The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) (4 page)

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“Okay let’s get him out.” She said.

Suddenly there was an alarm that blared and the room flashed red. “How did we trip the alarm, we were precise?” Zander asked himself.

“Well, look what we’ve got here.” A voice said. Zander didn’t need to turn to see who it was he swallowed hard and grabbed Kerra’s hand tightly, it was Lieutenant Omak.




Chapter V:

The Unexpected Mystic


                   “The council had a feeling you would defy orders and try to break the criminal out.” Omak said.

Zander stood in front of Kerra, shielding her, “So you’re here to stop us, is that it?” he asked.

“If I have to bring you back to the council by force I will, don’t make it harder on yourselves.”

The Lieutenant said trying to reason with Zander. Zander thought about Vallus, they needed to find him that was there mission. The council, Vallus’ father and the militia didn’t understand that this was their friend; Vallus was like family to them they could not just leave him in this state of hatred. Whatever was wrong with him Zander knew they could fix, he just needed more time but obviously there was no negotiating with Omak as he was the council’s lapdog.

Zander knew that in order to stop us the Lieutenant would have to use deadly force, then he thought of Kerra and how he had wished she hadn’t gotten caught up in this.

“Well son, what’s your decision?” he asked.

Zander clenched his fist, “No! We won’t go back, I’m taking Heiro right now!” He shouted.

The Lieutenant shook his head and sighed, “Alright, then you leave me no choice.” Omak had removed his rocket launcher that was strapped to his back and began to load it.

Zander drew Ivory and prepared himself, “Kerra please say here, I’ll handle this.” He told her.

“Please be careful Zander.” She begged him.

Zander ran towards the lieutenant who had fired a rocket. He jumped over it just in time; the rocket had hit the back wall and exploded. Smoke filled the holding cell. It had become very hard to see at this point. Zander covered his face so he wouldn’t breathe it in. Omak appeared behind him,

“Surprise!” he shouted hauling off and punching Zander in the stomach and face. On the third punch Zander grabbed Omak’s hand and twisted it delivering a kick to his side that had pushed him away. “You have some spunk kid;
I knew you would be a great addition to the squad.” The lieutenant said.

“Screw you and your squad! I quit.” Zander said as he took Ivory’s scabbard and thrust it into the lieutenant’s ribs. He seemed unaffected by the force of the blow.

 Omak pulled out his launcher and fired a rocket towards Zander; he wasn’t fast enough to out run it.

“Lightning art: Thunder crash!” Kerra shouted firing bolts of lightning magick. The magick connected with the rocket and exploded.

Zander looked over and saw her smiling, “I owe you one Kerra.” He said.

“I can’t let you have all the fun now can I?” Kerra asked.

The Lieutenant began to reload his weapon, “You two sure are a hell of a lot of trouble.” He said.

Zander ran at him to strike him with Ivory but was blocked by the body of the launcher. They both pushed against one another, trying to gain the upper hand. Omak saw Zander’s eyes flash red it was unusual he had never seen such an occurrence before. Suddenly a light emanated from Zander’s sword and with a powerful swing he threw the Lieutenant into the wall of the holding cell. He hit the wall hard and fell to the ground, he was knocked
unconscious. Kerra looked over at Zander and couldn’t believe her eyes. A similar thing had happened to her when her magick awakened.

“There was no way Zander could have performed magick if he wasn’t a mystic.” She thought to herself.

 “Kerra come on let’s get him out.” Zander said pointing to Heiro’s cell that he had opened with the card key from her mother.

Heiro began to cough, “What the hell do you want? Didn’t I kill you?” he asked.

Zander and Kerra walked inside and saw him bound by anti-magick chains. These had been used to restrain mystics from using their powers against the militia while in captivity.

“I need your assistance in exchange for your freedom.” Zander said.

“Well now I’m listening please go on.” Heiro said.

Zander knelt down to face him, “Our friend Vallus, something has happened to him he fled the city and wants to destroy everything. We need your help to bring him back.” Zander explained.

Heiro began to laugh hysterically, “You want me to go on some boring little adventure with you two, to bring your friend back and purify him of evil? You’ve got to be kidding me.” He said.

Kerra tapped Zander’s shoulder, “Come on lets go he’s useless.” She said.

Zander got up and they proceeded to walk out, “Make me a better offer.” Heiro said. Zander froze he didn’t know what to offer a criminal; he said the first thing that had come to his mind.

“Fine, you’ll get a cash reward lots of it.” Zander said. “Then I am at your service, young swordsman the name’s Heiro.” He said.

Zander pulled out ivory and cut the chains off of him, “I’m Zander and this is Kerra.” He said pointing to her.

Heiro bowed before her, “Pleased to meet you my lady.” Heiro said in a polite tone. She turned her head and stuck her nose in the air in disgust.

“Okay let’s get out of here before more soldiers come.” Zander said as they fled the holding cell. They didn’t want to waste any more time so without saying goodbye to anyone they left the city in search of Vallus to bring him back.

The three of them had made their way into the forest behind the city walls, it was pretty old but it was still
beautiful whether it was in the day or the night. They stopped to set up camp, after battling the Lieutenant, Zander was exhausted. Kerra looked over at Zander and saw a strange marking on his hand,

“What is that?” she asked pointing to it. Zander looked down and saw the same marking,

“I’m not sure I’ve never seen it before.” He said.

“It’s the sign of the mystic it only appears when your powers awaken.” Heiro spoke up.

Zander thought back to the battle when the energy surged from his body and knocked Omak into the wall of the cell. “So that’s what that was.” Zander thought to himself.

“I also have one.” Heiro said pointing to his on his right forearm, except his was different he only had two marks and Zander had four.

“Why is my mark different?” Zander asked.

“Each line represents an element of magick you can control; I have two lines for my earth and flame art magicks.” Heiro explained.

Zander looked down and examined his mark again, “So I can use four elements?” he asked. Heiro nodded and popped some berries into his mouth.

“So why don’t I have a mark, I can use lightning art magick?” Kerra asked.

“Only those whose mystic heritage is pure can have the mark, meaning both your parents had to be mystics.” He said.

Zander was shocked by what was said, his parents couldn’t have been mystics his father was a war hero for the militia. Nothing was making any sense to him that would mean his parents were killed in the revolution. “So how do I learn to control my powers?” Zander asked.

Heiro looked over at him and grinned, “I guess I could teach you, if we’re going after your friend you’ll need to be as strong as you can be.” There was definitely no denying what he was saying, Vallus could use demonic arts and has one of the cursed swords he was a deadly advisory.

“Thank you Heiro, we would appreciate that.” Kerra said.

“Don’t mention it hot stuff, it’s the least I can do.” Heiro winked at her which made her blush.

This angered Zander he never liked Heiro from the beginning, let alone trust him. He loved Kerra and was sure that he was destined to be with her and the thought of Heiro sweet talking her infuriated him.

“I think we should get some rest, we will need our strength tomorrow.” Zander said. Each one took turns keeping watch while the others slept through the night peacefully.


The next morning Zander awoke to the sound of birds chirping, he immediately rubbed his eyes and looked around. He saw Kerra lying across from him sound asleep but he didn’t see Heiro anywhere. He walked over and nudged Kerra awake, “Kerra wake up he’s gone.” He said.

Kerra rose up slowly and then realized what Zander had said and jumped up. “Where could he have gone?” she asked.

“I knew he couldn’t help us, he probably took off.” Zander said angrily.

Suddenly they heard footsteps and rustling in the bushes. Zander grabbed Ivory and motioned Kerra to remain quiet. Heiro appeared from behind the bushes carrying fish he had caught from the river. “Good morning sleepyheads, you hungry?” he asked.

“We though you fled for the next town!” she shouted.

“Whoa calm down guys, you think I’d leave without collecting my reward for helping you?” Heiro explained.

“I guess you’re right. So where are we headed?” Zander asked.

Kerra began to pack her things and put out the fire, “All I know is that we need to get to the next town before the militia reaches us, who knows how many soldiers they will send after us.” She said.

Heiro pointed to a small path through the woods, “We will take that path to the town of Dura we can find shelter for the night there.” He said.

They agreed and followed him onto the path to town, the woods themselves connected most of the main towns and cities and V’nairia they would find Vallus eventually, what they didn’t know was what would happen when they found him.


A few hours later, they
had finally made it to the entrance of the small town of Dura; it was a fairly quiet place except for the local bar called “The Howling Wolf” which most of the bandits and drunks spend most of their time brawling in the alley.

“I’ve been here once or twice selling some things for extra cash.” Heiro said.

“Yeah, stolen things.” Zander said.

Heiro turned to look at him and waved a finger in disapproval of his comment. “Hey now one mustn’t judge others.” He said.

They walked across the street to the inn and walked inside. They went over to the counter and rung the bell. A short older woman walked over to greet them. “Good evening dears, how many rooms will you need?” she asked.

“Two madam if you please.” Heiro said grinning.

Zander was disgusted by him even in his eighteen years Heiro would still sweet talk someone twice or even three times his age. “Right this way dear.” The woman said showing them to their rooms. “Goodnight.” Kerra said going into her room. The boys waved goodnight and also retired to their room.


Meanwhile back in the city Judge Vallerus held a secret meeting with the other judges, all except Kerra’s mother. Vallerus had called for a pair of local bounty hunters.

“You called for us my lord?” the tallest hunter said.

“Yes I have a special task for you two.” Vallerus said.

They both knelt before him. “We are at your command, what will you have us do?” the shortest one asked.

The brothers were a famous pair of bounty hunters called “The slaughter twins”
, they were famous for ripping their enemies to pieces leaving them unrecognizable. “I need you to seek out two children accompanied by a wanted criminal their names are Zander, Kerra; and Heiro the thief mystic.” The Supreme Judge said.

“What will you have us do with them?” the brothers asked.

“It has come to my attention that Zander’s mystic powers have finally awakened and the others will try to protect them. Kill them all.” He said.

“Understood sire, we shall not fail you.” The shortest brother said licking his lips.

Vallerus then motioned them to leave; the three of them were now wanted criminals and Vallerus would do anything to stop them from reaching Vallus.

Vallerus was sure that Zander was close to learning the truth about his past and the many secrets that had entailed but he couldn’t have been more wrong.






Chapter V

Rescue Mission


Zander and Heiro awoke the next mo
rning feeling well-rested. They had gotten dressed and walked down the hall past Kerra’s room and knocked on the door,

“Kerra we
’re going to train, are you coming? “Zander asked.

There was no response, “M
aybe she’s still sleeping, it did take a lot out of us to get here.” Heiro said.

I guess you’re right.” Zander agreed as they walked out of the inn.

Outside they walked
by the small shops and stands, taking a few moments to smell the food that had been prepared. A few moments later they had stopped at the nearby river just south of the town.

“Why are we training down here?” Zander asked.

“This river is on the outside of town and it is secluded, no one will spot us here.” Heiro explained.

was definitely the prime place to train; they knew that the militia would be looking for them. The river would be the last place anyone would think to look. “Today we’re going to learn a few simple spells.” Heiro said. He walked out to the middle of the river, “I can normally only use earth and fire magick, but I happened to learn a couple of other spells from an old mystic I met a while back.” He went on to say.

“So I take it since we’re at the river
I’m going to learn water magick?” Zander asked.

Heiro began t
o laugh, “Nothing gets past you. Yes I’m going to teach you a defensive water spell.” Heiro replied. He had begun to focus and gather his energy, “You have to take in all the energy you can and release it down into the water through your feet like so, Water Art: Water Wall!” Heiro said as the water in front of him began to bubble. Suddenly it sprang up and formed a wall, “Normally water can be sliced through easily, but when you infuse it with magick it strengthens it making it harder to penetrate.” Heiro explained.

Zander walked
out to the water and joined him. He had begun focused his mind on gathering the energy he needed to perform the technique. “Water Art: Water Wall!” Zander shouted as the wall formed from the river, it wasn’t as large or as strong as Heiro’s spell but it would have to do for now.

“Looks like you’re a natural when it comes to spell casting, that’s good.” Heiro said.

“Now I understand how defensive spells are useful but what about offensive?” Zander asked him.

“That’s your next lesson, wind magick.” Heiro said pointing to a tree across the river. “
This time you will be using your sword instead of your body. You must channel your magick through the blade, Wind Art: Slicing Gale.” Heiro said as he released his sword and sent gusts of air towards the tree slicing off several of its branches.

Zander faced the tree and released his sword, he gathered energy and just as Heiro instructed he channeled the magick through the blade. W
ith one quick motion he released it but instead the blades were so powerful the sliced the tree itself in half. “I figured as much, Ivory amplifies all magick that is passed through it. That will be a valuable asset later on.” Heiro explained.

Zander had no idea he was this powerful, and by his parents no less. He no longer cared whether they were mystics or not he was glad he was born with the power to bring his friend h
ome. That was his main focus; he would bring Vallus back to the capital nothing else.

Later that evening the boys had
made their way back to the inn. As they walked past Kerra’s door and knocked, there was still no reply.

“Something’s wrong, we should check on her.”
Zander said. Heiro nodded as they slowly opened the door, inside the room there was no sign of Kerra. Her window was open and a breeze blew in through the cloth curtains.

“Where co
uld she have gone?” Zander asked himself.

Heiro spotted a note on the bed out of the corner
of his eye. He picked it up, examined it and was in immediate shock. “Zander she was kidnapped!” Heiro shouted.

“What does it say?” Z
ander asked snatching it from his hand. It read:

We’ve taken
the girl, if you want her alive

Then you will
meet us at the old shack outside of town

We’re ask
ing 100,000 yol in exchange

Come alone
at midnight or she dies.

“Damn bandits.” Heiro said.

Zander noticed an odd symbol on the bottom of the letter, it looked like a claw. “What does this mean?” he asked Heiro.

“That is the symbol for the Iron Claw B
andits, their leader Jacko is a ruthless killer.” He said.

“What the hell are we supposed to do
? We don’t have that kind of cash” Zander asked.

“We’re going to have to fight them and get her back.” Heiro explained. He
iro was right there was no alternative; a few bandits couldn’t be that much to handle for the two of them. “I failed to mention that Jacko is also a mystic and I’m unaware of what powers he possesses, so we must be careful.” He added.

They rushed out of the inn and down the
street; it was already a few minutes after nine they didn’t have much time left to spare. Kerra’s life was at stake and Zander would be damned if they were going to kill her. He regretted even letting her tag along but she wouldn’t back down, Vallus was her friend too and she wanted to see this through just as much as he did.


Zander and Heiro had made their way to the old shack on the outskirts of town. They looked around and seen no sign of Kerra or the bandits.

“Something isn’t right, it’s after mid
night.” Heiro said. They had plainly told them to bring the money to the old shack at midnight; Zander definitely had a bad feeling in his gut.

“Well you did decide to show.” A voice said
. The boys looked around and couldn’t see anyone it had been too dark.  A shadowy figure emerged from behind the old shack. The man was bald and had a beard and looked as though his face had been badly scarred, it was Jacko.

“Where is she?” Z
ander asked clenching his fist tightly.

“She’s safe for now, her continued safety dep
ends on you two upholding your end of the bargain.” Jacko said.

Zander saw the large curved blade that Jacko was carrying and he immediately remembered Heiro telling him that Jacko was a mystic. For now neither of them knew what to expect from him.
They had to be cautious in this fight if they wanted to make it out alive.

“We don’t have that kind of money.” Heiro said.

had angered Jacko but soon after he found it mildly humorous, “You come to this place without the requested funds? How foolish could you be?” Jacko asked.

“Where is Kerra!?” Z
ander shouted.

Jacko raised his blade so it met at eye level with Zander
, “Shut up or I’ll kill her.” He said. Jacko snapped his fingers and they watched as the other members of the clan began to appear. They each had masks and long bladed claws attached to their hands. Two bandits walked out of the shack holding Kerra by her arms,

Help me.” She said frightened. “Be quiet you little slut!” one bandit said, slapping her across the face.

Zander stepped forward in a rage, “Touch her again you son of a bitch and
I’ll kill every last one of you,” he said. His blood pressure had spiked and the veins could be seen in his neck, when it came to Kerra he would rip them all to pieces.

’m done with these idiots, kill them both.” Jacko commanded. The bandits had begun to run in for the attack, there were more men than they had anticipated. Zander and Heiro readied their weapons,

“I think it’s about time we seen your magic in action.” He
iro said.

Zander nodded, “Wind Art: Slicing G
ale!” he screamed, as the blades of wind flew through the air toward the bandit army.

“Flame Art: Fire S
tream.” Heiro said spewing the fire from his lips. The two spells combined increasing the speed and strength of the attack. “Combination Art: Flame Vortex!” Both of them shouted as the whirlwind of flame raged through the crowd engulfing every last bandit in its path.

ko had been the last of the clan and when it came to him they had to be a little more mindful. “Combining fire and wind magicks, very impressive.” Jacko thought to himself.

“Is that all you have
Jacko? Hiding behind your pawns?” Heiro said.

Jacko began to walk toward them, “On the contrary my friend,
I’m just getting started.” He said. Zander had seen a shadow appear behind him, it was like a mirror image. There were two Jackos,

“Are you seeing this Heiro?” Z
ander asked.

There was no res
ponse, Heiro had also been rendered speechless. “This is my ability; it’s my body double technique. It has all the strength that I do.” Jacko explained. Zander cast his wind spell again but the second body blocked the attack with its blade. “It is no use, the double automatically blocks any incoming attacks aimed at the original.” Jacko said.

“We cou
ld try the combination again?” Zander said looking to Heiro for an idea.

Jacko laughed, “Don’t even bother with your little fire
show; it won’t take me down that easily.” He said. He was right the combination attack took a lot of magick to perform in the first place; they had to think of another plan. They had to resort to physical attacks for now.

Each of them ran towards one of the Jacko bodies and tried to strike them
but was blocked again. “Cross Cleaver!” Jacko shouted as the bodies crossed their blades in an X shape sending out a wave of energy damaging Zander and Heiro’s limbs and throwing them off balance.

“There’s minimal damage, it’s like he’s toying with us.” Heiro said
as he quickly examined their wounds. They tried to separate the bodies by each taking one but it was no use, the bodies stayed together in the same location. They exchanged blow after blow not getting anywhere, they were beginning to feel exhausted. “What if I used my blood sword technique?” Heiro asked.

“You don’t have enough magick for such a strong technique, besides you won’t be able to maintain it for long.” Zander
said. Zander was right, after Ivory struck Heiro during their battle and destroyed the evil essence; Heiro had lost the power to maintain that technique for long. If he tried to use it now, it would surely kill him.

“Are we going to finish this or not? Im bored.” Jacko asked. They hadn’t even put a dent into the original or the double; they were a very formidable team. “Cross
Cleaver.” Jacko said attacking them again, this time it was more powerful and it knocked them backward onto the ground.

“I think I have an idea, focus on the body double.” Heiro said trying to stand. Zander knew now more than ever he had
to trust him, if he didn’t neither of them weren’t going to make it. “Earth Art: Stone Bindings.” Heiro said as the earth covered the double’s legs and had begun to harden. The body tried to break itself free but couldn’t move, “Now Zander!” Heiro shouted.

Zander ran up behind the second Jacko and pierced its chest with his b
lade. The attack had no effect the double had gotten free, grabbed Zander and threw him across the field. He struggled to get to his feet, “How is he alive?” Zander asked. Heiro thought for sure that attack would have finished the double off, and then it hit him. He knew why the double hadn’t died; now he knew how to beat them. He used his earth binding spell once more, and this time on both Jacko bodies.

“You can’t defeat us with mere physical attacks.” Jacko said.

“Who said anything about physical attacks? Earth Art: Stone Prison.” Heiro said as the stones came from the ground one by one surrounding them and blocking them in. “Zander aim your wind spell for the center of that wall.” Heiro instructed.

ander used the spell to create an opening in the wall, “Okay go for it.” He said.

“Flame Art: Great Fire S
tream!” Heiro shouted spitting the fire into the hole. They could hear Jackos screams from outside; both bodies had been baked alive.

Zander rushed over to Kerra and held her. “I knew you would come for me.” She said weakly.

“Of course I would.” He said smiling. He picked her
up and carried her as they had begun to walk back toward town. “So you had to end up defeating them both at the same time?” Zander asked.

“That seemed to be the deal; of course I wasn’t exactly sure.” Heiro said.

“What? You could have gotten our asses killed.” Zander said scolding him.

“Hey now let’s just savor the victory, were alive and he’s charco
al.” Heiro said. They both had begun to laugh, thanks to Heiro’s quick thinking they were alive and Zander was grateful to him. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as he had thought he was in the beginning. Sometimes certain situations bring a person’s true self to the surface, and that’s exactly what Zander had hoped for Vallus.

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