The Girl. (9 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Everyone was curious wanting to see what it was when Ella held a tiny box out and said, “Look
at this”, showed it to them.
It was a beautiful ring and very genuine to with her initial E, for Ella, also had sparkling little
diamonds all around the letter, “E”.

Standing by the table with his arms folded Saul stared at her wiping tears, Paul Gene smiled big,
and the boys said, “Woe”.
Eyes large, Shane whispered to Sebastian, “Now he is really going to get her, heck I saw it
coming for a year”.
“No doubt brother, with a gift like that, she is putty”. Rodney heard his friends and grinned.

Surprised, Brenda said, “Ella that’s real nice”, looking at Saul thinking, he is smooth and knew
just how to butter up a female.
Looking at Saul kneeling down by Ella putting the necklace on, Brenda knew it was sure coming
with them two.

They all had cake and having a good time that evening; Ella was all smiles and had the best
birthday ever.
Paul Gene had once told Brenda long as we are together they would be fine in life and especially
with their new addition to their family, Ella.

The Wiley’s with Ella would play board games together even cards having fun just laughing and
joking around with each other.
Brenda would make popcorn and they would all sit playing the game munching on popcorn
along with talking and really laughing.

The Wiley boys had fun and a sister in a way, well Shane, Sebastian, and Seth, as Brenda and
Ella had become very close just like mother and daughter.
Brenda showed Ella how to knit and she made a blanket that was so nice.
Excitedly Ella said, “Wow I did it”, eyes big and happily looking at the blanket that she made by
hand. One day showed Ella how to make some southern food and her family’s favorite.
Ella helped prepare dinner that evening for her new family and always had dinner with them
then would help Brenda clean up, as they talked about many things and having the best time

The holidays were also nice, as she joined them for a country Christmas, Ella helped Brenda
string up popcorn for the big live tree.
Paul Gene and his boys were bringing home after cutting it down that barely fit through the
Nodding his head, Paul Gene said, “Well boys give it a push”.

Therefore, they did and Seth comes flying through the front door way, as the huge tree lay on the
floor. From under the tree Seth yelled, “HELP!”
His brothers laughed and Seth remarked, “Funny y’all get this thing off me it pinches”.
The boys were cracking up laughing, through the branches Seth yelled, “Huh, I’m messing y’all

Aggravated, pointing down at the large tree, Paul Gene said, “Boys come on get this here tree
off your brother”.
Seth yelled, “Hurry, I thought I heard a bird chirp”, and his brothers laughed hard that they
were even pushing each other, Seth squealed under the tree, “Help me”.
Actually begging for help.
Standing by the blocked doorway, Paul Gene was shaking his head, as he watched his three boys
cracking up laughing and the other boy pleading for help.
Paul Gene almost shook his head right off his shoulders, as he witnessed strong boys are rather
Watching the three laughing and actually kneel down on the floor busting up in tears when
Shane kneeling on the floor took off his knit beanie and said,
“Hey Seth scoot over I want to go bird hunting”, as Saul and Sebastian chirped, making bird
Seth said, “Ha-ha, funny y’all, my eyes might get pecked out, because I heard more than one”.
His three brothers really rolled laughing at that point then Seth screamed, “Hurry y’all help me!”
Paul Gene could not help but giggle still shaking his head watching his three boys rolling in
laughter on the floor and the other one scared to death of attacking birds.
Later that evening they all decorated the tree after it was finally off Seth.
Paul Gene played his fiddle for Ella, as they all sang songs.

The Wiley boys even grabbed their instruments, Saul played a guitar, and Shane had a banjo.
Sebastian with Seth played harmonicas, as they really strum a tune in perfect rhythm.
Brenda in the kitchen preparing their feast was whistling, as she pulled the big ham out the

For very rough boys they sure could sing a soft silent night they were actually not just all about

After many songs and a huge good dinner, everyone sat around listening to Paul Gene read from
the bible about this great night when a savior was born.
Then they happily and excitedly exchanged gifts, Ella sure surprised everyone, as she saved her
money up from working when she returned the favor of the great birthday gift Saul had bought
her. With his eyes big and his family’s that were huge everyone become speechless looking at
the leather jacket Ella had bought him.

Brenda had tears, as she opened her gift from Ella it was a beautiful statue of an angel and Seth
loved his skateboard, while Sebastian twirled his new basketball.
Shane was putting on his new watch and smiling at his paw holding his new wallet from Ella
who showed her true feelings that Christmas for her new family.

Chapter 6.

A few weeks pass.
One Friday night in the bar, Ella sat by the counter with Saul, as he kept brushing her bangs
back and working behind the counter Brenda sure noticed.
Mumbling under her breath, “There goes player making his moves”.
Ella was giggling and blushing, as Brenda kept mumbling, Shane standing next to her asked,
“Hey maw you okay?”
“Far from”, watching Saul put his moves on heavily, as Ella ate up the attention.
Young women kept walking by smiling at Saul and a few minutes later another walked passed
waving and one winks walking by, it was nonstop, every few minutes.
Ella pushed Saul’s hand away and another woman walked by saying,
“Hey there gorgeous”.

Ella huffs getting up from the stool rushing into the back of the bar with Saul chasing after her,
Brenda swung her hand saying, “Aw the drama begins”.
In the back, Ella stood in a corner with Saul standing before her asking, “What did I do?”
“Gosh Saul, every few seconds those women went by drooling over you”.

Waving his hand said, “So what”.
“Well it was sure annoying”, said, Ella folding her arms and Saul leans closer to Ella putting his
hand against the wall behind her and said, “You had my full attention not them”.
“It’s like your some rock star every night in here with groupies that can’t take their eyes off you”.
“I’m not with any of them, haven’t you noticed or have you caught me with any?”
“Well no”.
“All right just stop this Ella”, brushing her face with his fingers.
“Have you been with any before?”

Frustrated, Saul chuckles out, “What’s it matter”.
“I just want to know”.
“Why to keep this going?”
“Have you Saul, yes or no?”

Nodding his head of long hair, he replied, “Yeah I have before”.
“How nice to know”, he points at her saying, “See knew you’d get ticked”.
Furthermore, Ella sure got upset when three young women walk by making comments and
giggling, “He is the hottest around”.

Ella’s eyes are huge and Saul mumbles, “Aw man this is bad”.
“Yes, Saul Wiley is not only the hottest honey, he’s great in bed, the best”, those women carried
on going into the bathroom, as rock music blazed out front on the jukebox.
Saul dropped his head and Ella gasps saying, “Ah, did you hear them?” Throwing her arm out.
With his head down he nodded saying, “Yeah I heard, did not help here”.
Pointing towards the restrooms, Ella asked, “You slept with that woman?”
Peeved, “Aw Ella, I don’t remember”, shaking his head.
“Don’t remember her, why that’s awful”.

He kept nodding still hanging his head, as the women walk by again saying, “Hi Saul”, wave’s
one hand up not replying. Now Ella sure carried on saying, “She sure remembers you fondly”.
“Aw Ella it meant nothing, shoot half those women out there are different”.
“Different?” Smirks, saying, “Yeah, not in a good way, but bad”.
“I bet you slept with many”.
“I don’t remember”.

Tapping her foot on the floor and he noticed, as his head was still down, Ella said, “Probably
because you slept with so many, you can’t remember their names”.
“Yep that’s it, your right Ella”, that swung her arm up saying, “I am out of here”, walking away
when Saul grabs hold of her arm easily and said, “Don’t leave”.
“Why Saul, you would never be alone, heck you have a fan club out there”.
“Fine, go if that’s really what you want”.
“I am, so go have your pick”, swinging her arm out.
“I just might”, walking away aggravated and she stood there mumbling, “Ew”, then walked
towards the front and paused watching women go up to Saul that stood a second only and
walked away, as country music now blazed.

Ella smiled watching Saul go over by Rodney and Sebastian that played darts.
However, Ella was still upset at Saul’s unbelievable popularity, as she saw him playing darts

A week later on a Sunday morning, Saul rushed into the kitchen right over by the counter where
Brenda stood cracking eggs into a bowl and stood next to her, she said, “Hey boy”.
Leaning his elbow down onto the counter watching his mother put more spices into the bowl,
she said, “Watch that long hair”, he rose back up and asked, “Hey maw”.
“Yes boy?”
“Have you heard from Ella?”
Shaking her head Brenda replied, “No I sure haven’t”, putting a stick of butter in the bowl.
Grabbing a handful of grapes out from the fruit basket on the counter, “That’s odd huh”, said,
Saul tossing grapes into his mouth.
“Oh the girl does have a family, sure friends too”.
“Yeah I’m sure, but she practically lived here”, and watching his mother mixing the batter she
said, “Ah, she’ll be around”.

Smacking on grapes, Saul points asking, “What are you making?”
“A spice cake”, and Saul went to put his finger in the bowl, Brenda rose the wooden spoon
saying, “Ah don’t you dare, I’ll save you some batter”.
“Nah”, he said grabbing more grapes and Brenda smiles saying, “Are you sure boy, remember I
use to save some batter left in the bowl when y’all were small”.
“Yep, fond memories, of Shane eating it all”, she laughed and he walked out the back door.

Then rushed back in, Brenda smiled asking, “Want to lick the bowl after all”.
“No, I’m fine, really”.
“Okay”, Brenda poured the batter into the baking dish, Saul asked, “Where does Ella live?”
Fifteen minutes later, ringing the doorbell Saul stood and coming to the door Ella asked, “What
do you want?”

Putting his face close to the screen he grins saying, “Why you of course”.
“Yeah right”.
“Aw I do”, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Why, you have a flock of females chasing you, where are they walking up the driveway”.
“I don’t want them”, he points at Ella adding, “I only want you”.
“Why me?” Saul laughs out, “Why?”
“Yes, why me, you can have your pick”.
“I picked you Ella, does that make you happy”.
“I’m not sure”.
“Not sure, you’re the lucky one”.
“Oh lucky me”, putting her hands against her chest.
“Yeah”, he chuckles when Ella comes out onto the porch, Saul leans his head closer to her, as his
long blonde hair hung down he said, “Hello pretty girl”.
“Hi”, and walking over to the swing on the porch, she sat down saying, “I’m scared”, and he
knelt before her asking, “Why, of what?”
Looking at the prettiest man she ever saw or would actually, she replied, “Of being hurt”.
Placing his hand onto her knee, Saul said, “Aw don’t be, I will make you very happy”,
rubbing her leg.

Staring at her, as she did back and rose up sitting down on the swing next to her close and said,
“I like you a lot Ella”, that hung her head, Saul lifts it up gently, they stare with hearts beating
fast, he said, “I will not cause you pain I promise”.
“Please don’t break my heart Saul with all your groupies”.
“Never”. Ella gave a slight smile, as he brushed her face with his long piano fingers saying, “I
been waiting to find a girl like you”.

Taking a deep gulp with him staring she asked, “You have?”
Nodding leans his head closer and said, “My search is over”, two hearts pounding, Saul smiles
standing up asking, “Coming over the house later?”
“Yes I will be there”, he winked walking away and she said, “Saul”, turning around swinging his
long blondish hair asked, “Yeah?”
“Swear, you won’t hurt me?”
When he crossed his heart saying, “I swear”, walking away.

Furthermore, Ella was at the Wiley’s later that day, had dinner and some of Brenda’s delicious
After dinner, when the table was cleared off Saul grabbed the checkerboard asking, “Ella want to
“I should help your mom”, and he yelled, “Maw do you need help?”
“No I’m fine”. Saul and Ella sat down playing checkers.

Sitting by the kitchen table Paul Gene told Brenda things are sure different around here and
standing by the sink washing dishes she replied, “I have noticed”.
Picking up the newspaper he said, “Aw Saul is rarely home, shoot that one had a date every
Scrubbing a pan, Brenda replied, “Nice having him home”, as she heard him laughing in the
dining room. A few weeks go by and Saul spent many evenings at home spending time with Ella,
becoming closer.
Chapter 7.

One Sunday evening, Saul sat on the sofa with Ella right next to him and played the guitar, she
was swaying and smiling he sung to her, she blushed.
Suddenly, a banjo joined in along with two harmonicas, as Ella giggled and Brenda in the
kitchen swayed to the Wiley band.

She glanced into the living room watching Paul Gene play his banjo with his three boys playing
their instruments, as Shane was not home.
A few days later on a Saturday, Ella was at the bar in the back kitchen washing dishes, doing her
job. No one was there except Shane up front doing the bookkeeping.

Suddenly, Saul comes in the back door quickly; as Ella noticed him smiled and he went up to her
real close, her heart felt like it would jump out her chest. He touched her face softly with both
hands, straight-faced at her staring back.

Her legs shook and with a little smile he asked, “You want me don’t you?”
“The truth”, as her knees knocked together nervously.
“Yes the truth Ella, it’s been over a year”.
“Saul since the first time I saw you, knew I wanted you for life”.

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