Darn Shane we just got called on”.
“Yep sure did, shoot I am kind of scared”.
Both laughing very hard pretending to bite on their fingers nervously, as Seth just waved his
hand at them again and held his bloody nose with his other.
Ella just sat quietly munching on a saltine cracker, as she was very nauseated.
Brenda and Paul Gene comes into the kitchen, Brenda said, “Come on Seth boy”, digging
through her purse mumbling, “Where is the insurance card?”
Seth was making faces at his brothers who were quiet now and noticing Seth sticking his tongue
out at his brothers, Brenda said, “Seth what’s wrong with you, don’t tease your brothers”.

Nodding, Paul Gene added, “Yep boy want to get your nose smashed by them”, acting all
innocent, because their parents entered the kitchen.
Walking out the back door, Paul Gene said, “Come on tough guy, let’s roll”, as Seth was going
out, he turned around throwing his bloody towel at them and said,
“Get a good look at blood, because that will be the two of you from me”.

They laughed harder than they were already, and Ella giggled.
Waving his hand back at them, Seth even flicked his middle finger behind his parents back. His
two brothers cracked up laughing and Shane even fell off his chair.

After a few minutes of laughing in tears, Saul with Ella and Shane sat there talking and playing
Doorbell ringing, Shane said, “I got it, just finish the game”.
Therefore, he went opening the front door where there was an older woman with gray hair
standing there holding a baby girl a few months old.

The little baby had dark curly hair, in locks actually wearing a pink sleeper when Shane asked,
“Can I help you?”
Looking up and down the porch, “Is this the right house?”

Shane glanced around and said, “Woe lady, you lost me here, who are you looking for?”
“The Wiley’s”.
“Well yep this is the house, what do you need with um?”
Suddenly, she reached the little baby out to Shane jumping back fast, putting his hands up
saying, “Now just hold up lady, I never go in without my raincoat”.

Insisting, she kept the baby held out to Shane that said, “Aw keep the baby away from me”.
Kept his hands up and added, “Look, no way I got a kid, or would want to ever in life”.

Looked at Shane that put his hand to his chin and added, “Aw, been thinking about getting one
of those vasectomies”.
The woman was very persistent and kept holding the baby out dangling her practically.
Hand still up he said, “Just turn right around lady, because wrong Wiley’s you got here”.

Sadly she said, “Please, Seth Wiley does he live here?”
Putting his one hand near his ear, “Come again which brother?”
“Seth Wiley”.
Raising his black eyebrows high, Shane remarked, “Huh, that’s funny lady, I thought you told
me a sixteen-year-old is her daddy”.

The woman smiled and Shane added, “Heck by the looks of that kid”, paused counting on his
fingers and smiled saying, “Woo-wee fifteen- years-old, hilarious lady, now just go with your
She was not about to go no place and he mumbled, “Gee this chick looks like my ninth grade
teacher, she was meaner than a snake”.

The stubborn woman reached the infant closer, when he said, “Look Miss Kovach, I’ll never tell
a sole you been here trying to blame my innocent baby brother”.
“Who is Miss Kovach?”
He slapped his forehead saying, “A boot camp teacher”.

She was stubborn holding the baby close by him and the baby started crying, quickly he
blocked his ears raising his voice loudly,
“Go blame another brother teacher”.

The woman set a diaper bag down and the baby cried harder, squinting his face holding his ears
tight from the screaming baby Shane yelled, “OUR NAME IS TACKETT!”


“Take the child boy”.

Gripping his ears from the screaming baby, he replied, “Nah, I don’t want to teacher”.
“I’m not leaving until you take Seth Wiley’s daughter, by the way I was never a teacher”.
Shane was holding his ears tightly blocked and did not hear a word she said, as he was
Becoming annoyed, rose her voice saying, “Take Seth’s child!”

Instantly, Shane took his hands off from his ears putting them by his mouth saying, “Aw hush
lady somebody’s gonna hear a kid is a child’s daddy, holy-cow what a scandal”.
“I will leave her right on this porch” and the baby was screaming.

Squinting his face again from the squeals of the baby he said, “Aw have mercy on my ears, hush
that munchkin up, because I am getting sharp head pains”.
Boxing his ears hard from the screaming baby and shaking her head at him said, “Her blood
father will calm her”.

Pulling on his red ear lobes, Shane replied, “Ah doubt it, poor boy can’t even make toast, heck
how he can tend to a balling lullaby kid”.

The woman kept the infant close to Shane that held his ears mumbling, “I miss Kansas
definitely now, don’t like munchkin world”.
She looked at him strange, as he was tapping his boot heels together.



Getting mad at Shane Wiley she said, “Seth Wiley will learn with his child”.


“Nope sorry lady, hope you find the real Wiley’s, goodbye for at least seventeen-years”.
Then pointed at her and said, “Aw please don’t follow me either down that yellow gravel road”.
In a flash, Shane rushed back inside shutting the door fast and was leaning against the front
door tightly, even locked it securely.

The woman banged on the door constantly, as Shane leaned with all his might against the other
end and Saul comes walking through and heard the banging, gives a funny look at the door.
Pointing at the front door, “Shane who is pounding on the door?” Looking at his brother

sweating fretfully, Shane replied, “Glinda the Tupperware lady, just won’t take no for an answer
that maw has cupboards loaded”.

Shaking his head at his dimwitted brother, he said, “Okay”. Becomes upset the woman yelled,
“Fine I’ll just leave her here”.
Pointing back towards the door, “Hey wait, what did Glinda the Tupperware lady just say?”
Laughing Shane remarked, “Huh, imagine that, guess she is gonna leave bowls with those
slippers anyway”, and he was nervous.

Waving his hand Saul walked away mumbling, “Looks like he’s getting ear infections, because
their blood red”.
Walking through the house heading toward the kitchen, Saul hollered back, “Hey Shane, get rid
of that crazy Tupperware lady”.
“Aw sure thing brother”.
“I mean it Shane”.
“All right, heard you loud and clear”, leaning against the door.

Suddenly, the banging stopped and Shane wiped off his forehead mumbling, “Whew thank god,
because that witch gave me a work out”.
Therefore, he went back into the kitchen and sat down finishing the card game with his brother
and Ella.

Shane was softly mumbling, “Gee munchkin babies are exhausting too”.
They sat playing cards, as a baby started to cry heavily, Saul looked at Ella that said, “It’s not
coming from me, I have months to go”.

The baby screamed loudly when Saul looked over at sweating and beat red Shane that was really
shuffling those cards nervously, as cards were even falling to the floor
Grinning at his frantic looking brother, Saul asked, “Hey Shane there was no Tupperware lady,
huh?” Ella looked at him burning up in fright.

“Oh there was an old lady really trying to sell something”, bent down reaching to pick cards up
off the floor.

The baby kept screaming and Ella got up from her chair in a hurry rushing through the house
following the cries to the front door and opening it, putting her hands by her face she yelled,
Shane just sat by the table when Saul rushed away and shuffling cards Shane said, “Woe Seth
you’re in deep waters with maw and paw, I tried to get rid of the screaming evidence”.

He sat dealing the cards out on the table and said, “Aw heck, I tried to get rid of the good witch
who loves waving a kid not a wand”.
Sat there stunned shuffling cards and mumbling, “Woo-wee, she was no good witch, mean as a
snake not monkeys”. Chuckling added, “The whole story got mixed up”.
On the front porch, stood Ella with Saul looking down at the baby in a carrier and there was a
diaper bag at the side of the carrier with a letter.
Saul bent picking the letter up, as he gave the curly haired baby a grin, Ella stood there stunned
and he reads it aloud.

Here is Dana Adam’s, and Seth Wiley’s daughter Samantha Faye Wiley.
Seth never knew of the baby for Dana refused his knowing and did not want to burden him.
Dana been institutionalized for substance addiction, which has been an ongoing battle.
The innocent child needs a good home along with stable environment.
I hope with her blood father Seth Wiley.
Sincerely Dana’s Grandma Helen Adam’s, PS. Love Sammy!

Putting her hand by her mouth, “Gee, that’s what happened to Dana”, said Ella looking at Seth’s
Saul stood speechless looking down at the baby blowing raspberries.

“Oh my, Dana went off to have her and Seth’s kid, it was bad like I figured”.
Saul was at a loss for words, but did say, “We better get the toddler in”.

Holding her growing stomach, Ella replied, “You lift the carrier it’s too heavy in my condition”.
Rolling his eyes, Saul bend down by the baby that was smiling and said, “Aw, she’s a cute little

Lifting the carrier with his youngest brothers child added, “Wonder what paw and maw are
going to say about this?”

Ella now shrugged her shoulders and he said, “Shoot Seth too, he is just sixteen, a kid”.
Setting the carrier down on the burgundy sofa Ella was quiet and Saul smiled at his niece.
Looking at the baby Saul added, “Shoot Seth can’t even make toast or tend to himself how’s he
gonna tend to a kid”.
“Guess this is bad”, said Ella touching her stomach.

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