The Ghost in the Machine (55 page)

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Authors: Arthur Koestler

Tags: #Philosophy, #General

BOOK: The Ghost in the Machine
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as functional holons, 207
automatisation of, 346
learnt, 344
verbal, 344
Skinner, B.F., 6, 7, 9, 1o, 11, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 41, 75, 350
Skinner boxes, 8, 74
Skinner's pigeons, 93
evolutionary aspects of, 141-2
simian and man compared, 166
Smythies, J.R., 205 n, 222 n
Social group, aggression and the, 308
Social hierarchies, 344
Social hierarchy, integration in a, 246
Social holons, 50-5, 232-3,246-7, 265, 266, 34I, 344, 348
Social infection, 248
Social insects, 67
behaviour, 270
Social organisation, hierarchy of, 50-5
Socialism, 257
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Dead Horses, 349
Sociologists, war and, 252
Solomon, 194
Somnambulism, 249
Song of Songs, 194
Soviet Government, 349
Soviet myths, 257, 258
Soviet Union, in Stalin regime, 261-2
Span, 50, 342
Specialisation, 120
continuation of, 165
escape from, 163-5
Species, death of the, 322, 327
Spectacles, inverting, 176-7
active, 41
the cortex and, 288
Speech-perception, 25
Speech sounds, 25, 26
Spelling out, 210, 211
Spemann, H., 69
Spencer, Herbert, 200
Spengler, Oswald, 313
Sperry, R.W., 211
Spider's web, 76
Spinal consciousness, 205
Split mentality, 259, 260, 261
Spurway, Helen, 132 n, 148
Stalin, 258, 26I, 349
Stalinists, 264
'Stamping in', 93
Sticklebacks, 74
Stimulus-deprivation, 226
Stimulus-response theory, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20, 2I, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 41, 43
Stone Age, 299
Strategies, 37, 38, 42, 43, 55, 58, 62, 76, 176, 207
of holons, 342
Strategy of the Genes, The, 123 n
Stress, pathological effects of, 231
Structure of beliefs, 254-7
Structural hierarchies, 59
Sub-hierarchies, 95
Sub-skill, 76
Succession, Wars of, 234
Sun fish, 140
spare-part, 65
transplants, 70
Suzuki, D., 262
Swift, J. 339
Symbiosis, 343
of organelles, 66
Symbolic hierarchies, 61
Sympathetic nervous system, 292-3
Tabes dorsalis, 99
Teilhard, de Chardin, 309
Television screen, analogy with cerebral cortex, 282, 283
Temperature control of the body, 98
Thermodynamics, second law of, 197, 198, 199, 200, 243
Thermonuclear bomb, man and the, 322
Thinking, 182-4
and language, 31
matrix of, 194
visual, 194
'Think-Tank', xi, 25
Thirty Years War, 238
Thompson, d'Arcy, 14o, 14x, 142, 147
Thorndike, E.L., 226
Thorpe, W.H., x, 74, 100, 106, 107, 147 n, 208
Thurber, James, 313
Tight-rope walkers, 208
Tinbergen, N., 100, 157
Tissues, holistic properties of, 69
Titchener, 32
Tolman, E.C., 171
Tolstoy, L., 263 n
Torquemada, 234
Totalitarianism, 256-7
Totem, 255
Tranquillisers, 293
Transcendental beliefs, 260
Transformation rules, 36, 37
Transplant surgery, 70
Tree diagram, 24, 59
Tree of language, 23-44
Tribal warfare, 234
Tribalism, 343
Triggers, 71-6, 109, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 131, 171, 174, 210,
Trophotropic system, 293
Turtle, cortical divisions of, 279
Uncertainty principle, 216 n
Unconscious, science and, 179-81
Unconsciousness, 205
beginning of, 201
hierarchic order of, 62
Universes of discourse, 35, 36, 182
Unlust, 226, 227
Un-pleasure, 226
Unwisdom, four pillars of, 3-4
Usher, Bishop, 256
van Gogh, 240, 312
Variables, intervening, 23
Varieties of Religious Experience, The, 260 n
Verbal behaviour, 21-2, 41
Verbal skills, 344
Verbal symbols, emotive reactions on, 290
Verne, Jules, 321
ancestors of, 163
brain and spinal cord of, 268
learning and, 270
Vicarious emotions, 227
causes of, 233,234
perils of, 233
Viscera, 274, 275
Visceral brain, 283
Visceral sensations, 274
Visual memory, 89
Visual recall, 91
Waddington, C.H., 121, 123 n, 127, 130, 131, 147, 153, 155 n, 159,
202 n, 344
man and, 302-4
modern, 252
destructive power of, 321-2
ideological, 238
of religion, 234, 238
patriotic, 238
Wasp, digger, 106
Watchmakers, the parable of the, 45-7, 51, 66
Watson, J.B., 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 75, 115, 350
Watt, James, 97, 314
Weapons, effects of invention of, 307
Web, spider's, 76
Weeping, 189, 191, 295
Weiss, Paul, xii, 68, 69, 100
Wheeler, W.M., 273
Whitehead, A.N., 200
Whyte, L.L., xii, 132, 147 n, 200
Wiener, Norbert, 99, 199
Wilson, R.H.L., 68
Wit and witticism, 188
Wittgenstein, L.L., 33
Woltereck, R.L., 200
Woodworth, R.S., 180
Word habit, 28
Words, 48
ambiguity of meanings of, 33
World Wild Life Fund, 128
Wright, W., 3 x4
Yale Review, 161
Yawning, infectious, 247
Young, J.Z., 164
Zen Buddhism, 262
Zuckerman, Solly, 303







Arthur Koestler was born in 1905 in Budapest. Though he studied
science and psychology in Vienna, at the age of twenty he became a
foreign correspondent and worked for various European newspapers in the
Middle East, Paris, Berlin, Russia and Spain. During the Spanish Civil
War, which he covered from the Republican side, he was captured and
imprisoned for several months by the Nationalists, but was exchanged
after international protest. In 1939-1940 he was interned in a French
detention camp. After his release, due to British government intervention,
he joined the French Foreign Legion, subsequently escaped to England,
and joined the British Army.
Like many other intellectuals in the thirties, Koestler saw in the Soviet
experiment the only hope and alternative to fascism. He became a member
of the Communist Party in 1931, but left it in disillusionment during the
Moscow purges in 1938. His earlier books were mainly concerned with these
experiences, either in autobiographical form or in essays or political
novels. Among the latter, Darkness At Noon has been translated
into thirty-three languages.
After World War II, Mr. Koestler became a British citizen, and all his
books since 1940 have been written in English. He now lives in London,
but he frequently lectures at American universities, and was a Fellow
at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford
in 1964-1965.
In 1968 Mr. Koestler received the Sonning Prize at the University of
Copenhagen for his contributions to European culture. He is also a
Commander of the Order of the British Empire, as well as one of the ten
Companions of Literature, elected by the Royal Society of Literature.
His works are now being republished in a collected edition of twenty

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