The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1)
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“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Heiro said.

Zander sat and thought about it a moment, and as much as he didn’t like Ryder or trust him; they could use his battle experience. “No its fine, Ryder can help us but only until we get to the waterfall.” Zander said.

“I am in agreement with those cond
itions.” Ryder said as he walked out the door to wait outside.

Thesia grabbed Zander’s hand, “Zander I want to thank you again for helping us.” She said.

“I would do anything to protect V’nairia you can count on us.”
He said.

“Pretty confident aren
’t you?” Ashe asked.

Zander gave her a dirty look;
he didn’t like her or her attitude. “We shall see you at the hideout.” The Baroness said as the three of them left the room and walked out of the inn.                                         

   “Are we ready to depart?” Ryder asked.

“Yes and the sooner we get there the better.” Heiro said angrily walking past him. They began to walk down the street out of the city entrance, and after walking a few miles they had finally made their way to the waterfall to the north. They luckily hadn’t seen any sign of militia soldiers.

“How much fa
rther is the waterfall Ryder?” Zander asked.

“It is just up ahead.” Ryder said. “
Zander do you honestly think we can trust this organization?” Heiro asked quietly.

“I don’t believe she would deceive us.”
Zander said.

They had finally
come to the waterfall. Zander could see the cave underneath the water.

“We are here.” Ryder said.

Zander s
uddenly felt uneasy, there was something off. He felt a chill down his spine, there was an overwhelming weight on his chest. A figure appeared before them, Zander saw who it was and wasn’t surprised he had felt his presence; it was Vallus.

“Hello brother.”
He said

“Vallus.” Zander said under his breath.








Vallus had finally shown his face. Zander
hadn’t seen him since he fled the city after the fight with his father.

Well isn’t this a wonderful reunion.” Vallus said.

What do you want Vallus?” Zander asked.

Can I not come and see my friends?” He asked.

That depends are you going to come back with us?” Zander asked him, he knew Vallus was only toying with them but maybe he could convince him to return.

Now why would it be in my best interest to do that? So I can go back and be executed by my father and you can all go about your precious little lives while the government still controls everything?” Vallus asked.

ander could hear the hate in his voice, he was very bitter towards his father. “We can stop the revolution together and bring peace back to V’nairia.” Zander explained.

Vallus began to laugh hysterically,
“I don’t just want to abolish the government, I want to obliterate every living thing in this world and watch as it is reborn under my rule.” He said. He had sounded crazy, to destroy the entire world? Zander had never heard him speak of this before.

“Vallus please come back.” Kerra spoke up; she was still in a state of shock after seeing him.

Vallus turned to her and smiled,
“Kerra Im afraid I can’t do that but you can come with me if you wish.” He said.

It was like a knife had pierced
Zander’s heart. “Come with you?” She asked. She seemed different, almost as if she had been under mind control or something.

“Come with me and together we can make this world pure again.” Vallus said.

She began to walk towards
him; she had looked lifeless almost like a puppet. “I’ll come with you.” She said.

Zander do something!” Heiro shouted.

Zander grabbed her by the shoulders and began to shake her,
“Kerra wake up, it’s Zander don’t go with him.” He said.

She continued to push forward,
“I’ll come with you.” She repeated.

didn’t know what to do, he was going to lose her; he couldn’t bear to think about not having her with him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her, “Stay with me, I need you.” He whispered in her ear as tears began to run down his cheeks.

“Zander I’ll always be here with you.” Kerra said to him softly.

It was if his love for her had awakened her once again.
He was relieved, the warmth rushed back into him and he could feel her hugging him tightly. He had her and he was never going to let her go.

“How pathetic, I guess it’s time to finish you.” Vallus said.

“Well it’s four against one I believe we can take you.” Heiro said.

Ryder stepped forward,
“I believe you need to rethink your odds.” He said as his appearance changed. “I am Raphael personal servant to Lord Diaboro and accomplice to Vallus.” The man said.

This had changed everything, he had been reporting back to Vallus the entire time. “Raphael deal with them I’m going on ahead.” Vallus said.

Zander was furious,
“You bastard!” He shouted as he ran at Vallus with his weapon drawn.

Vallus blocked the strike, grabbed him by the arm and threw him across the water. Vallus knew Zander
wasn’t strong enough to defeat him. Something held him back from killing him then and there. Vallus wanted him to become stronger to hate him, to be able to put up a fight before he dies. Vallus turned his back on them, the very friends that were always there for him. He began to walk toward the waterfall and disappeared into the cave.

Zander slowly got to his feet, it was far from over but for now their man focus was guarding the cave.
“Which one of you wants to go first? I can make it quick and painless.” Raphael said.

Zander drew his sword,
“Both of you stay back, I’ll handle this.” He said. Kerra and Heiro had never seen him like this. He was enraged and unpredictable; Heiro could feel the energy inside of him rising.

Zander, be careful.” Kerra said.

“I won’t be long.” He said.

He raised his sword to Raphael,
“I swear on everything I care for, I will end you!” Zander shouted running at Raphael. As their blades collided the energy had caused the water to raise and then fall back down. It was almost as if it was raining, but only for a brief moment.

’m going to eliminate you three and bring the sword to Vallus myself.” Raphael said.

Zander tripped him and grabbed his leg, with a burst of incredible strength he threw Raphael over his head into the side of the mountain. His anger had increased his magick
tenfold, increasing his strength and speed.

Heiro looked at Kerra in amazement,
“No normal person should be able to do that.” He said.

“Zander has never been normal.” She said.

Raphael gathered himself from the rubble.
“Such strength, it has to be his magick energy.” Raphael thought. Zander suddenly appeared behind him to strike him from his blind spot; Raphael barely had enough time to block the attack. Zander hauled off and punched him so hard in the face it sent him flying backward. Raphael stood up unwavering, “Water Art: Tidal Surge!” He said as the water began to rise and a wave swept Zander up and pushed him up against the mountain. “Earth Art: Body Coffin.” Raphael said. The mountain began to cover Zander’s body all except his head. Raphael walked over and stabbed Zander in his shoulder with his sword, he cried out in pain. “How does that feel, not so confident now are you?” Raphael asked.

Zander, no!” Kerra shouted.

Raphael looked over at them,
“Shut up! You two are next.” He screamed.

Kerra and
Heiro couldn’t help Zander they were frozen with fear; it must have been some kind of ability that Raphael had used on them. Raphael kept stabbing Zander over and over, to Kerra it was a nightmare. The spell she was under didn’t allow her to cry she could only feel the stream of tears running down her face. She had known Zander since they were children, she loved him and now she was going to watch him die before her eyes. She was experiencing the ultimate torture.

’ve never had so much fun, I’m going to bleed you dry boy.” Raphael said as he continued to impale Zander.

He cried out in pain, Raphael had also spelled his body as well so he could not faint from the excruciating agony. He was clever enough not to hit any vital spots to keep from killing him
too quickly. This was Raphael’s favorite game to play with his prey, he reveled in it. He was bleeding profusely, His friends couldn’t bear it anymore, Heiro managed to use part of his magick energy to break himself out of the spell.

“Flame Art: Fire S
tream!” he shouted.

The flames had reached Raphael but he had dodged them just in time. This had
broken his concentration and his spell along with it. Kerra was released and so was Zander but he was still unable to move.

“Lightning A
rt: Thunder Crash!” Kerra said as her lightning spell headed for its target.

Raphael blocked her attack with his sword. He was quicker than any enemy they had faced thus far. “Kerra don’t let his blade touch you.” Heiro said.

She remembered when he fought the bounty hunters before and used the technique to steal their soul. They couldn’t take any chances; he was certainly a formidable foe.

“Resistance is futile, your lives are mine.” Raphael said laughing.

Kerra engaged him in close combat, being very careful not to get struck by his blade. She delivered a punch to his face and a kick to his abdomen. Heiro followed up with a fire spell, burning him. Raphael got to his feet, he was damaged but not by much.

“Something isn
’t right; our attacks should be affecting him.” Heiro said.

I’ll hold him off, you cut Zander out of the rock.” Kerra said charging at Raphael with her fist drawn.

He grabbed her arm holding her fist down and delivered a blow with his elbow. Kerra flew across the water and wasn’t moving.
The force of his strike was so powerful it knocked her unconscious. Heiro used his blade to cut Zander out of the rock covering his body; he was weak and had lost a lot of blood.

“We will handle this, lay here and rest buddy.” Heiro whispered to him. He looked over and saw Kerra lying on
the ground.

“Well, then there was one.” Raphael said.

“I guess I have no choice, Demonic Art: Blood Sword.” Heiro said as his blade transformed. The sphere of blood had begun to float overhead.

“What the hell is that?”
Raphael asked. The tendrils from the sphere began to come after him, but Raphael was nimble enough to dodge them. “That’s quite an impressive skill you have, and it’s a demonic skill no less.” Raphael said.

The strikes from the tendrils came even quicker this time around, but with each move Raphael became
quicker as well. “I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve; don’t count me out just yet.” Heiro said. Heiro began using his fire spell as his blood sword technique raged on.

’s clever trying to distract me with the flames while his other attack tries to connect.” Raphael thought.

He could also see the fact that his special technique took quite a toll on Heiro as long as it was being
used; he was trying to use this to his advantage. Raphael allowed the flames to hit him as he held off the blood sword’s tendrils.

’m wearing down, I’m going to have to finish this now.” Heiro thought. “Earth Art: Stone Binding.” He said as Raphael became immobilized.

The blood swords tendrils struck through his flesh, he had tried to struggle but couldn’t move. Heiro leapt in to the air grabbing
the sphere as it transformed into a giant axe. He had struck Raphael from overhead with the axe, he had thought the attacked had worked; but he was wrong. Raphael had used most of his energy to offset the attack merely three inches from his body. Heiro was exhausted; his technique had disappeared as he fell to his knees.

Raphael was also out of breath, “You three are lucky, but you will meet your end soon.”
He said as he disappeared into a thick fog.

“I held him off, at least
it’s over.” Heiro thought to himself before falling over and blacking out. The three of them had made it out of the battle alive, but only just barely.


A knock came to Judge Vallerus’ door, “Come in.” he said. The door opened and Lieutenant Omak entered.

“I’m here to report my recent findings sir.” He said saluting the judge.

“At ease, please explain.” Vallerus said.

Omak took a seat in front of the judge’s desk. “It seems as though Zander and the others had recently passed through the town of Dura and had a run in with the Iron Claw Bandits.” The Lieutenant explained.

“It seems as though they have been busy, and what of them now?
What of the bandits?” the judge asked.

“They had defeated the entire clan even their mystic leader, it seems as though the boy has grown in strength.” Omak said.

“Well I guess that means it’s time to put the first segment of my plan into motion, Make sure she meets me at the abandoned warehouse tomorrow evening.” Vallerus instructed.

Omak had gotten up out of the chair and made his way out the door, “Yes sir, it will be done.”
He said as he closed the door behind him.

“Now everything is finally coming together.” Vallerus said.

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