The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) (9 page)

BOOK: The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1)
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Chapter XIII

Healing Magicks


“How much further Zander? My feet are getting sore.” Kerra asked.

“Just a little further it shouldn’t be long.” He said. He was just guessing he had never been here before; he was just trying to get her to relax.

“Quit complaining Kerra, save your breath before you run out of it.” Heiro said. She became angry and ran up behind him and knocked him in the head.

“That will do ya some good asshole!” she shouted.

Zander wasn’t in the mood for bickering, he was sweating profusely and had no idea why, and his breathing became heavy. “Now apologize.” Kerra demanded.

Heiro let out a hard sigh, “Fine
I’m sorry.” He said.

Kerra smiled, “Thank you very much.” She said.
They had finally seen a light, it was the outside. They ran for the exit and finally made it out, Heiro drew in the fresh air appreciating the fact he was no longer smothering. “It took us long enough.” Kerra said.

Zander and Heiro agreed
, it felt as though it was forever before they would have escaped the pitch black cave. Zander began to see two of everything; Heiro waved his hand in front of his face. “Zander, hey buddy you feeling okay?” He asked.

Zander didn’t respond, he just walked forward not even knowing where he was going; stumbling along the way. Finally he had passed out, the others rushed over to him; Kerra immediately dampened a cloth and put it on his head.

“This is strange, he hasn’t been sick the whole trip and suddenly he collapses.” Heiro said.

Kerra was patting him down with the cloth, when she noticed something on his skin. She pulled off his shirt, and below his right shoulder was a black mark; almost like a bruise. “What is that?” Heiro asked.

“I don’t know I’ve never seen anything like it.” Kerra said.

Heiro examined the spot more closely and saw that it had appeared over the scar where Raphael had stabbed him. “He was poisoned by Raphael’s blade, we have to get him to a hospital or he will die.” Heiro explained.

Kerra pulled out the map that Thesia gave them and examined it. “There is a small village east of here, it’s just south of the hideout.” She said.

Heiro lifted him onto his back. “Okay lets go we don’t have any time to waste.” He said.

They crossed the plain until nightfall, unsure of what wild beasts could be out waiting for them; they still kept moving. Finally they had made it to the small village of Eo. It was a very small village in the middle of the plain. It was a poor village, but everyone seemed happy enough. A short older lady came to meet them, “Hello there dears.” She said.

“Madam our friend is very ill, he has been poisoned do you have somewhere we could take him?” Heiro asked.

“Yes dear right this way, and hurry.” The little lady said.

They carried him into her small hut and placed him on the bed. The woman had placed a wet cloth on his head to help quell the fever. “What was it that poisoned the boy?” she asked.

“He was struck by a blade in the shoulder; we can’t make out what kind of poison it is.” Kerra explained.

The woman grabbed a small iron dagger and pricked Zander’s finger. She tasted the drop of blood on the
blade, “It is Xernarin root, a deadly plant; if not cured in at least three hours he will surely die.” The lady said.

“What can you do for him?” Kerra asked her practically begging for her to do anything to help him.

The old woman shook her head, “I am afraid there is nothing I can do dear, but there is an old mystic that lives to the far side of the village. He is skilled in healing magick, if anyone can help the boy it would be him.” She said.

“Healing magick, I thought that was a myth,
they say there was an entire bloodline of healer mystics.” Heiro said.

“It’s true he is the last of his
bloodline.” She said.

Heiro and Kerra would try anything to help their friend, she had showed them which hut was the healers and they ran to get their help. Kerra wasn’t about to let him die, no matter what. They walked over to the hut; there were skulls on pikes and bones hanging everywhere. It gave Kerra the creeps; she had almost turned back if it weren’t for her thinking about Zander.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” Heiro asked. A tall, thin figure came out from the hut.

“What the hell do you want at this hour?” They asked.

“Our friend has been poisoned and we need your help, we were told that you can perform healing magick.” Kerra said.

The man shook his head, “
I’m sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about. Go away!” he shouted and walked back into the hut.

“It was Xernarin root poison, he will die please.” Kerra begged.

The man poked his head out, “Only Voidshades carry that kind of poison, what were you doing messing around with one of them?” He asked.

“What’s a
Voidshade?” Heiro asked.

“It is a shape shifter that takes the form of a human and can use magicks; they feed off the souls of the living.” The man explained.

“That definitely describes the guy I fought.” Heiro said.

Kerra got down on her knees and begged the man for his help and he finally gave in. “Take me to him.” He said.

They took the healer to the hut and he examined Zander, “You’re lucky you brought him in time, another hour and he’d be dead.” He said.

“Thank you so much for helping us, I’m Kerra and this is Heiro.” She said smiling.

              “I am called Ferian, pleased to meet you both.” He said. Ferian placed his hands over Zander’s body and a green light began to glow. In moments the black bruise had healed and his fever was gone, Ferian had pulled the poison right out of his mouth using magick. He placed the poison in a glass vile and threw it into the fire.

Zander shot up gasping for air, he coughed ferociously and after a minute or two he was fine. “What happened? Where are we?” he asked.

“You had been poisoned during the battle with Raphael and collapsed we brought you here and Ferian healed you.” Kerra explained.

Zander looked over at Ferian and thanked him. The older lady walked into the hut, “Why don’t you stay the night dears, we have plenty of food.” She said.

“Im definitely not arguing with that.” Heiro said as he followed her outside.

Later that night, Kerra saw Zander sitting on a hill looking up at the moon. “Caught you, what are you doing outta bed?” she asked walking over to him.

“I couldn’t sleep I have so much on my mind.” He said.

She sat down beside of him, and stared at him. He was so handsome; she could just drift away into his eyes. “Kerra there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” He said as he grabbed her hand.

“Yes Zander?” she asked.

“After all this time, after everything we have been through your still here with me; and I’m glad I didn’t leave you back in the capital.” He said.

She smiled, “
I’m glad you didn’t either, I believe we have both matured on this journey; you most of all.” She explained.

He looked into her eyes and held her close to him, “I love you.” He said. These three words went straight through her ears and pierced her heart like an arrow, she could hear it in his voice; he meant it.

“I love you too.” She said.

The two of them began to kiss passionately in the moonlight. She held him close to her and didn’t let go, they just sat there staring at the moon; never wanting the moment to end.





Chapter XIV

The Purifying Seal


The next morning they had gotten up early, said goodbye to the villagers and were on their way. They actually hadn’t been too far from the hideout now. When they had finally reached their destination, they had saw Ashe and Thesia’s horses drinking water from a stream beside a tall rock monument.

“Is this the place? It doesn’t look like a hideout.” Heiro asked.

“I’m not sure, but this is the location on the map.” Zander said.

Kerra had begun
to examine the rock, but there was no door. Suddenly a figure jumped off the top of the monument, sword drawn. Their target had been Heiro first, he dodged the blade but not completely. It had taken off a couple inches of his hair, the figure was Ashe.

“What the hell? Look at my hair. Who did this?” He asked.

Ashe stood there with her famous pissed off look, watching him freak out. “Oh excuse me sexy I didn’t see you standing there.” He said winking at her.

She delivered a roundhouse kick to his face knocking him into the rocks. He slowly got to his feet, “Always playing hard to get.” He said.

“Men are so stupid.” Ashe said walking over to Zander. “My mother is waiting inside.” Ashe said as she pulled up an iron gate on the floor of the plain that was
covered in grass.

“Camouflage, very
nice.” Zander said. The three of them followed her down the largely lit hallway of the passage.

They came to a large room with even more books than the last. There were weapons and armor lining the walls and various paintings of heroes and battles. They had saw Thesia sitting at a small square table drinking tea.

“Oh you made it in one piece,
I’m so glad.” She said greeting them.

They knelt before her and she motioned them to rise. “Well I hope you had no trouble getting here.” She said.

“Actually we did, Ryder turned out to be a demon that almost killed us; and we saw Vallus he tried he take Kerra with him.” Zander said.

“Not to mention Zander was poisoned by the demon, and we had to get him healed up; he almost died.” Kerra said.

He was really trying to forget that part, but somehow he knew it would come up in conversation again. “My apologies, I hadn’t known the path would be so dangerous.” Thesia said.

“All is fine your highness, how was the trip to Rygoth?” Zander asked.

“Cold.” Ashe spoke up,

Thesia turned and glared at her, she had to always manage to get a negative comment in.
“It was fine, I had warned the Duke and he is well aware.” She said. She paused for a moment and looked nervous, “Before we proceed there is something I must explain to Ashe and Zander if no one minds.” The Baroness said.

They each shook their head, “Well you see
, the two of you are siblings.” She said biting her lower lip.

Ashe jumped up enraged, “What the fuck!?” she shouted.

“Ashlyn Rosengrad, that is not the language of a lady!” the Baroness shouted.

Zander sat there frozen, he had no idea what to say. Ashe stormed out of the hideout slamming the door behind her. “Zander are you alright?” Kerra asked.

“Yeah I am, actually I’m happy.” He said rising cheerfully.

“That didn’t just shock you? Cause it shocked us.” Heiro said.

“Well of course I’m shocked but at the same time, I have family.” He said.

Thesia smiled and was pleased with at least one of their reactions. “Now, the next thing
I’m going to tell you is very important, I believe I’ve found a way to bring Vallus back unharmed.” She said.

Zander leapt over the chair and sat down, “How?!” he asked excitedly.

“We can use a purifying seal technique.” Thesia said.

“What kind of spell is that?” Heiro asked.

Kerra rummaged through a few old books on the shelf and opened one. “The purifying seal is much like the ability of Ivory, the holy sword; it destroys the evil essence inside not just the person’s heart but their soul.” She read.

Thesia pulled out a scroll from her pocket, “You will need this and Ivory to complete the seal, but be warned this technique can only be used once every five-hundred years.” Thesia explained.

“There was one other thing we forgot to mention, Vallerus killed my mother.” Kerra said trying to hold her emotions back.

“What did you say?! How can this be?” Thesia asked she seemed severely upset about Kiarra’s death.

“It’s true; he killed all of our parents because they were mystics.” Zander said.

Thesia didn’t know what to say she was stunned. “I am so sorry to each of you I had no idea.” The Baroness explained.

Zander shook his head, “It is fine milady,
I will get revenge for them.” Zander said. She knew he meant his words and that’s what scared her most, he wasn’t ready to fight such a battle but she knew there would be no stopping him. “I’m going to go find Ashe and talk to her.” He said as he rose from the chair and headed down the passage after her.


Back in Rygoth, Vallus was enjoying his visit to the city. He stopped at the inn and walked inside. “Welcome sir, how can I help you?” the clerk asked.

be needing a room, and do you have a young woman named Lyra working here?” Vallus asked.

“We certainly do sir.” The clerk said pointing to a girl with straight brown hair that came to her shoulders; she was sweeping in the corner.

“I’ve heard she’s one of the most talented maids in the kingdom, would you mind sending her to my room?” Vallus asked handing the man a sack full of Yol.

“Right away sir.”
He said as he showed Vallus to his room personally.

He hated the room; he had much better rooms back in the Capital. He had taken off his long coat and placed Ebony up against the bedside table. There was a knock at the door,

“Come in.” he said.

It was Lyra; she was shaking as if she was frightened. “You wanted to see me sir?” she asked in a soft voice.

A fragile little thing she was, Vallus could change that. “How old are you Lyra?” He asked her.

“Im seventeen.”
She replied.

I’ve heard you can do extraordinary things, can you show me?” he asked her.

Suddenly she disappeared, he could not see her body at all; and then she appeared again. “So you can turn yourself invisible, what other skills do you have my love?” Vallus asked.

“I can also use water magicks.” She said.

This was delightful; it was exactly what he had heard about her. He walked over to her and kissed her, taking her into his arms. He moved his way down to her neck and slowly unzipped her blouse in the back. He had taken each piece of clothing off her body except for her white laced stockings. He laid himself on the bed as she climbed on top of him kissing his chest. He felt of her breasts; they were firm to the touch. She gazed into his eyes and couldn’t look away. Suddenly Ebony’s blade went through her back; he had stabbed her.

“You’re going to do exactly as I say, your my slave; you will fight to please me. Do you understand?” He asked her as he looked into her eyes.

She made no sound only nodded s
lightly. “Good girl.” He said and he had enjoyed her for the rest of the evening.


Zander walked outside the hideout and saw Ashe across the field training. He walked over to see if she was okay. “Hey Ashe, are you alright?” he asked.

She sheathed her sword and turned to look at him, “Oh so now you want to play the brother card?” she asked.

“No I was just checking on you.” Zander said.

“Well don’t I don’t need anyone.” Ashe said.

Zander could tell the feelings between then were not mutual, he was excited to have a sibling and she certainly was not. “I know you don’t like me or the fact that were family, but I never knew our parents either.” Zander said.

Ashe then realized that he was just like her; he didn’t
have any family either. “I’m sorry Zander, I just don’t know how to deal with this news, I thought she was my mother most of my life.” She explained.

“I understand Ashe but we can work through it together we are family after all.” Zander said.

They both looked at each other and began to laugh. “So why don’t you teach me some of those fire spells.” Zander said.

“Alright I guess I could teach you a couple.” Ashe said.

They had spent the rest of the day getting to know each other and training. Zander was glad he had finally figured out what it meant to have family.

The next morning the
y left the hideout with Ashe and Thesia; their next destination was Rygoth. They had hoped to find Vallus there.

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