The Ghost in the Machine (54 page)

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Authors: Arthur Koestler

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Fainting, infectious, 247
emotional commitment, 259
reason and, 159; 260
Fall, doctrine of the, ix
Faria, Lima da, 131
Farrar, Dean, 259
Fascism, 157, 258, 259
Faust, 139 n
Feedbacks, 42, 97, 98, 99, 100, 105, 119, 121, 123, 124, 125,
161, 207, 345 ff
Fetish, 255
Filters, perceptual, 77-83, 344
amphibian ancestry, 166
improvisation by, 107
Flatworm, 173, 212-13
Fly, eyeless, 133-5
Foraminifera, 205 n
Ford Foundation, 315
Frames of reference, 182, 194
Free will, problem of, 97, 208-21, 346-7
French Revolution, 250, 256, 323
Freud, S., 5, 6, 35, 58, 181, 191, 213, 226, 232, 242, 248, 250, 286, 290
Freudian school, as closed system of thought, 263
Fruit fly, 133
mutations of, 130
Fuchs, Klaus, 332
Functional hierarchies, 59
Functional holons, 342, 343
Fundamentalists, 260
Galileo, 178, 179, 182, 184, 186, 255, 260
Ganglionic mass, 268
Garstang, W., 163,164, 167, 178
Gaskell, W.H., 268
Gellhorn, E., 293
Gellner, E., 202
Gene-complex, 122-3, 174, 344
hierarchic order of, 124
Genetic blueprint, 121
Genetic codes, 72-3, 74
Genetic controls, 123
Genetic keyboard, 122-6
Genetics, atomism, 123, 124
see Gene-complex
Gerontomorphosis, 165, 167
Gestalt-constancy, 341
Gestalt psychology, 17, 49, 93, 94, 185
Giant panda, 127-8, 130-1
Gill-breathing, 166
Goddess of Reason, 256
Goethe, 139, 142, 149
Goitre, prevention of, 328-9
Goodyear, Charles, 330
Gösring, H., 258
Gould, D., 336 n
Gozzi, Carlo, 149
Gregory, R.L., 79
Group mentality, 247, 254, 255
Group mind as a holon, 265-6
Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 250
Gutenberg, 185
Habits, 76, 104-12
acquired, 343
as functional holons, 207
mechanisation of, 108-10
Hadamard, Jacques, 180
HAHA reaction, 185, 186-7, 193
emotional factor in, 187-8
Haldane, J.B.S., 167
Hamburger, V., 174
Hardy, Sir Alister, x, xii, 137, 147, 153, 154, 155, 260 n
Harlow, H.F., 9
Harris, H., 69
Harvey, W., 194
Haskin's Laboratories, 25, 26
Hatha Yoga, 218
von Hayek, F.A., 252 n
Hayes, Alfred, 210
Head-hunting, 309
"Heaven and Hell," 335
Hebb, D.O., 293
Hedonic tone, 226, 294
defined, 227
Hegel, 326
Heisenberg, Werner, 17, 216 n
Herder, 138
Herrick, Judson, 16, 159, 197, 198, 273, 277, 282, 343
Hess, W.R., 293
Hidden persuaders, 182
Hierarchic awareness, 246-7
Hierarchical systems, general properties of, 341-8
correlation of perceptual and motor, 101
decomposable, 52 n
depth and span, 50
diagrammatic representation of, 59-61
dissectibility of, 342
evolution of, 47
inorganic, 61-3
interlocking, 5I, 87, 94, 95, 96
Janus effect, 48
many-levelled, 208, 209
and memory, 87
motor, 71
of environment, 346
of perceptual skills, 77-9
open-ended, 104, 218-21
pattern-regulation, 80
perceptual, 345
polarity in, 225
social, 50-5, 232, 344
symbolic, 61
Hingston, R.W.G., 106
Hiroshima, 311, 323
Hitler, Adolf, 257, 264
Hogarth, 187
Hogg, G., 236
Holism psychology, 49
defined, 48, 341
the group mind as a, 265-6
Holons, 45-58, 125, 341
atomic, 62
auditory, 80
cognitive, 182
cohesion, 53
crowd, 251-2
degrees of freedom in, 105
evolutionary, 171
functional, 76, 207, 342, 343
habits and behavioural, 76
hierarchy of, 102-3
in nest building, 74
in the motor hierarchy, 71
mental, 131, 131
musical, 93
rules and strategies of, 58, 342
self-regulating, 97, 121
social, 329
social, 50-5, 232-3, 246-7, 329, 344, 348
Holy Communion, 229
Homeorhesis, 344
Homeostasis, 98, 99
developmental, 121, 142
evolutionary, 142
kinetic, 208, 345
Homologous organs, 137
Homology, 135-9
Honey-bee, 107
Hook, Sidney, 350
Hull, C.L., 6, 10, 226
Human mind
creativity of, ix
pathology of, ix
Human nature, tampering with, 327-30
Human sacrifice, 235, 236, 237
Humanists, Evolutionary, 240
Humanity, crisis of, 313-39
Humphrey, G., 182
Hunger, 228-9
Hunter, W.S., 14
Hunters, 305-8
Huxley, Aldous, 167, 335
Huxley, Sir Julian, 115, 130 n, 161, 297, 302, 308, 309
Hyden, Holger, xii, 333
Hypnosis, induction and, 147-53
Hypnotic state, 248
Hypnotism, 248, 249
Hypothalamus, 275, 178
temperature control and the, 98
Ideas, paedomorphosis and, 168
Ideational content of emotion, 274
Idée fixe, 231, 265, 347
Identification, 243, 246, 251, 295, 348
depersonalisation and, 248
integration and, 241-3
mental, 254
perils of, 243-6
Ideological wars, 238
Ideologies, 265
Improvisation, 106-7
India, population growth in, 314, 315
Individualism, 343
Inducer, in genetics, 122
and hypnosis, 247-53
mutual, 25I
Infantile sexuality, 285-6
Inoculation, 328
Inorganic systems, 61-3
Input hierarchy, 83, 344
Insect societies, 67
behaviour of social, 270
improvisation by, 106-7
possible ancestors, 166
in social insects, 270
reptilian brain and, 279
Instinct-drive, 228
Instinctive activities, hierarchies of subskills, 76
Instinctive behaviour, 344
in animals, 105
Internal Factors in Evolution, 147 n
and identification, 241-3
of behaviour, functional holon and, 76
Integrative tendency, 56, 119, 189, 190, 201, 230, 233, 242, 243, 246,
247, 266, 292, 343, 347
Interlacing hierarchies, 95
Interlocking hierarchies, 5z, 87, 94, 95, 96
Introduction to Biology, An, 136
Introspective psychology, 32
Invertebrates, nerve chain of, 268
Inverting spectacles, 176-7
Isaiah, 313
Jackson, Hughlin, 284
James, William, 15, 38, 69, 146, 260 n, 275
James-Lange theory of emotions, 275, 276
Janus effect, 48, 34I
Japan, population, 315
Jenkins, James, 29, 49, 88
Jeremiah, 313
Johns Hopkins University, 5
Jones, Dr B., 185 n
Jones, Wood, 270, 271
Jonson, Ben, 48, 103
Jung, C.G., 5, 35, 240, 243
Kafka, Franz, 268
Kangaroo, 143
Kant, E., 310
Kepler, Johannes, 179, 184, 186, 255
Khasis, the, 235-6
Kidnapped, 84
Kinesthetic feedback, 99
Kinetic homeostasis, 99, 208, 345
Kluever, H., 90, 288
Kneale, W., 202 n
evolution of, 168
growth of specialised, 317-18
Koala bear, 161-2, 172, 271-2
Kottenhoff, H., 79
Krechevsky, I., 171
Kretschmer, E., 249
Kris, Ernest, 177
Kuhn, Thomas, 116 n
Lamarck, 137, 155 n
Lamarckism, 116
abstract thinking in, 31
ambiguity of, 33-6
chain theory, 32
curse of, 308-10
hierarchic approach to, 34
hierarchic organisation of, 24
man and, 19
the tree of, 23-44
Lashley, K.S., 27, 31, 32, 33, 37, 81, 175, 207, 276
Laughter, 189, 190
emotion and, 187-8
infectious, 247
by rote, 92-4
cortex and, 279
Learning habits, 108-10
Least action, 108
Le Bon, 250
Leibnitz, 200
Lenin, 258, 313
contact, 177
eye, 149
Lévy-Bruhl, L., 311
Liberman, Professor Alvin, xii, 25
Lie-detector, 290
Life, integrative powers of, 66-70
Light of Grace, 260
Light of Reason, 259
Limbic system, 280-93
characteristics of, 282-3
dissonance with neocortex, 332
and epilepsy, 284
excision of parts in monkey, 286
influence on use of weapons, 307
integrative centre for drives and perceptions, 286
of man, 278
self-preservation in, 29o-I
Lindauer, 107
Linnaean Society, 153
Lister, 314
Literary Gazette (China), 263 n
Literature, paedomorphosis and, 169
'Little brains', 275
Lodestones, 184
Long-tailed tit, 74
Lorenz, Konrad, xi, 74, 100, 243, 291, 306, 307, 309, 331, 344
Lotus and the Robot, The, 218 n
Louis XV, 185, 186
L.S.D., 241
Lung-breathing fish, 166
Machine, the ghost in the, 202
Machine-processes, 207
MacKay, Professor, 215, 216, 219
McKellar, P., 185 n
MacLean, Dr Paul, xii, 273, 277, 278, 279, 282, 284, 287, 289,
290, 291, 292, 294, 332
McNeill, D., 29, 30 n
Mandler, G., 276, 277
Manual skills, hierarchy of, 72
Mao Tse-Tung, President, 258
Mark Anthony, 253
Marlow, C., 242
Marsupials, 143-6, 270-2
Marxism, 260
Mass hypnosis, 248
Masses, psychology of the, 247
Master race, 255
Mathematicians, working methods of, 180
Matrices, cognitive, 182, 193, 194, 263
Mead, Margaret, 309, 310
Mechanical activity, 207
Mechanised patterns of holons, 346
Mechanisms, innate releasive, 344
Mechanistic approach, 61-2
Medawar, Sir Peter, 129
Medulla of brain, 278
abstractive, 84-6, 345
emotional reactions and, 89
two types of, 88-90
Memory-formation, 85, 88, 89
Mendelian genetics, 123
Mental evolution, 3
Mental hierarchy, re-forming of, 195
Mental holons, 231, 232
Mental identification, 254
Mentality, split, 259
Mesocortex, 279, 280
Mesmerism, 249
Mesozoic Age, 161
Metalanguage, 35
Metamorphosis, 191 n
Metamorphosis of Plants, 138
Metre, 194
Micro-hierarchy, gene-complex, self-regulating, 134
Miller, G.A., 42, 101 n, 344, 346, 350
Millipede, ancestral insect, 166
Mind-body problem, 203 et seq.
Mind-processes, 207
Mitochondria, 63
genetic apparatus of, 65
Mobs, 254, 255
Moissi, Alexander, 88
Monkey and typewriter, 117, 123, 170
Montague, J.F., 311 n
Montague, Lady Mary Wortley, 328
Morgan, Lloyd, 153
Morphemes, 26
Morphogenesis, 124
hierarchic pattern of, 117-18
Morris, Ian, 317
Morse telegraphy, 28
Motion, Third Law of, 63
Motivational drives, 290-1
Motor hierarchy, correlation with perceptual, 101
Movements, 255
Mozart, 188
Muller, H.J., 152, 170
Musical holons, 93
co-ordination of acceptable, 132
defined, 115
elimination of harmful, 132
interdependent, and evolution, 128-30
Mutual induction, 248, 251
Mutualism, 66
Nationalism, 57, 343
Nature of Explanation, The, 212 n
Nazis, 258
Needham, J., 126, 173
Neocortex, 279, 280, 281
dissonance with limbic system, 332
effect of limbic brain on, 289-90
Neo-Darwinism, 116
Neo-mammalian organisation of brain, 278
Neoteny, 164, 165
Nervous system of man, 274
reorganisation of behaviour, 175
Nest-building, 73-6
New Scientist, 336 n
New Yorker, 187, 188
Newton, Isaac, 63,178-9, 184, 255, 259
Nineteen Eighty-four, 245
Nott, Kathleen, 350
Novelists and emotion, 287-8
Nuclear devices, 325
Nymphomaniac case, 284
Obsessions, 265
Oersted, H.C., 184
Olds, J., 293
On Aggression, xi
On Growth and Form, 140
Ontogeny, 115-26, 167, 342, 343, 344
Open-ended hierarchy of language, 33
Open system, 198
Operant conditioning, 8
Organelles, 63-70
activeness of, 198
architecture of, 95
as holons, 67-9
power to build up systems, 199
Organs, homologous, 137
Origin of Vertebrates, The, 268
Original sin, 267
Originality, origins of, 105-7
Orwell, George, 245, 262
Oswald, I., 249
Output hierarchies, 83, 344, 345
Over-specialisation, 161
a dead end, 169
Owen, Richard, 139
Oxford Dictionary, 265 n
Paedomorphosis, 163-71
diagram of evolution by, 167-8
Paleocene Age, 161
Paleo-mammalian organisation of brain, 278
Panda, Giant, 127-8, 130-1
Papez-MacLean theory of emotions, 277, 283, 296
Paranoiacs, 232
Paranoid schizophrenia, 259 n
Paranoid streak, 258, 259, 327, 336
Parasympathetic system, 292-5
Parental love, 228
Participatory emotions, 293
Pasteur, L., 156, 220, 314, 330
Pathology of human mind, ix
Patriotic wars, 238
Patriotism, 57
Pattern-recognition, 79
Pavlov, I.P., 6, 10, 16, 350
Pavlov's dogs, 93
Penfield, Wilder, 203, 204, 208, 212
Pep pills, 293
Perception, reorganisation of, 176-7
Perceptiveness, limbic system and, 286
Perceptual hierarchies, 345
correlation with motor, 101
Perceptual skills, 78
Personal responsibility, suspension of, 251
Pflüger, 175
Philosophic Anatomique, 137
Phonemes, 25, 48
ambiguity of, 33
Phrase habit, 28
Phrases, 48
Phylogenesis, building-up tendency in, 199
Phylogenetic self-repair, 174
Phylogeny, 127, 167, 344
Physics, ideas about time, 201
Physiology of emotion, 274-7
Piaget, Jean, 191, 213
Pigeons, behaviourism and, 8, 9, 10, 14, 22
Pinhole eye, 149
Plato, 192
Platt, J.R., 313, 325
Pleasure principle, 290
Poets, 195
Poetic imagery, 194
Poetry, 288
Poincaré, Henri, 184 n
Polanyi, Michael, 217 n
Political movements, 255
Politicians, 264-5
Pollock, M.R., 69
Polygeny, 123
Polyps, 173
Pope, Alexander, 235
Popper, Sir Karl, 36, 217 n
Population, growth of, 314-15
Pop-Zen, 262
Porcupine fish, 140
Potentials, polarity of, 225
Power, growth of, 318-19
Pre-natal skills, 126
Preparatory emotions, 293
Prescott, W.H., 237
Preservation of species, 291, 292
Pribram, Karl, xii, 293, 344, 346
Primates, 302-5
Principia, 259
Principles of Psychology, 21
Process hierarchies, 61
Protoplasmic consciousness, 205
Proust, M., 89
Pseudo-reasoning, 260
Psycholinguists, 24
academic, 5
behaviourism and, 5
Gestalt, 17, 49, 185
habit and, 110
holism, 49
introspective, 33
of the masses, 247
Psycho-motor epilepsy, 284
Psychopharmacology, 335, 336
Psychoses, clinical, 232
Psychosymbiotic awareness, 219
Psychotherapy, purpose of regression in, 177
Ptolemy, 179, 300
Purpose, 170
Purposiveness, 152
de Puysegur, Marquis Chastenay, 249 n
Pyke, M., 301
Pythagoras, 184
Pythagoreans, 300
Rabies, and the limbic system, 283
Race, de-specialisation of, 164
Racial senescence, 165
Racial tensions, 325
Radiation, adaptive, 161
Rage, 294
Randal, J., 311 n
Random mutations, 115, 117
Rationalist doctrines, 258
Ratomorphism, philosophy of, 15, 19
Rats, behaviourism and, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15-18, 19, 22, 162-3, 171,
175-6, 302
Rawlinson, 187
AH, 188-9, 190, 193
AHA, 193
HAHA, 184-7, 193
Reactions, emergency, 276
Reality principle, 290
Reason, as 'bride' of faith, 256, 260
Reasoning, emotional bias and, 264
Recall, 87
visual, 91
Recessive genes, 123, 133
Recherches Physiologiques sur la Vie et la Mort, 274
Reflexes, 15, 16, 96, 123
Reformist heresy, 257
Regeneration, 173, 348
Regenerative skills, 173
Regulation channels, 346
Rejuvenation of race, 164, 165
Releasers, 74
Repressor, in genetics, 122
Reptiles, 128
ancestry of, 166
Reptilian brain, 278, 279
Responsibility, personal, 214
Reticular system, 278
Reticulation, 345-6
Revival of Learning, 259
Revolutionary Justice, 257
Rhinencephalon, 283 n
Rhyme, 194
Rhythm, 194
Ribosomes, 63
Rituals, 229
compulsive, 107
Roberts, Morley, 273
Robespierre, 256
Rohrschach blot, 103
Rote, learning by, 92-4
Routines, automatised, 207, 208
Rule-governed behaviour, 54
Russell, E.S., 134
Russell, W.M.S., 303, 306
Ryle, Professor Gilbert, 202
human, 235, 236, 237
ritual of, 235-8
Sager, Ruth, 66
St Augustine, 301, 313
St Hilaire, G., 137, 142
St John, 313
St Thomas Aquinas, 259, 301
Salamander, regeneration in, 173-4
Saunders, Dean, 334, 336
Scanners, 77, 81, 83, 86, 344-5
Schachtel, E.G., 191 n, 226 n
Schizophrenia, defined, 259 n
Schizophysiology, 284-7
consequences of, 288
cure for, 327, 330-9
Schoolmen, 262
Schrödinger, Erwin, 199, 200, 343
Schweitzer, Albert, 339
paedomorphosis and, 169
the Unconscious and, 179-81
Science and Human Behaviour, 7, 9, 13, 14
Scientific American, 350
Scientific discovery, 186, 194, 195
Scientific Revolution, the, 238
Scientific Socialism, 258
Sea cucumber, 163
Seat of consciousness, 282
Selection, internal, 130-3
Self-assertive tendencies, 120, 189, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233, 241,
243, 244, 245, 246, 251, 266, 291, 294, 343
functional holon and, 76
in holons, 56
Self-regulating social holons, 329
Self-regulation, 97, 98, 121
Self-preservation, limbic system and, 291-1
Self-realisation, self-repair and, 177-9
and self-realisation, 177-9
biological, 173-9
mental, 195
phylogenetic, 174
regresslye and progressive phases, 174
Self-transcendence, 219, 230, 237, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246,
248, 251, 253, 256, 259, 260, 265, 266, 292, 294, 295
infantile form of, 243
Self-transcending emotions, 189, 190, 191, 218, 234, 343
Semmelweiss, D., 314
Semon, Richard, 91
Sensations, visceral, 274
Sense-modality, 345
Sensory feedbacks, 345
Sensory-motor nervous system, 77
interlocking hierarchies of, 96
skills and habits, 96-7, 100
Sensory-motor routines, 96-7, 345
Serial view, of mind-body problem, 208-12
Servetius, 260
Sexual drive, 226, 291-2
Sexual instinct, integrative tendency of, 292
Sexual love, 228
infantile, 285-6
limbic system and, 286
Shakespeare, 253, 263 n
Sherrington, Sir Charles, 16, 204
Sign-releasers, 74
Simon, H.A., 45, 47, 50, 52 n, 62, 92 n, 342
Simpson, G.G., 145, 152
Sinnott, E.W., 152
Skills, 343
acquisition of, 206-8

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