The Lost Treasure of Annwn

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Authors: Catherine Cooper,RON,COOPER

BOOK: The Lost Treasure of Annwn
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Book 1: 
The Golden Acorn

Book 2: 
Glasruhen Gate

Book 3: 
Silver Hill

Book 4: 
The Lost Treasure of Annwn


Coming in autumn 2013

Book 5:
The Oak Lord

For George and Emily
A great nephew and niece







Jack sat bolt upright in bed. His heart was pounding in his chest and beads of sweat trickled down his back. He told himself it was just a dream but everything had felt so real. He'd been back in the caves in Annwn with Velindur standing before him, holding the diamond key in the air for all to see. He could still hear Velindur's laugh as it echoed around the cavern. He'd felt helpless as Velindur hurled the key against the rock before vowing he'd have his revenge. Had he called out in his sleep? He didn't think so. He held his breath and listened. Only the reassuring sound of Grandad snoring broke the silence. Jack reached for his wand and made the tip glow brightly. Orin was asleep in her hammock and nothing in his room had changed. He let out a long sigh, lay on his back and went over the dream again.

He'd woken as Velindur began yelling, ‘Vengeance is mine!' Jack tried to remember what Mortarn had said. He'd thought crystal magic had been responsible for Velindur's disappearance, but no one knew where he'd gone. Jack shuddered as he remembered Velindur's screams. Where had the whirlwind taken him? If it was true that crystal magic never destroyed it meant Velindur was still very much alive. The dream had shaken him and he knew he wasn't going to get back to sleep for a while so he reached under the bed for his Book of Shadows. He needed to know more about crystal magic. Jack ran his fingers over the trees on the cover.

‘Tell me about crystal magic.'

The book almost leapt out of his hands, the covers opened and the pages flipped furiously until they were nearly at the end. As the book became still, writing appeared.

Crystal magic is the oldest and most powerful kind of magic throughout all the lands.
It cannot be ruled and chooses its own path.

This wasn't anything new, Jack had been told this already. He read the answer again. Surely there was a mistake? What did all the lands mean? Why hadn't his book said Earth a
The Earth where mankind and other
nd Annwn?

‘Which lands?' he asked.

The Earth where mankind and other creatures live,
Annwn where the fair folk and Druids dwell,
and Elidon, Land of Shadow, where secrets are hid.

Jack had never heard of Elidon. If Velindur had been transported there he hoped it was a long way from Glasruhen.

‘Where is Elidon?'

It's in the here and now but nowhere to be seen.

‘How can you find something you can't see?'

Knowledge is needed from the Druid's library, and the labyrinth beyond,
before Elidon can be found.
Only those with the key may find and unlock the door.

Jack yawned. The answer must lie inside the palace library in Annwn. Elan had said there were many ancient books in there. He'd ask Nora about it in the morning, maybe she had a book about Elidon at Ewell House. He was too tired to ask any more questions or try to work it out now. He dimmed his wand, returned his book to its hiding place and hoped he wasn't going to dream about Velindur again.




A loud buzzing woke Jack. He felt something land on his nose and flicked it away. A squint at the sunshine streaming through the gap in the curtains told him he should probably be up and eating breakfast but it was the first day of the summer holidays and he didn't think Grandad would mind. Jack could still hear the buzzing. He looked around the room and saw a fly heading back towards his bed. It landed on the sheet, on top of his knee. He was about to move his leg when he realised the fly was wearing a pair of glasses.

‘Hello, what are you doing here?' Jack asked the Dorysk as he reached for his wand so he could understand the reply.

There was a loud popping sound, and where the fly had been, a prickly ball appeared. It rolled down Jack's leg.

‘Ouch! Careful, your spines are sharp.'

‘So sorry, didn't want you swatting me again. Thought it would be better to transform so we can talk. Your window's closed so I had to use the kitchen door and come through your keyhole.'

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