The Girl. (16 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Seth giggled and remarked, “Hey how’s it possible, big arms dropped the dresser?”
Saul waved his arms yelling, “Come on let’s get her moved in”.

Sebastian with such a sober face that he was anyways, pointed saying, “Shoot Shane’s the one
Shane saw red and charged at Sebastian, who as Shane comes at him full force, quickly flipped
him up over his shoulder.
Really laughing now Seth said, “Aw he used those massive arms, but on Shane”.
Saul was beyond furious over wasted time and Shane got up slowly from the ground holding his
back saying, “Aw hey thanks Seth for teaching him those super karate skills”.
Everyone laughed, and Saul could not help too.
Then Shane for the second time went to lift the dresser, he said, “Heck give me a second, think
I’m crippled here”.
Sebastian a second time starting replied, “I feel sorry for your girl, because you can’t move”.
They all cracked up laughing even Shane.

The Wiley boys got Ella all unloaded finally and the room looked great.
Standing inside the filled room Brenda said, “Gee this old sewing room never knew how cute it
could be”.

Ella with Saul stood smiling looking around at her room then they all went into the kitchen
finding Paul Gene cooking.

Raising his pale eyebrows, “Paw cooking?” Said Saul lifting the lid off the kettle.
Giving a big smile Brenda replied, “Yep boy, he’s been at it all day”.
Holding her stomach Ella remarked, “Oh it smells good”, Paul Gene winked. .
Sitting down by the table Saul said, “Woe, we are in for a treat this papaw thing sure has made
you happy”.

Waving his hand, “Oh hush boy, I don’t need a reason to show what a great cook I am”, said Paul
Gene putting a dash of seasoning into the kettle and Brenda remarked, “The chili does smell
Sitting by the table Saul was grinning, “You are right boy, because I am happier than ever about
being a papaw”, said Paul Gene smiling.

Held her aching back sitting by the table too and Brenda gave a smile playing with her locket,
they all were talking.

The rest of the boys were in their bedrooms and resting up for tonight, after moving in Ella’s
many belongings.
Seth was in his bedroom on the hallway phone that he drug into his room and was arguing with
a girl he has been seeing for a few months.
Sebastian’s room was right behind and he actually banged on the wall a few times yelling, “Aw
lower your voice bro, my darn head”.

Becoming annoyed, Seth put his hand to his head and said, “Aw no Missy don’t start this again”.
Seth all flushed, and said, “Heck, I see Ella twenty-four-seven, she lives here”.

Aggravated, he added, “I’m sorry Missy for calling you Ella and wouldn’t hurt you either”.
“Aw fine break it off”.
“Yeah you need time to think Missy; shoot she’s having Saul’s kid”.
Seth now giggled saying, “Oh good one Missy, which Wiley boys baby is it?”

Slamming the receiver down, Seth put both hands by his head and Sebastian in the room behind
had still overheard Seth.
Especially the last statement of which brother’s child it was and Sebastian put both his hands
against his face crying.

That night at the dinner table Paul Gene’s food was a big hit and pushing the bowl aside,
Seth asked, “Can I be excused now”, Brenda smiled and knew he was seeing a girl named Missy.
Setting his glass of milk down, Paul Gene said, “Well I guess so son”.

“Thanks paw, later y’all and left rushing out.


Looking at his wristwatch, “Well can I go too, I mean be excused?”


Paul Gene gave a smile saying, “Scoot boy, run along don’t keep her waiting”, as Sebastian
smirked and got up leaving fast.

Brenda mumbled, “Hum, did he finally make up with Mandy or has a new female interest.
Shane sat there quiet a second, and Paul Gene said, “Well go on Shane, heck you’re a grown
man, scram get out of here”.

Shane smiled grabbing one more muffin and he left too.
Paul Gene along with Brenda both gave a little grin, then Brenda said, “I guess no one stays for
dessert any more”.
“Well maw I wanted to talk with these two some”, looking at Saul and Ella.

Brenda said, “Very well, I am going to clear off the table”, picking up dishes and Saul handed her
a few, Brenda pat his shoulder saying, “Thanks boy”, smiling replied, “Your welcome maw”.
“Oh darling get my chew please for me”.
“Sure Paul Gene”, walking into the kitchen holding a stack of dishes.

Listening to the know it all, Brenda stood by the kitchen sink washing dishes and Paul Gene told
Saul with Ella, “Now you’re having a little one, so I know how it happened”.
Putting his hand up, “Paw, no, just stop”, said Saul smirking. “Wait a minute son, that’s not what
I am getting at”.
“All right paw go on”, tilting back on the chair.
“Ella is really part of our family now and her baby is one of us, I just do not believe in”.

Paused putting a big piece of chew into his mouth, then as he went to finish what he was getting
at Saul stopped him.
“Paw really I know what you’re getting at”. Ella was blushing and standing by the kitchen sink,
Brenda was washing the dishes just keeping out of it.
Putting his one hand up, Paul Gene said, “Saul no, let me finish boy”.

Saul smiled and his paw continued, “You got your own room just because she is in this house
there are certain rules”.
Brenda was smiling to herself since Paul Gene had many rules.
Saul and Ella both told him they understood what he was telling them and agreed that he was

“Now I’m not saying don’t show your love for each other, just don’t flash it openly”.

Paul Gene added one final thing to them both, “Discreet is the way of things”.
Ella smiled, because they were not bad people like what her dad meant about the Wiley’s or
murderers a far.
Meanwhile, Sebastian pulled his red truck up into a parking lot at a warehouse and put a
baseball cap on, tucking his long curly bangs up underneath securely.

Got out of his truck, walked over to a door, and opened it going into a big factory.
Where there was also a loading dock right behind when an older gray haired man approached
him and said, “Hello Sebastian, you’ll be working the dock tonight”.

Then went to walk away and the older man said, “Oh by the way Sebastian, working the dock
pays more”.
“Cool, the more I’ll need in months to come”.
Appears Brenda was wrong, as Sebastian did not have a new female interest, but a third job.
What was the reason why?
Another few days pass, and one morning before work Sebastian hurried out of the house and
was sitting in his red pickup truck parked out in front of a junior high school and looked at his
watch as it showed 7:00 AM.

Back at the Wiley home, Brenda had got up early too, as she wanted to get a jump start doing the
piled up laundry.
After she put the first big load into the washing machine, she went grabbing her boy’s full
hampers and Sebastian’s was the first.

Therefore, she tapped on his door, as she figured he would be up anyway getting ready for work.
Only he did not respond and she walked into his bedroom saying, “Oh lord his room is dark,
depressing really”.

When she saw his bed not made and being a mother she went making it and straightened up a
few other messes.
Glancing down next to his bed she gave a funny look, bent down and reached picking up a
sparkling necklace that was right next to his bed, Brenda stood holding the necklace in her hand
and said, “My girl?”
“What’s this about wonder who?”

However, she just set it gently onto his nightstand, “Must be a new love interest, I was right”.
Back at the school.
Sebastian had still been waiting and looked at his watch that showed, 8:00 am, then

saw a crowd of school kids walking up to the schoolyard, he kept watching, as he rolled his eyes
noticing Mandy.

She had her books under her arm and he got out of the truck whistling, as young girls noticed
holding their books giggling and a few comment, “Cute!”
“He’s hot!”
Mandy stopped noticing him and tells her one friend, “Go on, I’ll be there shortly”, and hurried
across the street by Sebastian that shook his head of long curls looking at her speechless, she
looked back just as silent holding her books.
Both quiet a moment, as she hung her head gripping onto the books with tears and saw his head
still down.

“Oh Sebastian, I don’t know how to fix this, I’m afraid I can’t, because you know I’m just
“We been seeing each other a year Mandy”.
“Yes I know”.

Rolling his hidden eyes, said, “Heck, you were fourteen Mandy”.
“I’m sorry how we can fix this”, and she was sobbing.
“Can’t there is no more us, shoot you’re a kid, how can I have a relationship with you”, frowning.

In many tears rolling, she said, “But you did have one with me, you even did things to me
Pulling his long curls behind his ears replied, “Yeah I know, that’s what makes me sick most”.
“Fine, because I see you’re heartless with no compassion at all”.
“Not for a kid”.
“You are horrible, I can’t believe I loved you”, pouting and swinging his arm out said, “I cannot
believe you lied to me, all this time, I could have got in trouble over this crap”.
“I am so sorry Sebastian”.
“No Mandy, so wrong you are playing childish games with my heart”.

Heartbroken, she had tears roll and he added, “Stop calling my house because you’re wasting
your time, it’s totally over”.
At that moment, Mandy cried heavily when books fell from her trembling hands and bent down
quickly picking them up.

Standing above her knelt down, he said, “You know I wasted a year on a doll playing brat”.
Completely crushed, Mandy knelt on the ground crying, and he said, “Run along little girl
preschool waits, you need to be grounded, hope the teacher stands you in the corner”.
She cried and opening his truck door he said, “Oh, you’re about to be replaced”.

Sitting in the truck, gripping the steering wheel Sebastian said, “Step away from the street kid”.
Crying, Mandy stepped back and he sped away, she mumbles, “Hateful boy”.
Ten minutes later, Sebastian made it back home, stormed into the house slams the door and
Brenda standing by the kitchen sink jumped, as he rushed to his room slamming another door.

A few days pass.
Sebastian had been real upset over his breakup with Mandy, because Brenda heard him at night
in his bedroom sobbing and the boy never has, she never snooped into his love life.

She as a mother felt helpless and wanted to comfort her child, even though he was almost a
grown man, was still her baby, but a very moody one, is why she never pry.
Standing by the kitchen sink rinsing off breakfast plates, Brenda turned around looking at
Sebastian that held his head asking, “Maw we got any aspirin left?”
“We should boy”.
“Aw might not, I took a lot”, she reached for a towel drying her hands then searched for aspirin
when Ella comes in holding a catalog and said, “There’s a huge sale going on”.

Both looking at Ella, when Brenda reached the new bottle of pain reliever to Sebastian and
asked, “Sale on what?”
“Baby items”. Glancing into the catalog, as Sebastian glanced at her noticing the doleful look.

Wetting the sponge, Brenda replied, “Won’t last long”, washing a dish.
“Can you take me?”
“Oh sugar, I cannot”, Ella closed the catalog, Brenda added, “I’m helping our neighbor Deloris
with the church fundraiser this morning”.
“It is fine”, and reaching for a glass, Sebastian said, “Aw, I could take you”.

Eyes big, Ella replied, “No, you’re not feeling well”.
“Sure boy, you even missed worked which is a first”, said Brenda wiping the counter.
Waving his hand said, “Get ready Ella, I’ll take you”, and took two aspirin walking away, Ella
yelled, “Thanks”, and yelling back “Yep”.

Thirty minutes later at the crowded store, Ella was filling the cart and Sebastian was looking
around, as he spun a crib mobile of animals.
Ella pushed the cart by him saying, “I’m about done”, glancing into the filled shopping cart, he
smirks asking, “You sure?”
“Yes”, she giggled sorting through a rack of newborn sleepers.

Spinning the mobile again, Sebastian said, “This is cute”.
“Yes, I like the bunny”, and put another sleeper into the cart.
“Aw, thought the kitten was”, she giggled and he asked, “This goes on the crib, right?”
“Yes it does”.
“Put it in the cart Ella”, as she smiled asking, “Really”.
“Yeah, I like it, sure the baby will too”, as they stared and she said, “I’m gonna go checkout”.

Furthermore, standing in line setting a pile of infant sleepers with a few other things, including
the mobile down the cashier rung everything up saying, “That will be seventy-five- dollars”, Ella
reached into her purse and Sebastian hands the cashier a hundred dollar bill.
Surprised, Ella gasped asking, “What are you doing?”
“What I’m supposed to”, she had tears, as the lady handed him the receipt.

Chapter 10.

A few days later.
Seth was sitting by the kitchen table doing his homework, when Ella comes in he gazed upon
Going over by the sink, “Book report huh?” Reaching for a glass, Ella filled it with water.
Looking down at the book, “Ah huh”, staring back in the book.
She smiled taking a drink of water, as his eyes now comes off from the book and staring onto her
perfectly heart shaped lips placing onto the glass, he took a deep gulp .
Ella set the glass down onto the counter, as his eyes looked back down onto the book.
Licking her lips, she said, “Gee, I was sure thirsty”, and Seth smiled.
Ella pointed down at the floor next to the refrigerator, “Hey Seth did your maw buy that case of
apple juice for me?” Looking at the case of ginger ale also.
Staring into the book he replied, “Nah, apparently Sebastian did”.

Ella just nodded walking out of the kitchen, rubbing her belly mumbling, “Aw Sebastian how
kind”. Appears Mandy was wrong and Sebastian is not that mean.

Much later that night at 11:30 pm, as everyone was in their bedrooms, Sebastian in his room
right behind Seth kept becoming annoyed.
When he even had to rap on the wall a few times and feared he would wake the whole house.
Until he just could not take it no more and actually went next door quietly rapping on Seth’s

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