The Girl. (13 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Then the jocks grabbed him fast and one pulled his long curls, Seth was furious and said, “Aw
don’t you all do this!”
Laughing at Seth that was bleeding badly from his nose again one jock said, “Who is laughing
now smart aleck kid”.
Brenda comes in the back door of the bar and went up front to the counter by Paul Gene,
looking around asked, “Hey where’s Seth?”

Reaching a beer to a customer, Paul Gene remarked, “Sugar he was with you”, and
becoming worried she runs to the front doors fast rushing outside quickly.
She heard Seth yelling loud, “GET OFF ME MAN!”

Alarmed Brenda saw them on her son, as he lay on the ground with many punching him
repeatedly, upset screamed out, “NO SETH!”
“Fight, you know what to do boy”.

Brenda at that moment ate her words about not liking fighting, as she begged her boy to fight.
Inside the bar, Paul Gene told Saul, Sebastian and Rodney.
“Hey y’all, go check out front, because something’s not right”.

Therefore, the three of them went rushing outside, where they found Brenda saying, “Yes boy”.
Then saw Seth fighting the five jocks, by himself and the four of them had a hard time with the
Rodney was right about little Seth, as he was wiping them out and a bloody mess too.
However, Seth at this point was very mad by them breaking his nose a second time.
He had enough of these people and now used his karate moves, as he had no choice to fight
them that way, because they were a bit difficult.
The jocks were not giving up at all and Seth was bleeding severe, his mother along with brothers
and Rodney stood back watching the fight.
Sebastian asked, “You think we should help him out?”
Watching his brother, “No he has it under control”, replied Saul.
Rodney remarked, “Heck, just sixteen, shoot bleeding badly”.
Looking very serious and worried, Brenda stood watching quietly, when Seth jumped up high
into the air kicking both legs out connecting with two jocks, as they crumbled on the ground.
Then Seth threw a lightning fast crescent kick, spun around giving a sharp elbow strike to the
persons jaw and hammer fist to the groin followed by a right back knuckle to the right side of the
persons head and a chop to the left side of his neck.

The person stayed completely down.
Seth finished the final jock off with a double palm heel to his ribs as he gave a sharp striking
kidney punch that jock crumbled not getting back up either and Brenda was relieved, as Seth did
it all by himself and sure cleaned house.

At sixteen only against five dudes.
Standing with his arms folded, “Told y’all, karate champ”, said Saul walking back into the bar
with a big grin.

Brenda runs over by Seth hugging him tightly and the jocks got up slowly walking away.
Sebastian told Rodney, “Saul at times is very serious”.
Walking over by Seth that was bending over spitting blood out from his mouth and the jocks
were all cleared out luckily.

Sad expression, Brenda asked, “Sebastian boy is he hurt?”
“Don’t know maw”, and Sebastian knelt down before his little brother now kneeling down to the
ground, bended over?
Sebastian asked, “Hey Seth, you ok little buddy?”

Breathing heavily looked up at them with blood all on his face and said, “I can't breathe for some
reason brother”.
Sebastian with Rodney both looked at him and then each other, Seth added, “Plus my nose is
broke again”.
Brenda just shook trembling and really did not like fighting.
Rodney said, “Sebastian his ribs”.

“Yes that’s what I thought and some may be broken”.
“Oh dear lord fights!”

Tugging her locket tightly and Sebastian said, “Maw go get Shane out here, because he is the
calm level headed one out of paw and Saul”.
Immediately, she hurried inside the bar to get him and they both come running back out by
Seth. Now Shane bent down to his youngest brother and asked, “Hey little buddy are you hurt?”

Holding his stomach, Seth said, “Honestly I guess I am, I can’t breathe Shane”.
Patting Seth on the back Shane said, “Will take care of it little brother”.
In tears, Brenda stood before Seth bend over and said, “I hate fights”, looking at her son hurt.
Shane looked over at his mother and said, “Maw give me the insurance card, I will take Seth this

Upset, Brenda pulled it out from her flannel shirt pocket handing it to Shane.
That told her, “You need to go help paw, you help too Sebastian, because it’s busy in there”.
This was a first with Seth who was very strong at his young age, since nothing ever hurts him or
got him down.

Shane told them, helping Seth into the van, “No way can he fight anymore tonight”.
Therefore, Brenda with Sebastian and Rodney went back inside the bar and Shane took his hurt
brother back to the hospital.

At the Emergency department.
Seth had two mild fractures to his ribs and his nose had to be lanced, Shane watched them
working on Seth who never blinked once.
When the doctor finished with Seth after forty minutes, he and Shane left the hospital Seth
dozed off in the van on the ride home. Driving Shane smiled at him and said, “Wiped out tough
little brother, shoot you should be with a night you had”.
Seth just nodded with his head back onto the passenger seat as Shane drove.
Back at the bar, it was almost closing time.
Brenda told Paul Gene she was tired and scared, as he told her go home and she left upset.
Saul and Sebastian along with Rodney started cleaning up, Paul Gene said, “Okay boys, I’m
retiring, keep watch for your brothers”. Saul said, “Sure paw, good night”.
“Yep”, replied Paul Gene giving a smile then added, “Oh bye Rodney”, as he waved his hand.
“See you at home Sebastian”.
“Bye paw”, wiping the tables down and Paul Gene left.

Saul with his brother and Rodney were cleaning up inside the bar.
Outside, his two brothers pulled into the driveway at the bar, as Seth was out cold and was
snoring, because of the big bandage.
Shane smiled over at him and right when he went to wake his brother.

Suddenly, jumped up due to a baseball bat shattering the van window and nervously Seth said,
“Holy-cow the jocks again, why won’t they give up, heck their really killing me man”.
Anxiously, “Go get Saul and Sebastian now, get out of here”, yelled Shane and just kept
screaming, “HURRY SETH”,

Aggressively literally pulled Shane out of the van with him swinging at the jocks that come at
him very vicious and Seth got out of the van quickly and right as he went to run.

Immediately two jocks grabbed him by his long curls again, as Shane caught a glimpse and
Shane screamed, as he watched the two jocks kick Seth down to the ground as he rolled on the
ground really gasping for air, not able to breathe.

Furthermore, Shane was fighting very hard himself and his youngest brother was on the ground
Some jocks were kicking him repeatedly when he was down, as Seth rolled back and forth in
pain trying hard to avoid their kicks.
However, Shane was furious, and fought his hardest punching the three on him.
The two that were on Seth, roughly yanked him up by his long bangs and Shane screamed loud,
as he saw what they were doing to his brother,

Shane was punched very hard straight in his face the blood squirted, as he gave his all for his
youngest brother who was hurt badly?
The one jock that pulled Seth up from the ground had him by his shirt collar, Shane was

Then struck directly in the face again and this time Shane staggered some stumbling, as he
almost went down.
At that point, those jocks got the better of Shane that stumbled around, grabbing his torn up
face, which was a bloody mess?

These people were not giving up, as they all were on Shane rough.
In addition, they were sure tough, especially to be getting the better of the Wiley’s.
Inside the bar, which was almost finished being clean?

Holding a rag, Saul said, “Hey Sebastian forget something”, pointing to the trash bin.
Sebastian looks at the garbage and replied “Oops, sorry brother”, then grabbed it up heading out
back to the dumpster.
Wiping a table down, Saul smiled saying to Rodney, “Man pal, they are really like my kids at
times, difficult”.

Both giving a smile and finishing wiping the tables down when Sebastian comes back into the
bar stumbling all over and bumping into tables.
Rodney saw his golden curls very bloody, as Sebastian pointed to the outside and just collapsed
down on the floor.
Saul yelled loudly, “Sebastian!” He and Rodney hurry over to him.
Suddenly, there was a crash of shattering glass and Seth’s head comes busting right through the
side bar window, from the jocks that jerked him up.
Heard the glass break, Saul with Rodney were bent down by Sebastian and then saw Seth come
crashing through and yelled, “AW HECK!” Running over to Seth now and Sebastian mumbled,
“Hurry, go help Shane, because it’s bad out there, we will survive”.

Saul with Rodney run out front of the bar very fast, as Seth just collapsed, half way in the bar
and half out.
Making it outside quickly, Saul and Rodney saw Shane giving his all by himself and was such a
bloody mess then saw those jocks back again.

Rage of fury, Saul spun around like a twister fast grabbing some jocks and Saul smashed one
man’s face against the brick building repeatedly, as he crumbled.
Saul really messed them jocks up his worst ever, as one bloody jock lay on the ground Saul just
kept swinging fast powerful punches repeatedly and was irate.

Especially what they had done to his three younger brothers that was the final straw, Saul with
his friend cleaned house and definitely winning that fight.
The losing side had to go at the hospital, as they suffered broken arms, legs and even a fractured

The jocks broken noses were mild and one even had two broken wrists, as Saul wanted to take
his hands literally off.
The Wiley boys would never forget that night at the bar with them jocks that would not give up
for some reason, because they sure seemed mad at the Wiley’s?

The next morning, sitting on her bed, Ella upset over what happened between her and Saul,
there was a knock at the door, she said, “Yes?”
A woman with short red hair walked into the room holding a vase filled with roses.
Pointing, Ella asked, “What’s that mom?” Curious.
“These were delivered this morning”. Nodding Ella asked, “Is it you and dad’s anniversary or
Smiling her mother said, “Ella this is for you”. Jumping off the bed she rushed over by her
mother asking, “Is there a card?” Both looking, Ella took the card opens it up, placing her hand
against her heart saying, “Oh mom, he does love me!” Her mother’s eyes are huge and asked,
Later that evening, her mother found out who sent the flowers when Saul stood in the living
room waiting for Ella, as he was taking her to the drive-in.

Rushing into the living room Ella said, “Ready”, wearing a pink sundress with tan sandals, Saul
looks at her smiling and her mother said, “Nice meeting you, wish my husband was home, but
his job takes him all over he travels a lot”.

Tucking his hands into his black blue pockets, Saul asked, “Oh, what does he do?”
“Mark is an engineer”.
Nodding, Saul said, “Nice meeting you Linda”, and grabbed hold of Ella’s hand saying, “Let’s
go”, they walked out.

Furthermore, two hours later, Ella rushed into the front door in tears, her mother sitting on the
sofa reading a book rose up asking, “Honey what’s wrong?” Walking over by the vase of roses
sitting on the coffee table, Ella pointed saying, “Throw them away, I want nothing from that
heartless jerk”, running out of the living room crying.

A few days go by since the jocks came into Wiley’s pub.
At the Wiley home and outside, Seth was kneeling on the ground by the open garage working on
his bike project and his face badly bruised up.
He mostly had cuts on his face due to the glass, as he went breaking right through the window.

In the house, cooking Brenda stood by the stove and her nerves had finally calmed down.
She had to buy a pack of cigarettes, after that night in the bar and Sebastian had to get stitches
to the back of his head.
That had been their worst fight yet and what happens from owning a bar there will be trouble
and with having boys.
Inside the house, standing by the stove cooking, Brenda glanced out the window at Seth who
sure faced many battles at a young age.
Although, she knew that he took after his paw and he would grow up to be a fine man and surely
strong, she held the locket around her neck just looking at her boys and then saw Sebastian
giving Seth a hand helping like always.
Working on the bike together, as Brenda smiled since Sebastian was a good boy.
Frowning now, Brenda saw Saul and Ella pull up in his silver truck, as she knew with Saul that
he was not like his paw.

He liked women in a wrong way and she felt with that boy, it would be some hard times ahead.
Brenda smiled noticing Shane washing his truck, he was a good young man, and never worried
about him at all.

Playing with her locket smiled looking at Shane that had some bad bruises on his face, and his
knuckles on his right hand were swollen.
Looking at the four Wiley boys and actually gave the locket a kiss and said, “Keep watching the
boys”, when the phone rings she went to get it, picking up the receiver, “Hello?”
“Sure hang on a second Mandy”.

Walking by the back screen door quickly Brenda yelled, “Sebastian you’re girls on the phone”.

Sebastian was kneeling down by the bike project too with Seth and Sebastian gave a little
smile mumbling, “I knew she didn’t hate me, because look who called first”. Hurried inside
actually running, as Seth giggled.

Meanwhile, far across town in a correctional institution, a young boy who seemed to be about
eighteen years old with long black wavy hair and darkest eyes was on a pay phone and yelling,
“Don’t even tell me that the filthy Wiley’s beat y’all down”.
“Oh really y’all lost to them”.

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