The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) (10 page)

BOOK: The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1)
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Chapter X

Father vs. Son


Vallus walked up to the palace gates in the cold city of Rygoth. The guards ran up to bar his path, “No one is allowed in, the Duke is not accepting visitors today.” One guard said.

“I wasn’t asking for an invitation.” Vallus said as he thrust his sword into stomach of one guard and quickly decapitated the other.

He kicked in the double doors of the palace and began to set everything on fire with his fire spells. The Dukes precious paintings began to melt from the heat of the flames. He opened the doors to the main hall and saw Duke Agarath, he was sitting at his large dining table eating and drinking surrounded by his whores.

“What is the meaning of this!?” He asked startled.

“Food and woman, do you know nothing else pig?” Vallus asked.

Agarath quickly recognized V
allus from his conversations with the surrounding diplomats. “You’re the Supreme Judge’s son, Vallus.” The duke said.

“Well you are well informed sir.” Vallus said with a devilish grin. He pulled the tablecloth off of the large table along with it came the food and silverware.

“I did everything you asked, why are you doing this?” Agarath asked whimpering. His whores had already run to the back of the palace.

“I’ve already murdered the other diplomats, why not you?” Vallus asked.

“I’ll do anything, I’ll give you anything you want please spar me.” The duke begged as he got on his knees.

Vallus sheathed E
bony and smiled, “What do you think Raphael, should we spare him?” He asked.

Raphael came up behind the D
uke and grabbed him, slicing his throat open with a dagger. The blood sprayed on the table like a crimson mist. “I don’t believe in sparing cowards, or anyone for that matter.” Raphael said.

“Well said.” Vallus agreed.

Behind them the doors to the main hall were sliced open; standing in the doorway was Vallerus.

“Father, so good of you to join us.” Vallus said.

He wasn’t surprised; he had figured his father would come for him sooner or later. “
I’m here to end this foolishness.” Vallerus said.

“Well dad
I’m glad you’re here, saves me the trouble of traveling to the capital to find you.” Vallus said releasing Ebony from its black prison. “Raphael you may go.” He added.

Raphael gave a courteous bow to Vallus and the judge and disappeared.
“First demons, now Voidshades. What next Vallus?” The judge asked.

“That is none of your concern father, you won’t be here long enough to care.” Vallus reassured him. Vallerus pulled out his sword; it had a crimson colored hilt and a red and black scabbard. “I never understood why you named your sword Doomherald; it’s not a cursed blade like mine.” Vallus said.

“I will show you the true purpose of the name, just as I have with others before you.” His father said.

Vallus was cocky, he knew he had more power than his father could imagine. With incredible speed they came at each other, swords clashing against one another. Sparks flew as the metal collided, as if the two blades hated each other. Maybe this was fate for one of them to die at the others hand, after all their family never was perfect. The
two of them had never really gotten along after the death of Vallus’ mother whom he had loved very much. Both men retreated a few steps backward,

“Flame art: Fire stream!” Vallerus shouted as the flames engulfed Vallus. “
I’m going to burn you to a crisp.” He said.

The flames quickly subsided and Vall
us appeared unharmed. “Demonic Art: Black Prison.” Vallus said as his dark energy created a black cage around Vallerus. “Just try to get out of that cage, that spell is stronger than any sealing magick.” Vallus explained.

With all his strength Vallerus managed to slice through the black bars of energy. Vallus wasn’t shocked at all, he knew even though his father was
a middle aged man; he was the Supreme Judge for a reason. Vallerus came up and punched him then grabbing him by his coat, he threw him through the doors and out through the walls of the palace. Vallus rose from the ground wiping the river of blood flowing from his nose and lower lip.

I’ve always preferred an open arena.” Vallus said.

By this time Zander and the rest of the group had showed up in the city and rushed over when they had seen the smoke from the burning palace.

“Vallus!” Zander shouted.

Vallus glanced over at them and turned his attention back to his father. “Look father, brother came to watch the show.” He said.

Vallerus did not respond only stared at what was left of his son; now only seeing a monster. “Get out of here Zander, or you and the others shall be next.” Vallus warned him.

“Vallus he killed Kerra’s mother and the rest of our parents.” Zander said.

This news struck a chord in Vallus and a shred of humanity had shone through the darkness inside him. “Is this true?” Vallus asked his father.

Vallerus did not answer yet again, merely stood there staring at him.
“Dammit you bastard! Is this true?” He shouted.

“Mystics should not be allowed to live; it is for the good of V’nairia.” Vallerus said.

“Zander if its revenge you want; I will be the one to take it for you.” Vallus said as he used his magick to place a barrier around the group, not allowing them to escape.

“Vallus no!” Kerra shouted.

“Before you
die, I will let you witness the death of the man that destroyed your lives.” Vallus explained. Vallerus and his son drew their swords, the final battle between father and son had finally begun.

“Flame Art: Fire Stream.” Both warriors said as their flames collided, pushing against each other. “Great Fire Stream!” Vallerus shouted as his flames grew larger. Vallus jumped out of the way just in time. “Demonic Art: Dark Aura.” Vallus said firing a blast of dark magick at Vallerus.

As the spell hit his father it knocked him into a nearby building. Vallerus appe
ared from the wreckage, “Flame Art: Flaming Pillars.” He said.

The ground beneath Vallus began to shift and from it sprang multiple pillars of fire. Vallus dodged each one perfectly,

“Demonic Art: Dark Aura.” Vallus said firing another round of dark magick.

His father deflected the blast with his blade while running towards him. He used his blade to strike Vallus’ left arm
and delivered a kick to his abdomen, throwing him off balance. “Flame Art: Great Fire Stream.” Vallerus said as he spat the flames upon Vallus, this time the flames had damaged him.

“Man they mean business, it’s incredible.” Heiro said watching the fight.

“So this is the power of the Flameh
ammer?” Ashe asked.

“Excuse me A
she, what is the Flamehammer?” Kerra asked.

              “That is what they call the Supreme Judge in Talias. Vallerus the Flamehammer.” She explained.

“The Supreme Judge is mighty; he will not go down easily.” Thesia said.

Zander couldn’t help but think of what would happen to them if Vallus were to die, Zander couldn’t stand to lose a friend it would kill him. “Vallus will win; I have to believe that he will.” Zander said.

“You’re certainly relentless old man.” Vallus said exchanging blows with Vallerus.

“I never would have thought you would have lasted this long.” Vallerus said. Their strength and speed was unmatched, the others could barely see what was going on. Vallus ran and jumped over Vallerus,

“Sword Art: Blade E
xtend.” He said as Ebony’s blade grew closing in on his father’s heart. Vallerus quickly turned and the sword went through his shoulder instead. Vallus retracted the blade as he landed.

“Enough of this.” Vallerus said as he held two fingers to his face.

Zander knew what was coming next, it was surely over. “It’s his secret technique
, it will end this fight.” Zander said.

“No V
allus! Run away!” Kerra shouted but Vallus ignored her cries.

“Sacred art: Dance of a Thousand Deaths!” Vallerus shouted as the blade from his sword disappeared. He snapped his fingers and Vallus had vanished, he had thought it strange there was no blood or traces of his body. Suddenly Vallus appeared before him and stuck his blade into his father’s chest.

“That was my mirror shadow spell, pretty convincing wasn’t it?” he asked.

It’s not possible.” Vallerus said.

He began to cough up blood, and spat
at Vallus’ face. Vallus pushed the blade in further as his father cried out in agony. “Such a shame, your famed technique failed.” Vallus said smiling.

He drove the blade in all the way to the hilt; Vallerus couldn’t feel anything anymore he was fading quickly. “I’ll see you in hell.” His father whispered.


“I’ll rule hell.” Vallus said as he removed his blade and sliced his head clean off. He had killed his father, Zander’s revenge was complete.





Chapter XVI



The barrier had lifted, Zander watched as Vallus stood over his father’s body laughing. He was enjoying this, he was free and so was the rest of the world. The tyrant judge was no more; the only thing that could make it more disturbing would have been Vallus dancing in his father’s blood. They had seen and heard of too much death already, it was starting to get to all of them. Zander couldn’t have imagined how Kerra felt, she had never seen someone die in front of her eyes before let alone someone being butchered as Vallerus was. Suddenly there was a scream from behind them, Zander was no longer spacing out.

Vallus was gone and no longer next to the body. They turned around to see a blade had pierced through the Baroness, and on the other end of the blade was Vallus. He ripped the key off of her neck and tucked it into his coat pocket.

“Vallus, what are you doing!?” Zander shouted.

“Mother!” Ashe screamed as tears ran down her rose colored cheeks.

He removed his blade and sheathed it, allowing Thesia’s body to hit the ground. “Now I have what I came here for.” Vallus said.

“You fucking bastard!” Ashe shouted as she ran up to him and tried to land a hit on him.

He quickly grabbed her by the neck and lifted her above him, “Watch how the light leaves her eyes as I strangle her.” Vallus said as he tightened his grip.

She couldn’t breathe; she kept flailing her arms and legs trying to break free. “Please Vallus don’t kill her.” Zander said.

“Why shouldn’t I put her out of her misery, she can be reborn in my new world; they all can.” He said.

Zander began to break down, “Vallus please she’s my sister, the only family I have.” He begged. Ashe began to lose color in her face, she was fading. “Brother please I’m begging you don’t kill her.” Zander said a final time.

Zander’s words seemed to get through to
him; he began to have flashbacks of the two of them growing up together and training in the courtyard. They use to have so much fun together, they were brothers.

“Brother.” Vallus whispered.

He loosened his grip around Ashe’s neck and she fell to the ground, she started to cough trying to catch her breath. Heiro ran over and picked her up,

“It’s okay your safe now.” He said as he stroked the side of her face with his fingers. Vallus began to feel many emotions at once and was frightened. He turned and looked at Zander one last time and vanished.

              Zander choked, he had finally had Vallus there in front of him and could have ended everything and brought him back home to the capital but he choked. He felt like such an idiot, Kerra’s mother was dead; now Thesia was dead. Everyone kept dying around him like he was cursed, if only he hadn’t been so afraid he could have fought Vallus long enough to wear him down and use the seal to purify his heart, that was the plan at least. Now he had to find Vallus again, being no easy task; but Vallus now had the key so it didn’t take a genius to figure out his next destination.

Ashe finally came to, she saw Thesia lying across from them on the ground; she was still alive. She immediately ran over to her,

“Mother it will be okay, we can find some way to heal you.” She said.

Thesia looked up at her and moved the hair from in front of her face, “No it’s too late she, you must protect your brother; he is the key to ending all this.” She said weakly.

Ashe began to cry, Thesia was the only family she had ever had; she raised her. This was the hardest thing she has ever had to deal with. “There is a stone on the peak of the mountain north of here, it can increase the power of each of your magicks; you must go there.” She said.

“I will mother, we will get the stone.” Ashe said wiping her eyes.

“I love you Ashlyn, you and your brother will get through this; your parents were the strongest I have ever known.” The Baroness said with her last breath.

“I love you too, rest in peace now.” Ashe said kissing her forehead.

Zander helped her to her feet and they carried Thesia’s body outside of the city; to a little snowy hill just west of the city’s entrance and buried her. “We will camp here for the night and allow Ashe some time to mourn.” Zander said.

“No brother, I want to leave now.” Ashe said.

Kerra knelt down beside her and tried to embrace her but Ashe had shrugged her off. “Ashe we understand you’re upset, there is no reason to leave yet.” Heiro said.

“Dammit!” Ashe shouted as she forced her fist into the snow covering the ground.

They had said nothing, they knew how determined she was to end the fighting. Her mother had already been killed, who next? Zander? She couldn’t bear the thought of losing anyone else close to her.

“We will leave now, we have to.” She said as she rose from the cold blanket of snow that covered the hillside.

“Ashe I swear to you I will protect you with my life.” Zander said.

“No Zander
I’m going to protect you, you’re the only one who can end this.” His sister said.

He loved hearing her call him her brother, it had never gotten old. He was glad he finally had someone by blood to call family. “So what is the deal with this stone Thesia was talking about?” Heiro asked.

“You’re referring to the Stone of Hylkroft?” Ashe asked.

“You mean Hylkroft the Godsage?” Kerra asked.

Ashe turned to her and nodded, “The most powe
rful mystic to ever walk through the kingdom.” She said.

“I’ve never heard of him.” Zander said.

“Mother use to read me stories about him when I was very young, he was the only mystic to ever control all elements of magick.” Kerra explained.

“So what does the stone actually do?” Heiro asked.

“The stone is said to grant the user tremendous strength and magicks.” Ashe said.

Zander knew they had to get their hands on this stone;
there was no way they were the only ones who knew about it.

“Where do we go to find the stone?” Kerra asked.

Ashe pointed to a mountain range just north of them, “We need to travel to the peak of that mountain, there is a temple there where the stone is hidden.” She said.

“Then we will leave now, we need to get our hands on that stone before someone else does.” Zander said.

The others agreed and began to follow him down the path away from the city. It would be a day’s journey at least before they reached the mountain, and possibly another day to reach the peak; but whatever the cost Zander would avenge all those who have lost their lives.

They had almost made it to the mountain when they saw a militia squad up ahead, leading it was Omak. The soldiers readied their guns and swords,

“Well if it isn’t the little shitheads.” Omak said.

“What do you want Omak?” Zander asked.

“Well we were on our way to Rygoth to meet up with the Judge but here you all are.” He said.

“Vallerus is dead, his son killed him.” Heiro said.

The lieutenant was shocked by the news, “
That’s impossible, the judge is the strongest in the kingdom.” The Lieutenant said.

“It’s true; Vallus finished him his body is back in the city.” Kerra spoke up.

Omak began to laugh, “So I guess that leaves me in charge of the kingdom, now doesn’t it.” He said.

“What are you getting at? The other judges are back at the capital right?” Zander asked.

“After he skewered that bitch he had all the other judges execute
d, death by firing squad.” The Lieutenant said.

Kerra became angry and clenched her fist; even now he would talk ill of the dead in front of her. He was just like Vallerus, he had no heart. “So you mean to kill us to
is that it?” Ashe asked.

“Well I don’t see any reason to let any of you live.” He said.

Zander looked back at the others, “You three take the soldiers, and I’ll finish off Omak.” He said. The three of them nodded in agreement and prepared to fight. “Let’s finish this Omak!” Zander shouted.

“Try not to piss yours
elf, you snot-nosed brat.” The Lieutenant said pulling his rocket launcher off his back.

Zander unsheathed Ivory as he ran for the Lieutenant, but the strike was blocked with the barrel. Omak took out his small pistol and began to fire at Zander, but he was quick enough to dodge the bullets. He spun around and struck Omak’s hand with Ivory’s scabbard knocking the gun out of his hand. Zander was quicker than the last time they had fought, but that wasn’t going to stop the Lieutenant.

Meanwhile the others began to battle the soldiers, each of them began firing spells trying to dwindle down there numbers; but it was
n’t very effective.

“Lightning Art: Thunder C
rash!” Kerra shouted firing a bolt of lightning at a group of soldiers.

“Earth Art: Stone S
pike.” Heiro said as he stomped the ground causing spike made of rock to come up from the earth impaling some of the soldiers.

“Flame Art: Fire D
ragon.” Ashe said as the flame engulfed another group of soldiers. They were making a dent in the enemy forces but it wasn’t enough.

Zander also had his hands full; Omak began firing rockets at him. The explosions had a wide radius and were hard to escape.
Zander was caught in the middle of one and was thrown back against the rocks hitting his head. Blood streamed down his forehead as he turned over and looked at Omak who was preparing his last shot. “It’s done boy, you’re finished.” He said.

This could have been it, Z
ander was about to die. He at least had hoped that the others would press on and try to stop Vallus. All he could think about was Ashe and how she was about to lose someone else important to her. He couldn’t bear the thought of her being alone.

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