The Ghost in the Machine (52 page)

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Authors: Arthur Koestler

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1. Needham, J. (1932).
2. Simon (1962).
3. Jacobson (1955).
4. Simon, op. cit.
5. Jenkins (1965).
1. Simon, op. cit.
2. Sager (1965).
3. v. Bertalanffy (1952) pp. 48, 50.
4. Dunbar (1946).
5. Weiss and Taylor (1960).
6. Pollock (1965).
1. Thorpe (1956) pp. 37-8.
2. Bartlett (1958).
3. Gregory (1966) Chapter 11.
4. Kottenhoff (1957).
5. Lashley (1951) p. 128.
1. Koestler and Jenkins (1965A).
2. Koestler (1964) pp. 524-5.
3. Jaensch (1930), Kluever (1931).
4. Drever (1962).
5. Simon, op cit.
1. Coghill (1929).
2. Cannon (1939).
3. Wiener (1948) pp. 113-14.
4. Weiss (1951) p. 141.
5. v. Bertalanffy (1952) p. 119.
6. Miller et al. (1960) pp. 18, 30.
1. Thorpe (1956) p. 19. 1a, Baehrends (1941).i
2. Hingston (1926-7), quoted by Thorpe (1956) p. 39.
3. Thorpe (1956) p. 262.
4. Tinbergen (1953) p. 116.
5. v. Bertalanffy (1952) pp. 17-18.
1. Huxley, J. (1954) p. 14.
1a. Kuhn (1962).
2. Clayton (1964) p. 70.
3. Simpson, Pittendrigh and Tiffany (1957) p. 330.
4. Bonner (1965) p. 136.
5. Ibid, p. 142.
1. Waddington (1952).
1a. Medawar (1960) p. 62.
2. Huxley, J. (1954) p. 12.
3. Waddington (1952).
4. Whyte (1965) p. 50.
5. Gorini (1966).
6. de Beer (1940) p. 148 and Hardy (1965) p. 212.
7. Hardy (1965) p. 211.
8. St. Hilaire, quoted by Hardy (1965) p. 50.
9. Goethe. Editor's Preface (1872) pp. xii-xiii.
10. Thompson (1942) pp. 1082-4.
11. Simpson, Pittendrigh and Tiffany (1957) p. 472.
12. Simpson (1949) p. 180.
13. v. Bertalanffy (1952) p. 105.
14. Spurway (1949), quoted by Whyte (1965).
15. Whyte (1965).
1. Simpson (1950), quoted by Hardy (1965) p. 14.
2. Sinnott (1961), p. 45.
3. Muller (1943), quoted by Sinnott (1961) p. 45.
4. Simpson et al. (1957) p. 354.
5. Coghill (1929).
6. Hardy (1965) p. 170.
7. Ibid, p. 178.
8. Ibid, p. 176.
9. Ibid, pp. 172, 192, 193.
10. Waddington (1957) p. 182.
11. Ibid, pp. 166-7.
12. Tinbergen (1953) p. 55.
13. Ewer (1960), quoted by Hardy (1965) p. 187.
14. Herrick (1961) p. 117 f.
15. Waddington (1957) pp. 180 seq.
16. Ibid, pp. 64-5.
1. Huxley, (1964) pp. 12-13.
2. Ibid, p. 13.
3. Young (1950) p. 74.
4. de Beer (1940) p. 118.
5. Child (1915) p. 467.
5a. de Beer, op. cit. p. 119.
6. Ibid, p. 72.
7. Haldane (1932) p. 150.
7a. Garstang (1922).
8. Muller (1943) p. 109.
9. Krechevsky (1932).
1. Needham, A.E. (1961).
2. See, e.g., Hamburger (1955).
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Lashley (1960) p. 239.
6. Lashley (1929).
6a. Kris (1964).
7. Bruner and Postman (1949).
8. Quoted by Hadamard (1949).
9. Humphrey (1951) p. 1.
10. Bartlett (1958).
11. Bruner and Postman (1949).
12. McKellar (1957).
13. Kubie (1958).
1. Herrick (1961) p. 51.
2. v. Bertalanffy (1952) p. 128.
3. Herrick (1960 p. 47.
4. Schrödinger (1944) p. 72.
5. Wiener (1948) pp. 76-8.
6. Spencer (1862).
6a. Whyte (1949) p. 35.
6b. Schrödinger (1944) p. 88.
7. v. Bertalanffy (1952) p. 112.
8. Waddington (1961).
9. Ryle (1950).
10. Gellner (1959).
11. Smythies (1965).
12. Beloff (1962).
13. Gellner (1959).
14. Kneale (1962).
15. Penfield (1961).
16. Ibid.
17. Farber and Wilson, eds. (1961).
18. Eccles, ed. (1966).
19. Sherrington (1906).
20. Thorpe (1966B) p. 542.
21. Ibid, p. 495.
22. Sperry (1960) p. 306.
23. Adrian (1966) p. 245.
24. Koestler (1945) pp. :105-6.
25. MacKay (1966) p. 439.
26, Popper (1950).
27. Polanyi (1966).
28. MacKay (1966) pp. 252-3.
29, Koestler (1959) and (1964).
30. Quoted by Dubos (1950) p. 391 f.
1. Freud (1920) pp. 3-5.
2. Schachtel (1963).
3. Berlyne (1960) p. 170.
4. Child (1924).
5. Arendt (1963).
6. Hogg (1961) pp. 44-5,.
7. Prescott (1964) pp. 59, 60, 61.
8. Ibid, p. 62.
9. Maslow (1962).
10. Jung (1928) p. 395.
11. Kretchmer (1934).
12. Oswald (1966) pp. 118-19.
13, Drever (1962).
14. Freud (1922).
15. v. Hayek (1966).
16. Koestler (1940) p. 119.
17. Koestler (1945) pp. 127-8.
18. The Times, London, 27.7.66.
19. Empson (1964).
20. Koestler (1945) p. 121.
20a. Koestler (1954).
21. Suzuki (1959) p. 33.
22. Koestler (1950) pp. 42-3 and (1954) p. 26.
23. The Times, London, 10.8.66.
1. Gaskell (1908) pp. 65-7.
2. Ibid, p. 66.
3. Wood Jones and Porteous (1929) pp. 27-8.
4. Ibid, p. 117.
5. Ibid, p. 103.
6. Ibid, p. 112.
7. Le Gros Clark (1961).
8. Wheeler (1928) p. 46.
9. Herrick (1961) pp. 398-9.
10. MacLean (1958) p. 613.
11. MacLean (1956) p. 351.
12. Mandler (1962) pp. 273-4 and 326.
13. Herrick (1961) p. 316.
14. Mandler (1962) p. 338.
15. MacLean (1962) p. 289.
16. MacLean (1964) p. 2.
17. MacLean (private communication).
18. MacLean (1958).
19. Ibid, p. 615.
20. Ibid, pp. 614-15.
21. Herrick (1961) p. 429.
22. MacLean (1958) p. 614.
23. MacLean (1964) p. 3.
24, MacLean (1956) p. 339.
25. MacLean (1956) p. 341 and (1958) p. 619.
26. MacLean (1956) p. 341.
27. MacLean (1964) pp. 10-11.
28. MacLean (1962) p. 296.
29. Miller et al. (1960) p. 206.
30. MacLean (private communication).
31. MacLean (1956) p. 348.
31a. Kluever (1911).
32. MacLean (1961) p. 1737.
33. MacLean (1958) p. 619.
34. MacLean (1962) p. 292.
35. Lorenz (1966) p. 120.
36. Allport (1924).
36a. Olds (196o).
36b. Hebb (1949).
36c. Pribram (1966).
37. Gellhorn (1963).
38. Ibid.
39. Cobb (1950).
40. MacLean (1962) p. 295.
41. Pribram (1966) p. 9.
42. Gellhorn (1957).
1. Huxley, J. (1963) pp. 7-2-8.
2. Koestler (1959) pp. 513-14.
3. Pyke (1961) p. 215.
4. Koestler (1964) p. 227.
5. Huxley J. (1964) p. 192.
6. Russell, W.M.S., in The Listener, London, 3.12.64 and 12.11.64.
7. Lorenz (1966) p. 19.
8. Russell, W.M.S. and C., in The Listener, London, 3.12.64.
9. Lorenz (1966) pp. 206-8.
10. Koestler (1966B).
11. Lorenz (1966) p. 215.
12. Lévy-Bruhl (1923) p. 63.
13. Berger (1967).
1. Platt (1966) pp. 195, 196 and 200.
2. de Beer (1966).
3. National Research Council Report (1962).
4. Harkavy (1964).
5. Ibid, p. 8.
6. Eastman (1965).
7. Morris (1966).
8. Time, New York, 29.1.65.
9. v. Bertalanffy (1956).
10. Time, New York, 25.9.64.
11. Lindquist (1966).
12. Time, New York, 24.9.65.
13. Platt (1966) p. 192.
14. Lorenz (1966) p. 205.
15. MacLean (1961) pp. 1738-9.
16. Hydén (1961).
17. Saunders (1961) p. xi f.
18. Huxley, A. (1961).
1. Nott (1964).
2. Miller (1964B).
3. Miller et al. (1960).
4, v. Bertalanffy (1967).
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